HELLO! *waves enthusiastically* i have made some changes to my story. :) the 1st: a rewrite of the whole happenings in June plus i've combined the two chapters. the 2nd: some more additions and details to the story (maybe make it more "natsume" like and little sexual happenings wouldn't hurt either) and the 3rd: some author's notes :00 any. i hope you enjoy my story! :D

-popcd (mar. 29, 11)

Summary: Mikan Sakura was a typical lady. Not until she decided to vandalize the car of Natsume Hyuuga leading her to a 12 month punishment with this devilish, cold-hearted lawyer. AU.

"My life is a mess, but then again, so is yours"

Chapter 1: June

Mikan Sakura has never been this angry and frustrated in her entire life.

"So… Mikan, tell me again what happened." Hotaru Imai, Mikan's long time best friend, asked coolly as she stirred her tea. She observed Mikan's features. Messy hair, giant stain on her corporate attire, saggy eyes... hmmm. She looks fine. Kinda.

It was a perfect June morning that day. June 2 to be exact. The sun was high and bright. The clouds were clear and showed the cool blue hue of the sky. Birds were chirping and the trees were as green as ever. Mikan and Hotaru are situated in their favorite café downtown, Cafe Mocha, which is also coincidentally owned by one of their good friend, Anna Umenomiya.

Earlier that morning, Hotaru received a phone call from Mikan. Usually when Hotaru would receive a phone call from Mikan, she would ignore it and later on leave a voice mail saying that she had more important things to do that time and is partially sorry for not being able to answer the phone. But this time was different. Just when Hotaru thought Mikan gave up; she received a text that simply said: "SOS"

"This better be good." Hotaru said irritatingly when she answered Mikan's 25th call.

"I got fired. Meet me at our usual café in 5 minutes." And she dropped the phone.

Mikan sounded sad. Hotaru thought. She stared at her phone intently. It wasn't normal for Mikan to feel sad. Mikan is usually the jolly, happy-go-lucky type of person. She wouldn't let anything get in her way. She has the looks, the charms, maybe lacking a little bit on the brains, but all in all, she was okay. Or an idiot for Hotaru. Mikan worked, or used to work as a secretary in a big magazine company. She loved her job very much and now, she had no more job to love. I wonder what happened.

"I was having a great day until I got to work." Mikan said. Hotaru sipped her tea as Mikan continued. "I was crossing the street then this car suddenly honked at me! It was a girl and she almost ran over me! And what's worse is that she was the one who got mad! The nerve!" Mikan shouted.


"Hey!" Mikan shouted. She went over the driver's side of the car and waited until the heavy black tinted window rolled down.

"What's your problem?" The lady, who has dark black and permy hair sneered as she rolled down the window.

"What's my problem? What's your problem? You almost ran over me!" Mikan debated.

"I was going to apologize but seeing that you're a nasty girl, I won't" The lady sneered once more.

"I don't need your apology!" Mikan screamed and stomped off.

"Then when I entered, I was immediately called to the head director's office for some paper work. Usually I love paper works but at that time, there were so many. Like, so much more. Turns out Linda called in sick today and gave all her work to me."

Linda, by the way, is the other secretary.

"Uhuh, and then?" Hotaru seemed uninterested.

"I decided to ignore it and just finish it. So on my way to my desk, this new employee suddenly comes out of nowhere and trips, spilling all his coffee onto my newly bought blouse." So that explains the giant stain. Hotaru thought. "Then the worst part: they forgot to tell me that that lady who almost ran over me, was going to be there at the office. Turns out she's the secretary of this famous lawyer."

"Why did you get fired?" Hotaru asked impatiently.

When Mikan stomped off, she entered the office. She was about to check in when she saw the car go inside the buildings' parking lot. She then entered the elevator and went to the parking lot. She hid and watched the lady like a hawk. She watched as the car parked at an empty space. She saw how the lady turned out to be tall with model like features like porcelain skin, shiny hair, long legs and so on and so forth. She saw that the lady picked a phone from her purse and smiled flirtatiously when she read a text message. She saw how the lady walked to the elevator.

Mikan acted quick, looking at her surroundings to see if anyone else was there. Fortunately, there was no one. She went to the car and noticed that it was stunning. A red 2011 Ferrari 599 GTO, which she knew was damn expensive. She didn't care though; she took out her black marker and without thinking twice, she drew a giant penis on the windshield, some works like "slut" and "bitch" at the windows and for the finale, a XOXO, M.K at the back.

When she realized what she had done, she froze and paled. She looked again to see if no one was there and quickly flee. Unfortunately for her, the security camera saw it all.

"You are an idiot." Hotaru mumbled. Deep inside she wanted to laugh, but of course years of having a stoic a face prevented that from happening.

"Anyway," Mikan continued, "So when I got back to my desk, I got called by again to the director's office to be greeted by the lady, which name turns out to be Sumire Shouda. She informed me that the car belonged to this famous lawyer and that he would like to see in his office tomorrow." Mikan stifled a tear.

"Mr. Hyuuga has a special request for you, sweetie." Sumire said in her sugary fake voice.

"What is it?"

"He wants you fired." Buuurn.

"Waaah, Hotaru! What should I do?" Mikan cried.

"I have no idea. Oh well, good luck Mikan. I need to go." Hotaru said. She stood up from the chair and dusted her skirt.

She wanted to laugh again. Of all people to get tangled with, she got tangled with a lawyer. Natsume Hyuuga the lawyer for that matter. Yes, Hotaru knows Natsume Hyuuga, who wouldn't know him? Only idiots won't (Ah Mikan, big aho* indeed.) How did Hotaru know Natsume? Well for one: Natsume is Ruka's bestfriend and Ruka is currently the guy holding Imai's eyes. And number two: He has solved many cases to wit, even some cases filed in her company. And number three: He is said to be incredibly sexy (not for Hotaru of course)

"Where are you going?" Mikan said as she wiped her tears.

"Unlike you, I'm still employed. Good luck with that lawyer though." And with that, Hotaru left Mikan.

Mikan stared dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do now. The one ally she could turn to left her for work. I sound rather bitter. Mikan thought.

Natsume Hyuuga

"Sumire, I want you to go to PopK's office and tell them that they won the case." I felt triumphant. Another case solved and won.

"Yes Mr. Hyuuga." Then she giggled. Such a flirtatious bitch. Gad, I secretly hated her so much. Why did I even hire her in the first place?

"I can satisfy your desires." Now I remember, she's a whore. A smart whore at that.

I am Natsume Hyuuga. And to be blunt, I'm a lawyer who likes sex.

Yes, sex… and for me, women are recyclable. Call me ruthless, I won't care.

I have to admit that I am a man with everything. The looks, the brains, the money and what most men nowadays desire, the women.

I am a man who speaks little words. I am a man with power, and I damn use it to my advantage.

Sumire, as soon as you finish my tasks, come back to my office. I have a special request for you.

Yup, a man who loves sex.

Recently, I have been living alone. My family is well, dead. They died while I was at school age 9. Since I was a small boy that time, there was no justice. I didn't know who did it. Which is why I became a lawyer. To give justice to people (I still have a heart). This old man took care of me ever since. All he wanted to see before dying was for me to graduate and land my first job. After I settled in my new office, I got a phone call and well, the old man who had loved me so much and taught me so much passed away.

I still can't believe that everyone I love would be taken away from me fast.

I sighed. I will never be able to love someone again.


"What?" I answered.

"Mr. Hyuuga? This is Sumire." I know.

"What do you want?" I demamded.

"Your car has been vandalized." What the fuck?


"Your car has been—"

"Yes, yes, I heard you the first time. Who the hell did it?" Odd. That's something I don't receive everyday.

"An employee here at PopK's"

"Send that son of a bitch at my office tomorrow." Damn he's gonna get hell.

"Yes Mr. Hyuuga."

"Tell the director also that I want that person fired."

Moments later...

"Sumire, what happened there?" I asked. I already got my car to the repair shop and had it repainted.

I was browsing some magazines on cars and sighed. I only have one car and I do not wish to purchase another. It will only cause me nuisance. I had plenty of money to burn yes, but i hold a weird sentimental thing for the car. So today, I did something I hadn't done in a long time.

I commuted going to work.

Commuted, as in blending with other people to go to my destination. The last time I rode a bus or a taxi was back when I was still a teen, back when the old man was still alive. He'd force me to go the park with him on a Sunday morning to walk and appreciate nature or force me to go with him at the grocery to buy our daily needs.


The old man wasn't rich; in fact, he worked as a security guard and could only afford little. So when college came I also worked and saved to get a car. Surprisingly, during my 18th birthday, the old man gave me one. It was a rusty vintage car, a red Volkswagen. I didn't want to disappoint him seeing as he saved so much to buy me this second hand junk. I just ignored the constant laughs and teases back when it was new.

Surprisingly, the volks made it until the old man died. They died together. And that's how I got my Ferrari.

Moving on.

While walking to work, I got hungry and got myself a snack at this small stand near my office. Come to think of it, this is the first time I saw this stand which sells my favorite snack, hotdogs.

"Mister, I said I need mustard here." There was this girl in the stand also. She was wearing a yellow summer dress. It stopped just above her knees. Hmm, I wonder if she's a whore. If she is, then I guess I'm taking someone home tonight. I checked her features, nice ass, smooth, long legs... little miss you are qualified.

"I'm sorry miss, we have no more mustard." The vendor simply said before turning to me and getting my order. The girl, who I sense is around a year younger than me, was munching on her sandwich. She has brown hair messed up in a bun. She was also wearing glasses which I guess were only reading glasses. She was beautiful, though. Scratch that.

I didn't notice I was staring at her until the vendor cleared his throat.

"Here you go." I paid the vendor. "Thank you good sir." He said politely. I nodded.

The girl finished her sandwich, rolled her trashed into a ball and threw it. Surprisingly, she turned to me. "Hey mister, I'm lost. Do you know where the office of Mr. Natsume Hyuuga is?" I was shocked, no wait appalled. This lady was looking for me huh, must be filing for a divorce. If she is, then I guess I'm really taking her home tonight.

"No." liar.


"Yes." Liar. As much as I wanted to let out my stress by having sex with this candidate, I have much more paper work to do.

"Oh, well I'll see you around then." And with that, she left. I finished my snack and was about to go before: "Pardon me, good sir, but aren't you Natsume Hyuuga?" the vendor asked. I couldn't help but smirk.

"How sure are you?" I answered jokingly. And with that, I left the man wondering as I headed to my office. This day was off to a good start after all.

"Natsumeee" as soon as I got to the office, this cat-like secretary of mine purred seductively at me. I fell for it and gave her a seductive look as well. I wanted her, but I had to focus. I snapped out of my trance and sat on my revolving chair, bringing out some reports before facing my window, looking down at the street below me.

I was still reviewing some of them when Sumire went inside.

"I'm working." I simply said.

"Sir, the person who vandalized your car is here." I froze for a while then smirked. "Send him in."

Mikan Sakura

"Hotaru, I can't face this lawyer!" I yelled. Last night, before going to bed, I googled the name of the lawyer, Natsume Hyuuga, and guess what, he's HUGE. Solved thousands of cases and gave justice to so many people and has been proven to be a lady killer.

I wanted to know how hot he was but no, I didn't look or sneak at his pictures. Why? I wanted it to be a surprise for me. And I guess later I wasn't going to regret it.

I called Hotaru immediately, which I won't elaborate anymore since every time I rant, all I could hear were grunts and groans, a few minutes later she spoke only 3 words: "Call again later" and hung up the phone. Damn, I wonder where they did it this time.

Hotaru, by the way, is employed and is not single. And she is, as preferably hinted in the last paragraph, not a virgin. While sucky Mikan is the exact opposite of her. I blew of some hair off my face and went to bed, hoping the next day wouldn't be so nerve wracking.

The next day, I woke up feeling grungy and with low self esteem. I took a bath, ate and faced myself in the mirror. I wonder what he's gonna do to me. Is he gonna sue me? Oh god I hope not, I don't have any money! And no job thanks to that cat-eyed bitch. Is he gonna just let me go and tell me to be careful next time? Not a chance. I read at one article I googled last night about how he has no mercy with his enemies, and how he was a sex-crazed dude. Oh god what if he rapes me? I ran to my drawer and got my pepper spray, placing it in one the front pockets of my bag, just in case. I faced myself again in the mirror and did breathing exercises.

It's time to face the devil.

I bade goodbye to my pet chicken, Piyo (yes, I know it's weird) and left.

While commuting to the address that Sumire lady gave me, I got hungry. I was on the right track when I got off the bus, going a few blocks back and forth looking for a name or a plank or something, but nothing. I got so tired and hungry. Luckily, there was a hotdog stand nearby.

I ordered a sandwich and in a few minutes I got my order; though there was something missing… mustard.

"Mister, I said I need mustard here." I said and at that moment, I smelled something nice; a manly scent, something so strong. I froze a little when a man in a suit went beside me.

"I'm sorry miss, we have no more mustard." The vendor said. "May I get your order sir?" The vendor asked. While he was ordering, I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

Porcelain skin, like Hotaru's, manly jaw line, smooth skin, like no blemishes landed on him during his teens. I couldn't see his eyes though; I bet they were a shade of blue or brown. I directed my gaze away and ate my sandwich instead. I was thinking of a few things when the vendor cleared his throat for some reason. He gave the dude the hotdog. I looked around while I ate my sandwich.

I wonder where that office is. And then an idea popped in my head.

"Hey mister, I'm lost. Do you know where the office of Mr. Natsume Hyuuga is?" I asked. Hey, he might know right?

"No." That's sad.

"Really?" I tried.

"Yes." Fine, I'll find it myself. I better leave. "Oh, well I'll see you around then." And then I left.

I roamed a few more times and asked a few people and finally, after about 20 minutes, someone pointed the office out to me which happened to be very near the hotdog stand. It was located on a building, not a fancy glass building or whatsoever. Just an old brick building, I guess.

I went inside and asked the guard for directions. "His office is located on the 5th floor." I thanked him and went on my way. I reviewed again my strategies. Strategies on how I was gonna talk to him and strategies on how I was gonna beat him up and incase he's really a rapist. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not even rape worthy.

I knocked a few times and entered. And guess who greeted me. She was typing some stuff on a computer. "Welcome to Hyuuga Lawsuits. How may I help you?" she said in a bored tone and looked up to me. Her flat face expression turned into a sneer. "Oh, it's you. Mr. Hyuuga is expecting you. Wait here." She said flatly before entering another door. A few minutes later she came back gesturing me inside.

Of course I didn't miss the hiss she gave me and the smirk she sent me when she almost tripped me. I rolled my eyes and entered the office. It wasn't a big office, but it wasn't small either. The walls were black with nothing but rows and rows of awards and plaques. The floor was covered with a velvet red carpet and not a hint of dirt or lint can be seen. There were a few bookshelves filled with books and chairs for some other guests I guess, a mini fridge and the main table. The main table was black, with a white-gray revolving chair which I guess belongs to Mr. Hyuuga. The back of the chair was facing my front, so I couldn't see the lawyer himself. I sat in one of the chairs and cleared my throat.

"Hello." I said awkwardly.

"You better say hello to my bill." He said as he turned around his revolving chair and faced me.

He was gorgeous. I registered his face immediately. Porcelain skin, good jaw line and piercing red eyes.

Wait a minute, red eyes? That's new… and hot. Uh oh, porcelain skin and good jaw line! That face! He's the dude in the hotdog stand!

"You?" he asked just as shocked as me.

"You're Mr. Hyuuga? You're the guy in the hotdog stand!" I was so shocked that I fell back my chair.

Natsume Hyuuga

I asked Sumire to let the dude in. As he entered, I prepared my speech for him.

He cleared his throat and the most surprising thing happened to me that day.

"Hello." A girly awkward voice said. So, the man who I thought destroyed my car was a girl after all? Nevertheless, I told her to say hello to my bill instead. I swiveled my chair around and looked at her. She's the girl at the hotdog stand!

I was shocked so shock I could only mutter one word.

"You?" And then she fell back from the chair she was sitting. Guess who was wearing polka dotted panties.


Weeks had passed after that little incident. "I need a place to stay." Mikan, who was at Hotaru's front door, begged. Hotaru observed Mikan. She was wearing faded jeans and a white shirt. Also, she was wearing slippers. "You have too many things." Hotaru complained eyeing Mikan's belongings to which she brought together with herself. "Please Hotaru? Just a few nights, I promise I won't be bothersome!" Mikan cried, she was so desperate right now.

After her mishap with Natsume, they began to talk about the expenses.

"I think you know very well that repairs for my car are not worth candies at a store." Natsume said, his voice of formality and at the same time a hint teasing ringing in her ears.

"Yes, I am aware." Mikan said with the same tone.

"Very well, I will file no case whatsoever, we will settle this quietly as long as you pay the bills." Natsume said, leaning his back in his chair while Mikan heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"And you agreed to what he wanted, just like that?" Hotaru asked.



"I was tired and I wanted to go home. When I found out how much his car repair was, I broke down. It cost me my whole apartment." Hotaru pitied her friend.

"Sleep now, Mikan."


"Natsume, what's wrong?" Ruka Nogi asked. They were currently at an art gallery downtown.

"I thought about what you said earlier..."

"Natsume, when are you gonna get a girlfriend? Or even considering having a decent date?" Ruka inquired.

A few days earlier he received a call informing that his best friends' car was vandalized. He knew Natsume had some weird connection to it, that's why he checked on him the minute his hands were free. Ruka is now an environmental activist and a veterinarian at the same time. How he can manage two jobs that almost require a 24/7 attetion and at the same an equally cold hearted as Nastume girlfriend is something Natsume would never know and probably something that would mystify him all the time.

"You know I don't need those in my life." Natsume answered. He was doing paperwork as always. He told Sumire that he didn't want any nuisance since he was working late but when she informed him that his best friend (who he hasn't seen in almost 4 months because of work) was suddenly in town and is outside his office that moment, he had no choice but to let him in, his insides telling him that his best friend is someone he really needed right at that moment.

"Hey, you know yourself too that that was exactly what I thought too before." Ruka answered back. He got something inside his pocket and threw it casually at Natsume's desk.

"Chill out a bit Natsume, you've been working too much." Ruka said. "And so have you." Natsume answered back, without even sparing a glance at the tickets laid out in front of him. "Cmon, let's hang out for once. It's been a long time. Plus this art exhibit is great for you." Ruka said changing the subject.

"And how is art great for me?" Natsume inquired. He stopped typing for a while and looked at the tickets.

"I have no idea. Look, i just want to hang out. 2 days of vacation is a lot for me already and you know that. I've spent my yesterday with Hotaru already and now it's time for me to spent time with you. Cmon man." He was persistent. Natsume sighed. He had work to do but he can't turn down Ruka. The next time he'd probably see him again was the next year or something. They shared a staring contest for a while. After a while Natsume sighed and Ruka plastered a triumphant glow. He knew he won.

Natsume reached out for the intercom and asked Sumire to come in.

"Yes, Mr. Hyuuga?"

"I'm going out. I'll probabaly be back tonight so-" Ruka stood up and grabbed his jacket.

"No you won't." Ruka interrupted, looking at Natsume. Natsume glared when Rukas turned to Sumire and said that they were both leaving and that Natsume would be back tomorrow. Natsume noticed that Sumire looked relieved. "And who gave you the right to just tell us off like that?" Natsume asked irritatingly. "Look Natsume, it's just one night and plus did you see your secretary's face? She's tired too. You need to chill out, that's why we're going downtown. You might find some girl you can take on a date or something."

"Really?" Ruka asked surprisingly. It was rare that Natsume listened to him. Even rarer that he was actually considering what he said.



"I'm gonna ask her on a date."

Her? Rukas wanted to ask, but he figured he could just let it pass for now. It she's someone important, he would know.


*aho = idiot.