This is my second long story…Lol, I can't believe it! I never tried to write a mixed couple, further with Bridore… totally rare if you know what I mean. You have to know, it's not the couple or characters that matters, most importantly, is how they developed their feelings.

I wish all you could give a chance for this story if you liked my previous story.

Nothing belongs to me but the plot and extra characters.

I'm The One Alone

"You're not bored?"

Theodore simply nodded his head mindlessly as he sat on the couch, watching the television without any interests. "Seriously?" Alvin repeated his question as he stood behind the couch, watching his baby brother.

"Yes…" He mumbled sadly as he took up the remote control and flipped the channel twice before resting the remote and continued to stare at the television.

"Tomorrow onwards…" Alvin crossed his arms on the top of couch, "You'll be alone." He stated simply as he continued to look at his baby brother.

Theodore simply sighed softly as he turned his head slowly to the direction of the window, staring at a house which situated only a few blocks away. "Eleanor…" He muttered to himself sadly as he shook his head negatively and focused on the television once more.

"She won't be here too," Alvin explained simply as Theodore rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed of his red-clad brother. "She's going to the soccer camp with me." He regained his composure before chuckling to himself.

Theodore face grimaced while his red-clad brother never noticed it, the green-clad chipmunk was slightly jealous of his eldest brother, having the chance to spend a few days with his crush at a soccer camp.

If I need to break through a hell of soccer… Theodore leaned back on the couch as his brother sat down beside him, raising an eyebrow at his action. Just to be with Eleanor… He paused awhile, I'll do it.

"What are you going to do during this period?" Alvin nudged his brother as he turned around, looking at him with a slightly irritated emotion.

Theodore glared at him for a moment before throwing his arms up dramatically, "Nothing!" He exclaimed furiously before turning back to the television.

Alvin flinched at his baby brother's sudden mood swing, "You're going to miss Eleanor, don't you?" He guessed.

Theodore smacked the surface of the couch with his palm, "You're annoying," He stood up as he walked slowly to the kitchen and stopped abruptly at the door. "You know that?" He asked sarcastically as he turned his head back to him.

"I know." Alvin stood up as he rolled his eyes, "I'm just worried about you." He admitted as he gave him a sheepish shrug.

Theodore raised his eyebrow in amusement before turning back to the kitchen. Alvin followed quickly behind him as he sat down on the dining chair, and Theodore was taking the utensils from the cabinet. "Simon isn't here too," Alvin stated as he tapped the dining table with his finger, repeatedly. "You're alone." He reminded.

"I know that," Theodore took out the pan, "But Dave's here." He said as he put the pan on the table and continued to search the cabinet.

"Technically," Alvin stopped the tapping and put his elbow on the table, followed by his chin on his palm. "Dave's not here either," He stated. "He's going out for work the whole day."

Theodore slammed the spatula on the table as Alvin jumped slightly, "What you want me to do!" The green-clad turned his body around and yelled at his brother, "Call Simon to come back from the Science camp!" He screamed with annoyance.

Alvin backed off slightly, "Hey, I don't mean…"

"I'm sorry," Theodore apologized quickly as he closed his eyes with his palm clasping on it and hung his head down, "I'm just a bit grumpy today." He explained with a sigh.

"Just a little?" Alvin repeated unbelievably from the dining table. Theodore simply looked up with a glare as Alvin raised both of his hands up, defensively. "Sorry." He said while rolling his eyes.

"Alvin…" Theodore said softly as Alvin scooted himself away, giving a seat for Theodore. "Simon and Jeanette went for a Science camp…" Theodore sat down on the dining chair as the red-clad brother patted his back soothingly. What a lucky couple… "While you and Eleanor are having fun at the soccer camp." He finished his statement as he thought back to his crush, going to have fun at the camp as he, himself suffer in his house, alone.

"There's someone free too," Alvin shrugged, "Brittany." He suggested the pink-clad chipette's name.

Theodore immediately turned and pushed his brother away, "Eww!" He cringed as he exclaimed loudly. "That's just…" He made a puking sound, not wanting to spend a few days with the grumpy cheerleader. "Weird!" He exaggerated the word, scared of spending time with the eldest Miller. Furthermore, alone.

"I heard that!"

Theodore and Alvin turned their head to the window, looking at the pink-clad chipette who was glaring at them. Mostly, she was glaring at the green-clad chipmunk. "What do you mean by," Brittany raised up her fist angrily, "Weird?" She exaggerated the word as she waved her fist around, intimidating him to give an answer.

Theodore chuckled embarrassingly as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Slip of tongue?" He assumed innocently as Brittany rolled her eyes annoyingly.

"Just open the door." Brittany ordered as Theodore gave her a sympathetic smile and stood up, walking to the backdoor. He twisted the doorknob as the door quickly slammed open, hitting him on the arm and fell on the floor with his rear end as Brittany walked in with dignity, tilting her head up.

"Theodore!" The spring-green clad chipette gasped with shock as she ran from behind Brittany, crouching down to observe her friend. "Are you okay?" She asked sweetly as she used her hand to raise his head, resting on her lap.

Theodore immediately smiled the moment he heard the melody coming from the lips of the youngest Miller, his grin only crooked curvier when he felt his head was resting on her lovely lap. "I'm fine," He grinned sweetly as Eleanor was still staring at him with a worried look, "It's okay." He said softly.

Theodore used his right hand to steady himself, stumbling a few steps and swept the dust from his pants. "You don't have to so rude." Eleanor scolded her eldest sister, almost motherly.

Brittany rolled her eyes again, "He's fine." She said simply before sitting on the dining chair, ignoring the glare from the spring-green clad chipette.

"Forgot about it." Theodore grabbed the wrist of Eleanor as she turned to see the chubby chipmunk, "I'm really okay." He emphasized as he looked down to his body.

Eleanor blushed as his hand grabbed her wrist, she pulled out from his grip awkwardly, embarrassed of his sweet attitude. "Okay." She whispered shyly as she fiddled her thumbs around nervously.

Theodore flashed a famous, innocent, cute but killing smile at the green-clad chipette as her heartbeat stopped for a second. Theodore closed the door slowly before sitting beside Alvin, patting the empty seat and telling the blushing chipette to sit.

He's really kind… Eleanor giggled to herself as she walked to the empty chair, And cute too… She blushed extremely with crimsons and scarlet on her cheeks. Wish I can tell him my feelings… She sighed at the end of the thought.

Brittany merely raised her eyebrows, I don't even know why Eleanor has a crush on Theodore, She rolled her eyes annoyingly. There's nothing good about him. She thought simply.

"You're coming here for what?" Alvin asked the pink-clad chipette, slightly flirtatious. Brittany smirked as she scanned the body of the red-clad chipmunk, Now that's a chipmunk… "We're bored." She rolled her eyes with a smile, pointing at her youngest sister.

"Just wait till tomorrow," Alvin laughed to himself, "You're going to be bored in a coffin." He stated jokingly as the three chipmunks merely stared at him for a second.

"Everybody's gone," Brittany shrugged as she snuggled with the chair, leaning back against it, making herself comfortably. "Camp stinks." She mumbled as she closed her eyes, looking up to the ceiling.

"Theodore's free." Alvin nudged the pink-clad chipette, gesturing his baby brother. Eleanor frowned at that thought, having her own crush to spend time with her eldest sister, alone for a few days. Feeling slightly jealous, she was actually worried for her green-clad friend as Brittany can be quite rude sometimes.

The worst of all… Eleanor sighed as she opened one eye, looking at the red-clad chipmunk through the corner of her eye. I'm going with Alvin for a few days… She bit her lips, afraid that the mischievous chipmunk will try to prank her in that few days of camp.

"Spending time with Theodore?" Brittany asked stupidly, "I rather kiss my high heels!" She exclaimed unbelievably.

"That hurts a lot." Theodore crossed his arms on the table, slightly glaring at the pink-clad chipette. "High heels are better than me?" He raised an eyebrow, asking Brittany a trick question.

Brittany looked down to her heels before snapping her head up, "Definitely." She nodded understandingly. Eleanor rolled her eyes at her sister's action, how many high heels would she sacrifice just to spend time with the green-clad chipmunk. She giggled to herself, And alone…

Theodore tilted his head aside, "You're sly," He started quietly, "Aren't you?" He asked curiously.

"You're just too innocent." Brittany said jokingly as she took out her compact mirror. Theodore merely took note of her sentence, I'll prove that wrong… He chuckled to himself, Someday.

"Remind me again," Alvin spread his arms widely, "Why are you girls here again?" He repeated the previous question.

"We don't have anything to do," Eleanor spoke up for her sister, "Just…" She blushed as she sneaked a peek at her green-clad friend. "Hanging out." She said softly.

"Well, then." Alvin stood up from the chair, "Soccer?" He tilted his head towards the front door, gesturing for a game.

The three chipmunks threw each other perplexed glances, "But I…" Theodore started as he noticed the pink-clad chipette was staring at him. "We," Theodore exaggerated the word as Brittany nodded her head, "Don't mix with soccer." He stated as he pointed Brittany and himself.

"Tough luck," Alvin slid his palms into his pockets, "Coming?" He directed the question to the spring-green clad chipette.

Eleanor looked to Theodore as if she was asking him for permission as he stared back at the chipette, "Is there something on my face?" Theodore asked awkwardly as he used his palms to rub his cheeks softly.

Eleanor blushed as he noticed her stare, "I'll go." She blurted out quickly, wanting to change the subject between herself and the green-clad chipmunk. Alvin twisted the doorknob as Eleanor followed him, throwing a glance at her crush before sighing and closed the door behind her.

Theodore chuckled to himself, thinking how cute Eleanor was when she was staring at him. He turned back slowly as he sat there awkwardly, having a weird tension in the air lingering around the kitchen.

"So…" Brittany started slowly as she shifted her eyes around, as if finding for some subject that was relevant. "What now?" She asked casually with a half-shrug.

"We're alone now." Theodore shrugged too as he smirked himself, "Kissy your high heels much?" He teased playfully.

Brittany laughed lightly, "Don't push me." She said with slightly darkened voice though she was amused by Theodore's attempted humor. She regained her composure as the two chipmunks sat there, letting silence to play the music.

"Anything fun to do?" Brittany asked nonchalantly as she stood up from the chair, walking around the kitchen, tracing the outline of the table.

"I can make some sundaes." Theodore stood up too as he opened the refrigerator with one hand, "Ironically," He turned his head to the pink-clad chipette. "It's summer anyway." He rolled his eyes playfully.

Brittany gasped slightly, "Is sundae fattening?" She asked the question, scared that the dessert would affect her slim body.

Theodore chuckled to himself, "You're worrying too much." He reached up and pulled out some ice-cream. "You're going to get stressful." He stated simply as he put the ice-creams on the table and closed the fridge's door with one leg.

Brittany bent her torso, taking a good look of the ice-creams, "What does stress have to do with," She made her index and middle fingers into a 'V' shape and bent it repeatedly. "Totally boring during summer?" She asked sarcastically. "Or my slim body?" She pointed down to her waist as she moved slightly, showing her figure.

Theodore merely blinked at her slightly seductive action, "Stress is going to cause wrinkles!" He exclaimed playfully as he pointed at her face.

Brittany widened her eyes, "I want your sundaes," She shortened the distance between her face and Theodore's, touching his nose with hers. "Now." She ordered strictly.

Theodore laughed, "Sure thing," He winked at her as Brittany rolled her eyes playfully. "Ma'am." He joked with a genuine grin.

"What's," Brittany shoved another spoonful of sundaes into her mouth, tasting the sweetness. "That?" She made a pop sound as she pulled out the spoon, using it to point at the screen.

"I'm not sure…" Theodore trailed off as he used the mouse to scroll the web page, moving further down. "Commercial perhaps?" He shrugged as he looked up to the pink-clad chipette.

The two bored chipmunks were in the room of the green-clad chipmunk, Theodore was sitting down in front of his computer, searching for items as Brittany stood behind him, bending her body and scrutinized her eyes to look at the computer screen.

Brittany stared at the commercial for a moment, "I'm asking you to find something fun on the web," She ate another spoon of sundae before continuing. "Not bore us to dead," She said jokingly.

Theodore turned back to the screen, scanning the commercial quickly before closing the webpage and went to Google. "Well," He spread his arms widely, "What do you want to find?"

Brittany crossed her arm as with the spoon still in her hand, "Hmm…" She thought for awhile as Theodore turned his head slowly, staring at her with a confused impression. "Type my name?" She suggested lamely as she shrugged sheepishly.

Theodore raised his eyebrows, "Because you're all so famous…" He made a funny expression and waved his arm around as Brittany slapped his head lightly, making him to laugh at her reaction. Theodore spun back to the computer and used his finger to dance on the keyboard, typing the pink-clad chipette's name on it before clicking the 'search' button.

As another webpage popped out, Brittany immediately tucked a strand of hair behind her. "As always," She pointed at the screen, "I'm on the top." She said teasingly as she smirked at the green-clad chipmunk.

Theodore rolled his eyes playfully as the webpage was talking about her hot songs, "Whatever." He said with a chuckle as the pink-clad chipette glared at the male chipmunk. Theodore continued to scroll down, searching for more news.

"Alvin and Brittany broke up?" He asked Brittany as he saw a caption was shown on the webpage, turning around and gave the chipette a perplexed look. Brittany rolled her eyes, "It's a long time ago." She tilted her head in front, gesturing the screen. "Continue, please?" She asked sarcastically.

Theodore grinned at her attitude as he scrolled down once more before his jaw dropped to the floor. He pushed his chair backward abruptly as he stood up and pointed the screen with a frown, "What the heck is this?" He asked slowly, with a pinch of furiousness in it.

Brittany looked bewildered before looking to the screen and gasped too, "When did I started to date," She pointed at the green-clad chipmunk as she grimaced disgustingly. "You?" She questioned unbelievably.

"Beats me!" He threw his arm up dramatically before tapping his chin twice and cringed at the thought of the webpage, "I think we're enough on surfing." He stated while still glaring at the computer. "Shall we?" He asked with a German accent.

Brittany merely giggled, "I'm bored anyway." She said as she spun around and twisted the doorknob. Theodore switched off the monitor as Brittany opened the door and a sight of another pair of chipmunks was in front of her.

"What are you guys…" Eleanor glared at her sister, shirting her eyes from Brittany to her crush. "Doing in Theodore's room?" She asked angrily as she gritted her teeth harshly. You better get your hands… Brittany looked slightly taken aback as Eleanor clenched her fists tightly, making her veins to be visible. Off my crush! She screamed in her mind.

"Uh…" Brittany blinked her eyes repeated at her baby sister, "I…"

"Hey, guys." Theodore greeted simply as he walked to the door as well. Eleanor's glare quickly softened at his voice and turned into a loving stare. "Finish your soccer business?" He smiled at the spring-clad chipette as she giggled with blush.

"Yup," Alvin answered for her as he walked slowly back to his room, looking at them before locking his room. "I have to pack for my camp." He informed and entered his room as the three left out chipmunks looked at each other.

"Don't you have a camp too?" Theodore asked sweetly as Eleanor blushed really scarlet, ignoring the eyebrow-raised chipette who was standing beside her. "You should pack early." He offered as he grinned again at the end of his statement.

Eleanor heartbeat grew faster at that point, "O…Okay…" She managed to blurt out the audible words before smiling at him sheepishly. "I'll…g…go right now…" The cute smile that Theodore continued to give wasn't helping her at her pronunciations. She waved quickly before going to the stairs, preparing to go back to her house.

"Well?" Theodore asked jokingly as the pink-clad chipette was still standing at the door. Brittany rolled her eyes, "Don't need to kick me out." She stated simply before sashaying down the stairs, almost walked to the front door.

"I prefer to be alone," Theodore confessed as he rolled his eyes from upstairs, making Brittany to glare at him. "My oh, supposed girlfriend." He laughed as he thought back to what he saw at the webpage.

Brittany chuckled, "Next time," She reminded before closing the front door as she pranced out. "You're dead." She stated with a grin and slammed the door hardly, making Theodore to be amused by her diva-like attitude.

"I'm going back to my room."

Alvin muffled his voice as the food was still stuck in his mouth, chewing the food non-stop and stood up from the dining table. Theodore and their caretaker looked up from their plates as they raised an eyebrow at him, confused and slightly sceptcal of his action.

"But it's only…" Theodore trailed off as he shoved his wristwatch just in front of Alvin face, "Seven." He emphasized the word strongly, "And you're going to sleep?" He asked unbelievably.

Alvin pushed his baby brother's away from his face, "I'm not sleeping," He turned as he took a step on the first flight of floor, "I need to pack my bag." He informed as he continued to walk up stairs.

"I thought," Theodore spun around with his dining chair, staring up to the stairs. "You packed it earlier?" He asked curiously. Dave couldn't follow their conversation as he simply gazed at the red-clad chipmunk with a questioning expression.

Alvin rolled his eyes from the stairs as he sighed softly, "I'm not done," He stretched his arms widely, throwing them an irritated look. "Okay?" He asked in an intimidating slang. Without hearing their replies, Alvin walked back to his room, slamming his room door in the process.

Theodore shook his head slightly in negative before turning back to the dining table, perplexed to meet his suspicious caretaker. "Did I miss anything?" Dave asked strangely as he put down his spoon and fork, crossing his arm nonchalantly.

"He's talking about the soccer camp." Theodore stuck a piece of French fry into his mouth as he cut the meat elegantly with his knife and fork. "He's kinda excited about it." Still eating the food, Theodore gave Dave a simple shrug.

"That reminds me," Dave tilted his head aside, "What are you going to do," He looked to the calendar that was hanging at the corner of the kitchen followed by Theodore's gaze as well. "For the next few days?" He questioned casually.

"I'm not sure yet," Theodore ate another piece of French fry, swallowing it with a gulp before continuing. "I'll think of something." He apprised Dave and continued to eat his dinner.

"Joining a camp would be good," Dave nodded his head understandingly, "Consider that?" He stated with a question, expecting his green-clad son to answer with a positive thinking.

"Camp?" Theodore repeated, "For what?" He stopped his eating for a moment, tilting his body forward to look at his caretaker.

Dave finished his food as he took the plate to the basin, "You know…" He turned on the pipe water and began to wash the plate with soap. "Learn on how to be confident and independent," He shifted his sight to Theodore for awhile. "The usual." He presumed before continued to focus on his dirty plate.

Learn something, huh… Theodore stared at his dinner for a minute, staring at it, hard. He leaned back against the chair and rubbed his chin knowingly, That's better than staying here… He decided his choice before standing up from the dining table, leaving the dirty plate there. "I'm going to my room." He told his caretaker before walking to the stairs.

Dave spun his body abruptly, staring at his unfinished food with shock. "You've not even finished your dinner!" He bellowed from the kitchen with a startled voice.

"I'm full!" Theodore shouted back to downstairs and entered his room, locking his room. He noticed the light of the computer was still flashing, indicating it was only in a log off mode. He walked quickly to the computer, switched on the monitor and continued to open the webpage.

Theodore opened the list of 'History' and searched the names before clicking at one particular webpage. He looked at the words again, thinking about the information as he grabbed a tiny piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down the words. He held up the paper in mid-way with pride, looking at it with a smile.

"Looks like my summer won't be that boring…" He chuckled to himself. Theodore used the mouse to switched off the computer before he hopped and flopped on his bed lazily, still staring at the written paper.

"Anymore." He mumbled the last word.

Just like all my stories, everything starts with something irrelevant with a pinch of suspense, lol. Spare me though, this is my first Bridore. Slightly different from 'Be My Tutor', I try to make the first chapter a little more interesting, 'Be My Tutor' only become more epic when it's the fourth chapter and forth. Nonetheless, I try to keep the fluff and conflicts behind and secretive…(Wink) Think it as this way, if this is only the first chapter… What fluff will come in the other chapters?

Please review and give your opinions!
