Bleach: Dark Prophecies
A/N: This is to inform all people(who care)that I am a Bleach fan and therefore have no possession over these characters and hope I please a lot of fans (And myself) in just enjoying this potentially good story plot I came up with.
Plot: Its been around two years since Ichigo Kurosaki, became a Soul Reaper. Around the same amount of time has passed since the incident of the Crystal of Memories has been closed and the vanishing and brief bout of Senna's return to the real world. Ichigo denied the sight as a figment of his imagination and smiles at having recapturing the red ribbon she left behind as well as keeping the memories of her alive in him.
Aizen has been imprisoned for 2 years and Soul Society rebuilds and celebrates their victory. Unfortunately for Ichigo, he cuts himself off from his Soul Reapers powers thus losing his Spiritual Pressure. Rukia disappears from Ichigo's eyes, departing to the plane that Ichigo had not contact with anymore. With Uryu in charge of protecting Karakura town from hollows, the evil spirits, Ichigo continues his peaceful yet, empty life.
What he doesn't know, that's about change…
Chapter 1: Epiphanies and Nightmares…
"Wake up! Get up, Ichigo!"
"Get up, Ichigo or I'll pound you awake!"
"Get up, Ichigo Kurosake. Stand up and fight!"
"You like it? Don't you think red is cuter on me?"
"I'll rather sacrifice my life than watch you die, Ichigo!"
"Ichigo…I…feel so…warm…"
Ichigo wakes up in cold sweat and is greeted by a fifth call,
"I-CHI-GOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Ishiin Kurosaki, Ichigo's dad, as he lunged at him with full power. Ichigo deftly landed an angry fist on his dad's incoming face, hurling him backwards into the hallway outside his bedroom.
"YOU IDIOT! You assault me even while I am asleep? Don't you ever just lay off?" Ichigo yelled at his dad angrily while shaking his fist and twitching madly, frustrated that his day had to start out this way.
"You…have surpassed…me…Ichigo," Ichigo's dad gasped dramatically, groaning from pain while on the floor outside his room. Ichigo quickly changed and grabbed his backpack he left last night prepared, and proceeded to step over his father's prone form, still wheezing and groaning in the hallway. Ichigo was greeted by an amused Karin next to the stairs.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Karin said in an amused voice.
"Mornin', Karin. Is Yuzu finished with breakfast?" Ichigo asked, unconsciously rubbing his stomach with his free hand.
"Yeah, she sent me to get you," Karin looked over at a moaning form of her dad, "but it seems dad beat me to the punch. Literally."
Ichigo chuckled with Karin. Ichigo noticed that Karin has been a little more at peace ever since she became the prime of Soul detection. Since he lost his powers, she became the only one able to see spirits, and she became fine with that. Unfortunately, she's still as astute as ever, looking at him worriedly.
"Nightmares again?" she asked casually, with worry overlaying her voice. For about a week now, Ichigo has been having vague, but intense dreams. Nightmares, Ichigo called them. Like shadows and outlines of people he knew with gray background, them usually speaking in the most intense situations or the most special ones, mostly begging him to wake up. The voices of Senna, came as a surprise to him the most, considering he had occasional dreams about her and the nightmare about him not reaching her in time ; or the fact she declared her love for him by sacrificing herself to save him and the worlds in peril. When she became outlined along with the other familiar people he knew, he could feel something was about to happen, and yet his boring life continued without fail. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary except for the fact he couldn't get much sleep.
"…Yeah, a little different than before, but still outlined in the black and gray. Can't tell much about it, considering I barely remember anything important," Ichigo said, still being evasive about exactly what he has been dreaming. Karin has been a good ear, someone he could depend on talking to. She promised not to pry too much, even though she would ask but wouldn't press it if he wanted to drop it.
But still, "You ever going to tell me what its about? I can probably guess what's happening than dad…"
"If I thought that would help I would've asked, Karin. For all I know, this could be one of those brief recurring nightmares that people get after intense events in their lives." Ichigo replied crisply, annoyed that she repeated the same advice he gave himself. Of course he tried to explain it to his dad once, but the moment he tried, everything became blank. As if trying to explain it exactly, no one could understand what or who he was talking about.
"Well, if you feel like talking about it, I'm all ears," Karin shrugged, not really caring now anymore, giving him space Ichigo guessed.
"Yeah, better grab some breakfast before dad wakes up," Ichigo jerked his free hand behind him to the still prone form of his dad. The two siblings then journeyed down to the kitchen where a cheerful Yuzu greeted them.
"Good morning, Ichigo! Did Karin get to you before dad cause I heard some commotion," she asked with a worried look.
"Nah, he had that coming for attacking me when I was sleeping yesterday! He, deserved that punch," Ichigo said with a sadistic dark smile crept upon his face, his dark aura radiating to the point both sisters sweated nervously.
"Oh, I see…well I hope you didn't hurt him too badly," Yuzu said with a downcast face.
"Well considering the fights we've been in over the years, I let him off easy this time," Ichigo said, his menacing look vanishing and both sisters sighed with relief.
Ichigo then grabbed a few pop-tarts that Yuzu heated up. Now that Yuzu was a freshman, her schedule demanded her to make the sacrifice of quality breakfast to snack bars, toast, and pop-tarts.
After his brief breakfast, he ran off ahead of his sisters to get to class on time, something he had a hard time of doing even after retiring from his Substitute Soul Reaper life. He ran along his way across a familiar bridge, one he could never forget.
"Nearly a week and a half has passed since the familiar red ribbon flew towards his grasp and his sight of a living, breathing, laughing Senna running past him. Ichigo felt as if his mind conjured up a fleeting fantasy from the touch of Senna's ribbon. And as a silent promise to himself, he wore the red ribbon around his neck, out of sight, as a testament to never forget the girl who shouldn't have existed, but gave her life for a world that did. In Ichigo's eyes, that made her real enough than anybody else.
Ichigo made to class barely on time, with another public lecture about being more studious, Ichigo's day went pretty much the same it has been for the past semester. He would sit next to Tatski, who he pretty much talked to every class period before and after they ended. Ichigo would then move onto to lunch where he would hang out with Uryu, Chad, and Orihime. Ichigo noticed he's been seeing less and less of the two guys of the gang less and less often due to the fact they've taken up the role of protecting Karakura town.
Of course Orihime had no problem with their absence considering she had Ichigo all to herself.
"…so I heard you've been having trouble sleeping," Orihime said bluntly, breaking Ichigo's blissful daydream with a start.
"I've known you for a while, Ichigo. Anyone can tell by those silly dark lines under your eyes!" Ichigo faintly touched his face, already noticing that he's been losing too much. He couldn't help the nightmares, they just kept coming. He knew his friends would notice soon enough, but he never guessed Orihime would be the first to pry.
"Yeah, well been dreaming some weird things lately," Ichigo said hesitantly, wondering if it would change anything by telling her what he's seen, what little he knows, and hope for the best.
"Do-doe-does it have anything to do with…Rukia?" Orihime asked shyly. Ichigo suddenly felt his mind rewind. Its been almost 18 months since Ichigo's Spiritual Pressure has been gone, along with seeing Rukia altogether. To Ichigo, Rukia was his once-in-a-lifetime friend that he could depend on. She saved his family, his life, and gave him the power and resolve to save the world. Sure he missed her, but she wasn't the girl plaguing his mind for the last two years of his life. Vague glimpses of her features were casted into his nightmares, but he heard Senna's voice more often and even saw her more clearly than the other faces he knew. It made his heart ache, like a wound that has a scar that never healed.
He could smell her perfume as if it was yesterday, like honeydew with fresh autumn wind. Her lithe figure was dancing among red and orange autumn leaves majestically swirling around her, like fairies. Her Soul Reaper garments clung snugly around her supple chest and slender legs. Her hands twirled her Shikai Zanpaktou, a monk staff, like a ballerina would a baton. Her honey-comb brown eyes glistened with radiance and her violet hair flowed along with the wind like the tide in a ocean.
Ichigo began then see all of the moments of them together and the battles he fought to get to her, flooded his mind at once with perfect clarity. The first appearance of the blanks; the festival grounds; fighting in the cemetery; screw-offing the Soul Reapers at the plaza and fighting the Dark Ones there; his failure of rescue; waking up with his hand clenched around her ribbon; plunging head first into the Valley of Screams; fighting all of the dark ones simultaneously; fighting the leader; getting injured; releasing his ultimate attack; escaping with Senna; losing the ribbon; Senna glowing; slowly dying; the lie to give Senna peace; her form fluttering away into nothingness as well as leaving Ichigo behind; seeing the ribbon after nearly two years later; seeing Senna, given room to walk in the crowd and laughed and screamed at some people behind her…
Ichigo's face began pale, his pupils dilated and was totally zoning out until he heard Orihime shaking him out of it.
"Ichigo? Ichigo? ICHIGO!" He heard her scream until he gasped out loud and grabbed her arms, heaving breath as he had just had realized what just happened.
"ICHI-GOOOOO!" Yelled Keigo as he suddenly ambushed him from behind. Ichigo was so startled all he could do was whirl around with a terrifying glare, causing Keigo to stop in his tracks, inches away from Ichigo's body.
"He-he-he-hey, Ichi-gu-gu-go…," Keigo said as he shrank away from the dominating wrathful aura Ichigo was emanating from him. Ichigo then turned his eyes back to a worried Orihime and said briskly, "I'm sorry, Orihime. I have to go now. There's something I have to do!"
With a confused and begging Orihime sitting at the lunch table with Ichigo's partially eaten rice balls left behind, Ichigo race away at amazing speed. Keigo accidentally was caught in the midriff from a glancing stride, sending him tumbling away into another table. After moaning from the pain, Keigo looks over at Orihime asking an omnious question.
"What happened to Ichigo, Orihime?" Unbeknownst to the pair and Ichigo, a lone figure that watched from afar the debacle chased the orange teenager. What would happen on the bridge, Ichigo would now his life would never be boring again…
Ichigo ran. He ran, depending on his mortal body that had been honed to its peak from his own soul, to take him to where he last saw Senna. If it was a mere coincidence that he saw Senna on the bridge that day Ichigo swore he would sell his soul to the hollow that used to reside in him.
Ichigo managed to dodge pedestrians, vault fences in single bounds, jump over cars, and raced to humanly capable of himself. He eventually managed to get to the busy bridge he walked across in rememberanc of Senna. The main reason he's been late for the past week was for the fact he took time to cross the bridge, and his lack of sleep didn't help things either. He purposely came to the bridge and prayed for her return every time he came but he never saw her. And the past week was haunted with nightmares of people he knew. Not to mention his very graphic 'vision' he decided to call it, something clicked and he felt like a total idiot. How he could not tell that it really was Senna.
Ichigo then suddenly felt the hairs stand on edge of his neck as he heard someone scraping metal right next to a support beam of the bridge. His eyes were wide with shock as he saw the most pale boy he's ever seen. His eyes had a shade of red of blood, which unnnerved himself. Its as if the teen's body has been locked inside a dark prison his entire life. The rest of his body was The teen was scraping the metal with his fingernails! He then produced a feline smile, showing pointed teeth with a uncanny white to them.
"Well…that didn't take long, didn't it?" The pale teen said more of to himself than to Ichigo, his voice tinted with a foreign accent.
"Who are you?" Ichigo said, glaring at him with promise of death behind his eyes.
The pale teen laughed a high pitched laugh, making Ichigo's spine shiver, before he answered him, "The name, that was given to me is…Kuzuri Jogi, a Hanta of the Akuma Fealty. Vassal of the Alpha demon, Ryoken Junta," he then pointed a long clawed finger at Ichigo before saying, "I'm here…to harvest, your Soul!"
To be continued...!
A/N: So that's the pilot for my new story! Whatca think? Reviews and Comments are needed for this story to continue!