A/N: I apologise for Lily's spelling in her earlier letters. It's not her strong point. Nor is knowing where to put apostrophes.

The Letters of Lily Luna Potter

January 2020 ~ First Year

Dear Grandma and Grandad,

I'm sitting in the common room with Louis and I'm wearing my new jumper that you gave me for Christmas. It's lovely and warm and cosy. James is not here because he's in detension. If he was here he'd tell me to go away or something because he's just mean like that. Louis dosn't mind when James isn't here thouh. He's sharing his choclate frogs with me. Poor Meri has got a really bad cold and shes upstairs in the dorm. I told her she shoud go and see Madam booth because shes already used up a whole box of tishus.

Yesterday James dropped a big cake on Roses head at dinner. She was so angry, she threw a bowl of trifel right in Jamies face, it was really funny. She didn't actchally throw the bowl though, only the trifel. If she had thrown the bowl she might have broken his nose like Al said she nearly broke that boys nose last year. Then James threw some potatos right back at her, only some of them hit Saphie, so Saphie threw a yorkshire pudding at him and then everyone started throwing things. There was a LOT of mess. Anyway it was really funny and thats why James is in detension. Louis says that is not how you spell detension and he says I've spelled lots of thing wrong but he shoudn't even be reading my letter, so there.

Now I'm sitting at the other side of the common room. Do you see that big rip in the parchmant? James came back and I was lying on the sofa to write, and he jumped right over the back of it and put his stupid big foot on my letter and tore it. And then Louis said I was eating all his choclate frogs and James called me greedy guts and they were both really rude so I'm not sitting with them any more.

Poor Hugo acidently turned his shoe into a bowl in transfigoration the other day and we all tried to turn it back, but then when Louis tried he atchally made it vanish. Luckly Hugo has other shoes because we can't get the vanished one back.

I told James I'm not getting him anything for his birthday next week because he's mean, but achally I've got him a trick quill from Uncle Georges shop. I think he'll like it.

My hands getting sore now so I'm not going to write any more.

Lots and lots and lots of love

From Lily Luna


March 2021 ~ Second Year

Dear Teddy,


It might be too early for your birthday but I don't know exacly how long it takes for owls to get to Siberia and I don't want it to be late. I miss you. Its rubbish when your not here, and you've been away 8 WHOLE MONTHS. Please please please come back Teddy! Everyone misses you and I refuse to go another whole holiday without seeing you, so you better be back by easter.

It was Al's birthday last week. James said he should have a party but Al doesn't like Jamie's sort of parties so James called him a loser. Al doesn't care when James says that kind of thing any more though.

What is Siberia like? Rose says there is probaly still snow there. Did you see any demigises? They look so cute—I wish I could have one.

James is quidditch captain this year but you probaly know that already. I thouht maybe Fred would mind because he's two years older than James and they've been on the team the exact same amount of time, but Fred just laughed a lot and said he'd hate to be captain. Jamie does look a bit stressed about it sometimes. They lost their game against Slytherin and he was in a mood for days. I hope I get onto the quidditch team one day.

Anyway please come back SOON. I've got you a birthday present but I don't want to send it all the way in case it gets lost so you have to come back and get it.

Hugo says hello and happy birthday.

Tons of love.



October 2021 ~ Third Year

Dear Mum and Dad,

The worst thing ever has happened! I'm litrally crying right now! In Potions yesterday my potion exploded and it wasn't even my fault—I did exactly what Proffessor Mundy said except my hand just slipped and I dropped all the comfrey essense in instead of just a drop.

Its so unfair—it was just a tiny mistake and my whole potion blew up and landed all over me and it VANISHED MY HAIR! All of it. Its gone. Its just horrible, I look so ugly and Madam Booth says it's going to take a week before she can grow it back. I'm wearing a hat but everyone knows and they all think it's funny—James keeps calling me baldy, I hate him so much!

Please please please can I come home for a week until it grows back? I can't be at school with no hair, I really, truly can't. And I just keep thinking, what if it hasn't grown back by my birthday? What will I do?

Please write back quick and tell Uncle Neville I can come home.

Lots of love,



September 2022 ~ Fourth Year

Dear Mum and Dad,

Sorry I haven't written before—there's been too much happening!

The main thing is—I did it! I'm on the quidditch team! Some people are saying James picked me because I'm his sister but that's just stupid because me being his sister would make him less likely to pick me. Rufus is on the team too—you know, Hugo's friend? Well, he's my friend too, but he was Hugo's friend first. He's beater and I'm a chaser with James and Emmy Brooke. We had our first practise the other day and it poured with rain and Angharad nearly got newmonia.

Now I'm on the team, do you think I could maybe, possibly, pretty please, have a new broom for my birthday? The new Lightstrike is coming out in a week and it's meant to be really good!

You probably already know Alice is in Gryffindor with us. Did you know Scorpius Malfoy's little sister is in Gryffindor too? Some people think it's wierd but I don't get why, after all families aren't always in the same house as each other—look at Hugo in Hufflepuff, and nobody minds that or thinks it's wierd. Her and Alice have made friends, which is quite sweet.

Is it true about that poor Muggle girl? We read about it in the Prophet and they said Uncle Ron was investigating it! It sounds so horrible!

Loads of love,



October 2023 ~ Fifth Year

Dear James,

Go away. I'll go to Hogsmeade with whoever I want. It is none of your business.

Love Lily x

December 2024 ~ Sixth Year

Dear Teddy, Victoire and Little No-Name,

CONGRATULATIONS! Mum and Dad sent me a picture and she's SO beautiful, I can't wait to meet her at Christmas! (I can't believe you couldn't hold off another two weeks until I was home, Vic. It's so unfair that James and Al got to meet her before me.)

Are you all coming to the Burrow for Christmas? Please say you are! But it doesn't really matter because I'm coming to see you anyway, obviously. Grandma'll have to knit a tiny new Weasley jumper this year! Though you'll have to hurry up and give her a name, so she knows what initial to put on it.

Welcome to the world, baby!

All the love in the world,



October 2025 ~ Seventh Year

Dear Mum and Dad,

You know, it's so strange and quiet at Hogwarts. I mean, not quiet—it's never exactly quiet. But I always used to have tons of news to write to you and all sorts of family gossip! Now there's only me, Hugo and Lucy left, and they aren't really doing anything exciting. I can't believe Lucy of all people is a prefect—and she's actually being pretty responsible about it! Her drama club gets bigger every year too.

I've been trying to set Hugo up with Meri, but no obvious success yet and Meri is fed up with me. To be honest, I don't think they'd make a very good couple, but you never know—they get on well after all. And I have so many brothers and cousins, you'd have thought at least one of them could do me a favour and make my best friend part of the family. Al would actually be a better match for Meri, but he won't even think about dating, even though he's been single for nearly a year now. He just keeps saying he's too busy with his training.

Rufus is a really good Quidditch captain. I was a tiny bit sad it wasn't me, but I never really expected it would be, and he's so much better than I would be—I get distracted too much, and you know what I'm like about making decisions. Robyn MacMillan is our new chaser—she fits in really well with me and Alex, and Issie Malfoy is definitely the best seeker in the school, so hopefully we've got a good chance at the cup! It feels like it should be our turn—we haven't won it since James left.

Talking of James, if you see him, can you remind him he owes me two galleons? We had a bet on the Portree/Wasps game, and I won and now he's ignoring me.

Heaps of love,



So far (as of Feb 2018) the only story you'll find Little No-Name in is Choices (she has a name by then, though). She'll probably appear at some point in Inheritance too, though.