Hello, I know that it's been ages since I've last updated and there is really no excuse at all as to why I haven't updated apart from real life getting in the way and lack of inspiration. But my muse is back in the building and I now have a new chapter for you guys, so, enjoy.


Been so long

I've been without it

And the more

I think about

Life's too short for me to sit here

Got to keep it moving on

- Adam Deacon


Chase watched the tall, blonde vampire in front of him. She was not what he expected, wearing skinny jeans and a tight top, looking more like she was born in this century rather than decades ago. Her head raised and she started to turn in his direction. He smiled and waited for her to notice him and before he had blinked she was in front of him, fangs drawn hissing

"What is your business here?" Chase smirked before replying

"I'm a distraction" The vampire opened her mouth but before she could get words out fell to the ground, a stake driven into her back. Chase looked at the body before saying

"Nice shot" Claire stepped forward, lowering the crossbow and replied



Oliver and Myrnin barged through the doors of the city hall, taking note of the humans on one side of the table and Amelie looking tense at the head of the table. She visibly relaxed at the sight of Oliver and turned to Eve

"Maybe Miss Rosser, you were mistaken in what you heard" Eve shook her head and began to speak before a voice echoed around the room.

"Amelie, come outside. I have a present for you" Amelie darted to the window and saw Claire standing outside facing the window. Amelie gestured to her guards and they followed her out, with Eve, Shane, Michael, Oliver and Myrnin following them out.

Claire watched as the group filed out and stood underneath the shelter of the entrance. Eve gasped at the sight of Claire and clung onto the sleeve of Michael's coat.

"Claire, I hear that you are responsible for the recent activities" Claire smirked and said sarcastically

"Good star Amelie, you finally figured it out. I'm sorry I could help myself but I have a present to make up for it" She looked behind her and watched as Chase dragged a body out from the side of the building.

"Your sister, Naomi, has been very clumsy, falling back onto stakes and getting herself into very stupid situations" Amelie took a step forward and said calmly

"Hand her over, Claire" Claire smirked and walked back to Naomi, gripping the stake in her back and driving the stake in further.

"Why should I? I want to have some fun with her" Chase started to pick Naomi back up before Claire turned at him and said

"Leave her and go. You know what to do next" Chase dropped the body before disappearing back into the shadows.

"What are you planning next Claire?" Claire looked up at Amelie and smirked

"You'll see soon enough" Claire bent down and gripped Naomi, dragging her back into the building.


Claire dumped Naomi's body in the room and shut herself in the room with her. She bent down and whispered

"So what is so special about you?" Claire lifted the dagger out of her back and watched as Naomi took a deep breath. She turned her back, tapping the stake against her palm, slowly counting down the seconds until she slammed it back into her back.

".1" Claire slowly turned and felt herself pushed into the wall. Naomi leant in and whispered

"You think you can hold me down little girl? I am not my sister and I will not hesitate to kill you. But you can be of some use to me." Naomi swept Claire's hair off her neck and leaned in close.

"Welcome to my army, Claire" Before she bit down and Claire shrieked.


So what did you guys all think? Leave a review and let me know, Flame me however and well….. pray you never find out lol