Okay first things first, Bleach and Naruto belongs to Kubo and Kishimoto not mine...otherwise ITACHI WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!

Naruto woud've had a younger twin sister and she would probably dated Gaara/Itachi/Neji/Shikamaru/Sai

This one idea I took to the one shoujo manga I've read and please if anyone knows about the full series called Shinobi Life...please, please let me know immediately.

It's about Vasta Lorde...only ONE difference though...Vasta Lorde took them into a different time, they can't time travel though...everything will later be explained.

That said please enjoy and tell me what you think :)



I In glimpses of battles,

Some are won, others are lost to us,

In frozen times, do we dirft apart to become stronger? /I

It was another fight against this one Vasta Lorde, he was defeated by luck as he lay there, in between coughs of his own blood, "With…my…last…breath…I'll; take you to a time where you'll be defeated." With that he died using part of his powers, the now Shinigamis', Ichigo (substitute), Renji, Byakuya, Chad and Uruyuu under the order of the General Commander Taichou Yamamoto had to fight against this Vasta Lorde. Rukia was nowhere to be found. Each time when they tried to search via Spirit Pressure tracking it lead to a dead end, she's NOT dead, just mysteriously vanished and this Vasta Lorde was their strongest clue of finding Kuchiki Rukia.

The erea changed around them, this time they were inside a mansion, "Oh boy." Was heard, the men, except Byakuya whipped their head in the direction of the voice, this woman came closer, long waist length smooth bouncy black hair was loose, she had a bathrobe on, a bit of hair fell next to her nose, violet eyes stared at them all; Byakuya felt his heart got stuck in his throat; she was a bit taller than when she was 150 years old, only a shoulder length same height as her sister. She immediately looked at them all, "How? Why?" Was the first words that escaped her lips, it was already noon and it was on her day off, "You know you are lucky it is on my day off, right now we have to hide you from my husband." She answered with a determined smile, pushing them into an empty bedroom, "You'll have to explain to me how you come to be here." She said, "Wait…I'll come by I promise." She said disappearing for a second. She had a lot of changes, she was kinda grateful towards that Vasta Lorde's partner back then.

She wore her standard Shinigami robes on and went back inside, her hair was quickly done into a messy bun, making her look more sultry than normal, "Now…please explain to me how you come to be here?" She asked, Byakuya stared at her, although he made certain she didn't catch his eyes bore on her and the others caught him staring at her. "R-ukia?" Was the first thing that escaped Ichigo's mouth, he blushed furiously, Renji was blushing all over the place; Uruyuu just pulled his glasses upwards some more, "Don't worry Uruyuu even now if it looks bleak don't loose hope in who you truly love." Rukia answered friendly, Chad was well Chad. "Yes, idiot it's me in few years from now…what I've learnt so far or read up on documents so far, is that if I guess correctly, then this will include all of you and your future, you may not escape this room or this confines of this room, I'll bring you necessary food and clothing you can carry, please any of you" here she quickly cast her eyes on her Nii-sama, "may NOT under ANY circumstances meet the future you…if you do then…" She stared sadly at the window at the back of the room, "What will happen Rukia?" Renji asked, "You'll and me will disappear as if we never existed." She said sadness filled her voice, but she smiled. "So tell me how did you come here?" She asked gently again, "We won on sheer luck to beat that Vasta Lorde…he kinda teleported us here." Ichigo replied after long moments of silence, "Oh, then…I'll ask him out on another date, with the date I'll try to bring it to this topic or problem at hand and see what he has to say about this…so please stay here and try at these certain times to hide your spirit rieatsu." She said giving them the times when he'll be there inside the mansion.

She gave them, that night Ramen to eat dinner, as she made herself ready to go out on a date with her husband.

In the meantime…

Rukia had woken up, to a strong smell, she looked around and saw a bird fly out to the setting sun, the sun gave of rays of orange, she thought fondly of a certain substitute Shinigame with spiky orange hair and always wore glare, now whenever they see each other as friends only, for Nii-sama was very strict with her and he ordered her to see him as long as Renji is with her and it must be only on friendly matters. She figured it must be part of his promise to his deceased wife so many years ago.

Children ran with smiles on their faces, the room which she was occupied in was full of handsome men, she was the ONLY female there in recovering mode, all of which was under the healing hands of Haruno Sakura, Rukia wondered if she is any way related to Nii-sama's sword Zenbonsakura.

The men stayed long quiet, but that was all right with her, but when this one young man, with long yellow spiky hair, three fox whiskers on each cheek woken up, he had the striking most beautiful blue eyes Rukia had ever seen; "Sakura-chan…you're mean." He whispered, he had just recently woken up from a terrible dream where his team mate had given him internal bruising for he tried to ask her out again. He almost looked like a mummy; Rukia wanted to laugh but held it in, for a Kuchiki always gives a glare and show no emotion to any one for it's a sign of weakness. Is what they drilled into her, she really started to wonder about that, after a while when he was completely awake, "Ah! You're finally awake!" He said, Rukia stared at him long, "Hey, hey, how long have you been in here?" He asked again, he smiled kindly and Rukia felt her heart began to beat fast. "I don't know how did I come to be here?" She asked instead, "You mean that you don't remember anything at all?" He asked curiously, "No, what should I remember?" She asked feeling slightly depressing, "Oh, while my team and I came back from another mission, you fell and almost hit the ground, I caught you and took you quickly into the Hospital which you are now in, you don't have any village you belong to right?" He asked friendly, "…" Rukia stayed quiet, she didn't know exactly how to replay to that, "It's okay, you can stay here as long as you like…" He said friendly, Rukia took an immediate liking to this handsome man, they've talked and talked; he gave a few jokes she laughed, when the Doctors came in, Rukia almost fell out of her hospital bed, a girl no older than sixteen years old came in and started to heal every one, "Naruto you shouldn't talk so loudly you're going to wake up the other patients that were just operated and healed this morning and they also need their rest." She said, she had shoulder length pink hair, and green eyes, Rukia almost felt out of place, "But Sakura-chan…look the mysterious beauty is finally awake." He said, Rukia blushed deep red that time. Sakura turned around and saw indeed that she's finally awake, "So tell us, please what's your name?" Sakura asked, with a clipboard in her hand.