Michael lay on his bunk and stared at the cement ceiling. He couldn't live like this, this fucking waiting. Bellick had it out for him and was trying his damned hardest to fuck him over. He'd switched Sucre out of his cell and switched T-Bag in, some excuse about wanting to shake things up. Bellick knew what T-Bag was, a predator.

"This doesn't change anything." He'd said it like he believed it and T-Bag had looked like he was going to go along with that.

But it did and that was why Michael couldn't sleep, couldn't let his guard down even for a second with that guy bunking beneath him. He'd threatened him already. Told him what he'd do to him if he tried to pull any shit in the night. The threat hung between them and T-Bag had just nodded and put up his palms in open surrender. Yeah fucking right.

Somehow he managed to doze off. His sleep was restless though and filled with nightmares. He woke up in a cold sweat with an overwhelming need to piss.

He slid off his bunk silently and went to relieve himself. He could hear Lincoln's voice in his head still, shocked and horrified. You let this happen to my son. LJ's broken bloodied body curled against his chest.

Michael shook his head once to clear the images and jumped as a he felt fingers ghost across his lower back.

"Nightmare, pretty?" T-Bag's body was way too fucking close and he hadn't even heard him move.

"Don't touch me." Michael warned, his voice sounding a lot more calm then he felt. He'd finished up already and hastily put himself back in his pants.

T-Bag took a half a step back. "I'm not even close to you." He mocked.

Michael half glared but didn't bother arguing. T-Bag smirked at him and watched him hop back up onto the top bunk. The silence that hung between them was suffocating and Michael thought he'd never fall asleep.

He groggily woke up the next morning to the feel of warm breath tickling the tiny hairs across his chin and opened his eyes to find the source. Sucre's eager brown eyes weren't reflecting back at him. Fuck.

T-bag tilted his head slightly and smiled serenely at him. "Mornin' sunshine." This is what hell is.