Twice as Sweet

Requested by TiDaktaKutdlMaLam~

Dee x Alice x Dum

Alice walked along the forest path, a woven basket under her arm. Originally, she wanted to have a picnic with Julius, Gray, and Nightmare, but of course that wouldn't happen. So it was time for Plan B.

" I think I liked Plan A more." She came closer to a huge stone gate.

" Hey Onee-san," two voices called out," what are you doing here?"

Two boys stepped out in front of Alice, holding axes that gleamed in the sunlight.

It didn't take a second for the two boys to pounce on her triumphantly, gripping her sides in a massive bear hug.
" Onee-san, we missed you so much!" Dee cried. " Onee-san, why haven't you come to visit us?" Dum asked.

It took Alice a second to see that they weren't the little boys she had grown accustomed to. They looked older than her.
" Why are you guys in your adult forms?"

"We prefer them more in the Autumn." Dee answered.

That made entirely no sense to Alice, but if they liked it then what did it matter?

Dum spied the basket under her arm. " What's that for Onee-san? Do you have a date with somebody?"

The word "date" made Alice break out into a bright pink blush. " What? No! I wanted to go on a picnic with some friends but they couldn't so I was wondering if you guys wanted to come with me instead."

Instantly, the twins faces lit up. " Of course we'll come with you!"

Dee took hold of her right arm, Dum took her left. "So where exactly were you planning on having it?"
Alice put her hand to her chin. "Well, I didn't really pick a spot."

" Then we'll pick one for you!" they said in unison.

They strolled through the warm red forest, the golden leaves crunching beneath their feet. " Here" they said in unison again.
Alice took out a red and white checkered blanket and spread it across the ground. She began pulling out small plates and placing little foods on them.

"Onee-san knew what she was doing when she planned this" Dum stated to his brother.

They sat down beside her. Dee's outgrown hair swayed along with the breeze.
" What have you been doing lately, Onee-san?" Dee asked.

Alice thought for a moment." Nothing really, just picking up part for Julius, hanging out with Boris at the park, avoiding Peter, you kno-
"But you won't stay with us."

Alice looked at him. Dee and Dum looked hurt, like they had been totally forgotten.

" Come on you guys, you know I could never forget about you. When I get dragged around it's because I'm forced to, not because I want to."

Dee and Dum turned to her, their eyes still looked pained. " Don't worry Onee-san, we still love you."

Alice felt horrible. She really hadn't had time to see them, but the majority of it was because she just didn't want to see Blood.
She spread her arms and smiled brightly. " Aww, come on you guys."

She pulled them both into a hug and wrapped her arms around them. Slowly, they wrapped their arms around her.
If she was ever going to say anything, now was the best time.
" I love you guys too."

Immediately, they pulled away with wide eyes. " Really Onee-san, you mean it? You really do love us?

Her eyes to the ground, Alice nodded. A bright pink blush covered her cheeks. " I feel terrible about it, because I like you both, and it's wrong of me to feel like that."
She gripped the sides of her dress, tugging at the soft blue fabric.

Both the twins leaned in next to her. Placing their hands on her shoulders, they pulled her head up.
" Don't worry, I'm sure we can share..for now." They both laughed and leaned closer.

Their lips touched her cheeks, planting soft butterfly kisses on her cheekbones.
Alice froze, her entire body pulsed with an electric shock.

The chilly autumn wind swept through the forest, making Alice grip her sides. She hadn't been prepared for such a change in temperature.
Dee and Dum inched closer and pulled her in between them. Their warm bodies made the cold chill disappear, and she snuggled in between their chests.
" You're the best big sister ever," they said together.

Alice looked up at them. " Technically, you're the big siblings here."

They smiled. Pulling her close, they rested their heads on the crevices of her shoulders. " Then we'll protect out little sister from all those other men." Alice put her hands on the hands that encircled her waist.

They leaned back on the blanket, Alice in the middle, Dee on her left and Dum on her right. With their arms still around her, they pressed their bodies against her, protecting her from the cold wind.
" Nobody loves Onee-san more than we do."

Alice eventually fell asleep with the twins at her side. They smiled at each other.

" Who better to have a little sister than us?" Dee inquired.

" Nobody, brother."

They all fell asleep, wrapped up in the checkered blanket, gold crunchy leaves falling around them.
While the twin slept, Alice awoke to their soft breathing.

I really am lucky to have such cute brothers. She giggled at the thought, then fell asleep underneath the warm blanket and the touch of their arms.

Bleh, not the best ending but it'll do. I take almost any request so let me know if you have one.