A/N: it's so extra hard for me to conclude a story! Ugh! I never want it to end!
Thank you all for reading and reviewing another one of my stories! I'm greatly appreciative of all the feedback! :)
Rini played with the buttons on her school tie. Leaning against a lamp post, she stared across the street at the red radio tower as the people walked around her. They really didn't take notice to the teenager as they went about their normal lives; the lives that none of them would have if it were not for their bravery. No one was aware of the destruction that happened to this world, the lives that were lost, the chaos that surrounded them. If it had not been for Wynter sacrificing her life, none of them would be here.
It was a blur; she couldn't remember a lot. The light engulfed them, there was a buzzing in her ears that she swore was the sound of a violin, and then it dissipated. There was nothing. Everything on the top floor of the tower was restored. There was no longer a monstrous forest in the middle of the room. The city was restored to the way it was; Darien and Amara were healthy, but Michelle, Wynter, and Shiguire's bodies were no where to be found.
The days afterwards were bittersweet. Rini refused to believe what her mind was telling her heart. She forced herself to believe that it was nothing more than a dream. She would wake up and they would be alive.
Her family wouldn't be broken.
She and Serena had gone to her sister's apartment believing that she would be there sleeping from the long night of battle. The apartment was empty. No furniture, no items indicating that anyone had occupied it. The landlord told them over and over that she didn't have a tenant living in that apartment for some time. Rini was determined to find the truth. She wasn't ready to accept that her big sister was no longer apart of her world.
Rini tried using her Luna Ball to contact her parents. When she couldn't get through to them, she requested Trista, the Gate Keeper, to see if she could find a way to get home. She returned the next day, informing her that the door to her time was locked and she couldn't enter.
Rini was clueless and without options. Why couldn't she return home? Was it because they couldn't save Wynter, the heir to Crystal Tokyo? Was this her punishment? Were her parents angry with her? Were they grieving the loss of their firstborn? The only thing she had left was Wynter's sword that was still in the corner of her bedroom, waiting for its owner.
Koji stayed around for a few days longer than she had expected him too. He was hopeful that Wynter had escaped the hands of death. But with no signs, he left as well, back to his homeland in his time to deliver the news that Shiguire was no more.
Amara, brokenhearted, shut herself away. The girls would check on her, but nothing had changed for weeks. If she wasn't slamming her fist into the walls, she was on her knees crying. She left about a month later. No one knew where she was going. She didn't state her reasons, but she had given her word that she would return.
It surprised the young girl how fast time went by. Two years. Two years since that day. It took half that time to finally finish grieving and move on. It was hard, especially for Rini, but she got through it.
Now graduating junior high, she was officially on her way to high school. She got several pins from different males from her school. Sadly, she couldn't grasp any of the events fully. Maybe if the ceremony fell on another day.
But not today.
"Hey, Rini" Her focus was cut off when two of her classmates came into view.
"Hey!" She waved back, faking as much enthusiasm as possible.
"Some of us are going to the new restaurant next to the arcade. Wanna come?"
Rini shook her head; the tails of her buns fell over her shoulders. "No thanks. I've made other plans with my cousins."
The girls frowned at the rejection. "Well, ok. But if you change your mind, that's where we'll be."
They hesitated, as if she would change her mind at the last minute. She waved them off. Walking in the opposite direction. Serena and the others had planned a picnic in the park near the lake where she first appeared. She giggled remembering the instant fight that exploded between her and the blonde meatball head that she had grown to love dearly.
They were to meet up soon so she picked up her pace. The last thing she wanted to do was inherit her mother's lateness. She bounded the corner and collided into someone.
"I'm sorry!" she bowed repeatedly; never looking at the other.
"Hey! Long time, no see." She gasped, looking up to see the tall blonde smiling back.
"Amara!" She gave no warning as she leaped into her arms. "You're back!" She felt her heart swell to see her again.
"So, you've graduated." Amara smiled, touching one of the pins. "And popular with the boys, I see." Rini blushed, batting her hand away. She was taller now, shedding away childish looks as she was blooming into a young woman. She was looking more like her mother. A pain shot through her heart. She had missed it; watching Rini grow. Though it was only for a short time, Amara felt like she missed a lifetime.
"How are you?" she grabbed her hand, making her walk with her. She knew why she was in the same area and was afraid she would have a sudden breakdown.
"Good." She answered quietly but with confidence. "Better, I suppose." Amara looked over her shoulder; the Tokyo Tower was hovering over her. In her time alone, she tired to find herself once more. She didn't know what to do without Michelle because she was never apart from her. When she died, when her mind finally caught up with everything and reality hit her, it hit her hard. Who was she without the love of her life? What was she to do now that she was no longer at her side? It took her longer than she expected it to, but time was supposed to heal all wounds...right?
Seeing the Tower, remembering that day, still broke her heart.
"That's good."
"I'm still waiting for her to appear. Somewhere." She didn't dream about her as much. She didn't see her in the day in a crowd anymore or hear her voice. But every day had she prayed that she would come back to her. When she finally stop praying, she knew it was time to come home.
"Yeah, me too." Rini responded in a somber tone. They walked together in silence for a while until the others saw them. The girls' squeals were loud as they ran to greet the amazon.
Amara felt the love that surrounded her. After Michelle's death, she went numb; unresponsive to the world around her. Even when the girls and Darien became her caretakers, she still couldn't begin to care. Her light, her love, was gone and she had no way of bringing her back. It was unfair for the others who were trying to help her go unnoticed.
She walked with them, arm in arm with Trista as she talked about her journey. They welcomed her back as if she never left, and she was glad for that. Spending nearly two years alone, she realized how much she had missed them.
They gave gifts to Rini, ate, and laughed around one another under the shade of the surrounding trees. Their small gathering was peaceful for about an hour before a familiar face interrupted them.
"What do you want?" Irritation read all over his face.
"Koji!?" Serena was surprised to see the Celestial in front of them, but he didn't look happy to see them.
"What do you want?" He repeated. That whistle, that damned noise that he kept that he had grown to loath, had been sounding off in his ears for several days now. At first he ignored it, but it was becoming louder and louder and he couldn't take it anymore. Whoever was blowing his whistle was going to get the hell beat out of them.
"What are you talking about?" Darien questioned, getting to his feet.
"Don't play games." He eyed them. He didn't think their paths would cross again. There was nothing to bring them together. Once he couldn't sense Wynter anymore, he had left the dimension. He had searched for her, even attempted to enter Crystal Tokyo in his time. He didn't even make it to the threshold before he was attacked. It was a foolish move, but he was desperate at that time. He needed a sign, anything to give him confirmation that she was alive.
Wynter had died for them; she sacrificed herself for her people, her world, her family. He hated her for choosing such a selfless act and began to hate himself more for not being able to protect her. He was just starting to heal when he heard the high pitch octave of his whistle.
"Whoever has my whistle, I want it back now." He didn't want to be there. The blinding light, the smell of smoke and ash; it was flooding back to him. This place was bringing back too many memories of that day that he was trying to lock away.
He frowned and remained silent as the group looked between each other.
"We don't have it." Darien opened his hands. "We didn't take it."
Was this a joke? The whistle was unique and unmistakable. He wasn't wrong. One of them had the damned thing. He could feel his frustration growing as the sound blared in his ears like a fog horn.
"Someone has it." He checked his surroundings. The park was just blooming with springtime; the pink petals of the cherry blossom trees sprinkled the ground as the warmth of the sun peeked through from behind the clouds.
"Koji?" Serena became concerned when the Celestial prince stood motionless as if he were frozen.
"Something happened." He said after a short pause.
"Yeah." Amara agreed. She sensed it as well. After a short time in the park, she realized that the atmosphere had changed. She couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of the city; the traffic, the people, the general noises that were once there was now dimmed like someone turned down the volume.
What the hell was going on? Was it another attack? Not now...not again. Not after everything they had been through.
"Where's the little one?" Koji jerked his head around. "Rini!" He turned and ran. He barely saw her in the distance but he was catching up to her.
Where is she going?!
Rini finally stopped, slightly panting. They ended up at the beginning of a crystal bridge. She felt something. The energy was familiar and knew they weren't in the same time anymore. Once Koji appeared, it came over them slowly. How had they passed through a portal to Crystal Tokyo without anyone acknowledging it?
She was home.
But how? Why?
Her questions were answered when a familiar face approached them. She skipped causing her short dark hair to bounce and sway with every movement. Dressed in her casual lavender colored dress; a dark purple stone hung around her neck.
"Hotaru." Rini was greeting with a big hug as the girl smiled at her. She was younger than Rini now, but not by much and she still looked the same as she remembered her.
"Welcome Home." Her smile never wavered as she took Rini's hand. She waited for the others to catch up to them. Confusion was written on everyone faces.
"Hotaru?" Amara and Trista said together. What was going on? How did they end up back home in the 30th Century?
"Come on!" She waved them on, pulling Rini along. She didn't say much as she led them over the blue waters.
"Why are we here?" Koji wanted answers. Why were they following this child? He figured she was no threat since everyone knew her by name, but that didn't ease his mind. This was not a place that he was meant to be in.
"We've come together to celebrate Small Lady's graduation." She stated happily, looking up at the Celestial with lavender eyes. "So you must be on your best behavior."
"How did we get here?" Trista couldn't come through the portal when she had tried two years ago.
"Queen Serenity." Hotaru simply said. Crystal Tokyo had come into view. It glittered and sparkled in the morning sun. The group had only been there once and it was just as magnificent as they had remembered it.
"This way." Hotaru said once they made it to the end of the bridge. She led them over the grassy hill; a gazebo came into view just over the hillside. Workers were moving about, setting the last of the chairs and food for the small gathering. When they saw the Scouts coming over the opposite side, Rini's heart thundered in her chest; they were engrossed in their argument among themselves that they didn't realized they had arrived. It was then that Rini saw her mother, laughing softly as she tried to get the Scouts attention.
"Mama!" The slender blonde turned as did her husband. She smiled and fell to her knees as her daughter came rushing into her arms.
"Congratulations, my Darling!" she cooed, kissing her on her forehead. "We are so proud of you!" Rini could barely get her words out as she cried in her mother's arms.
"Now, enough tears." King Endymion said, giving his youngest a chance to catch her bearings. "This is a happy time." He smiled, nodding his head to their guests.
"Mercury. Sometimes you take it too far." They could hear Mars' voice in the distance. She was completely soaked as was Venus.
"Yes, well. You started the game." Mercury shrugged her shoulders. "I just finished it." She trotted over when she saw the small princess.
"Mercury!" Rini bounded into her arms.
"Congratulations!" she was showered with kisses and hugs. They were happy for her, telling her how proud they were.
But how could she be happy when her sister wasn't there to congratulate her?
"Thank you." She dried her tears with the back of her hands. "Thank you, everyone."
"It's weird seeing yourself." Lita murmured as she saw Juptier, dressed in the same attire as Hoturu, but in a pale green, swing Rini in the air before hugging her. Amara said nothing as she gazed at the woman standing next to her twin. She didn't dare say her name because she knew it wasn't her. This was going to be a hard day for her.
"I don't think I'm supposed to be here." Koji was feeling waves of…of goodness passing through him it was making the hairs on his neck stand. He was definitely not used to this.
"Any other time, I would agree." King Endymion narrowed his eyes at the Celestial. "But you were invited to celebrate this day." He nodded his head in the general direction that the scouts had come from.
"Michelle?!" Amara froze when Serena shouted. She saw her, wringing out the last of the water from her hair. Her clothes clung to her as if she was dunked into a pool of water. She barely got to the top of the hill when the other girls ascended on her. Crying and wailing at the same time, Michelle took it all in. She could have only imagined what they went through two years ago.
"But how?!" Rini cried. How was Michelle alive?
"Hotaru." Michelle pointed at the young girl that stood beside the Queen. "She might be small, but her power of 'Rebirth' is quite a miracle.
"But why did it take so long for you to return? Why are we just finding out after two years?!"
"Well, rebirth does take time. I did die after all. We had to make sure I came back all in one piece." She patted Rini's cheeks before getting to her feet. She smiled when she saw Amara standing in the same place where they left her. She was shook to her core, Michelle could tell; emotions were bubbling behind her amber eyes.
"Hi." She greeted her once she was in front of Amara. She didn't speak back as tears rolled down her face. She reached up, cupping her face. "I guess we can continued our crazy lives together." Amara broke down, dropping to her knees. Michelle cradled her head in her arms as she sobbed.
"But if Michelle is alive…then…" Rini looked around. Where was she? Where was Wynter?
"Whoo-hoo! Happy Graduation, Rini!" It was as if she appeared from thin air. She stood in between their parents. She smiled, clutching to her chest a staff with the family moon crest engraved over it. She was alive. Rini didn't know how she got to her, but before she knew it, she was on the ground, crying once again.
"Grass stains don't come out, Rini." Wynter giggled, holding her sister tightly as tears formed.
King Endymion had a hard time getting his daughters up from the ground, but he managed with the help of Jupiter and Uranus as Rini seemed to me stuck to Wynter like glue.
"Is this for me?" Rini's small fingers grazed over engravings over the staff including her name.
"Yup!" Wynter gave her one last hug. "We're so proud of you, Rini!" She turned to greet everyone. Brushing away her tears, she passed out more kisses. She had missed all of them so much.
"Kinda bummed that I'm alive?" She joked when she made her way over to Koji. He didn't remove his eyes from hers but didn't make the effort to speak.
"But look on the bright side," Wynter threw her arms in the air. "At least you don't have to babysit me…" Before she could finish her smart remark, the Celestial Prince had embraced her. The action caught her off guard; she squealed in shock.
Koji buried his face into the mass of her hair. He didn't know how much he had cared for the princess until he had lost her. And now that she was standing before him, he knew that he didn't want to let go.
Wynter knew her family was watching, especially her father. Koji was holding her a little too tightly and a little too long. Not that she minded, but her parents wouldn't be fond of the public affection.
"Alright, alright. Break it up." She heard Darien say from behind her. Both Darien and her father pulled them away. Wynter faced was beat red, embarrassed by their actions. For some reason, she had a feeling that this was just the beginning.
Rini couldn't help but laugh when she saw Wynter move away from Darien, berating him as if he had done something wrong before turning on their father expressing at how embarrassing he could be. The three went back and forth before their respective significant others came to their sides, ushering them away from the two to enjoy the party.
Rini was overjoyed with happiness. Her family was whole once more and there was more adventures for them to explore together.
She couldn't have asked for anything more.
The End!
Thanks for reviewing & reading!