My Pet 16

Dean was glad for the day to be over; it had been a tension filled evening. Both he and Bobby could tell that Sam was close to snapping emotionally so they had tried to walk on egg shells around him, not wanting to push the kid until he was ready to open up about everything.

As they approached their bedroom, Dean was happy to have Sam alone but a little nervous over the prospect. He wanted to be supportive of Sam but at the moment he didn't know how to do that.

Dean was brought out of his musing by Sam's voice, as they reached the door to the guest room that they called their room at Bobby's house.

"Dean, maybe, I should sleep on the couch or even in that new panic room Bobby has set up?" Sam's body was tense and his eyes filled with worry.

Dean sighed. "After everything that has happened Sam, to be honest I don't want to let you out of my sight."

Sam quirked an eyebrow. "Really after the last few days of having me as a constant shadow? I would think that you would be all for some time alone."

Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but I'm enjoying having my Sam back and knowing my little brother, and his propensity for nightmares, I would feel better being here for you."

Sam gave him a small smile. "Propensity?"

Dean gave off a fake huff. "Hey, I know some big words. But really, I would like to be here for you. You sacrificed so much for me to get me out of Hell, let me do this."

Sam looked away and nodded.

"Yeah." He replied in a husky voice.

"Cool, now let's get out of the hallway and hit the hay, I'm bushed." Dean opened the door to the room and gestured to Sam to enter.

Once inside, they both stared at the two twin beds, shoved together. Dean figured it was making Sam nervous because it was reminder of crossing that line with him. Hell, it was making him feel uneasy too but he decided to let Sam make the first move on the situation.

Sam spoke very quietly."Dean, I guess we need to move the beds back."

"If that's what will make you feel better Sam. I'm good with leaving them if having me close will make you feel better." Dean hoped he was doing the right thing, maybe Sam did need some space, but crap, he wasn't Dr. Phil and he had no clue what to do.

Sam stared at the beds and swallowed hard. "I don't know."

"Okay, then let's leave it for now and if we go to bed and you kick the hell out of me, then we'll separate them."

Dean paused and waited for his brother to respond, the kid just stood there for a long moment and then finally nodded his consent.

Dean smiled. "I'm too bushed for a shower, I think I'll just change and brush my teeth but feel free to shower if you need to."

Sam seemed to snap out of his daze. "I'm good, I think I'll do the same."

"Alright then, ladies first." Dean joked trying to keep things light.

Sam rolled his eyes and it was a wonderful sight. "Fine, be my guest Deana."

"Bitch," was Dean's half hearted reply as he grabbed his sleeping clothes and moved towards the bathroom.

It was nice to hear the word, jerk, as he closed the door.

As Dean exited the bathroom he was confronted with the sight of his brother standing in the middle of the bedroom with only his PJ pants on, and they were hanging low on the kid's slender hips. Sam was in the midst of dressing for the night but paused as the elder Winchester entered the room. Dean could feel the tension in the air, not to mention a stirring inside him. Staring at Sam a moment, Dean realized just how beautiful his brother was.

Dean shook his head willing the thought and the desire that he felt to go away.

"Sammy, the bathroom is yours." Dean chagrined at how husky his voice sounded.

Sam quickly put his gray t-shirt on and fled into the bathroom without a word.

Dean mentally cursed himself. He couldn't believe that his mind was leading him down this path. His little brother needed him to be his brother, not some lusty perv wanting to make a move on him. It was something that he knew was going to be a mental fight, because Raven had not only tainted Sam's life, she had tainted the people around Sam. It made Dean wonder if maybe Sam was right and they should spend some time apart.

Not wanting to flee but needing space, Dean moved to the bathroom door and knocked. "Sammy, I think I need to have a beer before bed. I'll be back."

A shaky response of,"Sure, Dean," made Dean feel low for running but he needed air or he was going to pass out.

Dean quickly made his way downstairs and silently cursed when he found that Bobby was camped in the kitchen.

"Boy, why are you up? Something wrong with Sam?" Bobby replied hoarsely before taking a swig of the beer he was nursing.

Dean didn't reply right away, instead he to grabbed a brew and then moved to sit in front of Bobby, not sure what to say.

"I'm afraid I'm doing more harm than good with Sam." Dean finally blurted out.

"I can understand your fear there Dean, but if Sam needs anyone, he needs you." Bobby replied softly.

"Things are complicated now. I can't even explain how crazy things are." Dean regretted sharing that much but he felt like he was backed into a wall with nowhere to go.

Bobby nodded. "I get that. Sam, well, when he wasn't himself shared some stuff. I won't get into your business but I will say this. That bitch crossed lines with you brothers and neither of you had a choice in the matter. Well technically Sam did, but really it was a choice made under strong duress. So I get that you two are facing things that any two brothers should never face, but you two aren't like other brothers."

Dean took a long swallow of his beer wishing for some whiskey. The idea that Bobby knew that they had crossed lines was a troubling one but at the same time it was nice not to be judged. Seemed that the older hunter still had their backs.

"How are we so different Bobby, other than the hunting?" Dean asked in frustration.

"Are you kidding me? You two are the closest set of brothers I've ever met. You'd live and die for each other without a thought and the way John raised you. I'm not saying this to tear into him because I know he was trying to do best by you but... you two weren't allowed to make friends or have relationships like other people. You had each other, period. So if lines are crossed and you two are okay with it, then I don't see a problem." Bobby replied matter-of-factly.

"I don't want to hurt Sam." Dean spat out.

"You won't. The two of you will work through this just like you worked through every other off the wall thing that has been thrown your way. No matter how this pans out, you two will find a way to make things work between you. I have the utmost faith in that." Bobby sighed and patted Dean on the arm.

"Glad someone has faith in us." Dean replied gloomily.

"Yeah well, enough hiding. Go back upstairs and help your brother work through this mess." Bobby ordered.

"Yes sir." Dean replied reluctantly as he rose and moved back upstairs.


Sam hated feeling so weak and vulnerable. He wanted to give Dean space, because he knew he had smothered him while under the effects of the spell – but it was hard to let go. The memories of Dean's death along with his time with Raven, made him want to cling to his big brother.

It had been a big relief when Dean said he felt better if they were together and leaving the beds together also brought feelings of safety to Sam. He knew that being close together in bed had to remind Dean of the lines they had crossed but if his brother was willing to move forward, so was Sam.

Everything seemed okay, until his brother caught him half undressed. Sam knew that had stirred unpleasant memories in Dean and he wasn't shocked when his brother fled- but it left Sam feeling alone and vulnerable. Not wanting to spend a sleepless night, pondering over the turn of events, Sam vowed to take things into his own hands.

Sam searched the medicine cabinet in the bathroom until he found what he was seeking, Tylenol with codeine. He felt slightly guilty raiding the medical supplies but he knew by taking the pills he would be able to block tonight out and then maybe he would be ready to face tomorrow.

The drugs took effect very quickly and soon Sam found darkness calling.

Sam found himself back at Raven's house. He was in her bedroom.

"Oh you came home to me, pet." Raven purred as she rose from bed, with no clothing on.

Sam looked down at himself and found he too was naked. Heat flooded his face as he felt shame and anger over what he had done with her.

"This can't be real, the spell and deal are broken." Sam spat out.

"Oh but baby, you'll never escape me. I've carved a niche into you, so deep you will never escape. You need me baby." Raven began to move towards Sam, and he stepped backwards trying to avoid the trickster. His mind reeling.

"Don't run lover, I can bring back our Dean and we can all have some fun."

Sam shook his head violently. "No, I have Dean now and he is all I need."

Raven laughed. "The real Dean would never touch you the way you want. He will never give you what you need."

Sam shuddered. "Stop messing with my mind. Dean loves me."

Raven quirked an eyebrow. "I just opened your mind up to what it wanted. You are right, he loves you and you love him but you two were just side dancing around the truth, you do want each other."

"Get out of my head."


Dean opened the bedroom door and found Sam sacked out in the middle of the two beds. He had to chuckle at that, once a bed hog always a bed hog, some things never change. Shutting the door behind him, Dean slowly approached the bed not wanting to disturb his sleeping brother.

His careful approach ended when Sam started struggling violently in bed. The kid was thrashing around, mumbling. Dean could make out enough to know that Sam was caught in a nightmare with that bitch. Dean became determined to wake his nightmare ridden brother when Sam screamed out.

"No, I have Dean now and he is all I need."

That made Dean's heart skip a beat, maybe Bobby was right and things could work out between them. With renewed determination he approached the bed.

As Dean made his way to the bed, Sam cried out again.

"Stop messing with my mind. Dean loves me."

Dean smiled as he moved to wake Sam; it was nice to see even in his dreams Sam was a fighter and that he did still care about his big brother. He gently shook Sam and the kid moved away from him and screamed.

"Get out of my head."

Dean groaned wanting to end the nightmare for his brother and upset that his brother wasn't responding to his voice or touch. Hating to do it, Dean grabbed both of Sam's shoulders and shook him.

"Sam, wake up."Dean pleaded with his brother. He was rewarded with Sam's eyes flying open widely as he sucked in a deep breath.

"Whoa kiddo, I'm here, you're okay..." before he could continue his lips were being plundered by Sam's.

Dean's brain short circuited, he became lost in the wonderful sensations of Sam's tongue plundering his mouth. After a moment, he regained his senses and responded by pulling Sam closer, and his tongue began to do a tangled dance with Sam's wet glorious tongue.

Then it all suddenly stopped and Sam was jerking himself away. "God, Dean I'm so sorry."

Dean felt like he had been slapped, he felt a pang of loss as Sam moved away. He could see that Sam was about to flee so he grabbed his brother's right wrist stopping his brother from leaving him and the bed.

"No reason to be Sam, it's okay, really." Dean spoke softly not wanting to spook his freaked out brother.

Sam shook his head with such force his bangs fell forward and it reminded Dean of a petulant ten year old Sam. "It's not okay. I -kissed-you! Not like a brother but a lover and damn it, Raven has corrupted me, I need to be away from you to gain back my sanity."

Dean gave Sam a frustrated look. "I got news for you kiddo, Raven may have corrupted you but that corruption has spread. I'm sharing these un-brotherly feelings."

Sam sniffled. "Dean, don't lie to me to make it better."

Dean huffed. "I'd never lie about something like that."

Taking Sam's right wrist he guided his brother's hand down to his bulging member that had been totally on board with the passionate kissing.

"There is no faking that Sam. You kissing me, it made me want you bad."

Sam's eyes went wide. "This can't be good Dean, maybe you got cursed or..."

Dean rubbed Sam's hand along his hard cock. "Or maybe, just maybe, we've both been harboring feelings for each other for years and it took that bitch to bring it out. We've never been normal Sam."

Sam used his left hand to wipe the moisture away from his eyes. "This is way off the reservation of normal, Dean. I don't want to drag you down with me."

"What if I want this Sam? Because right here, right now, I'm telling you that I would like to pursue this, but only if you want it to." Dean growled out.

"I do. I need you Dean." Sam groaned out.

"I need you too, Sam. But we're gonna take things slow, okay? I mean you've been through so much and I don't want to rush things. We have plenty of time to figure out where this is going to take us, okay?" Dean wanted to kiss Sam again but instead waited impatiently for a response.

"Okay. I'm not fragile... I can handle this." Sam almost pouted out.

Dean chuckled. "Always my little bitch."

Before Sam could respond he took his little brother into his arm and renewed their tongue duel.


Sam couldn't believe his ears. Dean wanted him and needed him just like Sam needed his big brother. It felt surreal, like a dream but if it was he didn't want to wake up.

He normally was dominant in bed but after his time with Raven, and well after growing up with Dean, who always took control of hunts, driving and most decision making, it felt natural just to let his brother take total control.

Within minutes, Dean had him stripped and Sam was trembling with need as his big brother worked his mouth down his body, finally pausing at his hardened cock and blowing warm air. It made Sam arch off the bed.

"Please Dean." Sam mumbled out.

"I've gotcha Sam, you're all mine." Dean growled out before taking Sam's manhood into his mouth.

Sam almost came when the warm heat enveloped him, he felt so good, but his brother grabbed the base of his cock and staved off the orgasm. He was glad, because he wanted to last, to enjoy what Dean had to offer and boy did his brother have a lot to offer. Sam had had a lot of great blow jobs in his life but this one was hands down the best. Dean had always bragged he was good in bed and now Sam was a believer.

He had allowed himself to become lost in the sensations when he decided that he wanted to see Dean. Looking down towards his brother and seeing Dean looking back with such desire was all it took for Sam to totally lose it. He was shivering from all the sensations as Dean licked up every drop.

"Sam, you're so hot when you come." Dean moaned out as he moved to position himself above Sam.

"I need to take care of you." Sam breathed out.

Dean chuckled. "Kid, you are boneless, so how about we save the intense stuff for another day."

"But I want you to claim me, make me yours." Sam whined out.

Dean smiled down at Sam. "God I want that too kiddo, but we're taking baby-steps. I do have an idea for tonight though. Trust me?"

"Yeah." Sam moaned out.

Dean's eyes lit up and he moved to Sam's side and flipped his little brother on his stomach and then repositioned himself on top. Sam gasped as Dean pulled his his round globes apart and then positioned his hard cock between them.

Sam lost himself in the obscene sounds that Dean made as he rutted against him. After a few intense minutes, Sam felt a warm liquid coat the outside of his ass and then Dean collapsed on top of him.

"So good Sammy, God that was so good."

Sam sighed. "It will only get better Dean."

"I'm counting on that kid, I'm counting on it."

Sam moaned in contentment. He knew that both he and Dean had a lot of crap to face and deal with but as long as they had each other, they would make it just fine.


A/N: So don't hate me for leaving it there. It just felt like a good place to stop and as Chuck said on the show – endings are hard. I have been working on this story since Mystery Spot and I refused to post it until it was finished so I made myself finish it. I think more could be told though. A sequel could revisit our boys in the future if I can get my muse to co-operate or at least a time-stamp. Thanks for reading and a big thanks to everyone who took time to review!

I would also like to thank my beta- heatherofthenight. This story was because of her and is dedicated to her. :)