Title: Real Magic
Major Characters/Pairings: Quinn/Rachel, Santana/Brittany, Kurt/Sam, Mike/Tina, Mercedes, Puck, Artie, Finn, Will & Sue.
Past Mentions: Quinn/Puck, Santana/Puck, Santana/Finn, Rachel/Finn, Quinn/Finn, and Quinn/Sam.
Rating: PG-13
Figgins is sick of the fighting and sends Glee and the Cheerios to the happiest place on Earth in an attempt to bring the clubs closer together. No one expected how close some of the kids would get. Major Faberry with lesser Brittana, Hummevans & Asian fusion.
Author's Note: I tend to get this plot stuck in my head for most fandoms that I follow, but with most it would make no sense for it to occur. But, this time I figured that it's very realistic for groups of teenagers to go to WDW for school trips/competitions, so I figured I'd run with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, the Walt Disney Company, or anything that both entail within.

William Schuester was wary when he arrived at school on a cool November morning to find a note in his mailbox from Principal Figgins.


Come to my office as soon as you can. I must speak to you about important matters regarding the Glee Club.

Principal Figgins

Any time he had to report to Figgins' office to deal with Glee usually ended in frustration. Only a couple of months earlier, in a similar situation, he had found out that the Glee Club's budget was getting cut for their generally terrible football team. Now he was stuck trying to find some way to go to an invitational to help prepare his kids for Regionals, and their rematch with Vocal Adrenaline, without going over budget.

Unfortunately that was looking like an impossibility without some serious help, so he could only hope that this meeting wasn't more bad news.

Will was so lost in his musings that when he arrived at the office he did not immediately see the bane of glee club's existence, Sue Sylvester, waiting there for him. "Oh good. Now that William and his head full of greased-up curly fries are here, I can find out why I am losing precious time away from planning my sixth consecutive National Championship celebration."

Figgins sat quietly and rolled his eyes at the familiar ranting that occurred all the time in his office. When she was done it took a brief moment before he came back to the genius that was his plan and got excited. "William, I have good news for you and your Glee club! Using some of the funds that I have reassigned from Sue's Cheerio's budget…"

"Which I still say you have no right to do."

"…I have set up something that I believe will benefit the atmosphere around school." Ignoring the outburst and glares he was still receiving from Sue, Figgins continued, "The rivalry that has developed between your two clubs has gotten to be out of control, and it makes no sense! Almost half of the Glee club kids are in the Cheerios! You should be able to get along with each other. But, since you two cannot seem to come together, I have taken it upon myself to come up with a school community building exercise for your two clubs to take part in together."

Sue's outburst was expected and the two men let her go off. "Are you out of your mind Figgins? Do you really think that I will allow William's mediocrity to rub off on my Cheerios? I will not stand for this."

"Sue, calm down. Sir, what exactly does this community building exercise entail?" Will had his own doubts that he could deal with anything that forced him to work together with Sue after the Beiste disaster earlier in the year.

"In two weeks we have the entire week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. During that break the two of you will be taking your clubs on an all expenses paid trip together to a great Christian family environment: Walt Disney World! And while you are there I have found that there are Invitational competitions for both Cheerleading and Glee club while you are there, and I have taken the liberty of signing up both of your squads."

"Ha! As if there is any chance that I will allow my Cheerios to go to a place as terribly family friendly as Walt Disney World. The only places that I would even consider as decent competition spots are Death Valley and the frozen tundra. My Cheerios will not be going anywhere near Mickey Mouse and his ragtag group of loser friends."

Will sat quietly as Sue ranted and thought over the opportunities that this trip provided for Glee. He had been looking for an invitational to compete at, and this one just fell into his lap. Plus there was too much drama going on between the kids than was healthy, and this trip provided him a place to force them to work through it. Looking through it he saw only one negative in the person ranting next to him, but he could always deal with Sue later.

"I think that it's a great idea. Glee can go down there, bond together as a group, win a competition and get ready for Vocal Adrenaline. I'm in."

Sue looked over at Will disdainfully, "Oh William. You're so deluded that you actually think your club has a chance to win a competition against schools from all over the country. It intrigues me to watch your club's hopes and dreams go up in flames again. Plus I can once again prove the Cheerio's dominance in the Cheerleading world. I now have no choice but to see this disaster through."

Figgins smiled at his good work so far, now he just had to hope that his idea worked as intended. "Wonderful! We will speak again later to make all of the arrangements for this great opportunity."

The three adults paid little attention to the person who was eavesdropping outside the room; the person who was quickly going to be the one to prematurely spill the beans on the trip.

As Rachel walked away from the principal's office the full weight of the conversation she overheard hit her. They were going on a Glee trip to Walt Disney World. Who cared that the Cheerios would be there? This was their chance to come together for the first time this year and prove themselves against other show choirs.

Ecstatic over the news, Rachel was practically skipping down the hallway looking for someone to share with. Her enthusiasm was so great that it blinded her common sense in regards to what she was doing until it was too late for her to stop. The bright red uniforms of the three girls in front of her usually served as a warning beacon for what she should avoid unless she felt like being insulted. But this time her excitement had driven her into a situation where she had no choice but to say something.

"Um…hi Quinn, Santana, Britanny."

"What do you want man-hands?"

Rachel flinched at the harsh tone of the angry looking Latina. "I was just going to inform you of the wonderful news I heard this morning."

Santana smirked and answered, "You're moving to Israel, joining the army and never coming back?"

It hurt Rachel that after everything that they had all been through together that there was still so much hostility between members of the club. However she was Rachel Berry and wouldn't allow Santana to ruin her morning, especially with the good news she overheard. "No, Santana, it has nothing to do with me leaving Lima. However, I was down near Figgins office when I overheard a meeting between him, Mr. Schuester and Coach Sylvester. Apparently the Glee Club and the Cheerios are going on a joint trip to Walt Disney World!"

Rachel watched the mixed reactions of the three Cheerios in front of her. Quinn was as per usual lately ignoring her existence, Santana was slightly frowning, but Britanny seemed ecstatic as she was jumping up and down.

"Really Rachel?" At the short girls nod the tall blonde turned to Santana and started talking a mile a minute at the Latina, who was now trying to fight off a smile.

Unfortunately she noticed that Rachel was still standing there and went right back to scowling. "Alright RuPaul, since you made Britanny's day I'll forgive you this time, but don't think that you can just walk up and talk to us every day. I don't want people thinking that we like hanging out trannies."

Rachel put on a show face, nodded, and walked off, wondering if there was ever going to be a time when they just accepted her when she tried to do something nice for them. At least Quinn now ignored her, as opposed to when she led the activities. It was far easier to ignore the feelings that she felt for the blonde when it seemed as though she didn't exist, as opposed to being torn down by the one person she hoped would build her up.

Closing her locker, Quinn Fabray sighed in frustration and watched the young diva walk down the hallway. 'Another perfect opportunity to talk to Rachel down the drain. Thank you Santana.'

Turning to her best friends she watched as Britanny continued to jump around Santana talking about how excited she was. "…and then we have to go see Donald Duck, because he is my favorite…"

"Alright B I get how happy you are, but we gotta get to class. Besides if we have to spend that much time alone with treasure trail I might end up strangling her."

Already upset with Santana for running Rachel off earlier, Quinn was getting really ticked by all of the insults. "Can you just leave her alone with all the insults? She isn't nearly as bad as she used to be."

"What is wrong with you Q? You're the one who started manhands' treatment in the first place."

Just hearing the true statement hurt Quinn more than she would admit. "Ya well I'm trying to be a better person. You could take a lesson."

"Whatever Q. Let's go B."

Quinn watched the two link pinkies and walk the other way as she leaned back against her locker. Looking around she saw Sam and Finn hanging out like they always did nowadays. If she knew how annoying the boys would have gotten when they were all single she might have kept her beard around longer. Those two plus Puck and Artie had become nearly insufferable going around as the cool bachelors.

With a sigh Quinn pushed herself off of her locker and began to walk to her first class. She just hoped that she was mistaken in her suspicions that Kurt had noticed the obsession she had with watching Rachel during class.

By the time that Glee came around the entirety of the club had heard the story of the trip that they were supposed to be going on, and were excited to hear the details. It was clear that they were not the only ones excited as Mr. Schuester arrived far earlier than he usually did.

"Hey guys, I've got some good news." Looking around for the first time it was clear to Will that they knew what was going on. "But it seems that you guys might already know what I'm going to say, so I'll just come out and say it: the club is going on an all expenses paid trip to compete and vacation at Walt Disney World!"

Will laughed as he watched the whole club erupt into cheers at the announcement. He waited for the kids to calm down before continuing, "Now some details, first we will be leaving, along with Sue and the Cheerios, on next Friday directly from school. We're going to take buses to the airport and fly down to Orlando that afternoon, and check-in that night. Thankfully we were able to… secure enough rooms for us and the Cheerios at the same hotel. We have two rooms, both two-bedroom suites, one for the boys and one for the girls. The last day of the competition is on the next Saturday, so we will be there for a total of 8 nights and days and come back on Sunday. Whenever we aren't competing you all will be free to do whatever you want to do. So, what do you guys think?"

If Will thought that the kids were excited before, it was nothing compared to what he saw from them now. As he should have expected Rachel was the first one to raise her hand. "Yes, Rachel?"

"Mr. Schuester, as a large part of what we are doing on this trip is competing, I was wondering if we are going to base our performances around the extensive collection of music produced by the Walt Disney Company?"

Seeing the intrigued look on the other student's faces made Will contemplate the question. "If you guys think that we should do Disney songs, then I don't see why not."

It was also clear to Will that this was an extremely popular idea as the kids began debating which songs would be the best to perform. It was clear by the enthusiasm within the group that this trip could really bring them together and prepare them for their future competitions.

When Glee ended a very excited Rachel Berry headed to her locker to get the books she needed for her homework before she left. As she was organizing what she needed she didn't notice the fact that one of the football players was sneaking up behind her, slushy in hand, until it was too late.

It took no time at all for Rachel to realize what occurred, and to do her best to flee before too many people saw her covered in red ice. Unfortunately the last three people she wanted to see chose this moment to turn the corner into her hallway.

It took milliseconds before Santana shouted, "Hey treasure trail, that red goes real well with all of that yellow argyle."

Unable to tell if she could keep herself together, Rachel grabbed her things and decided to take care of the mess at home. However, in her rush to escape from more torment she missed the sad look on the face of a certain blonde, and the anger of said blonde towards Santana when she fled.

When she arrived home Rachel was greatly relieved that her fathers were both still at work so they wouldn't see her like she was, or hear her breakdown like she was sure she would.

Sitting in the bathroom cleaning herself off, Rachel figured she should be used to this kind of treatment by now. But, before she could rely on Finn or even Jesse to help her through. Being alone again was painful, despite the good that Glee usually did her and especially since her new/old crush had no chance of ever being returned.

Looking in the mirror Rachel realized that her life at WMHS would probably always be this hard, but wished that things could end up differently for once. Inspired by their soon to occur trip and Glee assignment, Rachel began to sing a song that she felt described her life at high school perfectly.

Look at me,

You may think you see who I really am,

But you'll never know me,

Every day, It's as if I play a part,

Rachel knew she was different than everyone thought of her in Glee.

Now I see, If I wear a mask,

I can fool the world,

But I cannot fool my heart

She knew that she could fool all of them, but she would always know the truth.

Who is that girl I see,

Staring straight back at me?

When will my reflection show,

Who I am inside?

Rachel truly hoped there would be a time when she could show who she really was.

I am now

In a world where I have to hide my heart

And what I believe in,

She knew that the community she lived in would never accept her thoughts.

But somehow

I will show the world, What's inside my heart,

And be loved for who I am

But she still held out hope for one day when things might actually be good for her in Lima.

Who is that girl I see

Staring straight back at me?

Why is my reflection someone I don't know?

Must I pretend that I'm,

Someone else for all time?

When will my reflection show,

Who I am inside?

She knew that her feelings for Quinn were more than likely never going to be returned. So Rachel resigned herself to continuing to hide her real feelings from Glee, from Quinn, but most especially from herself. Because just dwelling on how she felt for the blonde, and how it would never be what she wanted, caused more pain than anyone else could inflict upon her.