A/N: THIS IS A SEQUEL! If you haven't read my story Marriage Issues, this will not make much sense. I highly recommend you read both though (in order) because I find these some of my best work. For people who've read Marriage Issues, welcome back! Hope you enjoy! Be sure to answer the poll on my home page! K thanks love you and again, enjoy!

Chapter 1: Wintertime and Chudley Cannons

Snow drifted from the dark gloomy sky and rested on the three inches of snow already starting to pile up on the sidewalk three blocks from Ron and Hermione Weasley's house. Footsteps were muffled, but the voices from the couple strolling down the street were heard.

"That was great! We definitely should go there again, Ron!"

"Definitely. You know, all those years I mocked Dad for liking Muggle stuff…some of it is pretty great!"

Hermione laughed and grabbed his hand. He held it tightly as they walked back home. They had just had dinner at a new Italian restaurant in town, and they had enjoyed it every much.

After a few minutes of walking in blissful silence, just enjoying the first snowfall of November, they arrived at the walkway to their home. They had a large front yard, which was usually covered in lush green grass, but now glistened from the pearly white blanket that covered it. They entered through the gates and paused outside their door.

"Wait." Ron turned to face her.

"What? What is it?" she asked, slightly surprised. Hermione was dressed for the weather, yet still managed to look stunning. She was wearing a long, dark blue wool coat and a white beanie hat which was angled to the side. She wasn't wearing that much makeup, but the cold had turned her cheeks a rosy pink and her hair was tamed into long waves.

Ron put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. Just when Hermione thought he was going to go in for a kiss, he surprised her and turned her around so her back was to him. "Ron! What are you doing?"

"Shhh." He whispered. Silently, he took a small velvet box from his coat pocket and slipped out something silver. "Lift your head up."

Hermione did as she was told. She felt Ron's hands slip around her neck and fasten something at the back. She turned around to look at him while lifting up the charm of the necklace he had just put on her. She gasped. "Ron!"

He smiled. She stared in awe at the necklace's charm, four hearts arranged to look like a clover, inlaid with tiny diamonds. "You like?"

She threw her arms around him and kissed him on the lips. "Oh, Ron, I love it! But…what's the occasion?"

"Well, in case you don't remember, today is the 20th anniversary of the day I left you and Harry while on the journey. It is also the day that I realized I absolutely could not live without you. Also, just because I love you."

She smiled her gorgeous smile, and Ron drew her in for another passionate kiss. "Come on, love, it's getting late. Let's go to bed."

OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoScene BreakOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

The next morning, Ron woke up before Hermione. He crept out of bed, thinking he'd make breakfast for the two of them. He dug through the cupboards, finally deciding on pancakes. He whipped up a couple (not forgetting chocolate chips) and placed them on the table, charming them so they'd stay the same temperature and not get colder. He snuck back into the bedroom.

Hermione was just stirring. Her hair wasn't quite as tamed as the night before, rather more bushy with a few more frizzes. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she dreamt her last dream of the night. Ron slipped back into bed.

"Hermione." He whispered softly. He gently swept a few locks of hair out of her face with his hand. "Sweetheart, morning time."

"Mmmmmm." She mumbled, yawning but not opening her eyes. She swatted at Ron with the hand that wasn't tucked under the pillow.

He laughed softly, nudging her. "Come on."

She reluctantly pushed herself out from under the covers. She was wearing only Ron's Chudley Cannons t-shirt, which was a violent shade of orange.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look in orange?" Ron murmured.

"Mmmm…I thought that was green…" She said sleepily.

He laughed again and kissed the top of her head. "Yes, but I can't like you in both? You know I love the Cannons."

She finally opened her eyes and looked at him. "You love the Cannons more than me?" she challenged playfully.

Ron knew she was joking but couldn't stop his ears from turning pink. "No—No, I meant…"

She laughed, pushing herself up higher on the pillows. "It's fine, Ron, relax!"

He smiled, admiring her in his shirt. It was huge on her, she was practically swimming in it. It went to mid-thigh on her. As she climbed out of bed and walked over to the hook her robe hung on Ron admired her perfect body. That wasn't the reason he loved her, obviously. It was just a nice bonus. She was beautiful inside and out.

Hermione called to him from the kitchen. "You made pancakes?"

"Yup!" he yelled back.

"Thanks!" she called.

He padded down the hallway in his slippers to join her in breakfast. It was when they were just digging in that he remembered something. "Oh, Hermione?"

"Yeah?" She said, her mouth full of food, reminding Ron of himself.

"I have tickets to a Chudley Cannons game tomorrow, would you go with me? I doubt Harry wants to go again." He chuckled at the memory of Harry complaining and criticizing Ron's favorite team very loudly and nearly getting kicked out of the stadium.

She groaned. "Do I-?"

Ron widened his eyes pleadingly. She sighed.

"Fine, fine. But next weekend you're coming with me somewhere!"

"And where would that be?" Ron asked, slightly warily.

"My parents golf club is hosting a formal gala. I'd really like to go, I haven't seen my parents in a while. And you know much I like the way you look in a tux." She batted her eyelashes playfully.

He smiled grudgingly. "Fine, fine, fine. Whatever you wish." He kissed her cheek. "I better head off to work now."