Pacman slumped in a corner of the maze, groaning in discomfort. There wasn't a dot in sight; he'd chomped the lot and was feeling the effects. A pink ghost sidled up to him.

"Hey, Pinky," moaned Pacman.

"Pinky is my slave name," snapped the ghost angrily. "You call me Speedy, fat boy."

"Whatever," said Pacman, shifting uncomfortably. A banana suddenly appeared a few feet away. "Do me a favour and grab that fruit, buddy."

"Oh sure," said Pinky. "I'll just sidle over here and grab this, shall I? Only two problems. One, I don't have any hands. Two, I'm a frickin' ghost. I'll just slide right through it."

"I'm in pain here, man. I've eaten too many of those tasty little dots."

"Pathetic," said Pinky in disgust. "Wait here, I'll go see if Pokey's got any Rennie's."