Over The Gorge
Summary- May is traveling alone in the Jhoto region and has a bad night. She then meets Drew who helps her. What will happen? How does a gorge come in?Pure contestshipping Read on! Oneshot.
Me- I know I know I should be concentrating on my Long one but I got this idea when my brother was playing with his toys and making one jump from my bed to his and made it fall but it made the other save it. XD If you still dint guess what the story is about just read on-
Chapter 1- Forest Fears (Even though its a one shot I like writing this XD)
She thought a twig behind her crunched. She whirled around her heart beating twice as hard as usual.
"Come on out Beautifly!" The girl, May called pulling out a pokeball from her yellow fanny pack which was tied around her waist over her miniskirt and shorts. She wiped her forehead with the fingerless gloves she wore on her hand and flapped her tight fitting red tee-shirt to cool and calm herself. She decided to take off her Red bandanna with the white pokeball symbol and put it in her Fanny pack.
"Keep your ears open." the brunette instructed her Pokemon.
The bug pokemon nodded and they moved forward through the undergrowth.
May stopped. She though that was another crunch. She looked at Beautifly. She doesnt seem to notice anything, maybe im just imagining things. The brunette shook her head to calm herself and decided to walk on.
They kept walking through the thickly forested area. There were trees all around and wherever you looked. There was hardly any light because of the trees blocking the sun and the temperature must have been 10 degrees. It was around 8 pm.
They walked for about half an hour; May stopping frequently because of imagining some crunch or rustle and panicking more and more with every passing minute.
Finally she could not bear it any longer. "Lets just camp here." She told her Pokemon.
"Beauti- fly-fly-beauti" Beautifly agreed wholeheartedly. She was getting very tired of this dark, damp and deary forest.
May took out her sleeping bag and was laying it when she heard Beautifly speak and try to warn her about something. She felt a hand on her shoulder and screamed not knowing who or what for that matter was holding her. She fainted with shock.
The walk the fear and then now the sudden shock was just too much for her. She blacked out. The person who had put his hand on her shoulder (yes, for it was a person not a thing) was surprised when her whole weight came crashing on him as she fell unconscious and he just about managed to hold on to her while steadying himself.
The green haired, emerald eyed rival and friend of May's dragged her to her sleeping bag and lay her down on it. He frowned as he looked at her unconscious figure. Heck! I never knew she was so freaked out! I would have been more careful. He then saw her shiver and sighed. He took off his purple jacked from his green backpack where he had kept it and put it on her.
The teenage boy then pulled out his sleeping bag and started joining the two together noticing that May was still shivering and deciding to join them to keep her warm.
He had forgotten all about the girl's bug pokemon who had been watching him since he came but not interfering as she completely trusted Drew. He just remembered her because she currently landed on May's head and tried to keep her warm while Drew joined the sleeping bags. Drew let out his Masquerain ((A/N- pls point out if the spelling is wrong I dunt really know it)) to keep beautifly company and also because he had recently noticed that Masquerain had developed a crush on May's Beautifly.
Finally he had set up the sleeping bags and zipped up his jacket on May. Then he put her inside her sleeping bag and got into his own. As soon as he got in he turned towards May to see if she was comfortable and sighed to see she was still shivering. He put his arm around her and pulled her to him. He smiled though when she snuggled closer to him and dint shiver anymore.
"Goodnight, my Beautifly." Drew whispered before kissing her on the forehead and falling asleep himself. Beautifly and Masquerain took one look at their respective trainers and decided to join them in dreamland.
Beautifly flew to a nearby tree and settled on a branch and Masquerain decided to follow her. He settled next to her and the two pokemon like their trainers fell asleep.
May was the first one to wake up. She woke up feeling very warm and comfortable and when she opened her eyes she saw something green infront of her and felt an arm around her waist. She was about to scream when she realized it was Drew and blushed instead.
May looked at Drew's face. Wow, he looks so cute when he is sleeping just like a child. I would not have been surprised if he had been sucking his thumb. May sighed and moved trying to get out of Drew's grasp without waking him. Unfortunately for her he woke up.
His emerald orbs met with May's sapphire ones and he quickly pulled his hand away and got up.
May just sat up.
"Up so early? I would have thought you slept till noon." He teased.
May ignored his teasing for the moment, "Why?..." she asked him
Drew sighed "Because you were cold and shivering plus I am not mean enough to leave a person to die, being The Drew."
May got mad. "I could have taken care of myself."
Drew cringed inwardly thinking Why did I say that? But replied "Yeah sure..." and cringing again. He put out her hand offering it to her to hoist herself up but May ignored his hand and got up herself
She coldly asked him "Where are you going next?"
"To Lilycove for the contest where else? You dint expect me to go for a gym battle did you? Wait I wouldn't be surprised if you did you are so dumb!" Drew replied cockily.
"CAN YOU EVEN TALK WITHOUT INSULTING M...?" May screamed looking her composure completely. She stopped when she saw something red. She took the rose and Drew spoke.
Well, maybe if I resist but its fun to tease you and you look so cute when your angry." Drew then realized what he said and blushed.
May was astounded, "You think I am cute...?" she smelled the Rose.
Drew cursed himself, but started walking choosing to ignore her question. May took this as a good omen and walked with him.
"I'll come with you im going to the contest too." She said.
Drew just nodded and then they walked on in silence.
Drew's mind was in turmoil Why do I always insult her? Why do I act extra Jerky in front of her? I know she is cute when she Is angry but I should not do that, Its not right she probably hates me for that. But next time i'll tell her. If she says no then i'll just walk away and not talk to her again that will hurt but it cant hurt more than not knowing and this...
After about half an hour of silent walking and enjoying each others silent company they reached a gorge. It was just 5 feet wide. Drew ran and jumped over it with ease and turned around t watch May who looked petrified.
"Are you scared Miss Scared y Cat?" He asked.
"No!" May quickly answered, shuddering she looked down it was about a 50 feet drop to an underground river. The gorge spread as far as the eye could see. She suddenly sat down.
Drew saw that May was really scared and sighed. He jumped back over to her side and put his arm around her shoulder and squeezed lightly. May looked up at him surprised.
"You can do it, come on." Drew encouraged, "I'll go first then you come and i'll catch you if you fall ok?" May just nodded hesitantly.
Drew jumped back over to the other side and May got ready to jump. She closed her eyes too scared to look and made a blind jump. She managed to make it enough and Drew caught her hand pulling her the rest of the way. She landed on top of him and their lips brushed. A jolt of lightning flew through both teens.
May got up from on top of him and sighed. Drew just pulled her back.
"Why?" May asked still not getting everything that was going on, "Why did you help m..."
She was interrupted by Drew pulling her head and crashing their lips together passionately. She was nervous at first but then relaxed and kissed back. Drew smirked inwardly when he felt her relax and his tongue ran along her bottom lip asking for entrance. She refused to open her mouth. Drew ran his hand down her spine and May gasped, Drew immediately stuck his tongue in her mouth. They had a furious battle of tongues and in the end Drew won, his tongue exploring her mouth. Finally after what seemed like hours but what was actually a few minutes they broke apart for air.
Drew rolled over to such a position where he was over May, he pinned her hands down with his own hands and looked her in the eye, "Is your question answered or do I have to say it?"
"Well... my question is answered but it would be nice to hear it." May admitted playfully.
Drew rolled his eyes not moving from him position, "Fine, I love you, happy now?"
May smiled, "Very" she replied as Drew lay down on her and kissed her again. When they broke apart Drew got up and held his hand out to help her get up.
May took his hand and he pulled her up and close to him. "You will travel with me as my Girlfriend wont you?" he whispered in her ear, tickling her and making her giggle.
"Of course" May scoffed still giggling.
He smirked at her, "This is going to be fun.." She smiled back at him.
Me- That went better than I expected.
Drew- It was pathetic!
May- It was good!
Drew- * Puts arm around May's waist* Yeah, it was good!
Me- * Sweatdroppes* Sorry for them being OOC. Reviews are highly appreciated. If you review I will check out your stories and pls see my long shot "A Whole New World" It has Contestshipping, Pokeshipping, Ikarishipping and Rangershipping oh and one last thing pls vote on my poll :D
May and Drew- * Sweatdroppes* Isnt that a little too much to ask of the readers?
Me- * Listening to Dynomite by Taio Cruz* Huh? Did you say anything?
May- Nevermind..