Summary: When Catherine's trapped in an office building with a killer on her heels, she thinks back on the things she loves the most. And the things she wished she'd done.
Spoiler: Upcoming CSI episode.
Note: Hi guys! Writing has been kind of, well, not happening for me for quite some time now. I'm so busy with everything here in LA, and I really apologize for that. I read these spoilers about an upcoming episode though, and my mind started flowing like crazy.. And after season eleven's episode Wildlife, I just couldn't help myself. One of the reasons was me being pissed, haha! Please enjoy, I hope you like it. xx.
Chapter 1.
Her heart was racing. She tried to open the door again. And again. And once more. It didn't give in. Not at all. She was trapped. And screwed. So, so screwed. She should've never let Vartann go. He had given her the choice, and she was so aware of that. But she was a big girl, and she told him she would be able to stay in the room for a few minutes herself. She had mainly said that because being in a room with him was hard. After her ultimatum a couple of weeks ago, she had hoped he would call. But he hadn't. Being heartbroken and the proud, independent woman she was, she told him to go. She couldn't stand being in a room with him alone right now. She felt so stupid right now. She had known there was a huge possibility of being trapped, but she'd convinced both herself and Lou that they had nothing to worry about. He could go away for a second. And now she was trapped. And God knew what was happening to Vartann. Her heart was pounding, her palms became sweaty… Something was going on in this building and it scared her. She tried to think wishful and grabbed her cellphone, hoping she was able to call Lou. But, of course, there was no connection. Not even a bit.
Catherine tried to stay calm. Someone had probably just blocked the door without knowing it. She would be able to get out of that place in no time. Wouldn't she? She slid her back down the door, trying to get her hard to beat a bit slower and her breath to get a bit slower as well. She tried to be rational. Breathe in, breathe out. Lou's going to be back in no time. Breathe in, breathe out. When the lights suddenly fell out though, she couldn't help but let out a small scream. Her breath and heart were racing even faster and harder than before. How the hell did that happen? She tried so hard not to freak out, but she was starting to realize that this wasn't just a coincidence. And Catherine new she was going to admit to herself that she was scared. "Please…" She knew nobody could hear her. But she was praying for someone to get to her. She was on the edge of completely freaking out right now, and she had such a bad feeling inside. She had nothing. No working cell, no light.. Not even her gun. She got up and walked to the windows. Why again did she worked nights? The darkness prevented her from seeing anything. She tried to feel aside the windows, hoping to be able to open them. But then what? She was stuck, on the 10th floor.. Jumping out of the window wasn't exactly a great idea either.
It was at that same moment that she heard footsteps. Click. Click. Click. Heavy, slow steps. It had to be Vartann. Right? She got up and walked to the door as she yelled without thinking: "Lou? I'm here! Open the door, will you? I've been stuck in here since you left." She was out of breath. Her heart was still racing. The person on the other side of the door wasn't answering, but she could hear something was happening with the locks. Instinctively, she backed off a bit. "Lou?" Still no answer. Catherine knew it wasn't Vartann on the other side of the door. He would've said something by now. And at that point, Catherine knew something was so wrong.
Vartann regretted leaving Catherine behind; he should've never done that. Stupid Las Vegas traffic had prevented him from getting to Catherine sooner. He didn't want to leave her on her own. But he felt terrible when he was in a room with her together. Both his jealousy and her lack of sharing things had made him doubt every part about their relationship. He'd been thinking for days now. He knew he would never stop loving Catherine. If only he could tell her that without getting angry again.. When he approached the office building again, he saw some things he didn't like at all. The building was dark. And smoke was coming up on the back of the building. When he came closer, he saw there where a lot of police cars in front of his. And fire fighters. But he didn't spot Catherine. He rushed out of his car and went behind the crime scene line, ignoring the commands from certain unfamiliar police men. He saw Jim Brass standing a few meters away and rushed over to him. He ignored the men Jim was talking to and said: "Did you see Catherine?" Jim was annoyed about Vartann's interruption and said: "No, of course not, she's supposed to be with you." He tried to get in contact with the people behind Vartann again, but Vartann blocked his sight and said: "I'm serious, Jim. She was in that building when I left. Where is she?" "You mean she's not with you?" Vartann's deadly glare was fixated on Jim's face as he said: "That's what I say. She's still in there… What's going on?" Jim sighed and grabbed his cellphone as he said: "We got a message that the lights went out. I sent some people over here to look what was going on, and at that same moment, the fire fighters arrived. There is a fire in this building, but the exact place hasn't been located yet." Vartann frowned as he said: "But how come Catherine did not get out then?" Jim bit his lip and said: "I don't know," before dialing a number on his cell. While Jim turned his back to Vartann and started making some calls, Vartann took out his cellphone as well and dialed Catherine's number. No answer. He tried again. Still no answer, the line went to voicemail immediately. Jim turned back to Vartann again and said: "As soon as the firefighters have found out where the fire is exactly, they're going in to find Catherine." Vartann though, knowing it would take some time for the firefighters to find the fire. Was he willing to risk that? He shook of his jacket as he said: "I don't have time for that," and ran into the direction of the building, with a yelling Jim Brass on the background.
The end.
Of chapter 1, haha. I planned on making this an one-shot, but I decided to make it a little more exciting and just split it up. I had more inspiration anyway, haha ;-)! Next chapter will be up soon, please let me know if you liked it! Have a nice weekend, xxx.