Naruto was surprised. He had a new doujutsu, one never before seen. It looked like a golden star, in a black void. His entire eye was black, and the Golden Star was the pupil. Around the star, were four more golden tomoe, forming a cross. He knew very little of this doujutsu, other than it made learning jutsu easier if it had an element, like the Fireball or Water Bullet.
He had been training in many jutsu ever since he unlocked the eye, taking only enough breaks to be able to train correctly and fully. The Hokage did not know of his doujutsu, yet. So Naruto had managed to steal several jutsu. But he had also mastered all of the jutsu he learned. So he was standing before the Hokage now, waiting.
"Alright Naruto, why are you here so early? Usually, you would wait till next month to see me."
"It's quite simple really, old man. I unlocked something cool! I've used it to master several jutsu I saw some low level ninja trying to use, and even some higher jutsu, C rank I believe. I was wondering, can I use this to get an edge? It's a doujutsu, see?" Naruto quickly activated his eyes, being quite proficient in activating them. The Hokage gasped at the sight of the new doujutsu. He knew it could serve his village well, but he also knew it was risky ground. He had this guy feeling that the doujutsu would not be transferred to children.
"Naruto, an impressive doujutsu at best. It's slightly hypnotic. So tell me, what is it's name?"
"The Truth Star Eye. Or the Shinhoshigan."
"An interesting name. Do you know what it does?"
"I can master any elemental jutsu with ease, cancel hostile ninjutsu, copy ninjutsu, and hypnotize people. Several of the effects require me to place chakra in my eyes and release it like a cannon. Or bow and arrow. It also allows me to lock onto movement easier, and I have a feeling it would make Archery easier. My eyesight is also naturally improved. It seems my chakra control gets better as long as I practice using elemental ninjutsu."
"I see. There may be downsides, do you know of any?"
"Keeping it active for to long hurts, but it seems that if I push myself, I can keep it active the next time around. So in principal, if I endure the pain, I'll be able to use it longer, when I no longer can endure the pain of keeping it active."
"You also seem to be more mature, and you changed your attire."
"By force of course, the merchant didn't wish to serve a true demon. He met one yesterday." Naruto had indeed changed attire. Ever since he learned the Kage Bunshin jutsu, he had been secretly studying in the library. He had also made a change in attire, and now wore a black trench coat, with red waves of the bottom. The wave tips looked like fox tails. He had deep blue, almost black, camo cargo pants, combat boots, and a muscle shirt. He had his hair tied up by something other than goggles for once. A blue head band, with a star in the middle. It was obviously not a headband from a village, due to there being no metal. Two smaller stars were also beside the larger one.
Not only his attire changed though. The more he learned, the more he adapted and grew. He was now a lot smarter, and avoided the same things multiple times when possible. He trained physically more than he trained his jutsu, not needing to train his jutsu often. In the end, he was better off.
"Well, that's all I came for. You probably wish to reveal my doujutsu, but please don't. I'll only use it when I need it, I refuse to become like the Uchiha did. They lost because they were to reliant on their eyes." Naruto had deactivated his doujutsu, while he spoke. He turned and left, being more silent than he had ever been. He returned to being the blond idiot, wearing his orange jumpsuit o keep up the mask. However, when Mizuki tried to trick him, something else happened. He showed up in his 'normal' attire, not the jumpsuit. He was glaring daggers at the chunin, that had just impaled Iruka with a shuriken. Mizuki threw several more shuriken, that had explosive notes on them. Naruto pushed Iruka out of the way, and the chunin was saved form the explosion. Naruto then walked up to Mizuki. The chunin then revealed the 'truth' about the Kyuubi. Naruto only laughed.
"Wha-what are you laughing about, demon!"
"A demon am I? Maybe, but no more than the Uchiha or Hyuuga. After all, they have something you don't. Their demons to, they aren't humans. Look at yourself." Mizuki found himself doing so, locked in a hypnotic trance. "Your the picture of a 'perfect' human. Tell me, do you have a doujutsu like the legendary Sharingan or Byakugan?"
"No." was the firm reply from the hypnotized chunin.
"If you lack a bloodline, take a kunai to your throat, and send it in without mercy. I'll take that as a answer, not any words." Mizuki did just that, and broke out of the trance just as he died, choking on his own blood. Naruto deactivated his Doujutsu before Mizuki could see it. No one could explain what happened that night, other than Naruto, who told the Hokage in secret. Naruto was promoted to genin, and secretly ranked 'special genin'. He was placed on team seven, and told to arrive just five minutes before Kakashi would. Naruto did just that, shocking the team he was on, since he arrived at the same time Kakashi did, or so it seemed to them.
After the introductions, in which Naruto lied almost completely, the true genin test was announced. Naruto decided to play along with his team.
I'm gonna skip to the wave mission now, in fact, i'll be skipping to the point when Zabuza throws his blade at the team. Please assume that everything happened much like canon up until this point. This point I'm writing at now is a turning point. Please, enjoy the rest in Chapter 2.
Rate and Review, it will help me decide whether to continue this story. Also, inform me if you want Haku and Zabuza to survive and/or join Naruto. And yes, Naruto will be having some clan power, known only to the Hokage at first. So, Rate and Review if you want this story continued. Flames also welcome. Please, be informative! :)