This is my first foray into the land of fan fiction and I hope you enjoy it. The first chapter is short but the second chapter should be much longer. A bit new to this so be gentle. Bonnie and Jeremy have caught my attention and I just wanted to write something about them. It is set after Jeremy sees Bonnie collapse when doing the spell to get a message to Elena. Certain feelings are awakened and the exploration begins. Luka makes as appearance but we'll see how that goes. Thanks for reading.

Chapter 1

As Bonnie locked her car door struggling with the books in her hand, she remembered how Jeremy had been there for her in one of her weakest moments. Never would she have imagined that he would be the one supporting her. It had been a rough year for him with the loss of his parents, Vicki, Anna and not to mention the drugs, it was no wonder he had been so messed up for a while. But he had emerged it seemed stronger than ever. She was relieved that he was coming out of that dark period. No one deserved to have so much continual pain in their lives. When her Grams had died the pain had almost been too much to bear, but she had survived barely. Stronger now, but never to be the same innocent girl she had been before this all happened. At least Katherine was locked in the tomb and Elena was back home safe. She prayed that this feeling of safety lasted for a while and she could once again worry about the things a normal teenage girl usually did.

Brushing her hair away from her face, such normal teenage thoughts now crossed her mind. She dreaded the full day of classes that lay ahead and sighed at how much her poor brain would have to absorb in such a small amount of time. Maybe she could write a spell to help her with that. Now there was an idea, but the more she thought about it the more it felt like cheating and Bonnie Bennett was no cheater. That cheeky brother of Elena's had put that idea into her head along with other things, sex spells indeed, whenever she thought about it, it still managed to make her blush. I mean he probably wasn't a virgin after having dated Anna and Vicki. That boy had definitely seen way more action than she ever had.

"Hey Bonnie", Jeremy called out as he popped out from behind her car. The books tumbled out of Bonnie's hands as she tried to catch them on their way down. He had scared the hell out of her. She had not expected the subject of her thoughts to suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"Really sorry about that, didn't mean to startle you, here let me help you with those", he smiled apologetically as he hurried over to pick up the fallen books.

"Thanks, it was just a case of the butter fingers".

Jeremy picked the last book from the ground. "Do you want me to carry these to class for you they seem pretty heavy", he offered, as he hefted the books to his chest. Her eyes were drawn to where her books rested so comfortably. Goodness, when had he gotten so buff? Actually looking at him again, when had he left cute behind and gone on to smoking hot?

"Bonnie what's wrong? Are you hearing me? I can walk you to class no problem", he asked, looking a bit puzzled by now.

"Yeah I'm fine Jeremy, no worries I can take them to class", she said wrestling the books from his hands. She gave him a quick wave as she hurried to entrance of the school. It was not like she could tell him she was mesmerized by his chest.

"Shit I missed my chance I really wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang after school", Jeremy muttered as he watched her retreating back. That girl was so hot and he didn't think she knew it. She was looking especially yummy this morning, those jeans were hugging all the right places and you could get lost in those beautiful green eyes. He had always thought she was pretty and he really wanted to get to know her. There was no way he was giving up now, smiling cheerily he hurried after her to class. The day suddenly held more promise than it had in a long time.


Classes were finally over and what a relief and it was also the weekend. What more could a girl ask for? There had been no sign of Jeremy for the rest of the day. This morning it had been a bit unnerving, it was like she had been really seeing him for the first time. Oh well that was past now and anyway he had never shown any real interest in her. As far as he was concerned she was just the best friend of Elena. Walking to her car she wondered what she could do that was fun this weekend. She would call Elena but as it was going right now that girl's life was so complicated there was not much time for her. That is why she had to get stronger so that if Elena needed her she was able to deliver. Sticking the key in the door she looked up to see the reflection of Jeremy Gilbert in the window. This time around she was slightly less startled. How was he doing this? Did he have some sort of stealth mode she didn't know about? Turning around to face him she caught the determined look on his face.

"Hey I was wondering if you weren't too busy after school we could go and play pool or something", he asked looking anxious, hopeful and confident all at the same time. Exactly what was he up to he had never asked her anywhere before.

"Ummm", she stammered as she tried to come up with a suitable response. Looking into those eyes she wasn't sure she could say no. "I don't know Jeremy, I'm not that good at pool and well your Elena's brother", she stammered out again waiting for a response.

"So what does that have to do with anything, I just thought it would be fun to hang, we've been through a lot over these last couple of days", he replied managing to look pretty hurt.

"I'll just head home then", he said turning away. "Hey wait Jer, I'm sorry you just caught me off guard don't be upset with me", Bonnie said grabbing his arm to stop him from leaving.

"I could never really, be upset with you Bonnie", he said placing his hand over hers.

"Okay let's give this pool thing a try", Bonnie said smiling up at him. "I'll meet you there", she stated as she removed her hand from his. It felt so warm and tingly. What was she getting herself into? She would really have to be very careful around him because it seemed like Jeremy Gilbert might have some special kind of magic of his own.