"What do you mean, with Glorfindel?" Sam demanded as she turned to look at two more bright energy sources streaking toward them across the massive cavern. It was then that she noticed a third hovering a few feet away from them. "Mizar, can you move. We need to move now! Mizar!"

The badly injured elf tried to roll onto his knees and Sirius and Sam helped him rise. The few remaining members of the group headed through the doorway and away from the building heat and the hostile energy beings. The passageway split in two within a few feet of the doorway and Sam stopped with Mizar in the one immediately left while the others checked the right hand fork. They had no idea which one to take. Behind them a sudden blinding light began to dance and a high pitched sound ululated from within the city. Sam and Mizar moved further up the passage and away from the high energy battle that had erupted. A blinding bolt of energy struck the roof of near them. Mizar and Sam threw themselves further up the passage as the roof began to cave in. Sirius and the others ran back, but when the rumble of moving rock had died down the entrance to the left hand passageway was completely blocked.

Meanwhile outside the mountain Jacob and Martouf were rushing to the Tel-Tak with Jack, Teal'c and Legolas at their heels. Sam Gamgee and Gimli rushed after the group moments later as they realised they were leaving and made it to the ship as Jack was closing the hatch. He let them on board and slammed it shut.

Celeborn and Aragorn were discussing how to handle the remaining search with Thranduil and stopped to watch the ship take off. "Should we have gone with them?" Aragorn asked. "I know your tale but what if it is are wrong?"

"We can not help our friends Aragorn, this they must do alone. These Jaffa however are another problem," Celeborn commented bringing their conversation back to their own task. "There will be a battle by the Stargate and the intruders will be desperate. We are going to lose many men there. The more we can stop before they reach their only way out of Middle Earth, the fewer who will die. Break camp quickly, we must be on the move as swiftly as possible." The others nodded agreement and began sending men ahead to chase the escaping Jaffa.

The Tel-Tak sped towards the burning mountain looking for signs of life or a way into it. Jacob sat silently at the controls his face grim as he worried about his daughter. "I hope that light does not mean a volcano is erupting where we sent Sam," he muttered more to himself than anyone on board.

"I trusted Glorfindel not to walk into a death trap," Jack growled in frustration. "That looks a lot bigger blast than any of us expected. Martouf have you found anything? Teal'c?"

Both men shook their heads without taking their eyes off the instruments as they searched for signs of their friends.

"There is very little ash in the air," Jacob commented as he flew the ship low along the valley leading to the mountain. "That has to be a good sign that we are not faced with a volcanic eruption."

"I would be happier with life signs," Jack responded as Legolas leaned over his shoulder staring out of the window, suddenly his hand tightened on Jack's shoulder. "What… What is it Legolas?"

"Down there," he pointed as he concentrated. "I see movement just below that ridge. Do you see it?"

Jack squinted leaning forward. "Legolas is longsighted," Gimli called from the back of the cockpit. "He sees where many do not."

"Put the ship down Jacob just below that ridge," Jack ordered.

"I am already descending," Jacob snapped back proving his words by the sudden and bumpy landing. Everyone was out of their seats and at the hatch before the engine had shut down. They quickly climbed to the ridge where the movement had been seen and could see an opening in the rock.

"Help! Over here!"

They all heard the shout and scrambled over the loose rock toward the voice. At the entrance to the cave system they found an injured elf. Jacob quickly put on his healing device and ran it over unconscious elf. He nodded once and glanced at Jack. "I can heal this, it will not take long. Do not interrupt my concentration, even if he wakes. The jewel in the devise glowed and pulsed as Jacob healed the leg and abdominal injuries.

The elf came awake with a start and pushed the hand away luckily as Jacob was finishing his task. "No time!" He desperately scrambled to his feet. "Mizar and Sam are buried in a tunnel and Glorfindel and Daniel fight the Guardians. You must help them."

"Where are they? Show us," Jacob snapped before Jack could respond and the elf turned to stride back into the cave and then stumbled.

"Take it easy fella," Jack responded patiently for him. "We need you to show us where to go. You will be no good to anyone if you overstretch yourself."

"Jack is right. You had extensive injuries you body is still in shock," Jacob explained and took his arm. "How long did it take you to get to this exit?"

The elf looked at Jacob and Jack for a moment. "Ten maybe fifteen minutes only. I came because the others were digging and I could not help."

"Good man," Jack responded encouragingly. A rumble came like a wave and washed over them and every ones attention went in the direction from which the sound travelled. "Follow slowly at your own pace. I do not think we will have trouble finding the fight." The elf nodded and sat down to recover his balance properly. Everyone began running and found as the light from the entrance faded a red glow showed them the way.

Sam woke to a faint light from a crack in the roof of the passage. The light glowed red from the fire in the city and the air around her was warm. She became conscious of being held tightly and raised her head level with Mizar's. "How are you doing?" she asked him.

"Much better now you are awake," he responded and hugged her tighter. "I thought I had lost you," he whispered into her hair.

"I am not that easy to lose," Sam responded with a chuckle despite their predicament and Mizar laughed and took hold of her chin.

"You are an amazing woman Samantha Carter," He told her and planted a kiss on her nose.

Sam stared up into the beautiful almond shaped eyes and felt her heart pound in response to his show of affection. She raised herself up a little and kissed him back and he responded enthusiastically. When he finally let her go she settled against him and looked around carefully at their little prison. The rock had fallen in sections along the tunnel and they could neither go back out nor retreat up the tunnel. Both ends appeared to be blocked. They both looked upward at the channel of light with doubt. A fire raged beyond that cracked roof and the heat could be making the rock even more unstable.

"They will dig us out of here," Mizar told her.

Sam looked at him a little grimly. "They do not even know if we are alive."

"That will not stop them looking for us," Mizar responded, "as long as they defeat the Guardians."

Sam nodded. "We could attempt to move some of this rock ourselves. It will give us something to do."

Jack's party arrived at the smaller city entrance in time to see the energy cascading from the walls of the caved in cavern. "What the H…!" Jack shouted above the shrieking sounds emanating from above the city. The group ducked for cover as a bright ball of light suddenly flew across the city and landed in the vast raging fire. A blue flash snuffed the blaze out at its centre and the energy dissipated. As masses of smoke rose towards the opening in the cavern roof a loud wailing ensued which was cut off as a second ball of energy disintegrated. The energy rebounded in streams of light from the walls. One final ball of energy remained hovering above the centre of the city for a moment and then slowly it glided towards them. As it came nearer the light began to diminish and die away. As it touched the floor a few yards from them the light faded completely leaving Daniel lying in a heap on the floor with Glorfindel stood over him.

The elf looked at Jack as he rushed towards him and smiled. "Daniel is fine, just a little drained and will recover shortly. Sam and Mizar are still alive also and we need to dig them out quickly."

Jack crouched down and checked Daniel's pulse which was strong and even and rose. "Do you have to be so dramatic about everything? I could managed things just disappearing quietly just fine," he drawled and turned back to see that the others had joined the surviving elves in moving fallen rock from the passage entrance. They picked Daniel up between them and carried him to where the work was being carried out. As they began to haul rock themselves the elf from the entrance returned and joined in. It took them a good hour to remove sufficient rock to produce a hole large enough for the trapped couple to crawl through.

Jack looked at a rather dust caked Sam and grinned in relief. "Think it is time to get out of here."

"Yes Sir," She replied and returned the grin.

They placed the still unconscious Daniel on a quickly made stretcher and began to walk away from the city when Sam noticed Mizar and Glorfindel were not following and stopped. "Come on, its time to see the sun again," she called but then she saw Mizar sink to his knees and ran back. Everyone stopped and began to walk back wondering what was wrong now. Mizar lay on his back and Glorfindel took hold of his head and Mizar opened his eyes. Sam knelt beside him concern on her face. "Mizar we need to get you medical aid. We will carry you," she finished.

"No," he responded and reached up to stroke her face. "I am sorry Sam but I can not come with you. I am still here because that being left a little of itself in me, but it is fading. I can not sustain this life."

Tears began to trickle down Sam's face. "My father can…"

"No. I do not want him to try. I am to go with Glorfindel now and I will be fine. I can not stay here, I must… Let you go. You must let me go." He began to cough and a little blood trickled from his mouth as he deteriorated rapidly.

"Mizar…" Sam whispered.

"If he comes with me he will not lose his life," Glorfindel told her. "If he stays nothing will save him, not even the healing device."

"Where are you going Glorfindel?" Jack asked.

"Somewhere that you can not follow us," Glorfindel replied as he began to glow again.

The glow spread to the now still figure of Mizar and Jack heard a sob beside him and found Sirius watching his brother vanish before his eyes. Sam stood up and stepped away as the energy brightened and lifted. They all heard an echoing, "Goodbye." The light suddenly shot up through the opening in the cavern roof and vanished. Sam stood frozen to the spot and did not react. Jack put a hand on his shoulder but she pulled away without looking at anyone. She picked up her belongings and walked silently out of the cavern just as Daniel came too.

Daniel opened his eyes and looked around confused. "What happened?"

Jack sighed but leaned down and pulled him to his feet. "It's a long story. At least we do not have to carry you."

"Where is Glorfindel?" Daniel asked then looked around. "Where is….?"

"Daniel." Jack broke in somewhat tiredly. "Just let it go for the moment. Later."

With that they all silently followed Sam back toward the Tel-Tak.


The Stargate had stood silent and unused on Middle Earth for countless years. Ivy had even clambered its way up and around the circle possibly by managing to cling to the symbols. At the bottom of the steps a small old figure stood studying it. His grey curly hair blew in the gentle breeze and flicked into his eyes enough for him to push it out of the way in mild annoyance. The stooped figure hobbled to the controls and stood for a moment studying them and then lifting his pack onto a shoulder he began to dial in the co-ordinates he wanted.

The Stargate began to rotate to its combination signs and tore the ivy to shreds letting it fall to the ground around its base. A gout of energy poured from the centre with a noise made even louder by the silence around it. The little figure jumped in surprise at the sight and noise as it had been many years since he had seen it in action. He looked at the energy twisting in the centre of the Stargate and knew there was something different, wrong about it but he just sighed and hobbled up the steps. He paused on the brink as if changing his mind, but there was no point to worrying, 'I only have a few more weeks to live. What does it matter?' With that thought he resolutely stepped into the energy to be whisked away through space and time.

It was a cold Egyptian night at the dig site and everyone was huddled up in their beds and asleep except for one lone figure. He was studying their new find from several feet away trying to guess its purpose. He quietly smoked his pipe as he stood there in the dark and wondered why he was in Egypt when he knew he would soon be taking arms for his country's protection. He shook his head at the stupidity that he knew would soon plunge the world into chaos. Suddenly the object of his study began to move, he could hear it revolving like some giant combination lock. A deep seated superstition made him back further away and it took him beyond harms way. The energy that spouted from its centre made him drop his pipe and his eyes widened in shock. He stared at the shimmering surface that reminded him of water and as he did so a small figure emerged tripping on the rim. The figure sprawled on the ground in front of the circle as the energy died away.

The strange little man struggled to his feet and seemed ordinary somehow and certainly not a threat, so the observer stood and waited as the newcomer hobbled towards him. Finally he looked up into his face and smiled. "Hello, I guess you must be the Mister Tolkien I am looking for. My name is Sam Gamgee and I have something very important to tell you. I only have a few hours and then I must go back. Where can we talk?" Tolkien stood dumbfounded for a moment and then pointed across the dig to his small tent and Sam hobbled towards it. He followed slowly wondering when it was he had gone to bed and why he could not remember doing it.

Two hours later Sam and his new friend left the tent and walked back to the Stargate so that he could dial home. The DHD that disappeared only a month later stood to one side of the Stargate covered in sand but it was still operational. The last Tolkien saw of the little man was Sam disappearing back through the Stargate's energy field, then the field died and he walked away. He never told anyone what the device was or could do. He did not believe the human race was ready for that kind of knowledge.

Another wave of ionic energy from the Sun caused a second surge. Sam was thrust back through time another hundred years into the past. When he emerged he sat down beside the Stargate and ate lunch. He knew he had a long way to walk to reach Rivendell and Elrond. Clever Elrond who had never let on that he and Sam Gamgee had met before. Well now it was his turn to play the game.


I would really like reviews now this story has come to an end. Hope that you enjoyed it.