
Kahoko gathered and put her things in her bag. Their class just had finished and most of her students were gone. Kanade bowed her head before leaving when her teacher bobbed her head as an acknowledgement of her bade. Four years had gone by. Kahoko was now teaching the higher year. Fortunately, she was still the adviser of her old students.

While reaching her books, one picture accidentally fell on the floor. Kahoko had to kneel down to get it. She knowingly smiled as memories flowed in her mind…

~NeKo Meow~

It has been three weeks after the taxi incident. Kahoko and Len—but mostly Kahoko—decided that they would do it again as if they have met for the first time. Luckily, for Len, Kahoko allowed him to court her—only after his three weeks of begging. Yes, Tsukimori Len actually begged that the woman must approve his plan of courting. Not that he had something in mind though.

Leaning on his car's door, Len waited for Kahoko to finish her works at Seiso. Not long after, the woman he had been waiting for approached him, smiling.

"Why are you here?" Kahoko asked, acting as if she was surprised.

Len frowned. "What else?"

"I don't know to you." Kahoko chuckled, waiting for Len to open the door of the car. When he did, he silently went inside, chuckling to annoy the man further more.

Len didn't act as the silent type, nevertheless. He scowled. "Is something funny?"

Kahoko's chuckle grew into laughter, her hand suspended in the air as though pointing at something. "Really, Len, are you that desperate."

The man's brow knitted in one downward arc, his frown deepened as he opened his mouth to retort but Kahoko cut his words.

"Good Dates 101 for dummies." Kahoko reached out for the book at the side, snickering.

"I don't own such a thing. It is Ryoutarou's belongings. Don't expect me spending my money with such nonsensical book."

"But you did read it."

Silence followed.

"You did?"

He didn't respond.

"Did you?"

"We're going to be late."

"We will get later if you don't admit it."

Len sighed, his fingers against the bridge of his nose. "I did peek."

~NeKo Meow~

They little 'courting' didn't actually went smoothly. There would always a place for misunderstanding, and sometimes, leading to some argument. Kahoko and Len was not an exemption. They might love each other, but that was not an excuse to a moody pregnant redhead.

It was half past six. Len wasn't there yet. Kahoko frowned, leaving the compound as she took note of not talking to the guy ever again.

As an apology, Len called her by the phone—as she was rather scary in personal—so that they could eat dinner together. Luckily, she answered his call, saying that she would meet him at the plaza later that night.

The wind would freeze anyone who was out of their home's protection, Len's blazer battered with cold air. He fished his watched. 9:00. He sneezed, opting to wait longer.

The next day, a continuous ring bombarded Kahoko's peaceful morning. Frown immediately marred her pale face. She yawned first before answering her phone. "Hello?"

The voice came in succession; it didn't stop on talking until Kahoko had enough of it and did her loud retort. "Calm down, Ryoutarou, so what's wrong?"

The man on the other line heaved a deep exhale, whispering the news—which it seemed bad as Kahoko's expression sunk. Her heartbeat increased with a taste of guilt in every thump. What have she done?

Of course, she was not just guilty of sort. It was her husband…Kahoko paused, ex-husband. His welfare was rather important to her no matter how she denies that fact. Her worry increased when she realized that she had never seen him got sick even once in their marriage life. What did he do to get sick like that?

After hearing the news, Kahoko didn't further torture her mind from thinking. She hurriedly visited him in his place wherein she saw him whimpering inside his room. Occasional rough sneeze and dry cough could hear.

"Len, I'm so sorry." She jumped at his side, hugging him in the process. "I'm really sorry for making you wait for that long. How long did you wait, anyway?" bright golden eyes met dark golden ones.

"Kahoko…" he coughed. "Darn it, don't ever do that again. You almost killed me." He winced.

Kahoko pouted but didn't retaliate. "Just take a rest."

"I'll sure do. We still have one place to go after my recovery."


"Just wait." He coughed again. "I just need some rest."

In three days, Kahoko took care of the sick Len. Since it was her first time seeing him that way, Kahoko wished it were the last. He was more annoying when sick than drunk. Kahoko had to fight the urge to shove all his medicines to him just to make him shut his mouth. On the other hand—in the deepest part of her brain, Kahoko would likely to give him proper medication to avoid any more illness, overdose him if necessary. At least she would get a dazed or quiet companion than a drunk or hyperactive sick man.

The wonders of bacteria and viruses in his body. Kahoko sighed.

~NeKo Meow~

Her little visitation to hell paid off, however. Like what he said, after he regained his strength, Len organized a trip to Okinawa, the resort they had gone for their honeymoon before. On why he chose that place was a wonder.

In Kahoko's surprised, everything about their trip was planned months prior. In addition, what his next deed made it more surprising. She never expected him to be that simple—too simple for his kind. He invited her in a picnic. The only unusual part there was it was night. She agreed, nevertheless. She trusted him that he wouldn't do anything bad. As if, he could. Kahoko's best friend and her best friend's so madly in love boyfriend would be at her rescue.

In silence, they stayed there, looking up as millions of sparkles blanketed the sky. The moon at the side was big enough to notice. Its glare was bright and vivid, making everything it touches to glow. Moreover, Kahoko was not an exemption—or in Len's view she was the most stunning. The place was less interesting when she was there, as she, alone, could already satisfied him; her smile was his light, her eyes bore the most picturesque view, and her voice was like sonata, notes dancing in the air like animate things.

Len gave a smile, never leaving her sight. He reached for her hand as he gently squeezed it. Kahoko looked back, mimicking his smile, nonetheless this time it was brighter. Len knelt down in front of her, stealing her breathe away. He hoisted a red box from his pocket as he gently opened it. "Kahoko, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife, you, the woman whom turns my life upside-down, the woman who gives colors in my life, and the woman who I cannot live without. Will you be mine forever? And you to me, till death do us part? Kahoko, will you marry me?"

~NeKo Meow~

It was sweet of him. Kahoko chuckled, remembering her own reaction. Well, she did not react that much, simply stood stiff, eyes wide in size as her jaws ajar. It took her for a while to bat her eyelashes…

~NeKo Meow~

She was about to answer when the man frowned, patience draining out of his face. Was she dazed that long to answer him? Shrugging the thought, Kahoko simply encased his face within her warm hold. She bobbed her head with a smile before leaning to capture his lips with hers.

He rose from his bent knee as he held her tightly, wrapping his arms around her waist. He leaned his forehead on her forehead, smelling her sweet scent. He trailed small kisses from her forehead, tip of her nose, right cheek and left cheek, down until he once more felt the softness of her lips, lingering longer to express his delight than by words.

"I thought you already know my answer?" Kahoko asked teasingly.

Len lightly frowned but never getting mad. "I thought you changed your mind."

"What if I did?"

"Don't ever joke like that, Hino."

"You're so serious." Kahoko chuckled, nestling her cheek on his chest, listening to the calm hum of his heart.

~NeKo Meow~

Kahoko's tummy was in its six months now; it was already protruding, and sometimes Kahoko could feel the baby kicks. The same time with her physical change, her mood swings was also noticeable—very noticeable.

"I want pink!" she would said. It was the time to prepare for their wedding.

"But you said you wanted blue for our wedding theme."

"When did I say that? You liar." Kahoko huffed, caressing her swollen stomach. "Why did I accept your proposal again? You deceiver, I should have known. "

Len only massaged his forehead, soothing the ache in it. Patience Len, more patience. She's pregnant remember? His usual mantra. "Fine, fine, let's make it pink."

After a long moment of silence. Kahoko glanced at her soon-to-be-husband "On the second thought, I want blue."

All Len could do was to hit his head on the nearby wall. He didn't care if the wedding coordinators find him insane. Who wouldn't anyway. He more likely thinks that their coordinators could actually feel his distress, judging how they would wince in their every argument.

It didn't end there however. They preparation were still continuous, only the other details of their wedding but never about her wedding dress. Kahoko was in her latter part of her third trimester. She rarely helps Len in their preparation as the doctor told her not to overstress.

"Now is not the time, Kahoko. We already talked about that. You'll prepare for your dress after you gave birth to our child."

"But I want to see it! I want to know if it's good." Kahoko complained curling her lips into her famous pout.

Len sighed. "Kahoko, it's impossible. You're not yet…well, you're…" Len hesitated, looking at her swollen tummy.

"I'm big huh?"

Len absentmindedly nodded. At loss of word.

"How dare you!"

Len could only do was to blink, surprised at his soon-to-be-wife outburst.

"I can't believe you! You called me fat!"

"I… I d-didn't."

"Well…" Kahoko huffed. "You didn't but you agreed! I'm big!"

"Because you're carrying our child. Be logical, Kahoko."

"Now I'm idiot." Kahoko sniffed. "I can't take this anymore."

"Len, Kahoko-dear, are you—" Misa peeked from outside their room, focusing her stare at her shocked son and raging woman.

"So, you prefer skinny woman, huh? Probably you already found one that's why you don't want to plan for my gown." Kahoko stood from the comfort of her seat. She winced a bit, feeling heavy; nonetheless, she was angry enough to return on her seat. "Oh! That is indeed. If I don't have anything to wear in our wedding it wouldn't happen. Well, if there's any wedding to come."

"Kahoko-dear." Misa interrupted, wearing the same shock expression like his son.

"I quit. Misa-san, your son doesn't love me anymore because I'm fat and stupid!" she pouted before throwing her ring at Len.

Luckily, the guy caught it despite of his surprise.

After Kahoko stormed out, Misa threw a reprimanding glare at her son. Len didn't argue more. As if, his mother would believe him. He might be innocent but her mother was rather clingy with Kahoko's welfare, Len was sure, there were other things already formulating in her head, and he was certain it was against him.

~NeKo Meow~

Due to his mother's threatening order, Len was forced to apologize to a thing he didn't do. With flowers on hand—that he didn't even know why he had to—he visited Kahoko and Nami's apartment. Nami frowned at his sight, glaring as if he had killed somebody. He bowed his head and entered the apartment. After stepping a foot, he heard a loud shut of the door, he knew then who it was.

He directly strode to Kahoko's room, knocking at first but surmising she wouldn't actually open it, Len turned the knob. To his luck, the knob wasn't locked.

"Kahoko." He commenced, looking at her form.

Kahoko didn't move, she kept her back at him.

"Kahoko, I'm really sorry if I hurt your feeling. I didn't mean it that way. I just wanted to make this wedding, our wedding to be perfect. The wedding you would likely to have. All I want is for you to be happy. I know that this wedding is important to you, to me as well. May you be fat or big, I don't care. I love you for who you are, you know that. So please Kahoko." Len tried to stride towards her. Placing the flower in the bed as he reckoned it was not much of a help. "Forgive me."

Silence followed his words.

Len sighed. "Kahoko, please say something."

Kahoko turned around, her face in clenched teeth. Len sighed once more, approaching her when suddenly she talked, face knitted into a wince. "Len…I think my water broke."

~NeKo Meow~

"What a moment wrecker." Kahoko chuckled, striding at the emptied hallway. She had already finished organizing her things, this time she would fetch their child in the nursery. She looked at her watch and surmised it was quite late already. She must hurry. ..

~NeKo Meow~

It had been a very panicky day. Len strode back and forth in the hallway as if removing the sole of his shoes. Kahoko screamed so loudly that he thought he needed to acquire ear surgery.

The woman plainly yelled to him not to ever get near her or else… she would never give birth to their child. Scared for his child's life and for his hearing sense, Len opted to stay outside, hearing curses from Kahoko that it was his fault for making her suffer—nevertheless, mostly because of contractions and back pains.

After as it seemed eternity, the doctor approached the new father and he bade him 'congratulation' before he informed that they would transfer Kahoko to her room.

How ironic, Len was the last to enter the room. Hesitant a bit that the woman was still mad at him, he slowly entered.

"Len…" her voice immediately soothed him. She smiled and lifted her hand to call for him.

Len approached her, lightly smiling before leaning over to kiss her temple.

"Look, he looks like you." Kahoko chuckled, as though she didn't actually make a scene earlier, uttering profanities, Len didn't know existed. "Mother said, he's a perfect copy of you. A mini Len." She lightly raised the baby for Len to see him.

Len looked as the little package of cuteness opened his toothless mouth to yawn. His eyes still closed, his tresses the same with his father. Len smiled, feeling the swell of emotion in his heart. It was overwhelming that all he can do was to look at his mini version—as what Kahoko commented. His heart fluttered pleasingly, his face unusually soft and unguarded, and his eyes expressed sincere love and tenderness. A surge of excitement and glee rushed to him, making his smiling lips to even wider. He kissed his son's forehead. "I'm happy to finally meet you."

~NeKo Meow~

After four months, they finally have to walk in the aisle. This time it was not just temporary, it was not just bounded by a contract that they could annul any time they wanted. It has holy sacrament that no law or contract would ever defy. It was permanent; forever they will love and care for each other.

"Do you take Len as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

Their family and friends were there. Giving them their best wishes for their anew life together.

"Do you take Kahoko as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

"May the Lord in His goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with His blessings. What God has joined together let no man put asunder."

~NeKo Meow~

Present. Kahoko stopped, her heartbeat increased in beat when she found no one in that area. Her face turned pale as her hand started to quiver. "Where is he?"

She was going to call for her husband when, Takumi, their butler appeared at the right hallway.

"Mistress, why are you still here?"

Kahoko immediately approached the old man, her eyes kept a worried spark. "Kouren…I can't find Kouren, Takumi-san. He's just here, I know I'm quite late but they wouldn't let him leave without—" Kahoko panicked, her eyes commencing to sting.

"Calm down, Kahoko. He's with Len."

"Huh?" Kahoko wiped her tears. "But…how?"

"That's why I'm here, he wants to inform you that he fetch Kouren earlier. The daycare has to dismiss the classes much earlier. We can't contact your earlier thus, Len fetched young master instead."

"He should not have. Anyway, Takumi-san can you take me to Len's office."


Kahoko rode in the car; hands placed on her lap while her bag at the side. She glanced outside the window and busied herself with the lights. It was already five in the afternoon. Very late indeed. She supposed to fetch her son around four in the afternoon. If they daycare dismissed them much earlier, her son would have waited for so long. A sigh of relief left her lips, at least Len was able to tend to him.

Her little contemplation came to halt when her phone rang. In three rings, she answered it. "Hello, Nami, what's wrong now?"

"Who else. That jerk!"

"What did he do again?" Kahoko sighed.

"He asked me to go to this certain restaurant, well, until now he wasn't here yet. Seriously, if it is not because of your husband I already killed his cousin. How can a man make a woman wait? For crying out loud, I hate this relationship."

"Nami, calm down. Maybe he has some business meeting."

"Business meeting his face, I waited enough. We've been together for so long, he never even bother to propose to me." Nami sobbed. "I have this feeling he doesn't love—"

Kahoko could hear the little melody of song grew louder. A define playing of the piano could be heard on the other line. Kahoko chuckled, understanding what it was. "Or maybe, you'll get what you want now, Nami."

Her friend didn't answered back, Kahoko could hear the movement of another hand as it somehow snatched the phone from her friend. "Hello." One baritone voice echoed on the other line. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation, Kahoko. But we have something to talk about for the moment."

"Ryoutarou." Kahoko laughed. "Just take good care of my best friend."

"Wish granted. I'll make her my queen."

After some small talks, Kahoko ended the call. Her eyes, which were tired of looking over the window caught a little, envelop at the side. She smiled reminiscing from who it was.

Kaji and Hoshino Nuptial.

It was a week ago when they got the invitation. Finally, one of her friend settling as well. She had met the Hoshino woman before. Her name was Shiori, and such a lovely daughter of one of Tsukimori's associate. She was surprised when she learned that her friend Aoi was engaged to the lovely girl. She doesn't have any deeper relationship with the woman, but when she had seen her for the first time, Kahoko knew that she wasn't bad at all. Shiori was nice, sweet and elegant, she also have a sense of humor that Kahoko didn't expect that such sophisticated woman has one.

Kahoko knew that her friend would be happy with her.

For thirty minutes of contemplation, Kahoko didn't notice that they were there in front of their building. Takumi approached her door before opening it. "We're here now, Mistress." He bowed.

Kahoko smiled at the butler before she marched towards Len's office. It was very ironic that he actually inherited their family company. Mr. Tsukimori would always say that Len just need more patience. Moreover, truly, he just needed to wait. Kahoko chuckled lightly, Len just doesn't like wasting time, if he could get it much earlier, he would do it.

Opening the door of Len's office, the two men wasn't able to notice her presence.

Len sat on his CEO chair, son on his lap as they both facing the mirrored wall, Len occasionally pointing at some area as though telling his son that they all own those.

Kahoko could always comment how inseparable the two men of her life were. It seemed that the two have more bonding time than she and their son. Kahoko pouted, as well as when the two continued on disregarding her.

"Kouren, mama's here."

The little kid turned his neck lightly, a smile festooned on his lips when he realized who it was. He jumped from his father's lap and strode towards his mother. "Mama." He stretched his hand wider as though asking for hug.

Kahoko graciously granted her little prince wish as she lifted him. "Why didn't you wait for mama earlier?" Kahoko queried, smiling still.

"Mama's busy, so papa fetched me instead."

"We're going home now, neh?"

The little boy shook his head. His bright golden eyes stared at his mother's the same bullion ones. "Papa said we're going somewhere." He huffed some air, making his cheeks to expand.

"Eeh?" Kahoko was going to turn around and confront her husband. Nonetheless, she didn't have to as her husband was already behind them. One hand already secured both of them in a half hug. His chin rested on Kahoko's shoulder.

"We're going to eat dinner outside, would that be fine? We haven't done it for a long time."

Kahoko just smiled, putting her son down when he squirm for her to let go. Kouren dashed to Takumi as they started descending. "Mama, papa, let's go now." He waved his hand.

Len nodded his head while Kahoko smiled at their son. When he disappeared from the stairs, Kahoko glanced at her husband, smile never leaving her lips. "Don't make the boss wait." She mocked.

Instead of replying, Len just hugged her fully, placing his arm over her back. Kahoko chuckled more. "Did you miss me?"

"So much."

"You're hopeless." She looked at his eyes before intertwining her arms around his neck.

A small laughter at their side ended their little moment. Kahoko turned around to look who was the culprit. "Kouren…I thought you're with Takumi-san."

The kid laughed more. "I forgot my bag," said he running to get it at the couch at the side before approaching Takumi by the door.

The old man's eyes sparkled in amusement. "You may continue after we leave. Sorry for disturbing something."

Kouren waved his hand again before taking their leave.

Kahoko walked nearer the door, smiling. "Neh, Len…"


"Kouren's growing up now."

"Hn. Yes, it is natural for a human."

Kahoko pouted but set it aside as she continued. "Not that…what I meant, don't you think he needed playmate…"

"He has acquaintances, I believe."

Kahoko's brows arched down, a scowl on her lips was visible. "Not that!"

"Hn?" Len raised a brow.

"Never mind." She hissed, stomping away.

"What is wrong with her?"


And thank you to ~ghury13 for doing fanarts for this story. Thank you so much.

Here's the link of the drawing for the epilogue: fav. me/ d4f04hg

And another scene from this story: fav. me/ d3ad8mw

NOTE 12/6/14

This story ended last Nov 2011 already, I was supposed to edit it but…considering my 'slightly' hectic schedule I failed. Hence I decided to just reupload these two remaining chapters.