Author's note: This happens because Adam's like middle ground. Switzerland. And because I needed something to work on that was interesting. Voila, this thing.

Adam Milligan's normal life ends, on his fifteenth birthday.

. I'm a line break, ignore me, I'm just a linebreak, really.

Usually his mom works a morning shift and another shift if she can snag one which means that he wakes up, somewhat late, and barely manages to grab some toast for breakfast. Today is going to be awesome because he can smell his mom's famed chocolate chip pancakes.

"Did you do your homework?" She asks, handing him a stack of pancakes. He shouldn't be surprised that she's given him so many, apparently he's too skinny.

"Did it yesterday." Most of it anyway. He'll do the rest on the bus, if he doesn't miss it again. Mom tries and tries, to get enough time but there's never really enough.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "I'm sure." she glances back over at the clock. "Your bus comes in five minutes and I have to already be there."

"It's fine mom, I'll just eat my birthday pancakes alone." She gives him a look the, keep up the smart mouth and I'll give you a crack Adam J. Milligan.

"I'll see you tonight."

"No graveyard shift?"

She nods, blonde hair falling out of her ponytail. "On your birthday? What kind of mother do you think I am?" Deciding not to spoil the good mood he neglects to mention that she's missed two birthdays.

"Love you, Adam." And then she walks out the door, already late and already out of time. Those are the last words that she'll say to her son.

Adam looks up at the clock, and darts out of his chair. "Damn, I'm already late on my birthday?"

-I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break-

"Are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" Matt asks as Adam walks out of the large two-story house. "It's not an issue or anything."

"Nah, My mom's off today." Matt's been his best friend since Kindergarten so he understands Adam's strange family dynamics-mainly the fact that he has none, aside from his mom.

Matt nods. "Cool, I'll see you tomorrow?" For the past month Thomas and Matt have been trying to teach him how to skateboard, but his mom is concerned about how often skateboarders get injured.

He's fifteen now though, fully old enough to be able to skateboard and handle all the broken bones that come with it. "Yeah, tomorrow."

It takes him around half an hour to walk back from Matt's house, because Matt's house is on the good side of town. He never understood that, in a town this small how can there be a good side or a bad side.

By that time, it's late, late enough that mom's going to be pissed off, even though his actually curfew for weekends isn't until 10:30. God, he still has a curfew.

Adam stops when he reaches his street, because mom's car, an old rusted red Saturn, is in the driveway and birthday or not he's going to get yelled at for staying out this late. He's almost tempted to stay outside but that's just going to get him into more trouble and besides, he's not a coward.

"Mom? I'm home." Understatement, she could probably hear his boots stomping around from the basement.

"Adam? I'm in the kitchen." she calls out, her voice cheery and relaxed. And that should probably be his first clue, because his mom is never completely relaxed.

She's already out her uniform, sitting at the kitchen table with a man, who has dark hair and dark eyes and is dressed in beat up clothes. "Friend of yours?" He asks, not recognizing the guy.

She smiles, "You could say that."

Adam stares at the guy for a minute, because something is off, maybe it's the guy's appearance or the fact that his mom never has her boyfriends over but still. "Adam." she say sharply and his face flushes with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm Adam Milligan, nice to meet you." He sticks his hand out for the guy to shake because his mom has all but beat manners, manners, manners into his head but the guy just sits there staring at him, a slow growing smile on his face.

Right, this isn't weird. "Mom, I'm going to head upstairs, got homework and stuff." he doesn't actually but this is possibly the most awkward situation in his life, mom and her boyfriend.

"But dinner's almost ready." Mom says sweetly, because she knows that Adam loves her home cooking more than any other food.

"Alright, but I still have homework to do." he'll get the food and then scram.

If he thought meeting him was awkward then it's nothing compared to the awkward silence that settles around them in a bubble. His mom's not saying anything, just sitting there smiling and that guy is still staring at him, like he's a freaking snack or something.

The guys smiles again, this time at his mom, "I think dinner's about done."

His mom stands up, brushing away invisible dirt from her clothes. "Thank god, I can't handle much more of this domestic crap anyway."

She's smiling but her smile is twisted, her teeth are too sharp.

"Mom?" He stands up from his chair, backing away from them. What the hell is going on?

The man stands up and stalks over towards his mom. "Haven't figured it out kid? She ain't your mom." He slides a knife out of his pocket, long and skinny, and covered in some dried blood.

The woman who is apparently not his mother smiles at him again. "We're real sorry it has to come to this but this isn't personal, at least not with you."

"What do you want? We don't have money, or anything valuable." Maybe this is just a joke, a birthday joke. Maybe if he plays along, then she'll stop being so creepy.

The man pauses, "What we want isn't something you can give us materially, we don't want money or jewels, or anything like that."

Adam backs further away, closer towards the rest of the kitchen. I'm being backed into a corner, because they're going to kill me. "Mom, this isn't funny anymore, so can you call off the joke?"

Her eyes, his mom's eyes, get narrowed with angry. "This isn't some joke, kid. And this isn't a nightmare that you can wake out of. Now stay still like a good little piece of dinner."

The man laughs, "Calm down sister, we've got all the time in the world." And with that the man jumps forward, and corners Adam into a corner with his back pressed up against the counter.

The woman sits back and watches, her features more relaxed now. "Don't take all the fun." she says quietly, her eyes trained on him.

The man cuts into his arm and Adam bites back a scream, biting down on his bottom lip until he tastes the metallic taste of blood.

"Why won't he scream?" The woman questions.

"Must be that hunter blood in him."

What's a hunter? Do they mean like deer and bears? Adam's arm is killing him, and now his mouth hurts. "Why?" he gasps out and takes a breathe before biting down again as the man makes another wound, jagged with excitement.

The woman shrugs, "Why else? Revenge, which you can blame your daddy for."

What does John have to do with anything? He'd meet John three years ago, after begging and pleading for his mother to call him. John had rushed over, surprised (but hopefully happy as Adam liked to think) to meet the son he'd never knew he had. Adam knew the basic facts-John was a mechanic who traveled around a lot but always came to see Adam on his birthday and tried to visit at least twice a year, at least until a year ago when everything had just suddenly stopped. No visits, no phone calls, no nothing.

"Where's my mom?" If this was actually happening, if this wasn't just a bad dream, if this was actually real then his mother was probably scared out of her mind.

"Oh her? Sorry to tell you kid, but you're pretty much an orphan now."

What? What the hell did the do to my mom? If they hurt her, then… "What did you do to my mom, you sick freak? I swear if you hurt her then-"

The woman cut him off laughing as she stalked forward until she was right next to him. Her nails, long and deadly trailed down his face. "Then what? You'll be dead and even if you weren't, you're just some sad pathetic excuse for a human being. You can't do a damn thing."

All his life he'd only had his mom, and even then only for short periods of time in between work, and school, and all of the other things in both of their lives. She was all that he had. And they were taking her away. "What did you do to my mom?" he gritted out.

The woman rolled her eyes, "Here's a hint, the only way we can change our forms is if we take a bit out of the person we're trying to be and then we can get everything inside your pretty little head."

"S-she's dead?" His mom couldn't be dead, these two were just lying, trying to trick him, they were lying-they had to be.

"And so are you, soon, and then we'll lure your daddy here." The woman, who seemed the more malicious of the two, said happily.

"What the hell did John ever do to you?" John wasn't around that often but he was still has dad, and even if Adam did want him to be around more he wasn't going to let these freaks hurt him.

The woman frowned. "Brother, I'm tired of him speaking, knock him out so we can get on with the fun."

The man nodded and in that instant, something swung down and hit the back of his head, and Adam fell forward against the floor, bleeding and unconscious.

-I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break-

All he could see, or couldn't see technically, was darkness. He'd been awake for maybe a day and either his eyes hadn't adjusted yet or they'd put him somewhere where he couldn't see.

For the first five minutes he'd been screaming for help as loud as he could but eventually realized that no one would be coming to help. If, and only if his mom was dead then he'd die here too.


"There's no way that's going to work." Adam shook his head, and then winced.

They hadn't stopped torturing him after he'd been knocked out. His body was constantly in pain, he could feel bite marks and cuts littering his torso, blood had dried in some places. It hurt just thinking about all his injuries. If they didn't kill him then he'd probably die from the blood loss alone.

"He should be here by now." a voice hissed out, coming from whatever room his little cage was kept in. "It's been two days, doesn't he care about his child at all?"

"Time, sister, time, he'll be here soon." another voice said soothingly, trying to calm her down.

There were three of them, he'd found that out yesterday, when one of them had opened the door and started snacking on his fucking arm. While the other two started laughing, thankfully he hadn't screamed, he wouldn't give these freaks the satisfaction.

"And how can you be so sure of that? From that woman's cellphone records, he hasn't called in nine and a half months, if he doesn't come now then we're just risking time." The third one, the snacker, said angrily. That one was the most impulsive from what Adam could gather. He didn't like listening to his siblings at all.

"If you feel that way then, brother, then you can watch the food while we go search for the hunter." The oldest snapped out and Adam heard his footsteps leave the room.

"Don't do anything reckless, food or not that human still could be dangerous." the woman warned quietly before she left.

He was going to die here, in some tiny cramped up space, most likely eaten by tubby the midnight-snacker. Well wasn't that the perfect way to die?

Adam could hear footsteps again, different this time, with more weight to them. It felt worse when they used their teeth to carve out the wounds, knives were or at least could be faster. With teeth even as sharp as theirs it took time for them to hit the bones.

The lid was taken off and bright light filled the space and he closed his eyes against the harshness of it. "What the hell do you want? Another bite?" he snapped out.

The man pulled him out further into the light and threw him against the wall, smiling at the sound he made. "I'm not as revenge-thirsty as my siblings, so I can fully grasp that no one is coming for you."

"And it only took two days, wonderful." He said sarcastically, standing on his shaky legs.

The man ignored him for a moment, pausing to stare at him, and Adam could suddenly sympathize with all of those burgers he use to practically inhale. "They'll be a bit upset at me for doing this, and maybe angry, but they'll understand it."

"What are you going to do?" He had an idea, a terrible foreboding sense that he knew exactly what the man was going to do.

"It's not like you're needed anymore, both my brother and myself have already taken a piece of your flesh so we'll be able to fool Winchester if he shows up." The man, who currently didn't look like Adam, said shrugging noncommittally.

"I've guess you've got all your bases covered then." Adam said, his eyes darting around the room which he come to realize was in fact his own basement.

"Now if you hold still, I promise this won't hurt." the man smiled, sharp fang-like teeth showing. "Much anyway." He lunged , with the same speed that all of the siblings had, and Adam covered his face and neck with the arm that wasn't too badly injured.

Those damned pointy teeth sunk into his arm, chewing down to the bone and past muscle and blood vessels. Desperate and on instinct, Adam brought his knee up and slammed into the guy's jaw, making the teeth retract from his arm. "If you think I'm going to sit here while you munch on me like a happy meal, then you're more fucked up then I thought."

Seeing his chance Adam darted forward, to the other side of the basement, and hid behind some of the taller boxes, thankful that he hadn't cleaned out the basement like his mom had wanted.

"You fucking bastard, this time I'm aiming for your jugular." The man snarled out, and Adam could see him get up from the floor, dazed from the hit but still fully conscious.

Well Milligan now what? You can't hid behind boxes forever, and even so how are you going to get out? You can barely move. Adam's hands shuffled around him, looking for some form of a weapon, he'd take a frying pan if he could.

His hands locked around cool metal and he pulled it forward so he could see it in the light. It was old soccer trophy, from when he was about eight and still in that phase where he'd try about anything that was free. It wasn't too big, only a "Nice try, we have to give you this" trophy but it would work well enough.

"What are you a coward? Come on out kid and face me like a man, I thought all you hunter's kids were supposed to be tough." The man laughed. "Guess you just don't meet the quota."

Adam's hands tightened around the trophy, angry at this entire situation. I'm not a coward, you fucking dick. The fifteen year old pushed forward, knocking over the boxes and surprising the freak.

"I may not be tough, you freak, but I'm not letting you take me down without a fight." Adam sneered out, moving as fast as he could on his injured legs.

The man was still down when Adam finally got next to him and Adam crouched down. "What did you do to my mom?" he said lowly, an abstract thought that the other two might hear occurred to him.

The man blinked, confused and then shook his head. "You little piece of meat on legs, as soon as I get up, I'll tear your heart out."

Adam shrugged, pressing the trophy against the man's head. "Well until then you're going to answer my questions. The first being, what did you do to my mom?"

"I didn't do anything to your mother, you pathetic putrid being."

He brought the trophy down against the man's skull, hard but not hard enough to kill him. His stomach felt like caving in at the sound it made, but he couldn't stop now. Not when his mom might be alive. "What happened? Where is she?"

The man breathed out shallowly, blood dripping down into his face. "Do you really want all the dirty details?" He flinched when Adam raised the trophy again, his face stony. "She's dead, she's dead. Okay? That's all you need to know."

If his stomach felt like caving in then his heart, his lungs, and everything else just did. She was dead, his mom was dead and some childish part of him wanted to crawl back into bed and forget that his birthday had ever happened.

"What are you going to do?" The man, the freak, the monster, asked, fear in his eyes, eyes that probably belonged to someone else, someone else whose family he killed-whose mother he ate.

"It's not like you're needed anymore." Adam said, repeating the man's callous words from earlier. And before the monster could scream he brought the soccer trophy down against his skull, not stopping until he was sure that the monster was dead.

-I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break, I'm a line break-

Adam wearily walked into his bedroom, already aware that the two other monsters weren't here. His life was gone, it didn't matter that the freaks, whatever they were, hadn't killed him. His mom was his only family, and now she was gone.

All he wanted to do was sleep or eat or do anything not to think about what had just happened. He had killed something, someone, who may have been a monster and may have killed his mother but he'd still killed.

He looked over at his cellphone, which was sitting so innocently on his nightstand. He could call John, because maybe John would know what to do.

"Why else? Revenge, which you can blame your daddy for." whatever those things were they knew his dad. This was John's fault, John's fault that his mother was dead and that he had just had to kill a man after being tortured and bitten and cut.

He really was alone then.

At least until the other two came back and found their sibling dead with his brains smashed in. then he wouldn't be so alone but so very dead.

Slowly, because everything still felt like he had been hit by a freight train, Adam got up and walked over to the closet, pulling out a duffle bag.

If he wanted to survive, then he had to leave now without anyone finding him. Before someone else got hurt. These things, the monsters, still wanted him and if he could lead them far enough away…

He only packed the important things, clothes, some food that was easy to carry, all of the money he could find and more importantly the first aid kit. He couldn't patch up now but he'd attempt fixing himself up later.

He walked outside, his brain so tired it was almost on autopilot. He stopped only when he reached the edge of his mom's lawn. "I'm going to come back and I swear to god I'm going to kill you, you sick sons of a bitch." He swore, before walking down the street as fast as he could.

-Chapter 1, end-

Author's note: So that' s about it for the first chapter. Basically the events of "Jumping the shark" happen about four years too early but at least this time he's alive (for now). Adam's a really hard character to nail, he's pretty cynical and snarky so I tried to keep that.

We'll see if he gets any more mature next time.