Chapter 1: Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Gohan's eyes opened. He looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and sighed relaxingly. It was the first day of peace on earth, at least for now. He placed his foot on the wooden floor of his house, rubbed his hand through his black hair, and walked into the kitchen where his whole family was already eating.

"Hi son." His father said in-between eating stacks of pancakes.

Goten looked as if he was trying to compete with his father, but had decided that there was no use.

"Good morning" He replied, as he walked over to the counter and took a stack of pancakes for himself.

"You guys are a mess!" Chi Chi screamed as she looked at the nastiness her family left for her after she just cooked all of this food.

He just sat and listened as his mother screamed and his father would say the craziest things to make her mad. His whole life he had become somewhat accustomed to this very thing. Of course it had subsided a little when his father had 'died'.

After breakfast he took a shower and got dressed. It was weird doing all of this normal stuff again. After all of this time fighting and training, the whole average human thing would take some time getting used to.

"Gohan!" His mother called after him still in the kitchen cleaning up from their breakfast.

"Yeah, mom." He walked into the kitchen.

"I thought I should tell you that you aren't off the hook." She placed the mop that she was using on the counter, and placed both of her hands on her hips. "You are still going to go to school and you are still going to finish up graduating." She was pointing her finger at him, so he would know that she was serious. Unlike her husband, her oldest son actually feared her a bit or actually cared enough to listen to her.

"Okay. I wasn't planning on not graduating." He said calmly with no type of real expression in his voice. "But I was planning on taking this day off. Just to get used to my old routine."

"Oh…well as long as you don't get the wrong impression. Go have a good day back in the world without the looming destruction." She said as she grabbed the mop back and went back to her somewhat positive attitude. "Make sure you are back before dinner. You know how your father and Goten hate waiting on food."

"Okay, mom?" He thought about it before he stepped out of the doorway.


"Is it okay if Videl comes to dinner?" His cheeks began to blush a bit. It was weird bringing up her name. His family, especially his mom, had this weird notion that they were going to get together. They never missed a chance to tease him about her.

"Of course she is allowed to come. You know I really like that girl…"

"And you want grandchildren before you die." He finished for her. "You tell me that almost every time that I bring her up. Videl and I aren't even dating." He said feeling odd about talking like this. He had no plans on getting serious with Videl or having children any time soon.

"Yeah, well the grandchildren thing can wait. Until after you graduate college and get a career. But I really do want the possibility of being able to have grandchildren soon."

"Chi Chi, will you stop badgering that boy about marriage. He is a teenager." Gohan said as he walked inside of the house with Goten on his shoulders. "He is also a warrior. There is no real time for weddings when there is training and teenager things to be done."

"Listen, we just got finished with all of the fighting. Can we not talk about training for a while?" Chi Chi snapped back as she looked at her husband and youngest child.

"I am going to go. I will see you guys later." He said as he saw an argument coming between them. They never really pushed him in training as much as they did about school. Which made Vegeta really mad, because at one point he was one of the strongest of his kind when he was really young. He walked on to his grass, and then took off.

The wind felt good along his skin as he flew very high above the town. Before he knew it, he was standing outside of the very lavish mansion that Videl lived at. He was about to knock on the door, when Videl came out.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know. I figured that we should spend the first day of peace with each other. Considering that you were there from the first day of fighting." He said in a 'why not?' kind of voice.

"I am sorry, but my dad is really on edge about everything. He kind of thinks that with you in my life, everything gets turned upside down." She said as she rubbed her arm and looked down on the floor.

"He is right." He nodded his head yes with a smile. "But I don't care about him. If you don't want me here, then I will leave." He stated knowing that she didn't want him to leave. In fact she wanted him to stay maybe forever. They hadn't really talked about the scene where she cried and hit him, because she thought that he was dead.

"I don't want you to go." She said lowly. A blush rose on her cheek. She felt his body so close to hers. His very large muscles were bulging out of the white T shirt he was wearing.

"We need to talk." He said looking behind him at all of the services in the mansion, who were probably on the phone with Mr. Satan right now, telling him that he was here.

"How about the woods, near your house? Where you taught me how to fly?" She said finding her voice again. She was beginning to feel like her old self. The strong Videl, not the one that flustered over a boy, not even if he was half Alien as well.

"That sounds great." He smiled. "Do you want to-?" Before he could finish the sentence she was up in the air.

"Come on." She waved him up. When she looked down she saw that half smile that made her heart drop to her stomach. It felt so good to see it again, because for a long time she thought she might never see it again.

They flew in the air together, without a word. Every once in a while they would glance down at each other, and twice they caught the eyes of one another. But they would just blush and look away.

Videl's feet hit the green grass first. She smelled the fresh clean air. But it soon stopped and smelled like that soap that he used.

They found a nice spot by a pond and sat next to each other.

"I-" She was about to say something, when there was this soft object that touched her lips. It took a second to figure out that it was his lips, and it took another second to get used to the feeling. She thought for sure that Gohan didn't like her like that.

He stopped kissing her and closed his eyes. He regretted the fact that he had kissed her right away, he thought for sure that she didn't like him like that.

She blushed, bit her bottom lip, and looked down at the grass.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I know that you don't like me like that. I just couldn't help it." He finally looked up at her, into her eyes.

The blackhead couldn't help, but laugh. This strong guy, who could beat almost anybody on this planet was apologizing for kissing her. It was funny to her.

"Did I do something that was funny?" He asked not catching the joke.

"No…" She leaned in and kissed him back. Just a peck though, there was something about him that was kind of intimidating now. Now, that she knew the truth about him. It helped a little to know that he was one of the good guys.

He blushed. "I guess, that means that-"

"When I thought that you were dead, it felt like somebody had stabbed me with a knife right in my stomach. I wasn't just upset because you were somebody that was and still are close to me, but because I care about you a lot." She couldn't stop herself. There was something about this guy that made her melt. It was like everything that had been spinning in her head since she found out the truth about him, was just coming out.

"I care about you too." He looked into her black eyes. "But your dad is right. I am no good for you."

She smiled. "Are you sure about that? I mean, you are a guy that can pretty much protect me from anything." She joked looking at him. "Not like I need that much protection."

"Exactly." He said looking at her as he thought in his head. "You don't need protection from me when it comes to anything on this earth. Your father is Mr. Satan after all. The things you would need protection from me for, are things that I place in your life. By being a Saiyan."

"Mr. Son? Are you implying that I can't handle your lifestyle?" She asked pretending to be hurt by what he had just said. "In case you haven't noticed, I have seen some pretty crazy stuff the past couple of months. I have almost seen the destruction of the earth. Besides the part where you 'died', I think that I handled it pretty well."


"Gohan, I care about you. I don't care if you are a Saiyan or some crazy creature from under the deepest part of the ocean. I want you. And incase you haven't noticed, I always get what I want."

As much as he wanted too, he couldn't resist the temptation. He leaned in and kissed her again. In his mind this was a dream. There was no way that a girl like this could be real. A beautiful girl, that was strong-willed, and actually wanted to put up with his lifestyle.

When they were done with the kiss, they just gazed at one another. It became so intense that they both had to look away.

After about a second, to just think, Videl looked over at Gohan. "I have a few questions about what happened." She said looking at him with interest. This new world was kind of intriguing to her.

He put his arm around her, and they lay down on the ground, both of them gazing at the clouds. "Ask away."

They spent hours talking about the Saiyan race, and why Gohan is the way that he is. Then they spent more time talking about Videl and her life. The two reminisced until the sun began to fade away.

Videl's stomach began to grumble a little as she looked up at the sky.

"Hungry?" He asked as he looked at his whatever she was to him. He wanted her to be his girlfriend, but he had no clue if that was moving a little to fast.

"Yeah. I had barely finished getting dressed when you came to my door this morning. I was eating breakfast in the den, when I saw you fly down on my grass."

Gohan jumped up. "Oh my…" He said as he looked around at the forest around him, and the lake that was calm. "I forgot that I had to be home for dinner." He said getting a bit worried about his mothers' reaction to his lateness.

"Oh. Than maybe I should just…" She stood up and turned to the other direction. Deep down she really didn't want that conversation that they had to ever end. It was so comforting knowing more about this guy that she truly cared about. It made her feel like she was trustworthy, and he actually meant it when he said he cared too.

"Actually, I kind of asked my mom if you could come over." He said as he placed his hand behind his head. "I hope that you don't mind."

"No." Her hopes began to get high again. "I don't mind at all actually."

A sigh of relief washed over him. "Okay, I have to ask one more favor of you though."

"What is it?"

"Do you mind if I fly you to my house? I need to get there quick, and your flying is great, but it's…"

"Nothing compared to yours. I know." She said it understanding it, but a bit jealous of it. She was always raised to be one of the best at everything. 'I guess that I have to get used to the fact that they are going to be better than me at everything physically. At least they don't like to show it off.' She thought in her head. "It's fine."

He smiled. Then as gently as he possibly could, he picked her up, and cradled her in his arms. It felt weird to be so close to her.

As much as she wanted to resist it, she felt so good in his arms. His muscles were surrounding her, and even though she was so far up in the air, she trusted that he wasn't going to drop her. By the concentration in his eyes, she could tell that he was being as soft as he could possibly be, which seemed so amazing to her. He actually had to concentrate to be gentle. In the deepest part of her mind, she knew that he was the one. Everything about him amazed her, and she knew that there would never be a day in her life where he wouldn't.

The two teenagers had landed in front of his house in less than two minutes. Gohan placed Videl down on her feet, and they walked into the house together.

"There you are son. Nice of you to show up." Gohan said with a chuckle. "Oh. Hey, Videl." He said with a smile and a wave.

"Hi, dad." He said to his father. That was always something about his father. It was like nothing ever got to him.

"Gohan is that you!" Chi Chi screamed from in the kitchen.

"Yes, mom." He knew that he was about to hear it. Although, he hoped that she would go easy considering that he had company.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU WHEN YOU LEFT OUT OF THIS HOUSE A COUPLE OF HOURS AGO? YOU HAVE EVERBODY STARVING! YOUR POOR BROTHER IS ALMOST HALF WAY ALSEEP!" She screamed as she walked into the living room area where they all stood. "Oh, Hi, Videl. How are you doing?"

"Fine, Mrs. Son." She said as she tried not to giggle. It still was weird to her that this woman could control this household, with all of these strong men in the house.

"GOTEN! COME DOWN TO EAT! YOUR BROTHER HAS FINALLY DECIDED TO SHOW UP!" She screamed up to her youngest son as she walked her family to the table. "I am sorry if some of the stuff may be cold, I tried my best to heat it up." She said as she sat at the table.

"I am sorry, mom. Videl and I got carried away and we lost track of time."

"I hope you mean, that you guys were carried away in deep conversation." She said as she stood up to serve everybody food. "I know that I always say that I want grandchildren before I die, but like I said no time soon."

Videl began to cough at the mention of grandchildren. "I am sorry, what?"

"I don't know. My mom has this crazy idea that we are going to get married. I told her that we aren't even dating yet, but she is one stubborn lady." He said as low as he possibly could to where it was only audible to her.

She began to blush a little. It felt weird to know that she was the topic of actual discussion in this house, considering that they are from another planet.

As it was last time she ate over here. All three of the Saiyans were finished with their third plate, and heading on a fourth, before she was even half way through her first. It was something that she had become somewhat accustom too. Not like she was before, when she first saw Gohan and Goten eat. "I love your cooking Mrs. Son. It's delicious."

"Thanks, sweetheart. Why don't you come over some time, and I will teach you how to make some things? I mean if you are going to stay around for a while, then you have to know how to cook."

Another blush entered on her face. It was beginning to her annoy her, that she kept blushing so much. As much as she would love to maybe marry Gohan, it was something that she wasn't thinking about any time soon.

"But besides that, all the wives are throwing this party for our warriors in two days, and I was wondering if you would like to come." She said as she looked across the table at the young girl that reminded her somewhat of herself.

"I don't know. Don't you think that's more of a family thing? I don't want to intrude." She said looking up at the food a bit.

"Nonsense." Goku said as he stopped eating for a second. "Everybody loves you." He managed to say that before he shoved another spoonful of rice in his mouth.

"I would love to come then. Do you need help setting up?" She asked looking at Chi Chi.

"Boy, do we. Imagine double the Saiyan in this house." She shook her head as she thought about how much time she spends just trying to feed her family.

Videl laughed and placed some food in her mouth. It was so delicious. Absolutely nothing like what the cook prepared at her house or the frozen dinners. This was one of the only times that she actually ate with people as well, usually at home she would eat by herself, or take her food up to her room.

After dinner, Gohan told his mother where he was going briefly, then rushed out the door before she could say something embarrassing. Of course being the humble guy he is, he apologized as soon as they took flight to go to her house.

"There is nothing to apologize for. I love your family." She said truthfully.

"They sure as hell love you too." He said, really meaning that he loved her too. But there was just something so final about that word, it wasn't the right timing for it.

They just flew for a while in the air. Once they got to her house, Gohan walked her up to the front porch.

"I had a great time today." She admitted as she walked with him up to her front door.

"Me too." He said as he placed his hands into his pocket. "I think that we should finish up the conversation that we were having by the lake though."

She gave him a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I really care about you and everything with Boo made me realize something." He said thinking before he said something that he might regret later on.


"It made me realize that life is too short to be scared to do something. I just have to go for it." He said trying to hype himself up as well as explain it to her.

"Okay?" Her face still puzzled. She was completely confused about what he was talking about.

"Videl, I really care about you. When I heard that Boo had killed you, I got that same pain in my stomach as you did, when you thought that I was dead." He explained as he looked into her eyes. "I don't want to be just your friend anymore. I care about you way to much to just keep calling you that."

She smiled because in her head she knew what he was getting at.

"I guess what I am trying to say, in the long drawn out version is, would you be my girlfriend?"

She smiled and bit her bottom lip again. "I don't know. I have never been a girlfriend to anybody before. Then there is the fact that you are a Saiyan. Are you sure that I can handle it?" She teased.

"I am being serious here." He said chuckling, which relieved some of the stress.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend." She said as she got on her tip-toes, and kissed him on the lips.

He was able to relax when she had finally said yes. The human side of him just wanted to keep kissing her forever, but the Saiyan side was scared to progress. "I guess I should go home now. I told my mom I would be home in a couple of minutes."

"Yeah, my dad is probably watching our every move right this second." She smiled, because she knew that her dad could never hurt this guy.

"I will see you for the party, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." She could feel him leaving her and it kind of pained her. She wanted him to stay and hold her through the night, and to wake up and start everyday like today. But she knew that they had enough time to do that. Especially, now that the world wasn't in danger of ending at any minute anymore.

He backed up and watched that she got into the front door safely, and when he knew that the coast was clear, he threw his fist up in the air with victory, and flew home happily.

Meanwhile, Videl closed the front door and leaned on it for a while. She put her hands toward her chest and just smiled. It seemed like the whole day was a dream. It felt like that didn't just happen, and she wasn't officially Gohan Son's girlfriend. The dream ended when her father came storming to the front door.


"Dad, I am not little anymore." She said firmly as she walked toward the big spiral staircase that led to a hallway filled with at least twenty bedrooms and ten bathrooms.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Hercule Satan screamed at the top of his lungs to his daughter.

"Remember when you told me, the only boy that I could ever be with, would be the boy that was stronger than you?" She asked looking at his expression go silent. "I used to think that was unfair because you were the 'strongest man alive'." She said in air quotes. "Well, if you fight him, and win, then I won't date him. But If you loose, than you have to backup your promise, don't you?"

He looked at her with anger in his eyes. "You know that is unfair. He will beat me in a fight by just using one finger."

"Exactly." She said with a smile. She went down to her father and kissed him on the cheek. "Goodnight, dad." With that she went back to smiling, as she walked into her room and began to change into her pajamas.