Chapter 5

As Ronon stood waiting for the reply, he took a second to really look at Lorne. He had an even bigger bandage on his head than before, the bruise that Ronon had predicted was forming nicely, and his lip looked painfully swollen.

The Major pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Tell the truth Doc, there's not much to remember. Like I said, there was the explosion, we set off back to the Gate and then it's mostly a blur until I woke up here with the hangover from hell!" He licked his lips. "Can I get some more water please, Doc?"

"Of course you can lad, I'll be right back!"

Ronon let out a deep breath as soon as Beckett left the cubicle. He and Lorne looked at each other for a few seconds before he approached the chair next to the bed. "You mind?"

Lorne smiled softly, "Not at all!"

Ronon sat, and found himself nervously playing with his hair. "So? Um…you really don't remember anything from back there?" He watched as the other man concentrated.

"I remember talking about home." His brow furrowed as he continued, "I remember… the rain, being cold…so cold."

Ronon gulped, if Lorne remembered that he'd be likely to remember more if he thought about it. He decided to steer the conversation away from the dangerous territory they were bordering on. "When do you get out of here?"

"Doc says it should be later today, or maybe tomorrow. He's taking me off active duty for a couple of days. I'm gonna be bored out of my skull." As he said it, he tapped on his head, visibly wincing as he did so. "Well that was clever!" he said, rubbing the area of skull he'd just bashed. Looking startled and frowning at Ronon he said. "Hey, I'm OK."

Only then Ronon realised he'd stood and approached the bed. Clearing his throat, he felt his face flush. "Um… yeah, sorry." Trying to prevent himself feeling more flustered than he was, he said "So when do you get out of here?"

Lorne couldn't help the smirk spreading across his face. "I'm supposed to be the one with memory loss here Ronon, you already asked me that!"

Now Ronon really was flustered. He retorted quickly, although his voice was soft. "At least I'm not the one who was seeing different coloured animals!"

Lorne's jaw dropped and he blushed deeply. He brought his hands to his face, and through them he could be heard to say "Oh shit!" he looked up at Ronon. "Bunnies? Oh God, please tell me it wasn't bunnies?"

"Blue ones no less." he said, chuckling at the memory. "Green too…I think they were even purple at one point."

Lorne joined in the laughter, and smiled warmly at Ronon, before clearing his throat. "Did I say…anything else?"

"Uh, no…no I don't think so." Ronon rubbed the back of his own neck, trying to think of something to say. "It's a bit of blur for me too…I didn't get much sleep."

The Major laughed nervously, and looked down at his hands. He opened his mouth to say something, but obviously changed his mind. "OK, that's…er…that's good I think."

Ronon signalled to the door, "I'd best be going." He turned to leave, and he heard the sigh behind him.

"Hey, thanks for staying with me Ronon. I said that, didn't I?"

Remembering exactly how Lorne had said thanks, Ronon felt his face flush again. This was getting ridiculous.

"Er, yeah…yeah you did."

"Oh, good. I'd hate you to think that I didn't appreciate it." His voice quietened as he added, "I don't think… I… not everyone would've kept me warm the way you did."

Ronon's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest as he turned to look back at him. "You…you remember that?"

Lorne smiled a sad smile. "I lied to the Doc, I remember everything." he said, suddenly intent on pulling a stray thread from the cotton sheet over his waist. "But it's OK. I know you don't feel…" he sighed deeply, "I know you would've done the same for any of us."

Ronon was frozen to the spot. He didn't know how to react to all the things going on in his head. He opened his mouth, but at that moment Carson came in carrying a large jug of iced water. He was grateful for the interruption, because he had no idea what he was going to say.

"Here we go Major, nice and cold. This'll quench your thirst!" He poured a large glass and handed it to his patient before turning to the Satedan, "I think the Major should get some more rest now big man. You could always come back later."

Ronon swallowed and looked at Lorne. As their eyes met, he found himself saying "I think I might just do that." A small smile passed between them before he turned and left.

Ronon arrived in the infirmary the following morning, just as Lorne was being discharged. Carson was removing the final bandages from the Major's head. "It's OK Doc, you can stop fussing now."

Carson looked mildly offended, then smiled and shook his head. "Some people are so ungrateful, you're lucky to have a doctor with such a caring bedside manner!"

All three laughed, knowing it was true. The whole of Atlantis knew just how good Carson was, and how much he cared about his patients.

Rolling his eyes, the Scotsman said "OK Ronon, he's all yours. He's a terrible patient, take him away from here!"

"Hey, that's no way to treat your charges!" Lorne scolded playfully.

"Just take him away…please!" he laughed, before heading to the next cubicle.

Ronon gave a small smile, then cleared his throat. "What was that all about?"

"He said I was the second worst patient he's treated in Atlantis. Says I won't sit still, OR do as I'm told." he snorted.

"He got that right!" Ronon smirked. "Come on, let's go before you do yourself any more harm.

Lorne playfully pushing Ronon's shoulder, "Watch it, smartass!"

They walked quietly for a while, and then Ronon remembered some of Carson's words. "Beckett said you were the second worst patient? Who's worse than you?"

Lorne stopped and shook his head, "You're kidding, right?"

Ronon was puzzled, "No, I don't know."

Setting off at a slow walk again, Lorne shrugged and said sarcastically, "You're a piece of work, you know that?"


"Never mind, it'll come to you eventually!" he said, poking the taller man in the ribs.

As they approached his quarters, the Major was rapidly blushing. "You didn't need to walk me home you know!" he said with a nervous laugh, and swiped the door panel.

"I guess I kinda wanted to make sure you got back OK." the Satedan replied, feeling himself beginning to blush as well. What the hell was the matter with him? "Sheppard would kick my ass if I let his second in command get into trouble again on my watch!"

"Well, thanks anyway." he said, taking a step closer looking deep into Ronon's eyes.

Nervously, Ronon looked up and down the corridor, making sure there was no-one about; and this time it was him that leaned in and gently placed a kiss on the other man's lips. "You're welcome, Lor.. Evan."

The shorter man smiled, "See you later?"

"Sure, that'd be good. Just you though, don't bring the coloured bunnies!" he snickered.

Swiping his hand over the door to his quarters that evening, Ronon came face to face with Lorne, who had his arm raised, obviously to ring the doorbell.

"Hey!" they said simultaneously.

Lorne raised the other hand in which he held a six-pack of Bud. "Wanna have a drink? I'm still thirsty!" he said with a wink.

Both men smiled broadly as they sat on the bench on the East pier with a beer in one hand, the other laid lazily on the bench between them.

"So?" Ronon said playfully.

Looking around suspiciously, Lorne asked "So…what?"

Hazel eyes met blue as the Satedan said "Maybe this time you won't pass out on me."

Lorne laughed, and tentatively took Ronon's hand in his. "That all depends on how worn out I get."

Ronon slowly opened his hand and entwined his longer fingers into Lorne's smaller ones. "You'd better get yourself some coffee then Major, because I think it might be a late night."

Lorne rolled his eyes, and with a grin said, "If you say so!"

~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ~

End notes: I hope you enjoyed the last chapter; and thank you for sticking with me:)