I am trying to do this faster.

Max prov:

Chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip cookies. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!

I was standing in front of their oven waiting for those bloody cookies. Some of the women looked at me amused and slightly scared. I wanted those cookies. Justin was saying that if we kept looking around by the time we came back they would be ready. I have refused to move so Justin had given up and was sitting at one of the many tables in the hall talking to someone who had scales. Yeah I don't know either.

"Hurry up little cookies. Once you are done tanning mommy is going to cool you off with some milk then make you skinnier by eating you one by one. Then mommy will be lonely and have to find out how to make you guys so you can have friends in my tummy. Then you all can party all night long."

One of the ladies gave me a look that if I hadn't been so concentrated on my babies I would have laughed at. But my babies needed my attention which I gladly gave them. Watching them grow from their doughy form to their golden fluffy yet crispy self. More golden on the ends then the middle but it's all good. A soft middle equals a happy middle.

The second the buzzer went off I jumped up in the air because it scared me. I saw some of the women smirk at me. One of them was bigger than the rest had a golden glint to her walked over to the oven and turned off the timer. Then she opened it and the scent became even stronger. My mouth watered and my eyes never left the tray as she picked it up in her bare hands and carried it to the top of the stove to cool. I stood next to the stove waiting just as I did the oven. Justin came in and watched me in amusement.

"They should be ready dear," said the lady who had took them out

No sooner had the words left her mouth did a cookie enter mine. It was perfect. I moaned with joy as its sweetness filled my mouth through my taste buds and spread through my whole body. My whole body felt lighter and everything just seemed to lift. Everything around me seemed to be floating around me and seemed sparkly. Then I swallowed.

I opened my eyes and quickly dove for another cookie and let the process begin again. I guess Justin looked over to me to see if I was done yet because next thing I know I was rudely dragged away from the cookies. I heard the women snicker at my face as I turned to hurt Justin who was dragging me out of the kitchen as quickly as he showed me.

"Let go!"

"Not all those cookies are for you!"

"They could be!'

"Says who?"


"Doesn't work like that."

"Says who?"


"That's not fair."


"I want the cookies!"

"Too bad."


Fang prov:

I finally had a plan that just might work. It was a bit complicated but I quickly explained it to everyone. After many questions for the never ending Nudge, everything was in set for tomorrow. It was going to be hard but if everything went as planned we should be freed in three days. We are going home.