A/N: Hello, everyone. First of all, if you are sensitive with grammatical errors, go back and don't read it. But, if you like living dangerously, then give this a try. haha. Okay, that's all, I just don't want to disappoint people who expect so much from this.

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely characters only the plot.

~Wanted: Temporary Wife~

Kahoko and Nami owe a million debts. Kahoko promised to her friend that she will help, but what would she do, if all she applied on fails. And the only solution is to be a wife of a rich cold-hearted man. Will this temporary turn permanent?

Chapter 1

"Hey! You two, when will you pay your debt? It's been a month as you promised." A loud knock hauled two individuals from their sleep.

The brown-haired girl grumbled, scratching her head in anger as she strode down the door.

Her hand was firm on the doorknob as she opened it, "What the hell is your problem?"

The old lady snorted. "It's been a month, when will you pay your debt? You owe me a million cash."

"Hibari-san, calm down. We will pay you but can you at least give as another—"

"No! A month is already enough. Do you want me to report this to the police? We had an agreement," Hibari-san said. She was in her late 50's, her face already crumpled with wrinkles, her body obviously filled with excess fat as it seemed, and her feet wasn't there if you looked from above. She was a living spinning top.

Amou Nami, the brown-haired maiden, scowled—her face firm and dark. "Hibari-san, I know that we're already due but can you at least give us another two weeks? W-We can double the price then."

The old lady paused, thinking. She glanced back. "Five days!"

"A week?" Nami pleaded.

Hibari-san clenched her teeth, practicing the inhale and exhale routine before she responded. "A week then…but…once you haven't paid even the agreed value, mark my word…I will file a case on you."

Nami gulped. "Y-Yes we will," she answered before closing the door.

"N-Nami-chan," came of the voice behind her.

Nami turned around. "It'll be alright, Kahoko, we can pay it."

"B-but…that's a lot of money, where can we get that? I'm so sorry, it's my fault why our business went bankrupt." Crystals were making their way down her face.

Nami approached her friend, hugging her with her slender arms. "Kahoko, it's not. It's that good-for-nothing guy's fault. You're just a victim, too. That con, using a girl's heart to do awful things."

Kahoko buried her face on Nami's shoulder. "I'm so sorry."

Hours later, they were sitting on their little dining table. Kahoko, the redheaded girl was looking at her coffee, fingers fluttering at the warm cup as it slightly steamy from its heat.

"Nami, I'll help you. I found this job yesterday that the least could help us in our debt…but…" Her puffy eyes starting to water once more. "I don't know if it's enough."

"Oh! Kahoko-chan, you don't have to worry. I can ask help from my boss and some of my friends at work. We can do this. My salary is kind of high to sate half of our debt." Nami patted her shoulder.

Nami was a famous journalist in their firm. Her salary was higher than an average salary of a journalist. Her boss has been her friend since college and she could always rely on him whenever she needed help.

After their not so joyous, and seeming tasteless breakfast, Nami bid her goodbye to go to her job, while Kahoko did her own plan of applying to any work to help her friend.

She was once a teacher in a music school, majoring the violin, but it has been two years, the now 24-year-old lady didn't know if she could still play. She hasn't played for two years after she sold her violin for their business.

A line of tears nipped down her cheeks. The business which they had lent a lot of their time and she had gave up the violin for was now long gone.

She wiped her tears, walking in front of a university. Her eyes grew bigger once she had entered the place. Violins and other string instruments standing tall in the center—it were the attraction of the place.

She went at the reception area and talked to the girl.

"You can wait there for a minute." The fine looking lady muttered, pointing at the elegant couch at the side.

Kahoko stiffened for a moment before completely sitting on the couch. She watched as the lady grabbed the phone and contacted the main boss in that building. Her little depressed expression became a bitter taste on Kahoko's throat. Kahoko gulped.

"Miss, Mr. Sasaki is still on his meeting, can you wait a little bit longer?"

Kahoko smiled, wryly though. "It's ok." She could wait for years as long as she could get this job.

She was applying as a teacher for this university. All she hoped was that the requirements suited her.

She waited…and waited…and waited. Kahoko grunted, looking at her wristwatch then back to the lady in her seat. The lady smiled but Kahoko knew she was just faking it.

She stood up.

"M-Miss…I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, but Mr. Sasaki is still on his meeting…" The lady stopped her.

"If he's not available at this time perhaps tom—"

"But Mr. Tsukimori is on his way now. He is Mr. Sasaki's partne—" her words cut short.

"Ms. Mori, who is this woman?" a cold baritone voice trailed.

Kahoko turned to look at the person. If it was possible, the only thing she did was gawk.

The guy stood tall, towering both girls in front of him. His face was impassive but it didn't change the fact that he was handsome. His eyes were gold like the sun but it showed coldness.

In Kahoko's opinion, he was still young. Self-consciousness hit her; she felt old in front of him, despite the fact that she must be a year younger than him.

" Mr. Tsukimori, this is the person who will appl—"

"Do you know that this university is nothing like any school you have applied on? We have higher expectations concerning the quality of teachers and how they make their teaching effective. We have high standards in choosing one. You may as well know that this is not just a university." He made his voice firm in the word just.

Kahoko gulped.

"We don't desire any sloppy performance. We need the utmost."

His words punched her. Fright started to crawl in her guts. She hadn't played for two years, was she still good?


"The way I look at you, you won't pass our standards."

Her face heated up. "What do you mean? It doesn't mean that I'm not prepared, I wouldn't pass this standard of yours, moron."

"We consider the etiquette. Careful about your wordings."

"I didn't say anything wrong!"

"Ms. Mori would you please guide this woman outside. She's not needed here."

"Why, hell on you. This is not the only university in Japan. Eat you standards..." Kahoko grumbled, stomping away.

"Crap. I've waited for nothing. That guy is awful. Sheesh, look who's talking, I doubt he even knows how to play an instrument," Kahoko cursed.

~NeKo Meow~

"So, how's the job you're talking about?" Nami asked while they were eating their dinner.

Kahoko's face fell. "Hell." She munched a mouthful of her food.

"What do you mean 'hell'?" Nami muttered, amused.

"I waited for four hours. Take note, four hours just to be insulted by that scalawag. Who is he to say that I'm not qualified?" Her blood boiled, remembering the past incident.

"Judging by your look, it seems like you're ready to attack him in no time."

"If that's legal, I surely will."

Nami chuckled. "Anyways, I got this ad. They need an employee."

"Really? I'll do everything. What do they need?"

"They need a single, at least on legal age, woman. In addition, you can state the amount of your salary. Isn't it nice? If they will agree, we can already ask for a million."

"It's too much. Will they agree on that?"

Nami folded the ad and glanced at her friend. "We never know. I reserved an appointment for tomorrow—"

"I can't go. I'll try to apply in a music company. I'm sorry, Nami. I know you're doing this for me but can you attend it for a moment? Please?"

"It's okay, Kaho. I'm planning to meet them actually. I'll organize your requirements."

"Thank you, Nami."

"Yeah, yeah. Enough with the gloomy moment. Let's just relax tonight. I can feel that it'll help us."

Kahoko tried to smile. "Yes."

~NeKo Meow~

Early the next morning, Kahoko organized her things.

Her friend was still sound asleep in her room, and the sun was readying itself to fully shine above.

She mumbled a simple greeting before leaving.

According to her plan, she would be having an interview in a music company downtown. But first, she had to go to the postman office to get the package her sister sent to her.

When she already got it, she called for a taxi.

Her plan was working according to plan. However, not until a guy walked at her side and rode on her supposed taxi.

"Hey!" she complained but the guy seemed too focus on the phone attached to his ear.

Kahoko didn't have a choice; waiting for another taxi would take time, thus, without a word, she went inside the taxi.

"Excuse me?" Now it was his turn to complain.

"I called it fi—" her words knotted in her tongue. "You?"

"And you." His face bore an uninterested look. "Are you following me of any sort? Stalking?"

"Shame on you, why would I stalk a guy like you. I repeat: I called this taxi first."

"I believe I did." He opposed.

"I'm first!"


Somebody cleared his throat. Both parties glanced, quite annoyed.

"What?" they both said in unison.

"Where are we going ma'am, sir?"

"South Ave…"

"North Ave..."

They glared at each other.

"Mr. Taxi driver, it's North Avenue." Kahoko bent forward to tap the old man.

"Mister, it's South."



"I suppose you have a car of your own, why do you have to ride on a taxi."

"None of your business. Mister, can we go now."

"I said it's North."

His face melted into frown. "South, I'll pay you higher."

Kahoko cussed. She couldn't stand a chance when it comes to money. "Fine, I'll just look for another taxi."

"You better do."

"You're awful!" Kahoko slammed the door when she got out.

In her boiling anger, she hadn't realized something, not until the taxi swished away. "Oh! Shoot!"

Kahoko spun around. "Wait! My package!"

It was too late. She watched with all the negative feelings she had when the taxi disappeared in her sight. "Great! Great! This is great!" she stomped back to look for another taxi.

She did get a taxi but she was already late for her interview.

"What time is it?" the interviewer muttered, angry.

Kahoko inhaled. "I'm so sorry, something happened ear—"

"I don't care about your excuses. I'm asking you what time is it."

Kahoko's fingers trembling, and her knees jelly. "T-Ten."

"Yes, it's ten and what should be the time of your interview?"

Kahoko shook her head. She should be there at 8 but she was two hours late. "I'm really sorry, but—"

"You may leave Miss Hino."

"What? Wait!"

"We don't need a tardy employee."


"Enough with your explanation, it wouldn't change our decision."

~NeKo Meow~

"Kaho, why are you here? I thought you—"

Kahoko ran toward her friend and hugged her. "Nami, I didn't get the job."

"It's okay, Kahoko, I did get the job I was telling you last night. You're in."

Kahoko looked at her friend "The job you've been telling me?"

Something in Nami's eyes glinting a dark spark. "Yeah, we will meet your new hus—"

"Hus what?"

Nami coughed. "I mean we will meet your boss next week."

"What about our debt, it's this week."

"Don't worry Kaho, it'll be paid on time. They agreed."

"Do you mean?" Kahoko responded, eyes shining hope.

"Yes, they did. Aren't they a lifesaver? We will talk about the agreement in our meeting next week. So be prepared."

Kahoko was too focused on her happiness that she missed the grin on her friend's face. Sorry, Kahoko, I'm doing this for your sake. You've been hurt for so long.

~NeKo Meow~

The time finally came. Kahoko and Nami went to the restaurant where the person said they should meet.

When they got there, they already noticed someone at the side, looking at them. Nami smiled and waved her hand.

"Let's go Kaho," she said, tugging the girl's dark pink dress.

The lad stood up, handing his hand to her. "Hello, you must be Hino Kahoko, nice meeting you."

Nami chuckled and glanced at her friend. "This is Tsuchiura Ryoutarou. He's the one who advertise that ad"

Kahoko held his hand. "Nice meeting you Tsuchiura-san."

"Enough with the formalities, you can call me Ryoutarou anytime."

"Anyways, Mr. Ryoutarou, are you my boss?" she innocently asked when they seated.

Both of her companion chuckled. "What do you mean by boss, didn't she tell you?" Ryoutarou pointed at Nami, in which in turn bit her lips.

Kahoko frowned at her friend. She sensed something fishy and she didn't like it. "Nami, what's the meaning of this?"

The girl flinched from her chair and looked away. "Sorry, Kahoko, but I'm just doing this for your sake."

"Enough, answer me directly." Her voice, demanding.

"I applied you as a temporary w-w-wife…."

"WHAT?" Kahoko stood up.

The people in the restaurant stared at them. Nami tried to hush her friend but to no avail.

"No, Nami, we're going home. I don't like this joke of yours."

"I'm not joking. It really is. Besides, they already paid our debt, we can't just say no."

Kahoko sat again, tears welling in her eyes in anger. "But Nami, this is different. Why?"

Nami stared at her, understandably. "I'm not doing this just for that debt; you've been hurt because of that stupid guy. So I'm just thinking that maybe this will make you to move on."

"But, Nami, it's not my problem anymore."

"But I'm your friend."

Ryoutarou cleared his throat. "Can we begin with the signing?"

The two looked at each other. Nami stared at Kahoko, waiting for her approval. Once her head slanted upward, light of hope gleamed at Nami. "Thanks Kaho."

Kahoko signed the paper as well with the two.

"This would be the certification that you accepted the agreement. Don't worry, he's not that bad."

"Whoa, wait, so it means it's not you?" Kahoko asked.

"You didn't tell her again." Ryoutarou looked at Nami

"I thought you already figured out, that's why you signed it."

"Oh! Nami, what if this guy is something related to evil…."

"Wait, I admit, he is rude but not that evil."

"See, Nami, he's rude. What if he hurt me…?" Kahoko sulked.

"If he does I'll kill him!" the two said in chorus.

Ryoutarou laughed. "Don't worry Hino. I'll be the one who will hurt him first. Anyway, a guy like him can't even hurt a girl. He may have a sharp tongue, but he can't hurt a girl physically."

"What is your relation with this guy and why are you attending this matter which should be his?" Kahoko asked.

"He's my cousin. He's too busy and somehow," He averted his eyes. "Never mind." It seemed he had something to say but decided not to.

"He should just marry his girlfriend or something like that." Kahoko interrupted.

"Unfortunately, he loves his work too much. I suppose if it is possible he will marry into their company hence he doesn't have any time for love affairs." Ryoutarou sipped his coffee before laughing again.

"Why does he need a wife? Why is it on rush?"

"Family matters." Ryoutarou said. "I somehow told his mother about this marrying thing and she took it all seriously. She wants to see this girl which obviously doesn't exist, not until now and it's you."

"Wait!" Kahoko tapped her hand at the table. "It's all so easy. You can just say you're joking and he doesn't have any wife or whatsoever."

"I can't; he can't take over the company until he's married."

"What? He is already a part of the company."

"He wants to get all of it. That's why."

"How selfish of him." Kahoko murmured.

"You will have benefits on that."

"What is this nonsense, Tsuchiura?"

A cold and familiar voice met Kahoko's ears, another batch of anger simmered. She turned around, readying herself with a hard glare.

"You," he said, nonchalantly.

"You?" she muttered under her breath.

"Do you two know each other? Kahoko, meet your husband." Ryoutarou looked at Kahoko while presenting his cousin. "Len, she will be your wife. Problem solved."