Once More, With Horsemen (continued)

Part II: Revelation 6:8

Methos and Kronos gather Silas and Caspian (the other two Horsemen) and go to Kronos's submarine base in France. Methos tries to convince Silas to stop being a Horseman, but Silas says he enjoys killing enemies and is looking forward to raiding again. Methos watches Silas play with the monkeys that Kronos is using to develop a deadly virus.

Sung by Methos to Silas

[a la "Standing" sung by Giles to Buffy]

You're not ready for the world outside
You keep the old ways, you haven't tried
I know I said that I'd be riding by your side
But I...

This path's been beaten, and it's bloody still
And you could leave it, but you never will.
You all keep hunting for the perfect kill
While I...

I wish I could say the right words
To lead you from this land
Wish I could be your brother
and take you by the hand
Wish I could stay
But now I understand
You'll never turn away.

With death beside you, you still want more
You love to wallow in the blood and gore
And you just kill then leave them lying on the floor
While I...

I wish we could lay the swords down
And let them rest at last.
Wish you would slay your demons
And leave behind the past.
Wish we could stay
The brothers holding fast
But I'll have to go away.

I have to go away.

Duncan and Cassandra track the Horsemen to France. Methos asks Duncan to meet him, and while they are talking the other three Horsemen capture Cassandra then take her to their base and lock her in a cage. Caspian and Silas go to fight Duncan. Methos, believing the Duncan has lost that fight and is dead, tries to convince Cassandra to be nice to Kronos so they can survive.

"Wish I Could Go"
Sung by Methos and Cassandra

[a la "Wish I Could Stay" sung by Giles and Tara]

You're under a spell
Years of slavery
Playing with your memory.
I know you've been through hell.

Cassandra, don't you see
There'll be nothing left if we
Don't make him believe

I didn't then; I won't today.
I'd rather die than live that way

Then you'll die today.

These parts are sung together
Wish I could kill
You both now,
rip your heads
off with my hands

Wish you could trust
That it was
just that once,
but I must do what I must.

Wish I could fill
my goblet,
pour your blood
onto the sands.
You can't adjust.
All turns to dust.
It's done and I just...

Cassandra and Methos together
Wish I could go
Wish I could go
Wish I could go
Wish I could

Duncan, having managed to kill Caspian and elude Silas, is on his way to the submarine base to rescue Cassandra and fight Kronos and Silas ... and Methos, too, if necessary, because Duncan is not sure whose side Methos is on.

"Walk Through the Fire"
Sung by Kronos, Methos, Silas, Duncan and Cassandra

[a la "Walk through the Fire" sung by the whole BtVS gang]

Kronos (to his brothers)
We start the fire and it pleases me.
We look into the flames of gold
This is what's real!
Their skin will crack and peel
Bring back the ways of old.

Duncan (on his way to the base)
Now through the smoke they call to me
To make my way across the flame
To save the day
or maybe die today
It's how we play the Game.

And I will walk through the fire
For where else can I turn?
I will walk through the fire
And let it-

METHOS (to himself)
This past I bear is haunting me.
My brother's laughing, I've no doubt
All of the lives...
I'm hoping to survive

I have to get us out.

'Cause we are drawn to the fire

Some people
never learn

They will
never learn

Methos and Cass
And they will walk through the fire
And let it-

Duncan (still on the way)
Should I kill him or persuade him?
Can I do enough to sway him?
Is this Horseman too far gone to care?

At the Horsemen Base

Caspian could not defeat him.

He'll be coming. Soon we'll meet him

Or we could just leave this gloomy lair.

Silas, Kronos
We'll see it through
It's what we're always here to do

Silas, Kronos, and Methos
So, we will walk through the fire.

Methos (to himself)
So one by one, I turn from them
My brothers cannot face the cold

Kronos (voice over)
What can't we face, if we're together?

But why I go,
the others do not know
And never can be told.

The following parts are are sung overlapping.
Brothers now, we'll always be
The burning fires are our guide
To play the Game
and we all love the flame
Death's what we have inside

We come from the grave much graver

First he'll kill her, then I'll save her

Everything is turning out so dark

Living like a hero
Acting out the part

No, I'll save her, then I'll kill her

The fight is going to be a thriller

What's it going to take to strike a spark?

I'll persevere
after all these countless years.

He will come to me...

Kronos, Silas, Methos, Cass, and Duncan
And we are caught in the fire
The point of no return
So we will walk through the fire

And let it
Let it burn
Let it burn
Let it burn!

Silas is sharpening his ax and guarding Cassandra, with orders to kill her if Duncan shows up. Duncan finds Kronos and Methos in the submarine base and says to Methos, "You set me up." Methos shrugs.
Kronos offers Duncan a trade: his life for Cassandra's. Duncan answers: "I think she'd rather be dead." Kronos tells Methos to go tell Silas to finish her. When Duncan says, "Methos, don't do this!" Methos replies: "Like you said, MacLeod; I go with the winner." He goes to Silas, and Duncan and Kronos begin fighting with swords.
At Cassandra's cage, Silas opens it to take her head, but Methos stops him and draws his blade on Silas, who is at first confused, then angry. They begin fighting.

"Life's a Bitch"
Sung by Methos, Kronos, Cassandra, and Duncan

[a la "Something to Sing About" sung by Buffy and Spike]

Methos fighting Silas
In the Game
We have to play our parts
So when the fighting starts
We have to close our hearts

Kronos fighting Duncan
It's all right
If some things turn out wrong
The Horsemen still are strong.
And we'll be riding long.

Methos fighting Silas
Where's there's life-there's hope,
Every day's- a gift
Wishes can-come true
Learn while-you work
So hard
all day

To live another year...
But what's life worth in constant fear?
Don't give me swords

Kronos fighting Duncan
Give me my sword.
Give me something to fight about
I need something to fight about

Cassandra watching the fighting
Life's a bitch.
You don't get to rewind,
And this may be the time
That vengeance can be mine.

That's why I
Don't stop to wonder why
Or question why he tries.
All Horsemen have to die.

Every cut a thrill
Every slice a kill

All the blood we spill
All the death and still
On we fight. We will
Never let it go

Methos fighting Silas
Why don't they know
enough to know
That when you leave
You don't believe...
Long pause as Kronos and Duncan see that Methos is fighting Silas.

Methos to Kronos
It's not the Game
Life isn't bliss
but it's more than this
constant fighting.

I'm still the same
The bond that I feel
it's strong and it's real.

We're fighting
Now we'll have to be fighting

fighting Duncan again

And, I found someone
to fight again
I found someone to fight again

Music spirals out of control as the fighting intensifies, then Methos beheads Silas and Duncan beheads Kronos. The quickening takes them both, excruciating lightning bolts, and finally leaves Methos on his hands and knees, weeping over Silas's dead body. Cassandra watches from a distance.

Life's not the Game
Life isn't bliss
Life is just this
It's living.

You'll get along
The pain that you feel
You only can heal
By living
You have to go on living
And all of us are living

Methos is still on his hands and knees, sobbing. Cassandra appears, picks up Silas's axe, and holds it over Methos's exposed neck.

Sung by Cassandra and Duncan

[a la "What you Feel - reprise" sung by the Demon]

Now I should forgive?
Is that what you want to hear?

I want him to live
There's no one left to fear

All the secrets
He's been concealing
All the death and all
The double dealing...

I want him to live

(thinks about it, tosses axe aside, glares at Duncan and leaves)

He owes Joe for beer.

Afterwards, Methos and Duncan meet in a church yard and talk.

"Where do we go from here?"
Sung by Methos and Duncan

[a la "Where do we go from here" sung by BtVS gang]

Why did this end up here?
You must have known he was near

I knew he'd come
But what we'd begun...
I couldn't judge my peer.


How did we end up here?


Why is my path unclear?
after five thousand years.


We go sword in hand
So we walk alone in fear


Tell me


What else do you need to hear?


Cassandra: was she dear?


One of a thousand tears. (he leaves)

watching Methos go
The Game will close
on a kill, God knows
I can tell the end is near.

Where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here?

Duncan, Methos, and Cassandra each have gone their separate ways.


Cass and Methos (singing together, but on split screen)

I touch the fire
and it freezes me
I look into it and it's black

(these three parts (Duncan, Cassandra, and Methos) are all sung together, but on split screens or cutting back and forth between characters)

This isn't real
I just
want to feel...

I died so
many years ago
But he can
make me feel...

I killed so
many years ago
But he can
make me feel...

(no kiss takes place between any of these characters (in any combination) at this point)

All: Where do we go from here?