Alice POV

I was lying down on a huge bed in my pajamas, (my short shorts that were fuzzy and a tank top.) The bed had a blue comforter that had feathers in it and therefore was super soft. I wasn't lying on a pillow though… I was lying against someone. Well, I was actually curledup against someone. I felt the persons arm snake around my waist and just rest there. The person's arms were firm, strong, and very muscular. I didn't mind having their arms around me. It was also cold in the room, so having someone next to me—helping keep me warm – was nice.

The person lying next to me pulled me tighter. Let's just assume the muscular arms are from a guy—and he kissed my neck. I shuddered at his cold breath. He kissed up and down my collarbone and nibbled my ear. I heard a soft moan come from my throat.

"Alice…" I heard a deep voice mumble against my throat.

"Jasper…" I mumbled back.

Wait Jasper? Jasper? Jasper! JASPER?


I sat up and screamed. My dad came running into my room only half dressed in his work clothes: black pants and a unbuttoned white shirt.

"What? Is everything okay? What happened?" He asked me. He was looking around me wildly trying to find out what was wrong.

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just had a bad dream." I mumbled. I threw back the covers on my bed and half walked half stumbled to my bathroom.

I closed the door to my bathroom and sank down to the floor. How did I dream of Jasper? I mean, he asked me out, but still…. Maybe my dad could help—wait, no. Just because he's a therapist doesn't mean I should tell him about this. What am I saying? I need to tell him! But on the other hand… he might just never let me out of the house. Ugh, this is so confusing!

I got up from the floor and looked at my reflection. My eyeliner was smeared from the night before—I had forgotten to take it off—and my hair was matted in knots. Fan-freaking-tabulous.

"Thirty minutes, Alice!" My father yelled.

I turned the water on and waited for it to get warm. After I finished my shower I blow-dried my hair and brushed it. Then I rummaged through my closet for something to wear. I finally decided on a dark purple V-neck long sleeve shirt, my dark blue skinny jeans, my high heeled ankle boots that zipped up, and my leather jacket.

I took the stairs two at a time, and grabbed my black messenger bag. My dad threw me and plain bagel and I caught it in my mouth. He threw his arms up in mock victory and made a sound like crowds cheering. I giggled and took the bagel out of my mouth to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day, pumpkin."

I smiled at his nickname. "I'll try, dad. But I make no guarantees about the kids whose faces I punch. "

"Alice," He warned.

"Chill out, dad. I was joking. "

I grabbed the keys to my Porsche and walked out the door. I had gotten my Porsche as a birthday present from my dad. That and a motorcycle that I had eyed every time we passed the dealership. But I loved my Porsche more than I liked my motorcycle—for pure reason it was faster.

I bit into my bagel as I got into the car. After I turned the key in the ignition my phone went off.

"Crap, crap, crap." I mumbled while holding the bagel in my mouth and looking through my bag. My hand finally landed on my phone and I looked at the screen. It was Bella Swan, my best friends girlfriend.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Alice. Can you come pick me up? My truck won't start."

"Did you try Edward?""
"He didn't answer."

"Of course he didn't." I muttered.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'll be there in five minutes." I hung up before she could object.

I have fifteen minutes until school starts, if I go at the maximum speed limit I can get there in three minutes, get to school in eight minutes and still have four minutes to get to class.

I drove quickly to get Bella's and she got into my car fast. "You so owe me." I told her backing out of her driveway and speeding to school.

I jumped out of my car when we got to school and ran up the steps to get to my locker not even bothering to see if Bella had gotten out. I ran up the steps to get to my locker. I had gotten here two minutes earlier than planned, so I have six minutes to get to class. I dumped my biology, English, and Spanish book in my locker and grabbed my math binder, math book, history textbook, and writing book for common skills (It's a writing class).

The bell rung just as I took my seat in history. My first class of the day.

The teacher, Mr. Ashland, took attendance and said to pair up for reading the fifth chapter.

I saw every girl in the room, save Rosalie and Bella; go over to Jasper to ask to be his partner.

"Sorry girls. I already have a partner." He told them, letting a smug smile spread over his face.

One of his followers, Lauren Mallory, got a pouty look on her face. "Who?"

"Alice." He smiled politely at them and came to sit at the desk next to mine.

"Hello Alice. How are you today?"

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Um… I'm tired." I told him.

"Oh," He said. "You wanna work with me?" He asked.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope." He popped the 'P'.

"Then I guess so."

We started working silently, but we both kept sneaking glances of each other when we thought the other wasn't looking.

"Did you get the answer to number six?" I asked him.

"The battle of Gettysburg and The battle of Shiloh." He responded.

"Oh. What page is that on?"

"One hundred sixty two. Third paragraph from the top."

I just stared at him. How did he do that?

He looked up at me. "What?" He didn't snap at me he asked just because he was curious.

"How did you remember that?"

He shrugged and reached out to my face. He moved one of my hairs behind my ear. He made sure to let his hand slide against my skin.

"Sorry." He mumbled. "The hair was sticking out, it was annoying me."

My mouth formed an 'O'.

We continued working for the rest of class and finished up with five minutes to spare.

"So for the parade should I pick you up or do you want to meet there?"

"If you pick me up you'll probably have to go through questioning with my dad…."

"It'll happen eventually, might as well get it over with."

I nodded. "So it starts at twelve. Do you want to pick me up a ten? Maybe we could do something before?"

"Sounds good." He told me.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. The bell rung and I grabbed all my stuff and shoved it into my backpack.

The rest of the day passed by quickly without anything interesting happened. Until I got to my car. I was driving home alone; Bella had asked Edward to take her home. So I didn't have to do that. But anyway, once I walked to my car Lauren Mallory showed up.

"Can I help you?" I asked her, searching for my car keys.

"Yeah. You can stay the hell away from Jasper."

I looked up at her. "No can do, cupcake. Jasper and I are going to the homecoming parade together. I'm not ditching him."

"He's mine." He growled. No kidding. She growled.

"Really? Your blood related?"

"No." She told me.

"You're married?"

She shook her head.

"Are you legally bonded by court law?"


"Then, honey, he ain't yours." I smiled a sickeningly sweet smile and continued looking through my bag for my keys.

Before I could see what was happening she threw a red slushie at me.

I stopped looking through my bag and looked at my clothes.

"Stay. Away. From. Jasper." She hissed.

"You little bitch." I screeched. I ran over to where she was standing and started clawing at her face while she clawed back. I felt a strong pair of arms, similar to the ones in my dream last night pick me up and drag me away for Lauren.

"Put me DOWN!" The person threw me over his shoulder. "I started clawing and hitting his back desperately trying to get away. "Put me down! Put me down! I wanna kill that bitch! Let me go!" I kept screaming and clawing and pounding, but he didn't put me down. He just stopped.

"Alice. Stop hitting me. It's not doing you any good."

I froze my fists mid-air. Jasper.


"Yes, Alice?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to save you from detention and getting sued." He set me down in front of him, but held on to me so I couldn't run. "What happened?"

"She told me to stay away from you so I told her there was no way in hell I was going to stay away from you cause we're going to the homecoming parade together and she was like 'you are going to stay away from him' and I'm like 'uh no I am not' and she got all pissed and threw a slushie at me."

Jasper looked at me, then tilted his head to the side. Then he brought his face down to mine and kissed my lips softly.

He brought his head back to look at me. "Well, at least she chose a good flavor."

He smiled at me.

I stayed frozen. Jasper Hale just kissed me. Jasper friken Hale just kissed me!

"Should I not have done that?" He asked me.

"No… I mean… you … well… I mean you…." I struggled at finding my answer. "I like when you kiss me!" I blurted out.

Ack! What did I just do? Stupid brain. Idiotic brain! Why, brain, why?

A grin spread on his face and I swooned.

That's right. I swooned. There's something wrong with me.

"Can I kiss you again?"

I could only nod as he brought his face down to mine and kissed me tenderly. He brought his hands to my face and caressed my cheek.

It's too soon for this. Why am I letting him kiss me? He's not supposed to kiss me until our first date! Or something like that…. I've never been on a date before so I'm only assuming. But you only kiss when you're in love, and I am not in love with Jasper. I like him, and I've liked him since school started, which was four months ago. But he's arrogant! But he's so goddamn hot! Oh, why can't he do the noble thing and suck? Wait… no I don't mean suck! I really don't mean suck! No! Brain, stop laughing!

He kissed me one last time before he pulled away. "Why don't we go and clean this up, ok?"

I nodded at him. I wasn't able to speak after the kiss he just gave me. As all the girls say: Jasper Hale will always leave you speechless.