Yeah, so school doesn't like me, but since its so snowy out, I have no school tomorrow! ^^

I didn't get any reveiws for the last chapter, so I'm shooting for atleast 5 before the next one is posted!

Megan leaned against the bright blue walls that formed the nurses office, running a tired hand through her blonde bangs. The boy, Pip according to the bitch of secretary, was now sleeping deeply, his breathing slow and relaxed. She was glad he was able to chill, especially after taking such a beating…

Cautiously removing her hand and from his thin thigh, she gave the office door a tug, successfully yanking the heavy door open with little interruption in the boys fretful slumber. The woman at the desk in front of her looked around the computer screen she was staring into and gave her a bored glance. Shrugging off the battered boy like he was less than a dog, she stayed put in her seat and didn't bother to say a word. Megan's brows came together hard, enraged by the middle-aged woman's reaction. Storming up to the desk noisily, she gave a loud ahem and was answered with a rude, "What."

Her face set in a firm scowl, Megan said just as rude, "Listen lady, unless you're going to get your lazy ass outa that chair, I suggest you stop bein such a bitch and tell me where the nurses's office is!"

Unfazed by her fowl language, Mrs. Lily pointed over her shoulder to an open doorway through which she could see a yellow and white styled counter that matched the floors. The two females stared each other down for several moments until the older one blew and popped a large bubble with her mint gum and turned away.

Had she not had an injured boy on her back, Megan would have thrown her head back confidently and walked away proudly. Seeing as she did, she stuck with slowly turning, still keeping her head high, and taking calm steps towards the doorway. His breath was shallow against her neck, sending goose bumps up her spine, but she resisted the urge to shake them off as she stepped into the blindingly blue room.

The room was decorated sparingly; two small hospital style beds pushed up against the right wall, the wall in front of her was counter tops and cabinets in that hideous color combo and the left wall had an empty desk with the name tag Ms. Lily. Raising a brow at the name, the burnet lowered the small boy onto the crisp white sheets, not bothering to try and cover him.

Stepping outside of the room briefly, she held onto the door frame as she directed a simple question towards the secretary, "Nurse?"

Mrs. Lily turned to give her a bland look and pointed at the door on her right that read TEACHERS LOUNGE in the familiar brown-green. Nodding as the gray haired woman turned away she strode up to the door with a determined look. Knocking her knuckles against the metal in three short raps, she listened closely as she heard several people moving around inside. The door cracked open a bit and two black eyes peered out at her. "What!" The voice was so harsh she couldn't distinguish a gender.

Giving her a curious look, Megan raised her finger at the dark figure, "You the nurse?"

The eyes glared back at her and answered, "Yeah! What of it!"

It sounded like the bitch at the front desk. Maybe a sister? "There's a kid who got beat up, you think you could, I dunno….fix him?"

She squinted her dark eyes at her and asked, "Who is it?"

Shrugging, she replied, "I dunno, a really pretty boy with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. He's about this tall," She put a hand about three inches above her own head. "And he's really thin. You know 'im?"

Ms. Lily held a far away look in her black orbs as she sorted through her file cabinets of memories, "Sounds familiar…"

"That weird French kid!" Someone from the inside piped in.

"Huh?" There was a moment of silence as a cabinet in her head got jammed and wouldn't budge.

"Pip." The first Miss Lily finally added, dropping some oil onto the rails, letting her find that one file.

"Oh yeah! That kid!" She looked almost surprised but once again returned to a look of indifference as she continued, "Okay, whatever." And the heavy door was slammed in her face.

She stumbled back in surprise, but quickly regained herself to flip off the teachers who were laughing loudly and yell back, "Fuck you, you jerks!"

Storming past the undaunted secretary, she fumed obscenities under her breath. Her white and gray sharpied converse came to a sudden stop in the door way when she saw Pip stirring uncomfortably in the bed. Hurrying towards him worriedly, her inner mother taking over her anger, Megan's concerned hand came to rest on his bruised forehead and partially over his swollen eyes as he attempted to sit up.

Whispering in a kind voice, she could see him visibly relax, "Don't worry honey, you're in the nurses office. The bully's are gone," She saw him tense up again and felt him try to open his eyes against her hand. "There's no one else here. I want you to stay right here, okay?"

He nodded slowly. Using her other hand to place his thin arm over his eyes, she slowly removed her own and walked to the cabinets. Humming lightly, she opened the first cabinet and grabbed the cotton swabs and gauze that were on the shelf. The next cabinet had hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin and the one after had different sizes of band aids and she snatched several sizes.

Turning quickly with her arms over loaded with medical supplies, she saw the blonde attempt to sit up and quickly rushed to his side, dropping the stuff carelessly on the floor. Placing a gentle hand on his small chest and the other behind his head, she said, "Jeez, I told you to stay put!"

She helped him rise so that he sat up right and he placed a hand to his own forehead as his body slumped forward. Mumbling almost to himself, he apologized, "Terribly sorry, it's just if I stay laying down I'll fall asleep and miss much too much of class."

Her hand came down on his shoulder gently as she said firmly, "I don't give two shits about class at the moment, okay? It's the first day of school, there's nothing important happening, we won't miss a thing." The blonde nodded in silent agreement. "Now just relax a little, you need to have those cleaned out and bandaged, you look like shit, dude."

He chuckled at her brash nature and nodded once again. She bent down and picked up the peroxide and swabs, and started by saying, "The chick at the front desk said your name was Pip, but I figured I should ask you first."

He was kind of surprised at the kindness she was showing him, but he welcomed it happily and replied, "Well actually, my name is Phillip Pirrup, but the other children call me 'Pip' because they hate me."

She looked at him surprised, "Well shit dude, what should I call you then? 'Phillip'," She said it a funny voice. "Is just to formal! And I'm NOT calling you Pip if that's how people tease you!"

"Oh it's quite all right!" He waved his hands in dismissal. "I've grown quite fond of the name, besides they call me 'Frenchie'," He shuddered like he severely hated the term. "if they really don't like me."

Giving him a slightly doubtful look, she lifted the hat that had been resting on her head and placed it on his own. "Mmmkay, but if it starts to bug you, let me know, kay?" He nods. "Good, now you're gonna have to tell me where they hit you so I can help bandage it."

Adjusting his hat once again, finding it to be a bit stretched, he attempted to get up as he said, "Oh, it's quite alright, I can do it myself, you just get to class."

She scoffed at him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder, making him wince, and nodded in confirmation, "See, I barely touch you and it hurts, how are you supposed to do anything if it hurts just that much?"

Looking down in what seemed to be shame, his feet swung back and forth childishly. "I suppose so…"

"Good, now look up so I can get your face." He lifted his face and she pulled off his hat. Pulling a hair tie off one of her braids, she handed it to him and said calmly, gesturing towards his blonde locks, "Tie it back."

Mumbling a few fucks here and a couple shits there, he managed to pull his hair into a low ponytail. He leaned back and prepared for the sting of the cleansing medicine.

Almost three hours had passed and he had fallen asleep not twenty minutes ago. Megan knew she should get to class, but this boy tugged at her heart strings with his tragically happy attitude, her conscience would be fogged by the thought of him alone, another predator waiting to pounce.

She leaned back in the plastic chair that she had moved from next to the door to the foot of Pip's bed, facing away from the boy. Puffing out her cheeks in frustration, her arms rested behind the back of the chair, stretching her aching muscles. As skinny as he was, she wasn't all that fit and it took it's toll on her shoulders. She rolled her neck and let out a sigh.

Her head fell back as she heard the sheets shuffling. An upside-down Pip was crawling towards her with a slightly worried look on his face. The burnet turned in her seat so she was sitting backwards, and said, "Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

He answered her with a question, "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"


The blonde rested his head on his hands, placing his face about half a foot from where she was relaxing. His eyes flicked across her face in search of any sign of hate or disgust or fear, like so many of the other children. He opened his mouth to ask a question but she beat him to it, "What grade are you in?"

"10th. What about you?""Pffff, you suck, I'm in 11th," She reached over and picked up a bit of his blonde hair, twirled it around her finger. "It would have been awesome to hang out with you. But as far as I can tell, there's a fifty-fifty chance of us having the same lunch, right?"

He leaned into her touch a bit, the kindness almost surreal, and started to say, "Yeah, I would love to-" The room suddenly grew hot and he stopped. They both sat up and Megan said sarcastically, "Jesus Christ, are those idiots messing with the heater? I'm fryin' like a chicken in row boat over here!"

Through the window they could see gray clouds roll in over head and the room darkened. A deep voice echoed loudly around them, "What the fuck do you think you're doing!"

The burnet sprung out her seat, the chair falling to the ground in a loud clatter. The sheets on the bed fell off as Pip scrambled to sit up. He leaned into her back as shadows began to swirl around them. She spread her arms out to her sides, as if to protect the cowering figure behind her. The voice again boomed, "Stop!"

"Then you knock it the fuck off!" She yelled as loud as her frightened voice would allow.

Shadows dissipated but the clouds outside still lingered, leaving the room dark and still boiling. Her blue-green eyes searched every corner of the room, seeking out where the voice had come from. Two reds dots stared at her from the far corner and she stared right back. The blonde latched onto her shoulders in fright as a dark figure stepped out from the even darker corner. Ruby eyes looked at her determined face curiously and she raised an eyebrow at the person, saying loudly, "What do you want!"

A grin of razor sharp pearly whites shined from behind the shadows. An all black converse stepped out, as did a head of pure ebony, as the sultry voice said lowly, "Pip, of course."

Azure eyes peeked tentatively over her shoulder as he whispered., uncertain, "Damien…?"

She tossed a look back at him and stage whispered, "You know this guy?"

His head slowly moved up, then down. Not moments afterwards, Damien's form snaked towards them like a winding, black ooze. Crimson eyes loomed over their startled faces as he muttered huskily, "Glad you remember, Pippers."

The blackness wrapped around them and squeezed. Both let out a startled screech as it strangled them tighter, when all of the sudden, she could no longer feel his lithe form pressed against her back. It slowly loosened a bit, and as if it never happened, the darkness was gone from the room and the clouds that had lingered outside rolled on.

Stumbling forward, startled, she pin wheeled her arms to stay standing. With arms spread like a dork, she looked around the room curiously. They fell quickly and flung up again in her frustration as she said loudly, "Well…. Shit!"

I hope you guys like it! Please reveiw and I'll try to get the next chapter in the next day or so!