Ciel bolted upright in bed. His head snapped this way and that in the darkness. He struggled to hear over his own ragged breathing.


Then, a low thump, clang. He ripped the covers off and leapt to his feet. His over-large night shirt made a soft snap as he began to bolt across the room towards the door. He jerked as he was held back by a long, lithe arm across his waist. He gasped.

Lips whispered against his ear. A familiar, low, and smooth voice brothe, "And just where do you think you're going, Young Master?"

Ciel stiffened, then managed, "I heard a noise upstairs. As the Queen's Watchdog, it is only right that I go investigate."

Sebastian laughed lowly and Ciel shuddered. "That is the entirety of two expansive floors. It would not do you well to spend all night wandering the ship halls looking for a noise."

Ciel frowned and tugged at Sebastian's restraining arm. "But-"

Sebastian sighed. "Then I will have to go have a quick look." He began to release the boy. "I will be right-"

"And I am coming with you." He twisted to stare the red-eyed demon down, now chest to chest.

Sebastian scowled. "Bocch-"

"And that's an order."

Before he knew it, Ciel was swept up into Sebastian's arms. Then they were off. He pushed himself deeper into the hold as blurs of colour and blasts of wind swept over them.

Soon enough, the air hitting them was much colder. Just as soon as Ciel could smell the sea and realized they were on the deck, Sebastian jerked to a stop. Ciel saw a somewhat frightened look on the man's face.

Ciel shifted in his arms and looked in the direction Sebastian was facing. His face surely mirrored the other's.

Elizabeth stood on the railing of the ship, pale nightgown and long blonde hair billowing behind her. Standing on the railing. She looked dazed, still asleep.

That was when he heard just a catch of the haunting, flowing song. It floated and barely tickled the inside of his ear. His head began to buzz a bit. It was growing steadily as the ship continued to go forward.

His head clouded, he felt the urge to walk forward. To go to the music. After all, he'd just stay a minute...just hear it a little better.

"My Lord!" Ciel had stepped towards the railing. Sebastian grabbed the boy's shoulder. He could feel a tug against his hand; he instinctively wrapped an arm around the young earl to keep him in place.

That was when they heard the splash. A resounding 'plop' and crash, and Sebastian's head snapped to the side. And, yes, Elizabeth was gone.

He released the boy and turned to look at him. Could he last while he went for Elizabeth? He met glazed mismatching eyes. He could only hope so.

Sebastian turned and smoothly dove off the side of the ship.

Cold, turbulent water came to meet him. He quickly resurfaced and glanced around him in the slowly waning moonlight. His eyes darted side to side. He caught a glimpse of gold to his left. He turned, then saw Elizabeth resurface. He snatched her up in his arms and turned to the ship, catching up with it. He caught one of the heavily carved adornments in his hand and managed to hook his feet overtop others. He was nearly to the railing with the recently fainted girl as he saw a blur of blue-grey and white fly down past him. His knuckles tightened the thick wood railing as he twisted to see his young master fall. The quick, hard, instinctive motion caused portion to break loose from the deck. Elizabeth and he fell to the dark waters below.

The boy continued to fight to loosen his hands, thrashing this way and that on the slab of sturdy wood, but the black tie only knotted harder.

An amused chuckle echoed forth from the man across from him. "Really, My Lord, are you trying to make it a chore to release you later?"

The boy narrowed his eyes. If Elizabeth's form wasn't dead weight over his legs, he would have kicked him. Instead, he made eyes at the man, damning the gag he was muted with, a strip from his nightshirt.

"Af cafght heuf tuh spherikgh afgnmok."

A cheshire grin. "What, Bocchan?" the man said in a mock-polite tone.

"Ahf SAIGK! 'Afk cagft heaf thk serifkg agnfmok!"

Sebastian sighed. "You. Are. Incorrigible, My Lord." He got up and undid the gag on the boy. "What was that?"

"I. SAID. I CAN'T hear the sirens anymore!" the boy hollered, filled with rage and impatience.

"Oh..." cooed the butler. "I know." He moved to retie the gag.

"What!" yelled the boy. "Then why didn't you untie me?"

"Oh, that's simple." He smirked and tilted up the boy's chin with one finger. "I like seeing you tied up and vulnerable."

Ciel face flushed and he tried to move his face away from Sebastian. He glanced away from him and down at the makeshift raft and open waters around. "That's inappropriate. Untie me now." There was a pause, and he could feel the intensity of Sebastian's eyes on him. "That's an order."

Ciel heard a soft sound, almost like a growl, then hands making quick work of the binds on his wrists. He moved his hands and wrists, then slowly brought his arms around front. He pushed Elizabeth off to the other side of the raft. He sat hunched, crossing his arms over his knees.

He watched the sunrise, ignoring Sebastian's red-eyed gaze, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hello, all. Chapter III is short and Chapter IV is not even finished, much less typed up because I'm having trouble writing out this one part. Sorry. I WILL get it up, though…eventually.

ALSO: Does anyone know what the titan Atlas had dominion over? I know that he held up the sky and all that, but…what did he have power over? Just random question. Thanks for the support and all of the lovely reviews! Keep that up, would you?