A/N: I originally started posting this story in June, 2009 and completed it in February, 2010. There are a total of thirty chapters plus a prologue and epilogue. The prologue is about the events leading up to when Clark and Lois arrive at Oliver's penthouse. I've also added a couple of scenes (indicated in bold type) that weren't in the episode. They could have happened. The remaining chapters will be in my usual style of writing. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


When Chloe asked Clark out for coffee, he felt relief. Relief that he wouldn't be reminded of the fact that it was Valentine's Day. But then they arrived at the Talon. Of course it being decorated with hearts and baby cupids didn't help his mood at all. He wanted to be mad at Chloe, but finds he could never stay mad at her for long. He knows that deep down she cares about him and only wants him to be happy.

Unfortunately for him, Jimmy showed up with Lois. Lois. Lois of all people. He wonders why Jimmy brought her. Then when Jimmy and Chloe left them alone together, they both realized that they've been set up – WITH EACH OTHER. Of course Lois had to make one of her typical snarky remarks – referring to him as halibut while she was hot fudge. He tells her that he's had enough of baby cupids with arrows and to knock herself out; walking away from her.

The oil essence lady notices this exchange and offers Lois something to make her fall in love with the first man she sees; handing her a crimson-colored lipstick. Lois scoffs at it. A lipstick will help her fall in love? She thinks that's crazy. But she puts it on for the heck of it. But then something magical happens. She looks in the mirror and sees the reflection of Clark just before he leaves. She stares at him as he walks out. She whispers his name out loud; a smile on her face. She's in 'love'.

Of course Clark doesn't know any of this as he walks out. He decides to go home. But when he gets there, he decides he doesn't want to be there either. So he goes for a walk; ending up at Crater Lake. He sits down on the sand and stays there for a while; thinking about Lana. He wonders how she could get engaged to Lex Luthor of all people. He also wonders how she could not know what he's really capable of. But it was her decision. Her decision to agree to marry him. There's nothing he could do about it. He knows he has to move on, but…it's just too hard right now. He doesn't believe he'll ever meet his soul mate – at least not while he still has feelings for Lana. He sighs, then gets up and heads towards home.

Lois returns to her apartment soon after Clark left. She goes into the bedroom and changes into her flannel pajamas and bunny slippers. Then she makes her way to the kitchen and takes out a bottle of wine. She finds a corkscrew and opens it. Of course the cork flies off and hits the wall. She takes the bottle and walks over to the couch and puts her feet up on the coffee table; taking a slug out of it. Then she puts the bottle down and leans back against the couch. She thinks about how sexy Clark is and how much she wants his arms around her waist; kissing her with a passion. She sighs to herself; closing her eyes and enjoying her little fantasy. Then she has an idea; opening her eyes again. She walks over to her desk and turns on her laptop computer. She inserts a blank CD and brings up a file of her favorite songs. She decides that she's gonna make Clark a CD of Whitesnake power ballads. She smiles to herself as she starts clicking…

The next morning, his mother asks him how the party went. He tells her he's had enough dating advice and doesn't want to talk about it. He's pouring his juice into a glass when the doorbell rings. Martha opens the door and is surprised to see Lois. But it's not Lois herself that she's surprised about. It's what she's wearing.

Clark starts to say something to Lois when he looks up at her. His eyebrows move up; just as surprised as his mother. His eyes travel from her high-heeled boots to the short skirt and the deep cleavage of her top. He wonders why she's dressed like that. Then Lois tells Martha that she wants to talk to Clark. Martha goes upstairs and leaves them alone.

Lois makes her way over to Clark and picks up his hand; gently caressing it with her fingers and making some very sultry comments. He getting a little nervous by her behavior; pulling his hand away. Then she gives him the Whitesnake CD she made for him the night before. She puts her arms around him and tells him how much she loves to have such strong arms around her. He can't help but put his arms around her; his hands gripping her waist. But the moment she turns her back to put on the CD, he super speeds away; making her wonder exactly where he went.

He continues to super speed until he reaches the Daily Planet. He's supposed to meet Chloe, but she's a little late. He tells her that he believes that Lois was affected by some type of love potion and that she's into him. She doesn't believe it until Lois shows up with a tattoo on her left breast that says "Lois and Clark forever". Both Clark and Chloe are shocked by it. Then Chloe abruptly leaves; saying she'll look into it.

Clark grabs Lois's hand and starts walking; pulling her along with him. He attempts to talk to her, but what ends up happening is that she pulls him into the phone booth; closing the door and pushing him up against the wall. He's tries to resist her, but then she lays a deep kiss on him. His eyes flash a brilliant red for a few seconds, then returns to the familiar blue. Then he pushes her up against the wall and passionately kisses her back. He doesn't realize that he's just been infected by Red Kryptonite.

He pulls her into a deserted office to make out with her. But while they're kissing, she realizes she's kissed him before. He finally admits that it was him who had dressed up as the Green Arrow to throw her off Oliver's trail. But then she makes a comment about how nice it is that she found a normal guy. For some reason, her comment annoys him. He tells her that it was time for her to meet the real Clark Kent.

He takes her up to the roof where he stands on the ledge; lifting her up until she's standing next to him. He has his arm around her and leaps into the night air; finally landing on Oliver's balcony. He pushes her up against the wall and opens her shirt because he wants to make sure his name was spelled correctly. He pulls off his shirt, then throws her jacket onto the floor next to the chaise; the invitation to the engagement party safely tucked inside Lois's jacket pocket. He picks her up and carries her over to the chaise; laying her down and staring into her eyes…