Sebastian walked through the mansion halls after he'd dressed Ciel, and gave him the morning news, as well as breakfast. He turned a corner, and entered the new intern's room. He wasn't surprised in the least to see her sleeping upon the bed, the material she'd made that very night clutched tightly in her hands as she snuggled up to it. He sighed, before removing the fabric from her grasp and examined it. She'd chosen the colors navy blue and black. Every sewn patch made another stand out. The jacket and pants were both a fine black material, whereas the inside, collared shirt a dark blue, with light grey engravings on the textile visible to the eye. It was perfect. On the chest pocket, there was a single black button, smaller than his pinky.

"Well, someone's taken a liking to my work." His eyes flew to their corners, landing on the now awake girl who was yawning very cat like. He placed the garment on his arm, before turning to her.

"It is time to meet the master." He raised an eyebrow as her nose wrinkled in disgust, and she crossed her arms.

"I'm really not in the mood. I came here to work, not make friends with the Earl." Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her, before taking grasp of her wrist and dragging her out of the room. She whined, but didn't put up any force, knowing it would be useless.

"I don't wana…" He sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You're being childish. Come." Before she could say anything more, she was practically thrown into the fanciest dining hall she'd ever seen in her life. Instantly, her eyes wandered over the silver utensils, ceramic plates, large gold candle chandelier, and a certain chair holding a certain twelve year old. With a grunt, she composed herself and walked toward him, huffing annoyed.

"You called?" Ciel smirked, before lacing his fingers under his chin, and looking down at her arrogantly.

"Bow." She stared at up him, shocked, before crossing her arms, and stomping a foot, glaring at the kid. He smirk grew, before he spoke the words once more, "I said bow." She growled, and knew that if she weren't such a 'lady' she'd pounce on him, and scratch his eyes out, and cut off that distasteful tongue. Instantly, colorful words describing the kid ran through her mind; nonetheless, she bowed, glaring at the floor. He clapped his hands once, before nodding. "Good."

"Look, brat, what is it exactly you want?" She lost her temper at the dog-like compliment. Ciel ignored her words and her tone as he gestured for her to take the seat in front of him. Cautiously, she sat, eyes narrowed and focused on the midnight haired boy.

"Your clothes are known throughout the world as magnificent if not better. I'm sure even the queen has one hidden in her wardrobe somewhere. I want you to make clothes for my toys." She stared at him, trying to figure out if this was a joke before laughing and crossing her legs, placing her head upon a hand resting on the chair's arm.

"Look, kid. My attires are made for that on the high of the food chain—humans. If I reduce my wears to silly little toys, it would be a humiliation I wouldn't live down; also, I make the attire. It would be stupid to have it owned by the Funtom company, when they had nothing to do with its creation, whatsoever." Ciel listened to every business word that came from her, already fishing out a contract, regardless of her protests; he'd already had everything planned out, of course. Placing the official document that only needed signing upon his desk; he stared back at her, Sebastian now joining his side.

"You do not have to stop making clothes for your own profit. That is your business and I have no interest in taking that away. As for ownership, on every piece of material you make for my company, the underside will be stamped with your logo. You will be paid double your income. So is this a deal, Miss Pennington?" She growled, at the flawless proposal, and took the pen, signing her name. Both Ciel and Sebastian smirked, and she looked away humiliated. "It was nice doing business with you, Cecilia." She fisted her hand, and gaped as she stared upon the lightly tanned skin with anger. On the back of her hand, was a circle with three intertwined loops written in black but glowing purple. She turned her head back towards the little kid, and gave a fierce threatening glare. On his chest, she could see the top of the symbol, the rest covered by his clothing.

"Bastard…" She growled, before walking out the room, her falling over by force. As stepped out of the room, she frowned, and slammed her hand on the wall, angrily. "He knew the whole time. He knew I was a demon, and he made a contract." She walked outside the mansion, ready to unleash her anger.

Sebastian felt pride, as he wanted to applaud his master. He'd tricked a demon a task not many could do. Ciel chuckled as he stared out the window, sky turning a dark grey, and clouds rolling in faster than he'd ever seen; he didn't care. By that contract, she couldn't harm him one bit. The mansion shook ever so slightly, as loud clashes were heard just outside, and he stared amazed as red lightning slammed the clouds infuriated. Sebastian smirked, before placing a cup of tea on his master's desk.

"You've done well, my lord." Ciel nodded as if this happened every day, before his eyes landed on his three other servants who were freaking out at the…odd weather.

"Master! What should we do! The lightning is red!" Meirin shrieked. Ciel sighed, and now he was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Cecilia, come inside." He didn't bother speaking the words any louder than he'd already done. He knew she could hear his call, and it was proven, when the sky cleared up, and the front door slam was heard, before the raven haired demoness walked in the room as if nothing had happened, an annoyed expression harbored her face.

"You called, young master."


Cecilia is just being introduced to the Phantomhive Estate...the hard way. Anger is now her best friend, seeing as she was tricked into slavery with Ciel. Even though, she feels almost the utmost pride for being able to serve under Ciel. He'd tricked her into eternal slavery, even if it's totally messed up on her part. Sebastian as well feel pride for the young master, and wishes to serve no one else. However, Cecilia must learn that to keep her place in the Phantomhive estate, she's got to think like them, which means to follow under Ciel's word no matter how ruthless the order.

Thanks for reading guys! Reviews are nice!