A/N: okay so I apologize to anyone who never received the chapter update for chapter 27. I'm not sure what happened there, but it turns out many of you didn't get the email.

A very small amount of Charlie/Astrid

Sorry it took so long, honestly, I didn't want it to end.

The first two paragraph block thingies are more a catch up/describe of the last few years, then on to the ending : (


(a.k.a. Under The Stars)


3 years later

More people had survived then they'd originally thought. In Boston, a total of 306 people had survived. A small number for a city of that size, but in the long run, survivors were all that mattered. Makeshift homes (a.k.a. tents made of rag and what else the occupants could gather) had been set up down streets, all close together. Fire barrels lined the gaps between the rag-tents and solar-powered torches hung from the tent posts. Just in case.

But Walter was so convinced that the creatures were gone, he'd volunteered to stay the night outside. Peter managed to convince him not to.

Everyone had started calling the day Olivia had managed to destroy the creatures, 'that day'.It was simple and easy. Besides, not many people were privy of the exact details. There were still classified need-to-know things. Broyles

Broyles, being the man of power from the FBI spent most of the days with the military men, coordinating searches and provisions. More people were found each day.

Broyles and John had the tent closest to the military encampment. Astrid and Charlie shared a tent further down the road, and Peter and Olivia and their children shared a tent next to Astrid and Charlie's with Walter sharing a tent with the girls. Ella and Katie each had celebrated their 13th birthdays a few months ago. Ashley was 3 and a half. She got annoyed when people forgot to add the 'half'. She had the same annoyed expression as her mother.

The twins, Connor and Charlotte just recently turned 2. While Ashley was like her mother, Charlotte displayed definite 'Peter' traits, while Connor had hints of Walter . . . somehow. Connor had taken a fondness to Astrid, just like Walter.

Charlie was much better around the children. Having completely gotten over his fear of accidentally injuring either of the babies. Charlotte had taken quite the fancy to Charlie. Which impressed Astrid. A lot.

Their relationship had started a few days after 'that day'. Their first date consisted of a dinner for two, which was tinned pea soup, under the stars. This was a first, for any of them, being able to just sit and look up at the stars. According to Olivia, Astrid had told her it was the most romantic night of her life. Such a simple gesture, sitting under the stars, but one that had become rarity long forgotten.

Today was Friday. Walter was babysitting, Astrid was with Charlie, and John was with Broyles. Peter and Olivia had been making out like a pair of teenagers in their tent, Peter's hands down Olivia's jeans. He listened as her breathing would hitch every now and again. His finger's moving slowly inside her. They had all the time in the world, might as well make it last. He pulled back when he felt her contract around his fingers. Watching as her eyes rolled back, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her entire body shuddered under him, and he thought it was the most beautiful sound, her moaning softly, moaning his name. He loved knowing that he could arouse her so.

It had been a while. A long while, for them. It had been a mutual decision to abstain from sex. They already had 3 unexpected children. Of course they love them to death, just like every parent would. But they wanted the next one to be planned, on their terms and not because they were completely driven by their hormones. Just because there was no sex, didn't mean there was no second and third base stuff. In fact, a LOT of third base stuff. After four months, sexually frustrated was an understatement.

They had certain 'days'. Walter would babysit the children, or Astrid, if he was off experimenting or harassing Broyles, and they would have the tent to themselves. They didn't exactly have a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. Walter and Astrid usually knew. According to Astrid, Peter and Olivia had 'looks'. They'd be having a conversation with Astrid, and/or including Walter, they'd share a look and next thing they're running off to their tent.

Charlie and John on the other hand, didn't know. John was the first to walk in on them. Luckily, he only caught them mid-strip. Charlie . . . wasn't so lucky. He saw more then he'd ever wanted to see of Peter, let alone Olivia. She was like a sister to him. Brother's aren't supposed to see their sister's naked, or with her husband touching her, or mid-orgasm. Astrid had teased him about it for months. It's safe to say that when they saw Walter babysitting, they didn't go near Peter and Olivia's tent.

"Hey, John." John and Peter gave their one armed hugs. You know, the "man" hugs.

"Long time, eh. How are you?" Peter asked,

"Pretty good." He smiled. "Broyles has got me going on the survivor searches. We're finding people everywhere. Once we manage to convince them that it's safe outside, we bring them back here. You wouldn't believe some of the places where they shacked-up. One family, a man and his two daughters, they'd been hiding out in their attic."

They hadn't really spoken in a few weeks. Each busy with their own. John with the survivors and Peter with Olivia and their children.

Though they had started out fighting, they had ended on the best of terms. The events of the past years had been good on them. John no longer had an issue with them. They were all able to sit down, have a friendly conversation and just be normal people.

"What about you? How's the new life treating you?" John asked as he turned to stand next to him. They watched Olivia

"I have a beautiful wife, two beautiful daughters and a handsome son. What more could I want?"

While Peter had been grateful for the events that led to his beautiful daughter, Ashley Rachel Bishop, he was over the moon when Connor Walter Bishop and Charlotte Astrid Bishop came into his life.

Olivia approached them, hearing the last bit.

"How about a niece or nephew?" Olivia smiled, nodding her head in the direction of Charlie and Astrid.

They watched as the couple spoke intently. The sudden change in Charlie's expression was obvious. He spun Astrid around before kissing her passionately.

"I'm not surprised it hadn't happened sooner."

"What do you think? A mini-Charlie, or a little Astrid?" Olivia asked, arms folded as she watched the scene in front of her.

"A Mini-Charlie. Oh god, what a nightmare that would be!" Peter laughed.

"I call dibs on godfather. If they'll let me."

"You can't call dibs on godfather!"

"I said if they let me." John defended.

"But you can't call dibs." Peter protested.

"I just did."

This was exactly the kind of calm, playful type of family relationship they all had. John had never been a part of a real family before, nor Peter. They both relished the fact that once they fought, they now could joke around like all friends do.

"But you can't!" Peter turned to Olivia, seeking support. "Liv, help me out here?"

"You're on your own, Bishop." She grinned at them. "I'm the only women here. I'm automatically godmother."

"That's not fair!"

"He did call dibs." Olivia agreed.

"If you wanted the job, you should have called first dibs."

"Fine." Peter huffed in defeat. He started walking away, Olivia by his side, but stopped and turned back to John, "But I'll spoil the kid rotten. I'll be the favourite uncle."

Olivia laughed, "Come on, Bishop. We've got plans."

"Plans, eh? What kind of plans?" John pried.

"We're gonna go start working on that fourth kid we'd been talking about." Olivia smirked up at Peter as she took his hand and led him away.

"Ahh! Too much information!" John whined, covering his ears.

"You asked!" Peter shouted, as they disappeared through the rows of tents towards their own.

"So, where too, m'lady?" Peter said,

"Well, I was thinking, since Walter's looking after the twins and Ashley, Astrid's already looking out for Ella and Katie, I was thinking, we take the blanket and have our own night under the stars."


"Mm hm." She nodded, leading him away.

It wasn't really a romantic dinner for two under the stars. Hell, string beans, tinned pineapple and cold tinned soup didn't really qualify as a romantic dinner. But to Peter and Olivia, it was everything. This was the first time in months that they could be alone, just the two of them. No children crying in their sleep. No nappies to change, or hungry little mouths to feed. No Walter wanting to experiment on everything that moved, or Ella and Katie's new found teenager-ness.

It was just them.

Olivia straddled Peter's waist, Peter lying on the blanket that covered the grass. She sucked on his pulse point, revelling in the moans it produced from Peter. His hands held her waist, his fingers dancing against her bare skin under her shirt. He pulled her mouth back to his, kissing her. Their tongues tangling as their passion grew and the kisses became heated. When Olivia ground against his body, Peter felt a small pinch in the middle of his back.

"Liv," His voice came out more as a breathy moan,

"Hmm," her fingers were toying with the hem of his shirt.

"Liv, I'm lying on a stick here." He managed to say,

Olivia immediately sat up, still straddling him, but giving him the space to reach under the blanket. His hand moved around for a few seconds before producing a stick the size of his hand with thorns covering it.

"Okay, that hurt."

Olivia laughed. It was warm, a beautiful sound. Peter loved hearing her laugh. She always looked so carefree when she did.

In her moment of distraction, Peter managed to flip them, Peter hovering above Olivia, his erection pressed against her lower stomach.

Their clothing was discarded quickly, leaving nothing but them, their bare souls and the moon and stars. Peter took a moment to look at her. Her soft skin surrounded by a beautiful glow from the moonlight. Her hair fanned out around her head on the blanket, a golden halo against the pale white-pink of her skin. Her green eyes were bright in comparison. They were full of warmth, love and desire. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Peter wanted nothing more than to have her, all to himself.

He kissed down her body, briefly sucking at one of her nipples. The moans she made were already making certain anatomy parts strain.

Spreading her thighs as he got closer and closer to where she wanted him. He kissed her naval, the inside of her thigh, teasing her, avoiding where she wanted him to touch. When he did, her back arching off the blanket as his tongue licked and sucked at her. Her hands tangled in his hair, holding him against her.

Her climax came hard and quick, taking Peter by surprise. Back arched against the blanket, softly moaning his name.

Peter kissed up her body, feeling her heart beat inside her chest, kissing the tops of her breasts as she came down from her high.

He moved over her, hovering above her, positioning himself above her entrance.


"Uh huh." She smiled up at him.

She was eager for another child. In all honesty, she wanted another mini-Peter. Two boys, two girls.

Her breath hitched as he entered her. Moaning against her neck, he started to move.

The calm of the night was filled with their moans, as they reached ecstasy, bliss, heaven, it had many names, but none seemed to describe exactly what they were feeling. Olivia's cries grew louder, rippling through the silence as they continued on into the night.

It was well after midnight when they stumbled back towards the tents. They'd become giddy, having finally been able to relieve the sexual tension properly. Olivia couldn't stop giggling, and Peter couldn't stop smiling at the sound of Olivia giggling. It was rare, but something Peter treasured, like it was air.

As they approached the tents, they managed to keep quiet. They found their tent with no trouble. They could hear Walter, singing. The twins were asleep, cuddled up together. Ashley was wrapped up in a worn blanket, curled against Walter's side as he sung.

When Walter caught the sight of Peter and Olivia, he carefully placed Ashley lying down, before quietly leaving the tent.

"How was your night out?" he pried. He used his 'I-know-what-you-were-doing . . . I-think' voice.

"It was good to have some alone time again."

But there were no suggestive comments, innuendos or giggles. Walter had, if it were even possible, become slightly saner. That or he had more lucid periods.

And with that, he tip-toed back to his tent.

Peter took his place to the right of the tent, Olivia to the left. Charlotte and Connor were snuggled between them, Ashley lying across the space above their heads.

Peter wrapped his arm over the twins, resting it against Olivia's hip. She fell asleep easily, worn out and satisfied.

Peter looked lovingly at her, stroking her cheek with his thumb,

"All I could want, is right here." He whispered into the night.

He saw a small smile grace Olivia's lip as they both fell into a peaceful slumber.

Neither knew what the future would hold. Whether they would eventually have a fourth child. Whether they or anyone else would actual survive to see the rebuilding of their civilisation.

But Peter didn't care.

He was happy, right then and there.


A/N: anyone find the paragraph worth of 'Friends' reference?

I am so sad this has ended. Originally I had planned for the story to be about 10 chapters for each month (hence 'In 10 Months'), but with all those encouraging reviews, I had to keep going :)

Is it too much to ask for a final review?

I hope you all enjoyed it :)