Two years since I last updated... *bows many times in apology*
So I've been watching NCIS: Los Angeles – It's an American TV programme – my favourite character in it is called Marty Deeks. HE'S BASICALLY THE AMERICAN VERSION OF DINO. It's brilliant :P Anyway There's a scene in the last episode of season four that basically got to me, cause it kinda gave an image to what happened to Dino in this fan fiction. If you like American crime shows, you'll want to watch NCIS :D
Anyway back to the story~~ /(0)
Kyoya was sitting at the cheap wooden desk in the hotel room when Dylan got back. Showing no difference, he took another sip from his iced tea and read through the files in his hand… again. Dylan leapt onto the bed, burying his face into the pillow.
A nerve twitched in Hibari's eyebrow, but he stayed silent.
Dylan turned around and lay, spread-eagled on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
"Kyoya… What happens now?" the words came out quiet, not whispered, but unconfident. Kyoya turned round in his seat and looked over to the Bronco. Now was the time that they found the sonofbitches that did this to the Cavallone. Find out what the hell happened and dole out double the amount of pain that they gave to him. An eye for and eye. A heart for an ear.
Dylan didn't answer at first, continuing to stare upwards, letting the word run round in his head. "Pay…. Back. Payback Payback Payback." A glimmer of a smile started on his face and suddenly he sat up. "Where do we start?" He got up and went over to the table. Leaning over Kyoya, he picked a map, covered in tiny holes. His hair brushed his cheek ever so slightly and Kyoya gently breathed in, letting the smells of chocolate and warmth wash over him. Dino's scent that always calmed him down. Dylan traced his finger over the pin-pricks as he studied it. "What's this?" Hibari took the map from his hands and carefully pinned it to the wall, replying as he did so. "This is what I have… on you."
Dylan blinked. "Me?" He watched as Hibari carefully placed pins into the existing holes. 70% were red, 25% yellow and the remaining percent were blue. Once that was done he took another yellow and placed it on a new spot. Dylan pulled a random yellow one out, peering at it he asked, "What do the colours signify?" Kyoya glared at him, and snatched the pin back from him. "Ah wait-" Dylan watched as the sharp end went into Kyoya's skin on his thumb.
Kyoya simply placed the pin back into it's place and then looked at his thumb. It slowly bled. "Ah." He went to lick it clean but before he could, a hand suddenly grabbed his and a tongue slightly licked it, the tip of his thumb slightly sucked into Dylan's mouth. A flush spread across his cheeks and he quickly turned around, pulling his hand away. "The yellow are places I've been, and I have found… traces of you. Red shows the places I've been and I have not. Blue are places I had yet to go."
Dylan looked at the map again, studying it anew with the new information. The red covered most of Japan, Italy and west Russia, with a few yellow pins dotted in each country, although there were more on the border of Russia and in Italy. The few blue pins lay in Germany, and in-amongst them was the new yellow pin.
Dylan turned back to Kyoya and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me from the beginning. Kyoya… Where did you start… how'd you find me?"
Hibari closed his eyes and took a breath before turning round to face Dylan. "It started the day you left"
Dylan was confused "Left?" He walked backwards and sat on the foot of the bed. Looking up at Kyoya, he watched as the man leant against the wall, his arms crossed, his eyes looking right into Dylan's. A moment's pause rang out and the silence crackled with tension.
Hibari kept eye contact as his mind replayed the first day that his Dino went missing. His voice monotone, he seemed to go to another place as the memories flooded back.
"You visited me… we hadn't seen each other for a month. You had a problem in Italy that took you away a lot, but you never told me what it was. The day you left you said you'd see me the day after… you lied." He whispered the last two words and drifted into a quiet. Dylan stood still, recognizing that the other guy needed a moment. Sure enough, he carried on again.
"You went downstairs and as usual, I watched you leave the building. Then I watched you get put in a strait jacket simultaneously shoved in a van. Every day I wished I ran after you… but I know that I wouldn't have gotten down in time. Plus I thought-" His eye's refocused and glared at the stupid horse, and then averted "-I knew that you could have taken them right there if you didn't want to be caught." Hibari took a deep breath, his hands fisting by his side.
Dylan couldn't help himself as he strode forward and took the other man in his arms. He rested his chin on top of his head. "Kyoya…"
Kyoya relaxed briefly before tensing again. He shoved the Blonde away from him and delivered a right hook to the man's jaw. "WHY DID YOU LET THEM CATCH YOU?!"
Dylan staggered back, rubbing his jaw in surprise. "I… don't know." Kyoya stepped forward again, jabbing his finger into his chest with every word he spoke.
"You broke your promise. I am the only one… ONLY ONE who is allowed to monopolize you. You die by my hands, and you are wholly and completely mine!" With every poke, Dylan found himself getting riled up also. He grabbed the man by his shoulders and shoved him into the wall, the force made some of the evidence pinned there fall onto the floor. He brought his head close to the other's and glared back at him. Unfiltered words left his mouth with almost no connection to his brain. "Well maybe I was PROTECTING YOU. Maybe whoever the hell took me threatened to kill you! Whatever this is between us is confusing and disorientating but somehow I understand… no… feel that I will do anything for you. I'm craving you as I speak and I have no idea what to do about - mmmf!" Kyoya suddenly attacked him, forcing his lips apart with his tongue and biting his lower lip. He brought one of his legs up, hooked it around his hips and then jumped up to wrap them both around him. Dylan staggered back, tightening his arms around him and found himself falling back to sit on the side of the bed. One of Kyoya's hands ran up to fist itself into his hair and pulled, so that Dylan was forced to lean his head back and bare his neck. Hibari ran his lips down his throat and then suddenly bit him, just above collar bone. Dino flinched and found himself moving his hands to grab Kyoya's hair, holding him to his chest. The dark haired man licked the spot he'd bitten and then moved up to bite the Bronco's remaining earlobe, tugging it.
Dylan couldn't stop the moans that fell from his lips, "unn… Kyo…yaaa" He fell back to lie on the bed as the other crawled up him on all fours, keeping his ear lobe between his teeth, at the same time as bring his knee up to gently press against Dylan's groin. That sent an electric shock up his spine, making him buck against Kyoya.
Suddenly Dylan moved his hands to Hibari's lower back and pressed down, forcing him to fall on top of him, their hips plush together. Kyoya let go of his right ear in a soft cry and pressed his face into the other's neck, panting with need. Both of them hard, they rubbed against each other with an urgency that unmatched any other. Dylan turned his head to capture Kyoya's lips with his and they moved together in unison. They spiralled together, and the rubbing transitioned into thrusting and gyrating against each other. "Dino…. Di-nooo" Kyoya rushed out his mentor's name as he felt himself get closer to the tipping point. Dylan responded in turn and flipping them over, so that he pressed himself with even more force, thrusting as if he was already inside Kyoya. The dark-haired man ran his tongue along Dylan's lower lip before dipping back into his mouth. His hands moved round his neck and rubbed against him. He breathed Dino's name and as if a switch had been flipped, Dylan tensed, climaxing against him. Kyoya reacted with a force, grunting as he too found his release. They panted in unison as the aftershocks ran through them. All energy drained itself of them, and Dylan flopped down onto Kyoya, sighing in a feeling of completion.
They stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but realistically was only a few minutes. Dylan eventually rolled off of Hibari and stared up at the ceiling. His hand moved to grasp Kyoya's as he breathlessly spoke.
"Did we just-"
"Have we-"
"Done that before? Yes."
"Is it always-"
"Like that? Always. Sometimes better"
Dylan turned his head to look at Kyoya, to find that he was already staring back at him. His tone turned thoughtful.
"I really am Dino Cavallone, aren't I?"
"… Yes"
He went quiet for a moment, running over the memories that had risen over the past few days.
"Then I guess you're gonna finish telling me how you found me... and then we'd better go kick the asses that did this to me"
To Guest
Thanks for the review! Pulling finger out right now ;)
To heitan
Sorry it's been a longggg while! Hope this makes up for it!
To Akaichou
*thumbs up* IKR?!
To Akatsuki Fatale
Updated! (Sorry for how amazing late it is!)
To XxSilenceOfTheNightxX
To panda4lyfe
I think I've re-read this at least a dozen times… coming back to update this is like opening old wound every time I read how much Dino got hurt! Thanks for reading!
To new reader
Updated! Thanks for reading!