Mrs. Weasley and I land at the wrought-iron gates to Malfoy Manor, which Mrs. Weasley stares up at looking slightly intimidated. I quickly mutter the password, allowing us entrance, and I take Mrs. Weasley by the hand, guiding her inside with me; it's good to have her here with me for moral support. Mrs. Weasley looks up at the huge house timidly; I can tell she's very uncomfortable about being here.

As I look up at the house my heart gives an involuntary leap; it feels good to be back and I can't wait to see Draco. We continue to walk forwards towards the house, and when we get halfway up the drive, the front door flies open. I'm not sure how she knew I was here unless she's been standing at the window waiting for me to return, but Narcissa comes running towards us; I drop my bags and Mrs. Weasley's hand and run to her, wrapping her in a tight hug. "My darling girl!", she exclaims, placing her hand on the back of my head and pushing my face against her shoulder. "You came back!", she exclaims over and over again as tears stream from both our eyes.

Lucius quickly walks up behind her as we continue to hug and I'm surprised when he, too, wraps his arms around me, pulling both Narcissa and myself into a tight hug. When the Malfoys release me, Narcissa looks up at Mrs. Weasley, and they both stare at each other very awkwardly for a moment. "What changed your mind?", Lucius asks me.

"Mrs. Weasley", I answer honestly. Lucius looks up, apparently noticing Molly for the first time, but the look of disgust on Narcissa's face immediately turns to one of admiration.

"Oh Molly, Thank you!", she exclaims, and she runs over and pulls a very shocked and frightened-looking Mrs. Weasley into a hug. Lucius picks up my bag and begins to carry it inside, and Narcissa releases Molly and backs away, still crying.

"Narcissa", I begin.

"Yes?", she replies.

"I want Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley to be two of my bridesmaids; and I want the rest of the Weasley family there on my wedding day also. And Neville Longbottom and all my other friends from Hogwarts, too. And your niece, Tonks. And I doubt Harry will come, but if he will, I want him there, too. And I'd like for the ladies to be invited to my baby shower and bridal shower, as well". Narcissa looks like she's just swallowed a toad, but Molly's swollen with pride.

"You mean, you're still going to marry Draco?", Narcissa asks, and when I nod my head she brightens up.

"Anything you say, dear! It's the least we could do after all they've done for you!", she says.

"Great, thanks!", I reply, "I'll be inside in just a moment, I want to say Goodbye to Mrs. Weasley".

"Ok", Narcissa says, and she walks up the drive and into the house.

"Thank you so much, for everything", I begin, but Molly just pulls me into a hug.

"If you ever need anything", she says, "You know where to find me. And stop by and write every now and then, if you can".

"Of course", I reply, "You will come to the wedding and showers, won't you?".

"Of course", she replies, "And I know the girls wouldn't miss them for the world".

"Great!", I reply, "Let them know they're bridesmaids!".

"I will", she says, "Now you'd best get inside; Draco's waiting". I cast her a final smile and watch as she walks out the gates and disapparates, and then I head up the drive and back inside; back home.

As soon as I get inside Narcissa pulls me into another hug before asking how the baby and I are. I tell her we're both fine and she removes the disillusionment charm from my belly and takes me by the hand, leading me up to Draco's and my bedroom. "How is he?", I ask as we walk.

"Not good", is Narcissa's only response.

I feel the anticipation build with each step I take, walking up the familiar stairs to the third floor. My stomach feels like it's in my throat when we reach the bedroom door, and Narcissa tells me to wait in the hall, that she'll go in and 'prepare' Draco. I stand up against the wall to the right of the door and listen as Narcissa opens the door and steps inside.

"Draco", I hear her say, "I know you're upset son, but you need to get up; we've a wedding to plan".

"No we don't, Mother", Draco replies darkly; I'm glad to hear his voice but shocked at how different his voice sounds. "In case you've forgotten", he continues, "My bride, and my child for that matter, are GONE, thanks to you and Dad and your meddling".

"Draco, I know we've wronged you", Narcissa says, "But everything we did was out of love…", but Draco cuts her off.

"Oh, shut up!", he yells, "You two don't love anyone but yourselves! Do you know what the worst part about this whole thing is, Mother?".

"What's that, son?", she asks.

"The worst part", he begins, "Is that I know Jayde loves me. Do you know how I know, Mother? Because I can feel her! I can feel her heart…BREAKING, and there's nothing I can do about it, because I don't even know where she is, thanks to you. I know that deep down, she knows she loves me, too. The only problem here is you and Dad; you've FUCKED with her HEAD! She doesn't know what was real and what wasn't anymore! But none of that matters now, because I'll never see her again".

Draco's voice trails off and I want to go to him badly, I can tell that he's hurting because I can literally hear the pain in his voice; but Narcissa speaks again, preventing me from doing so. "Draco, it just so happens I know where Jayde is", she says.

At this, she motions for me to come into the room, and I do so. And there he lies, my prince, my angel, in the middle of our bed with his face buried in his hands, his white-blonde hair falling around his hands. He's wearing pajamas, which I assume his mother dressed him in, and though I can't see his face, I can already tell he's ill, and he's lost quite a bit of weight; his whole body looks weak and it's breaking my heart.

He hasn't seen me enter the room, so I speak up; "Draco", I call softly.

"GOD!", he screams through tears with his face still buried in his hands, "I can HEAR her! I can hear her voice inside my head…it's driving me insane!".

I'm shocked to know that he hears my voice in his head, too, I thought I'd been imagining things, but I decide to try to use it to my advantage. "I can hear you in my head, too", I think, trying to direct my thoughts to him, "But this is real. Look up".

I feel stupid for trying this, but I know he's heard me because as soon as I finish speaking, or more like thinking, he removes his hands from his face and looks up, and he stares at me in silence for a moment before his eyes register what he's seeing. He takes a deep breath in and fresh tears start pouring down his cheeks, and his eyes and mouth open widely. "You…you're…", he begins.

"Yes…I'm really here, baby", I reply, finishing his sentence. He slowly pushes himself into a standing position and walks slowly over to me, shaking, and as he comes nearer my heart starts beating more quickly and tears start pouring from my eyes, as well. His face looks sunken in and his eyes are swollen; I can tell the past week has been pure hell for him, just like it has for me. "I'm here, baby", I repeat, "And I'm so sorry".

"S…sorry?", he asks, staring down at me as he finally reaches me and we stand face-to-face.

"Yes", I reply, "I should never have doubted you…I love you, and I hope you'll forgive me". I reach up and touch the side of his face and when I do he closes his eyes and leans his cheek into my open palm, breathing a sigh of relief. Then suddenly his expression changes, and he quickly backs away from my hand.

"No!", he says, "You shouldn't be here. Leave!".

"Wh..what?", I ask, thoroughly confused, "You don't want me here?".

"I…of course I want you here", he says, "But you're better off without me, Jayde. You're a complete angel, and I'm…I'm bad. People like me don't deserve angels like you".

I immediately know what he's trying to do; he's pushing me away just like I tried to push him away in the room of requirement at Hogwarts that day after Ms. Fitzpatrick's death. "I know what you're doing", I tell him, "And it won't work; us not being together isn't an option. I know you don't mean any of what you're saying, you're just scared. And I don't believe for one minute that you're bad, because you're not. Sure, your parents have made some bad decisions, but that doesn't make you a bad person. Furthermore, I know you love me, and I love you. I know you couldn't live without me, any more than I could live without you. And I know that I'm your angel; and you should know that you're mine".

"I'm…your angel?", he asks incredulously.

"Yes", I reply, "You saved me from myself; from the life of loneliness I was sentencing myself to. I love you, Draco".

At this, more tears pour from both of our eyes, and then Draco runs back over to me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me so close to him that I can hardly breathe. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my lips against his, and we stand there snogging for what seems like forever; "Finally", I think to myself. Narcissa quietly slips from the room as we snog, and Draco pulls away from me frantically a few moments later and places his hands on my shoulders.

"The baby!", he says as he glances down at my belly, "Is it okay?".

I smile up at him; "Yes", I reply, taking one of his hands from my shoulder and placing it on my belly, "It won't be still". The baby starts moving furiously as soon as Draco's hand touches my belly.

"Thank Merlin!", Draco exclaims, and he immediately falls to his knees and rests his head against my belly, kissing it several times. I finally get to my knees in front of him and lift his face, wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his shoulder, needing to feel his arms around me. "But what made you come back…after everything they did?", he asks me.

"Love", I reply simply.

"I…we don't have to live here anymore, if you'd like", he begins, "We've got enough money to build our own house. You don't ever have to see them again, if you don't want to".

"Well, I do think we should build our own house", I reply, "But we can stay here for now".

"But...I don't understand! Why?", he asks. I sit back on my heels and stare into his eyes before I begin to answer him.

"Draco", I reply, "Your parents used the Imperius Curse to make us shag; to make me get pregnant. They gave me Amortentia and they lied to us about it for a long time. But to quote someone I'm rather fond of when we first found out I was pregnant; 'I don't care who did it, the past doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're together and happy, and expecting a child; quite frankly, I'm not the slightest bit mad at whoever did this, nor am I one bit interested in their original intentions. This all worked out to our benefit'".

Draco smiles as I say this, recognizing the quote I'm using as his, and then pulls me into another long strain of kisses; he accidentally brushes against my left hand as we kiss and then he stops, looking down. "You're…you're still wearing my ring?", he asks, astonished.

"I never took it off", I reply, "And I've got some great news! Your Mum says Hermione and Ginny can be my bridesmaids, and that all the Weasleys can come to the wedding!".

"The…wedding?", Draco asks.

"Yess…", I reply worriedly.

"You mean…you still want to marry me?", he asks.

"Of course I do!", I reply. He pulls me closer to him and rests his nose against mine, staring down into my eyes.

"I still can't believe you came back", he says quietly.

"I had to", I reply, "Because I realized that after you and our child, Amortentia and the Imperius Curse are the best things that have ever happened to me".

Draco smiles at this statement and pulls me in for another infinite kiss. When we stop a few moments later Narcissa clears her throat behind us and I turn to look at her. She's smiling and tears are streaming from her face; "It's so good to see the two of you together again", she says happily. I smile at her in response and my heart swells as Draco pulls me closer to him. "I didn't mean to interrupt", Narcissa continues, "But I thought I'd let the two of you know lunch is ready".

"I'm not hungry", Draco replies, lightly nipping at my neck, "I've got all the sustenance I need right here".

I giggle slightly but turn to face him, "Come on, love", I say worriedly, "You should eat…I know you haven't been eating without your mom's coercion, and you don't look well…I feel horrible, it's all my fault".

"No it isn't, darling", he replies, "But okay, I'll go eat…but you should eat, too, for the baby. Okay?".

"Okay", I respond.

"Have you been walking and taking your potion every day?", he asks, to which I nod my head in response. "Good", he replies, "Come on, let's get something to eat".

Draco gets to his feet and then helps me to mine, and we follow Narcissa from the room, down the third floor corridor and downstairs. As we walk Draco clings to my hand and my waist for dear life, and I cling back to him just as fiercely; I'm glad to see that his demeanor and mood have improved in the past few minutes since I've returned, and he's even beginning to look better, though he still looks sick.

We finally reach the dining room, where Lucius is already seated at the table. He smiles up at us as we enter, and I'm surprised when a single tear rolls down his cheek, which he quickly wipes away with his knuckle while turning to face away from us, so as not to be seen at this moment of weakness. Several of the maids greet me as they serve lunch, "Welcome back, Miss Jayde", they all say. Draco stares at me instead of eating at first, but I scold him and he quickly starts eating ravenously. He holds my hand underneath the table though, making it a bit difficult to eat, but I don't mind.

There's not much talking at the table as we eat, but Lucius finally speaks up. "So will you be going back to work tomorrow, son?", he asks. Draco looks a little embarrassed; apparently he didn't want me to know he hasn't been going to work.

"Dad!", he says angrily.

"It's okay, love", I say, "I already knew you hadn't been going".

"How?", he asks.

"Arthur Weasley", I reply.

Lucius rolls his eyes but Draco speaks up, "Yes, I think I'll go back tomorrow", he says.

"Are you sure you still have a job?", I ask, to which Lucius responds, saying that the Minister has given Draco a leave for however long he needs; I can't help but think it's sort of nice to have friends in high places. "Are you sure you should go back so soon?", I ask, "You look really weak…maybe you should rest a bit first".

"I'll be fine, love", he says, giving me a gentle peck on the cheek, "I've missed enough work already".

"She's right, son", Narcissa says, "You should at least wait until Thursday".

"Oh…that's right!", I say suddenly, remembering something I'd forgotten, "My 23 1/2 week check-up is tomorrow!".

"Really?", Draco asks excitedly; I nod my head in response. "Ok, I'm staying out of work tomorrow to go with you; I'll go back to work on Thursday. Besides, we've got some catching up to do…it'd be great for us to get to spend the day together tomorrow".

"Yeah, it would, love", I reply happily.

No one else talks for the rest of the meal, and after we've finished eating Draco and I go outside for a walk on the grounds, even though Draco's still wearing his pajamas. We walk over to the fountain and sit on the edge, and immediately several of the baby white peacocks run up to us, wanting to play. Draco and I play with them for a few moments, and then Draco stops to ask me a question. "So was Potter there?", he asks me, "At the Weasley's, I mean", he clarifies.

"Yes", I reply cautiously. Draco tenses when I answer him before continuing; "Did he try anything?". I roll my eyes at him; I should have known that was coming.

"Draco!", I say exasperatedly. Draco, however, takes my behavior as a "Yes" and gets extremely angry.

"I knew it! I'll kill him with my bare hands!", he says angrily.

"He didn't try anything!", I clarify, and Draco immediately calms down. Then a question crosses my mind, and I can't help but ask it. "Are you going to tell your Dad that Harry was there?", I ask.

"I hadn't planned on it, why?", Draco asks. I decide that now is the moment of truth; I should tell Draco what I learned while I was at the Burrow.

"Draco, I know who that man was, that night at Professor Snape's house, and I know what that costume in the second floor cupboard is for; I know your Dad's a death eater". Draco's eyes widen when I say this and he looks away from me and lets out a heavy sigh before leaning over and burying his face in both his cupped hands. Then he takes his hands away and turns his head to the right, looking at me.

"Darling, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before", he says, "But you must understand, that's not something I'm proud of".

"I understand, but I still wish you'd told me", I reply, "Are you a death eater?", I ask, afraid of the answer.

"No!", he says seriously, sitting up straighter as he says it.

"Why not?", I ask.

"Because I don't want to be", he replies, "The only two causes in this world I'd be willing to die for are you and our child".

My heart melts as he says this and I pull him into a tight hug. "So you're never going to be a death eater, even if they ask you to be one?", I ask as I lean my head against his shoulder.

"They've already asked", he says, "My Aunt Bella's been pressuring me about it since last year; I was supposed to take the mark when I graduated. But for some reason they completely stopped talking to me about it right after I met you. But even if they do ask again, I won't do it; I refuse to follow in my Father's footsteps…I hate him and my Mum for what they did to you, to us".

"You shouldn't", I reply, "If it weren't for them we might've never been together. And besides, they were forced into this as well".

"What do you mean?", Draco asks me.

"Draco, your parents weren't alone in planning this…it was his idea…the Dark Lord. He's stopped pressuring you to become a death eater because you met me. He wanted your parents to ensure that we were together so we'd have children…Nimbimagi…who could serve him in the future".

"What!", Draco asks, infuriated, "How do you know all this?".

Knowing that I can trust Draco but deciding that I shouldn't tell him what Dumbledore said because I promised I wouldn't, I quickly reply, "Ms. Fitzpatrick showed it to me in a dream. I saw the whole thing, from beginning to end; Voldemort insisted that you and I be together so I'd be aligned with your family and we'd produce more powerful servants for him".

I feel horrible; though I didn't lie to Draco, I didn't tell him the whole story, either, but I know his parents probably wouldn't trust Professor Snape anymore if they somehow learned that he'd told Dumbledore of the plan, and I simply can't risk that. I seriously reconsider my decision, however, until Draco interrupts my thoughts.

"Well I'll be damned if I see it happen!", he says, "Our child will NEVER serve him! NEVER!".

"Shhh…calm down, love", I say quietly, and Draco immediately obeys. He pulls me into a tight hug and I return his embrace, savoring the feel of his skin against mine. It feels so good to be back in his arms, we're already almost back to normal; it's as if I never left. Draco and I continue to sit outside for a while longer, holding each other, playing with the baby peacocks, and talking, but after a little while I start to feel extremely tired; the past sleepless week has finally caught up with me.

I yawn loudly and Draco looks down into my drooping eyes; "What's wrong, love?", he asks.

"Nothing", I reply, "I just…haven't been sleeping very well".

"I can tell", he replies, "You look exhausted. Come on, let's get you to bed".

I make to argue with him, because it's still early in the afternoon, but he shushes me and picks me up, displaying strength that I didn't even think he had in him, based upon his looks. He carries me all the way across the yard, up the steps, inside, and up two flights of stairs to our bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and then lays down beside me himself, but he's not close enough. I slide closer to him and wrap my arms around his neck, and I tangle both of my legs between his. And though I've tried to be strong for him all day, silent tears start leaking from my exhausted eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?", Draco asks, looking very concerned. He extends his arms and pulls me closer to him, in the tightest embrace he's ever held me in. I practically climb on top of him and bury my head in his chest, sobbing.

"I missed you so much!", I wail against his shirt.

Draco responds, "There, there love, it's alright…I'm here now". I continue to sob for a moment and Draco continues trying to calm me; "I'm here, love", he repeats, "Please don't cry…you'll break my heart". He slides his hands up to the side of my face and gently pulls my face away from his chest, looking deep into my eyes. He pulls me in for a tender, tear-streaked kiss, which helps me calm down almost immediately. Then he repositions me beside him and wraps his arms around me, and I cling to him like a child to its mother. "Get some rest, love", he says.

"I'm scared to close my eyes", I reply, "I'm scared you won't be here when I wake up".

"Darling, I'm not going anywhere", he says, "Never".

The way he says this makes me feel horrible, because even though Draco would never leave me, I've already left him once. I start crying even more forcefully, and he pulls me closer. "I'm so sorry I left!", I sob, "I'm so sorry!".

"Darling, there's nothing for you to be sorry for…you were confused, and I would've been too".

I continue crying and Draco speaks again, "Shhh, love", he says, "Get some rest".

I snuggle up against him, my head lying across his chest, but I can't imagine sleep coming anytime soon for me, even though I'm completely drained. A few moments later, however, I feel myself starting to doze off. Though I try to fight it, still basking in Draco's embrace, I simply can't, and I close my eyes. In another effort to soothe me, Draco quietly says, "Sleep well, my angel, I love you".

"I love you too", I barely manage. I immediately fall asleep against my prince's chest, feeling more safe, comfortable, and happy than I have in a week's time, and knowing that when I wake up, he'll still be here, for the rest of my life, and that everything will be alright.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, that's all folks! I know, you're probably surprised that it ended here, without warning, and for that I apologize. I'd like to thank my faithful reviewers for their dedication; you know who you are! Please, let me know your final thoughts on this, as it's my first! And while you're at it, why not check out THE SEQUEL? Oh yes, there's a sequel...SURPRISE! I've fallen in love with my story and characters and couldn't say goodbye to them that easily, but I didn't want to write a 500 chapter story, either! Please review, and check out the sequel; It's titled "Becoming Mrs. Malfoy". Thanks again!