~Heal My Heart~


Full Summary: Sakura Haruno is 15, is poor, has no father, and has a personality where everybody likes her.
Itachi is 20, is a rebel but not cold-hearted and lives on his own because parents didn't want him.

Itachi and Sakura met by chance. Sakura is almost rape by a group of thugs, Itachi comes and saves her life. They began to talk to one another. The next day they meet and realizes their feeling for each other. After a while, they decide to bring things to the next level and Sakura winds up pregnant and she decides to keep the baby.

After three months past, Itachi is killed in a motorcycle accident so all she has left is the baby inside her. All she has is her mother and this newcomer guy at school who, strangely enough, looks like her dead lover (he's his long-lost younger brother) and he falls in love with her and she slowly falls in love with him.


"...And also, Itachi, I'm pregnant."


"Girl, I've done this before

I get faded all alone

Til' my body gets thin

and forget all of my sins"

~The weeknd ft. Rich Hill: Nomads~


Sasuke couldn't believe it, he watched as she turned back to her brother's grave, her hand rubbing lovingly over her stomach, a light smile on her face. Sakura was pregnant! Sakura was pregnant with his brother's baby! His nephew or niece was inside her! He let out a breathe, shaking his head slightly looking down at his shoes. What?! He was reacting as if he was the father. He looked at Itachi's grave and realized; this kid would grow up without father. He stared sadly at sakura as she wrapped her arms around herself. "Itachi, you went too soon." He said to himself. He walked toward her, getting down to his knees along side her. He threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'll be here." He said.


"I'll be here," He repeated, "If you need anything, I'll be here for you." She smiled sadly, leaning her head against him.

"Thank you, Sasuke."

This is the least he could do for Itachi; be there for the woman he loved and the child he left behind. He wasn't the one to believe in fate but it had to be. Meeting the girl that Itachi loved before his death, then she's pregnant. He had to be here.


As time passed and Sakura was six months along, her stomach grew big noticeably among people. The kids at school noticed the most and spread rumors about her pregnancy. She once wore an over sized sweater to cover up but all that did was made everything worse. He had told everyone that he was father, shocking Sakura and breaking the hearts of a couple of girls but it was what he had to do for them to stop terrorizing her.

He had met her mother, she was just as bubbly as her daughter. She was shocked to find out that Itachi was his brother but all in all, loved him. He grown very protective of her and the unborn baby, that he practically followed her everywhere. He picked her up to go to school, went back home with her; stayed almost all night until she went to sleep and did it all over again the next day.

He had to explain to his parents where was he going, he just simply said that he had a girlfriend. He was kind of glad that they didn't want ask to see her. It would be kind of awkward to present Sakura while she was pregnant with Itachi's kid. He wondered what they would do or say if they found out a piece of Itachi was still here. He couldn't even imagine it.

Pulling up in Sakura's driveway, he noticed her mother was yet again not here. He didn't like that one bit; this looked like a bad neighborhood for Sakura to be left alone in her very vulnerable position. Walking to her door, he knocked a couple of times in a rhythm only Sakura knew that it would be him at her door. A couple of seconds later, the door flew open, revealing Sakura, her hair was disheveled and she wore sweatpants and a black t-shirt. "Did you bring what I asked?" She said stopping him with her hand. He rolled his eyes and held up a grocery bag filled with ice cream sandwiches. She smiled and took them out his hand, "You may come in." She said grinning.

He let out a chuckle, "You're going to get fat if you keep eating like this." He said closing and locking the door behind him. She shrugged her shoulder, already having open a box, pulling one out.

"Hey, my body is craving it, so it can have all it wants." She said biting into one and patting her stomach, "Anyway, why do you want to come over?" She asked.

"You're mom isn't here, that's why. I don't want you to be in here all alone, what if something happens like you fall or you go into premature labor." She made a small noise before sitting down on her couch, letting out a sigh of relief. She lifted her feet up on the coffee table in front of her. She looked at her feet and frowned.

"Look how bad my feet swelled up and they're sore." She pouted. Sasuke sat down beside her.

"Let me see them." He said grabbing onto her legs until they rested on his. Sakura's eyes widen as he began to work one of her feet in his hands, her head fell back on the arm rest.

"I didn't know you knew how to massage. That feels so good." He smirked, hearing a moan escape her.

"I used to massage my mom's feet when I was younger." He said switching to her other one, he looked up to see her staring at the ceiling in thought.

"Are you going to tell them about it?" She asked.

He shook his head, "No, I don't want to create any problems for you." She looked down at him with a raised brow.

"What do you mean? I think they deserve to know that their eldest son has a child on the way."

"Do you think so? Itachi wasn't all too keen of them to know what was going on his life, much less he'd had a kid."

"But I want them to know that they are soon to have a grandchild. They lost a son, at least they can know that a piece of Itachi is still with them." Sasuke pushed her feet off him and grabbed her by her shoulders, lifting her carful not the hurt her.

"I wouldn't tell them. Look where you live, look what your mother is doing. My parents have enough authority to take the baby away." She pushed his hands away from her and glared at him.

"Don't talk about my mom, bastard! She is doing the best she can, okay!" Sasuke shook his head.

"You're missing the point Sakura. You're 15 and pregnant, you live in a fucked up neighborhood and your mother is a escort. If I tell my parents, they're going to take away your baby." She looked down in defeat.

"I just...I just don't want to feel bad to keep a grandchild away from someone's decreased son." She said, tears welling up in her eyes. Sasuke let out a huge sigh before pulling her into a hug.

"If you want, I can tell them that its mine. Me and Itachi always looked alike, so it could pass when the baby is born. They'll be able to see it without knowing who's the real father." She looked up from his chest.

"You would do that? What if they disapprove of it?"

"Who cares, really."

"I do! What if they do you the same as Itachi and disown you?

"I highly doubt they'd do that. I'm their only son now and they have no choice but to take in that I had a kid." He said flashing his smile down at her. She also smiled before returning his hug.

"Thank you, I swear if I didn't meet you, I wouldn't know where I'll be."