I'm Lost...In Your World...

My first Starfox Fic. Enjoy.


Chapter: 1

Theme: Life can take many unexpected turns. Most of them confuse us. But a few recgonise them and work at them.

Fox was flying in deep space, far away from the Great Fox. There wasn't much around, besides the few floating asteroids. Fox turned on his radio. He put his headset near his ear. "This is Fox McCloud of Star Fox. Is anybody in the vicinity?" he asked through the microphone. A response came, but it was staticy. "Fox? Can you hear me?" it said.

"Fox, it's Krystal!" Krystal said. "Krystal! Thank god! Where are you! I can't see you on radar!" Fox yelled through his microphone. "My ship is out of fuel Fox! Can you somehow get to me?" Krystal asked over the microphone. "I had an emergency battery to keep this microphone running!" Krystal yelled. "Can you help me out?" Krystal asked.

"I don't know...Can I?" Fox asked sarcastically. "Fox get over here now you bastard!" Krystal yelled. "Jeez Krys. Don't blow a casket. I'm comming." Fox said with a chuckle. He turned the radio off then, began to fly towards the signal. He sped in the direction, keeping an eye out for the Arwing.

He then saw something. He focused his vision... Yes! It was Krystal! Fox turned his microphone on and said, "Ok Krystal. I see you now, prepare for refueling. I always carry extra fuel with me!" Fox chuckled.

He sped over to her and powered down his ship and waved to her. "Having fun in there?" he asked over the microphone. "Yes. Now help me!" Krystal said. "Alright.." Fox said as he extended a refuler into her ship's fuel port.

Two minutes later, her ship was full of fuel. Krystal turned the power on her ship on and clapped shortly. "Thanks Fox!" she said as she blew him a kiss. Fox blushed then replied, "Y-You're welcome." Krystal giggled. 'Did I just make Fox stutter? Ha! He has a crush on me!' Krystal thought.

Fox quickly snapped out of it and then said, "Alright, let's stick together and find the closest planet around here." Fox said. "Alright, sounds better than just staying here anyways." Krystal said. They flew thousands of kilometers, (yes kilometers US citizens. most people outside the US don't know what a mile is... In other words, it ain't metric.) and they almost gave up.

Suddenly, a small planet arrived on their radar. "Show visual reference of planet." Fox said, bringing up every file on this planet. "There isn't anything on this one?" Krystal asked, as she did the same. "Yea. Let's send a signal and document it." Fox said. He pushed a button and a small moniter popped up. A snapshot of the planet was taken and Fox wrote in a message, 'Strange planet we found, seems to have stable atmosphere.'

"Krystal, there seems to be a normal atmosphere, with oxygen? There is a strong gravatational pull of 10 m/s squared, i'm estimating." Fox said. "Alright, let's see if there is anything or anyone down there." Krystal said. "Alright." Fox said.

They began to get close to the strange planet. "Be cautious, enterening atmosphere in three... two... one... now!" Fox said. They were in orbit, or free-fall. "Alright... Wait? AAAHH!" Krystal yelled through her microphone. "What's wrong?" Fox asked, quickly. "My... control...not...functioning...HELP!" the microphone said as it was really staticay and went dead.

Krystal's Arwing flew down towards the unidentified planet. Fox yelled, "KRYSTAL!" Then sped after her. He slowed down, "Don't get ahead of yourself Fox. If you don't be careful, you'll kill the both of us." Fox said, talking to himself. Krystal's ship crashed down onto the planet's surface. "NOOO!" Fox yelled.

"Fox...help..." the microphone reported faintly. Fox quickly flew down to the surface of the planet. He landed next to Krystal's ship. Thank god it was mostly a desert world.

Fox ran through the fire that was surronding her ship, curse himself for filling the ship full. "KRYSTAL!" Fox yelled. "Over..here...Fox..." Krystal said over a mental link. Fox ran over to a rubble pile of red, hot metal. He saw Krystal's tail. He picked up every piece of metal, not bothering about the burning flesh of his hands. "Don't worry Krystal! I'll get you outta here!" Fox exclamed.

He had gotten Krystal out and picked her up. Her chest was cold. "God already!" Fox exclamed as she was slowly dying. "CRAP!" Fox yelled as he ran toward his Arwing. He sat down and put her in his lap, lifting off instantly. He hoped that the Great Fox was still in it's last known position.

Infinity Warrior: Yea! My first chapter! Tell me if you like it or not!

Fox: I didn't.

Infinity Warrior: You'll like the story eventually.

Fox: Read and Review...

Infinity Warrior: NO FLAMES!