Luke Triton and the Enigmatic Puzzle – Part 1 –

With Valentine's Day approaching, Luke was at a loss. Now in his first year at Grossenheller University and living in the dormitories, the only time he saw the professor was during lectures.

Which, of course, occurred only twice a week.

Luke moaned and slammed his head on the desk table. He could have lived with the professor. He could have commuted with the professor. Then he'd have all the time in the world to solve puzzles and drink tea.

Now he couldn't even make tea in his room without getting a six page letter from his don, Paolo, about how he was likely to burn the residence down if he so much as touched a kettle.

Right. Because that was likely.

No, Luke had taken the stupid option. He wanted to seem brave to the professor. He wanted to prove that he really was an adult.

The problem with was that he wasn't. He didn't feel like it, anyway. He missed puzzles. He missed travelling to strange places and going on adventures. He missed his teddy bear.

He missed the professor.

He would've given a thousand picarats for the opportunity to be read a bedtime story about baseball, like the old days. He missed the bedtime story game. He missed his blue painted bedroom and his overweight hamster. He missed the soulless black eyes of his mentor.

He briefly considered making up a problem with the recent archaeology essay. He could go to the professor's office hours, and…

No. The professor would know. He had the top marks in his class—how could he not? He had grown up with the lecture content.

"Yo, man."

Luke raised his head to see his roommate standing in the doorway, looking embarrassed. "Yes…?"

"So, I, er… I didn't hand my last paper in on time… And, uh… You seem to be doing really well in the class. Do you think you could…er… go to the professor and hand it in for me? He won't yell at you…" His roommate scratched his head awkwardly, then held the assignment out.

Luke, at a loss, accepted it. He was torn; here had a chance to see the professor…but he would surely be scolded for going in his peer's place. Really, though, it was no contest. "Sure…I'll go."

It was nearing the end of Layton's office hours by the time Luke arrived. He hesitated outside the door, paralyzed with anxiety. Maybe he should just go back. Maybe he should just tell his roommate to man up and face the consequences. But he couldn't.


Luke jumped, jarred back to reality. The professor was looking down at him, surprised. "Is something the matter?" He frowned slightly at the teen.

"I—professor—I—" Luke stammered. He settled for just looking away and shoving the paper at Layton.

"Hm?" The professor studied it carefully. "Forgive me, but…the quality seems…lower than usual."

"I-i-it's not mine," Luke corrected quickly.

"Not yours?" Layton tipped his hat. "Then who does it belong to, m'boy?"

"My—my roommate," Luke mumbled quickly.

"Your roommate?"

"He—he was busy and I wasn't, so he…he asked me if…I could take it…to you."

The professor gave a half smile and tapped his nose. "You're lying."

"No!" Luke protested. "I—"

"He wanted you to go in his I would scold him, right? Every puzzle has an answer." The professor shook his head. "Don't let yourself be used, Luke."

"Y-yessir. I should—"

"Would you like some tea? I was about to head home, but I'd never say no to a good cup of Belle Classic!"

"Yessir." Luke allowed himself to be led into the office and lowered himself into an overstuffed armchair. He looked around at the clutter. "It's…it's rather messy in here, professor."

"Hm? Yes, I suppose it is," the professor replied, rooting around in a desk drawer. "Where are my teacups? Ah, here they are. And the kettle…I knew I saw it around here recently."

"If you want, I could… I could maybe tidy—"

"I really need someone to organize for me again. I thought I'd be okay by myself, but it seems I allowed the piles to grow and grow, until…well, I fell into quite the predicament, as you can see." The professor motioned around him.

"I—I could clean for you!" Luke exclaimed.

The professor chuckled. "I was hoping you'd say that! I wouldn't trust any of the other students with my belongings as I do with you."

"Of course! Just—just tell me whenever you're here, outside office hours, I'll come and clean."

"No, no. You mustn't work to my schedule. That would be too much to ask of a burgeoning student!" The professor rattled through another drawer. "Ah! Here it is. Close your eyes and hold out your hands, m'boy, I've got a present for you."

"A—a what?" Luke stared back in shock. Nonetheless, he obeyed the professor's instruction.

"Here you go."

Luke opened his eyes to find a small silver key resting in his palm. "A key?"

"To my office. With this, you can let yourself in whenever you need to, even if I'm not here."

"O-oh. Thank you, professor!" Luke slipped the key into his breast pocket.

"Don't thank me, my boy!" The professor poured a cup of tea and passed it to his protégé. "You're doing me the favour here."

"Yessir." They sat in silence for several minutes as the professor absently began marking the essay. Finally, Luke gulped down the scalding tea and choked, "I should get back now, it's getting late."

"Hm?" The professor raised his head. "Oh, yes. My apologies, I allowed myself to get distracted. Before you go, I found something that I thought you might like. I know you're a bit old for it, but I couldn't help myself. An old man's nostalgia, you know."

Before Luke could argue the professor's age, he was presented a new blue book entitled, "Bedtime Baseball: A Comprehensive Study of Fantastically Awesome Baseball Tales".

"Th-thank you, professor. I'll cherish it."