Hi everyone! This is my first fanfic! i hope you like it!

what if it happened?

Chapter one

Hello, my name is Cameron Ann Morgan. I am a spy for the United States. In one week I will be leaving for a very imported mission in Russia. I am 20 years old. I have been in a kind of depression since junior year at Gallagher academy. That is when the man I loved left me. His name is Zack Goode. That was the last I saw of him.

I know that he went back to blackthorn, and that he graduated one of the top of his class. I know this because blackthorn came back to Gallagher the first semester of our senior year. But Zack was not with them. I guess from what I heard from Grant, Jonas, and Drew (I will get to him in a sec.) that he did not want to come back. So Drew came instead.

So now to Drew Summerton. He turns out that his father was the governor of Florida. (This is in my world not in real life.) So now him and Macey hooked up and are still going strong. They will be married next June. Liz and Jonas are married and have twins on the way! I can't wait. The should be born in April. There will be one boy and one girl.

The little boy's name will be Nate James Aftermen, and the little girls name will be Julie Cameron Aftermen. Yes, she will be named after me. Liz promises Macey and Bex that the next kids she has they will be named after them.

Bex and Grant were the first ones married. He proposed on the day of graduation. Mr. Baxter flipped out, because he did it right on the stage. She said yes, of course. Now they are married, but no kids. Not yet anyways. They say maybe when they get older that way the kids won't be in as much danger.

Liz and Jonas work down in the lab. Macey works for doing your cover, and other things that deal with that. Drew works doing office work. He got hurt on a mission and now they wont let him do mission work. Bex, Grant, and I work out in the field. Joe and Abby got married and now have 2 kids together. They both teach at Gallagher now. Now I'm the only one who is lonely. Oh, yeah and my daddy came back. I don't know what happened, but he just came back. And now there is no COC. Now my mom is pregent with my baby brother. Christen martin Morgan.

Josh and Dillon died in a car crash a few years back. They were both drunk. Dee dee was in the car also. She was in ICU for a while. We talk sometimes. She married a boy named Daniel. Oh, and I forgot to tell you she is a spy just like us. Her dad was a spy, but her mom was not. We see at work sometimes. Ok, so now everyone has there own life, the girls still try to set me up with people but I only want to see those green eyes.

ok well hope you like it and please review! *keep on writing* ~kelly3~