A/N: Well, I finally found this fill I attempted doing about a year ago on the kink meme, thanks to russiamerica community. I…I tried to find it on the kink meme, but never could {mostly because I had a lapse of internet service and once I came back they were on part 5 by then} but…when I saw the prompt among the russiamerica kink meme report…I wanted to continue it again. I've already started working on a new chapter for this and finished one for my other story and will have them both up on Thanksgiving. Again, I'm so happy to have found this story again. 3 Should the person who requested ever, well, find this, I hope they forgive me for doing what I said I wouldn't-be abandoning the story…I use too many ellipses. I also have poor grammar, but lots of love for all of you. This will end up being RussiaAmerica, FranceEngland, and TonyAmerica?
"Oh, so you're why it smells in here."
America grinned merrily at England from the kitchen doorway, holding a large bucket of fish. England glanced disapprovingly at America, stirring the contents of a pan on the stove. America briefly wondered if he had turned off the fire alarm. {The last time the alarm went off when England was cooking, England had looked so hurt and despite America's dancing around the subject, they really were friends. Friends don't like to see friends angsting over their poor cooking skills.}
"What are you talking about? You love my cooking, idiot." His gaze went to the bucket, and America chuckled, shifting it to his other hand.
"Its for my whale! He loves this stuff. Some salmon, and some…fish…"
"Are you sure that's enough to feed him?" England asked, taking the pan off the stove. An eerie prickle went down his neck, as if someone was watching him from afar. That had been happening at America's house quite a bit recently. His faeries said everything was okay, but he wasn't too sure. "Also, where is that other friend of yours?"
"You mean Tony? I think he's outside. Ah, Tony had been staying cooped up in his room for a while there, I was starting to worry. Then he came downstairs for movie night. I guess he just wanted to have some time to himself!"
"Movie night?" England eyed the contents of his pan. " Nevermind. Food's done." England set out two plates, and America set the bucket down for a moment. Looking over the food, he wondered what England had prepared. It had an odd scent ; a mix of ash, chicken, and vanilla. Weird. "Well? Eat up."
America made quite a show of how 'delicious' England's 'great cooking' was. Half to please England, the other half to keep England from going onto boring topics for conversation like politics or something. 'I have enough of those already,' America thought, forking another bite of the strange concoction into his mouth.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Tony was working with a device that held a resemblance to the first version of Gameboy. Except there were around five more buttons, and the image displayed on the screen was a high definition picture of America eating with England. That damn limey still hadn't left yet! Tony had spent all night sending coordinates to his ship so it would arrive at the right time. His plan had been to take America outside and maybe go swimming with the whale. Then Tony's spaceship would come, in all of its diamond shaped glory, pick him and America up, and they would be off to his home planet to get married. Sure, America would be a bit uneasy about the idea at first, but Tony would show him how awesome it would be marrying an alien. He'd warm up to Tony, and let him impregnate him, and oh, their children would be beautiful.
Tony could barely contain his excitement.
All that was left was to get rid of England. He couldn't stay there all day, right?
"You know what, England? You should stay the night! We haven't done that in a long time." Tony paused, glancing at the screen. He gnashed his teeth together when stupid England actually agreed to stay. After a few moments, Tony made a decision. It was worth taking England as well if it meant he could have his precious America. Clicking one of the buttons, the screen switched from England and America to a large, diamond ship. Tony's pride and joy. Pride and joy which, actually, would be arriving in around five minutes. He set the device on his bed {he wouldn't need it anymore} and went downstairs.
"Tony, morning!" America piped up when he saw the alien. Tony nodded, and glared at England as he went outside. "Uh, you don't want any food?" America called after Tony. England scoffed, putting their dishes in the sink.
"Whatever that thing is, I doubt it eats normal food."
"What are you talking about? I've seen Tony eat normal food all the time. Popcorn, hotdogs, hamburgers, all that good stuff."
"I question your idea of good food, America."
"That's horribly ironic."
"What are you talking about-"
Then the air was filled with a deep, humming sound. A loud, distracting humming sound. It was strangely enticing to America. England thought it sounded like some sort of aircraft landing. "Let's go outside and check it out." America said.
"It's probably only one of your men landing, America." England stated. America was already out the door. Feeling there was nothing to do but follow, England went outside and immediately wished he hadn't. The grass rustled from the wind, water was pouring out over the edges of the pool the whale lived in. There was a large thing in the air, a UFO. It was diamond in shape, and seemed to drain all of the color out of the sky. The craft pulsated with flashing lights and noise.
America gaped up at the large vessel, blinded by the bright spotlights. "Wh-what is this?" Suddenly, the humming sound turned into a high roar. England was surprised by this, letting off a string of curses that were left unheard. The first time in several years he spends the night, and this happens.
"It's so beautiful." America murmured, taking a few steps forward. The ship glowed and blinked with different colors, mostly purple and grey. He could make out Tony's silhouette near the opening. Suddenly, his feet were no longer planted on the ground. America was being lifted in the air, towards the spaceship, and it was easy enough to see that he wasn't going back for a while. His whale peeked its head out from the water and waved, and he waved back hurriedly. "Be careful! Get Canada to feed you, alright? I'll miss you!"
England was being taken into the air as well, tufts of grass in his hands evidence of his attempt to stay on the ground. America only smiled as they were both taken into the bright light of the spaceship.
"You're the one who said you wanted to spend the night, England."
a/n?: I'm re-writing the other parts of this and finishing the new part. Yay? I hope you all are doing well.