A collection of oneshots centered around Katniss x Peeta. Rating and genre will vary, pairing will stay the same.

Rating: K+

Word Prompt: Remember

Genre: Angst

Character POV: Peeta

Book: Mockingjay


I can feel my hand reaching, stretching towards her through the haze of drugs in my system; she's not even in the room yet, just standing outside, a sheet of glass separates us. My mind is clouded by frustration and fear and confusion, but through it all I know that I want so much to touch her face, to feel her warmth under my skin again.

I forgot what she feels like.

Katniss. I love you.

A harsh laugh yanks me from my thoughts. No you don't! She's a traitor! A venomous voice- belonging to the source of sick laughter -spits out at me. How could you ever love anyone like her?

Wha- What are you talking about?

I swallow hard, and forget about the Capitol, forget about the Hunger Games, even forget about Katniss as the voice returns, louder than before. With a jolt I recognize it as my own - it was my voice full of hatred and rage, so twisted and dark and cruel.

And why?

She has betrayed you. She's a traitor.

I shake my head denying the accusation; sharp pains jab at my temples but I already know how to block the pain. The Capitol has taught me to be nothing but numb, so I ignore it and counter back to the voice, defending my friend.

Katniss is not a traitor! What are you talking about?

The voice- my own voice -replies. She betrayed you. Let the Capitol capture you, torture you.

But there was nothing she could have done or she would have died-


I look up at Katniss again and she's coming towards the door, moving away from the glass. She's coming closer. My fingers tremble as she draws closer with her arms reaching at me now; my breathing falters for scarcely more than a heartbeat. Memories are rushing towards me; are these my memories? I can't remember. The voice- I still can barely call it my own -is softer in my head now.

Don't you?

"No..." I whisper, nearly inaudible.

Try and remember. Letting the Capitol imprison you is only the beginning! Everything she's ever done, everything she did.

It was all lies.

Impossible. But is it? I try and rack my brains through the pain, try and squint past the jumbled thoughts that cloud my mind. And I remember.

How come Daddy? voice singing, birds silent pigtails raining, cold, burnt bread stinging, going to bruise, doesn't matter dandelions awkward stares, no words reaping day no, not her oh no The Hunger Games finally, talking her hands, warm, crowd loud, nearly fall pretend to love her angry, embarrassed don't have to pretend but do you? let the games begin killing, already scared, allied with the wrong side I'm so sorry stinging, sharp pain hideout KATNISS! bleeding poison together kiss must survive, both of us chased, flee change of rules never! berries, death win do you love me? no it was all -


The voice is right.



So of course my first Hunger Games story must be angsty, what else could I do? More to come, reviews are adored (:
