Disclaimer:: Glee is not mine.
I understand.
It's like the world's become clearer to Kurt through Blaine's help, and he loves Blaine for that.
I understand.
No, that's a lie. Kurt loves Blaine in general; the fact that Blaine can relate to Kurt, and comprehend his jumbled up emotions is just heartwarming icing on a just-perfect-enough cake.
I understand.
Kurt was never really in love with Finn. He needed someone to rely on, someone that would make him feel better when he started thinking about how bad things were.
I understand.
Kurt deluded himself into thinking he was in love with Finn. He made himself think he was in love with Finn, just so that he could say as much.
I understand.
Finn was never the type of person Kurt would want. He's not Kurt's type at all, and Kurt's embarrassed that he couldn't come to this conclusion on his own. Granted, Finn's charming – in his own sweet, 'confused little boy' sort of way. But he and Kurt have nothing in common.
I understand.
Kurt used Finn, the same way that Finn used Kurt that night. The only difference was that Kurt used him emotionally, and Finn used Kurt physically. (Kurt's not entirely sure which of those is the more painful.)
I don't understand.
Nothing makes sense to Finn anymore. Kurt is supposed to be in love with him, and Finn's supposed to be watching him cry right now. He's not supposed to be the one feeling on the verge of tears, because he's not having his love rejected.
I don't understand.
Kurt leaves, just like that. He doesn't say anything else, he just gives Finn a short smile – he fucking smiles – and then he leaves, phone in hand and a subdued sparkle in his eyes. He almost looks like he's going on a date. A date.
I don't understand.
Finn's left alone in the kitchen, just staring at the empty doorway and wondering when the hell Kurt turned the tables on him. Because this is supposed to be what Kurt's doing, standing alone, bewildered, and feeling the sharp stings of tears at the corners of his eyes. And Finn is supposed to be the one who's leaving because he has plans with someone he really likes.
I don't understand.
Finn feels rejected. Like he just poured his heart and soul out to someone and they told him to piss off. But that doesn't make any sense. Because Finn hates Kurt, he told Kurt he hates him. And Kurt's supposed to feel rejected.
I don't understand.
It's just something else Finn wants to hate Kurt for. He wants to hate the countertenor for the way he's just so easily gotten over Finn, and the way he's so confident and unafraid of his affections now. And it's not fucking fair.
I don't understand.
Because there's a coldness settling into Finn's stomach, and now he thinks he's starting to understand the way Kurt felt he resigned himself to knowing that Finn only wanted sex, and not a relationship.
I understand.
It wasn't love. Kurt only wanted a trophy-crush, and not a relationship. It shouldn't sting, because Finn never wanted a relationship with Kurt, either. But it does. Because Finn thought that Kurt was the one person who truly, honestly loved him.