A/N: Sooo I thought it was obvious but it seems to be bothering a lot of people…It's November/December here. Rose and Hugo are at Hogwarts. So…get it now? Kk. Story's almost done, gonna start working on my new story soon.

Chapter 10: Basement Break-In

Ginny walked up the pathway to 546 Courtrow Place. Her breath was steady and her wand was by her side. She knew not to go up to the front door, everyone knew who she was. It had been all over the news when Harry proposed. It was like a royal wedding; everyone wanted a part of it. They had tried to keep it private, but to no avail. And as a result, she couldn't go anywhere in the Wizarding World without some saying "Are you Ginny Potter?"

So she crept around the house until she found a window. She quickly cast Muffliato around the space, knowing full well it wouldn't be enough, but with that done she whispered "Diffindo!".

A hole was blasted in the glass window and she froze, waiting for the sound of people.

Shoot, I should've stolen the Invisibility Cloak! Wait, no…James has it…uch!

When nothing happened, Ginny shoved her fears aside. This is for Hermione, Ginny! She stealthily slid her small body through the large hole and dropped to the floor, wand out. She walked down a hallway in the house. It looked like a normal house, except that it was slightly darker than it should've been and the furniture was covered in several inches of dust. She passed the kitchen, parlor, dining area…her ears still pricked.

She heard noises coming from the basement. She took a deep breath and gripped her wand tighter, her hands starting to sweat. I kinda wish I brought Harry…No…do this alone…but what if Hermione's hurt and he needs to carry her? What if there are a lot of them? What if I can't beat them?

Ginny shook the bad thoughts out of her head and slowly crept down the stairs to the basement. She could see at one glance it wasn't one room, but a whole maze. Her eyes darted around for any signs of anything useful. Just then she heard more noise; uproarious laughter. It was coming from down the hall. She took of her shoes, flinching at the cold concrete floor. She tiptoed down the hall after casting a Disillusionment Charm over herself.

She turned the corner and her mouth fell open.

She saw a whole lot of people in a cell-like room. About ten or so wizards all laughing hysterically, pointing upwards. Hermione dangled from the ceiling by a cuff around her ankle, shirtless and dripping wet.

That is sick!

Hermione seemed to be half-unconscious as well as half naked. She was soaked, whether by water or tears Ginny didn't know.

Oh God…I've got to get her out of there!

But she couldn't budge, because one nagging thought kept running through her mind. What if that happens to me?

No Ginny…you can do this.

No you can't. Go get Harry and Ron.

You can do this!

But for the first time in a very long time, her weak side broke through. She Apparated home, hoping the men wouldn't notice the loud CRACK!

She appeared directly into Ron's house. Hermione is his wife…he should know. He probably wants to be the one to rescue her anyway after last summer.

To her surprise, Ron was there. He stared in shock at her. Ginny realized that her shirt was a little torn from the window and her feet were bare. She ran over to him, almost crying.

"Ron! I know where Hermione is!"

His mouth fell open as he grabbed her by the shoulders. "Where? Where is she? Tell me!"

"Five…five four six Courtrow Place. I'll take you. Do you want to go now? Should we get Harry?"

Ron shook his head feverishly. "No time. Come on. I've got to get her back right now."

Ginny grabbed him by the arm before her could grab her hand. "Ron…I have to warn you…where she is…Ron just promise me you won't kill anybody, alright?"

His eyes narrowed. For Ginny to say that, it had to be pretty bad. After a moment of silence, Ginny insisted. "I mean it Ron. Promise me."

He sighed. "Fine." He made to grab her hand but she still didn't let go of him.

"I mean it Ron. You might want to, I'm serious."

"I mean it, I mean it. Can we go now?"

Ginny nodded, and with another loud CRACK they disapparated, appearing at the foot of the stair case to the maze-like basement.

"Down there?" Ron asked.

Ginny nodded. They both tiptoed down the stairs. Ginny pointed down the hallway around the corner. "This way."

Ron followed her but after a few steps, Ginny hung back. "Maybe you should see for yourself first."

Ron looked at her, slightly confused, before taking the last few steps around the corner. He went rigid.

He saw Hermione there, drenched and half-naked suspended from the ceiling. His face went a brilliant shade of red and he slowly raised his wand. Words seemed to fail him as he saw his love like that.

Ginny walked slowly over, her wand raised as well. She looked at Ron and they nodded together.

"STUPEFY!" Rang through the room, and two wizards fell to the floor, stunned. The other eight looked around in shock, and a split second later two more were down. The remainders scrambled to get their wands, only three had been holding theirs and two of them were down. The only one left with a wand was Silas, who for some reason wasn't even moving.

A few minutes later the only ones left standing were Ron and Silas. Ginny had disappeared with a Disillusionment Charm a few moments ago, after a small scuffle and a little bit of smoke. Ron raised his wand and pointed it at Silas's head. Instead, however, of pointing his wand at Ron, Silas pointed it at Hermione with a smirk.

"One move and she dies." He said, black eyes glinting.

Ron's heart missed a few beats. He stared between Silas and Hermione, who was practically unconscious.

Silas gave a smirk. "Make your move, Weasley."

A woman's voice spoke from behind Ron. "You should know, Silas, that when you tell a Weasley to make their move, there are two of them." And with a loud BANG and a jet of red light, Silas lay knocked out on the floor.

Ron whipped around to see Ginny smiling hugely, her wand out and smoking from the fury with which the spell was cast. She walked over and gave Ron a short hug before rushing over to Hermione. She turned to Ron.

"I'm going to break this chain. You catch her, okay?"

Ron nodded, opening his arms.

Ginny took a deep breath. "REDUCTO!"

There was a blast and the shackle broke, sending Hermione tumbling down, straight into Ron's arms. Ron immediately noticed that she was not only shirtless, but her bra was gone too.

Ginny rushed over, panting. "Is she okay?" She also noticed Hermione's lack of upper body clothing.

Ron quickly conjured a stretcher and had it float a few feet above the ground, laying Hermione gently on it and covering her with his fleece jacket. She didn't look as bad as she had last summer, but she looked like she'd gone through some torture for sure.

Whipping around, Ron pointed his wand at the stunned Silas, his eyes dark with rage. Ginny immediately sprang to her feet and grabbed his hand. "NO! Ron, don't kill him! Don't become a murderer!"

"Relax, Ginny," he mumbled, gently pushing her away. "I'm just wiping his memory. So he won't remember a thing about us. Do that with the others."

They went up about doing this, not noticing as they were that Hermione was stirring.

Hermione slowly opened her eyes, immediately becoming aware that she was lying on something soft and she had something covering her bare chest. She saw two fuzzy shapes, both with flaming red hair.

"Ron! Ginny!" she called out, her voice surprisingly strong.

They both spun on the spot, having just finished the last of the memory charms. Ron dashed to Hermione's side, wrapping her in a huge hug. "Oh my God…you're safe, you're safe," was all he could get out.

She smiled. "Yeah, Ron, I'm safe. Can we go home?"

He nodded, tears in his eyes. "Yeah, yeah of course we can."

Ginny took her turn hugging Hermione next.

"Ginny? Did you do this? Did you find me?"

Ginny looked between Hermione and Ron, then shook her head, "No, no I just came to help Ron. He found you."

Ron gaped. What was Ginny doing?

Ginny shrugged at him as if to say "you deserve the credit this time around."

He smiled at Ginny, a huge smile that Ginny loved.

They Apparated back home.

A/N: Well? Whatcha think? One of my longer chapters, I'm pretty proud of this one. Last chapter coming very soon, then watch out for my next Ron/Hermione fic, coming shortly! (I have discovered that I'm addicted to writing about these two and these two alone). REVIEWS PLEASEEEEE!

XOXO, Love always,
