Pairing: Russia/America
Fandom: Hetalia
Disclaimer: totes.
Warnings: Homosexuals.



Mix - chapter 14

"Al, you need to eat."

Alfred's eyebrows rose momentarily before he tugged out the ear-buds that had been blasting music into his ears for the past few hours. "What was that?" He asked, shutting of his MP3 player and pocketing it.

"You. Eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm not asking," Matthew threw a paper bag onto the American's lap. "I'm begging you. Look, I got your favourite. McDonalds. Eat up."

Alfred lifted the bag and set it down next to him, giving his twin a look of exasperation. "Stop, Mattie. I'm really not hungry. I had a big breakfast."

"Yeah, what, like two weeks ago?" Matthew rolled his eyes, snatching up the bag. "What the Hell is up with you lately?"

"I just.. Haven't been feeling good, okay? I feel sick."

"You look fine to me.. If not a little paler than usual."

Alfred shrugged. "Just put the food in the fridge. I'll eat it later."

Matthew gave him a suspicious look, making Alfred roll his eyes and sigh in exasperation.

"I'm not going to throw it out."

"When do you have work?" the Canadian asked.

"6 o'clock. Why?"

"Bring it to work," Matthew threw the bag onto Alfred's lap and walked away.

Looking down at the bag, Alfred's stomach gurgled painfully.




As soon as Alfred got to work, he had thrown away the food his brother had bought him.

"Are you okay, Alfred?" Feliciano asked. "You never throw away food…"

"Don't worry about it, Feliciano. What isles am I straightening today?" Alfred clipped his nametag onto his shirt and ran a hand through his hair.

"You're back-up on register four and you're straightening four and two today."

"Cool," Alfred replied simply, turning on his heel and walking away.

"Oh… okay.." Feliciano replied. The Italian looked around and made a face at Ludwig. "Did you cut his hours or something, mi amore?"

"Nein," Ludwig replied, not looking up from the e-mail he was writing.

"Oh… Poor Alfred! He looks a little unhealthy," Feliciano pouted. "He should get medicine, ve ~"




Alfred struggled to smile back at every customer he assisted and his hands shook every time he lifted them to straighten the items of the isles he was assigned to.

"Are you okay?" random customers would ask.

"I'm fine," Alfred would grin widely, lips twitching at the unwanted force. "I'm awesome!"

They would smile, hesitantly, and nod. They would thank him one last time before walking away.

Alfred would drop his smile and rub his eyes.

He'd zone out and stare into space with sadness.

He'd think back to the last time he woke up in Ivan's bed, only to find him gone.




(Two weeks earlier.)

Ivan jolted awake and awkwardly slammed onto the plastic electronic, quickly muffling the loud buzzing before it even had time to sound. He kept his eyes closed, his back turned to block the light streaming in from the window.

Needless to say, he didn't want to wake up just head. His head hurt and he back felt like it was about to break and, really, he was too comfortable.

All of a sudden, something in front of him shifted and tightened their arms around him.

The sudden movement made Ivan pause and open his eyes, to only find a head of messy blonde hair. He leaned his head back and looked down at the serene face of Alfred, hiding his face in Ivan's shirt.

Ivan, personally, would have felt suffocated if he were to ever do that.

The older man blushed at the affection Alfred radiated - his arms tightly around the his neck and his legs tangled with the older man's.

He wasn't used to this.

This was out of his comfort zone.

Why did he feel so.. Light, though?


His head was hurting, the pressure behind his eyes growing from the sunlight and the loud silence that left his ers ringing. But, he couldn't find the energy to be annoyed.

The Russian buried his nose in Alfred's hair and breathed in deeply, closing his eyes. He leaning down and kissed the American's forehead firmly, awkwardly, uncomfortable with showing the affection he felt was overflowing from the situation.

And then, he sat up. He untangled himself carefully from the younger male, throwing his blankets on top of him to keep him warm.

He took a quick shower, made himself a small cup of coffee. Poured a little bit of vodka in said coffee, checked on the sleeping American one last time, and went on his way.

He couldn't help the slight upwards twitch of his lips along the way.



Alfred woke up slowly, mind fuzzy, stomach unsettled. He internally groaned at the loud ringing in his ears and the strong feeling that he was going to be sick if he moved even slightly.

Stomach gurgling loudly, the American quickly rolled over and grasped onto…

… Nothing.

The teenager frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, blindly groping the empty space before him.

Where was Ivan?

Alfred's heart dropped as he opened his eyes to find the spot cold and unoccupied.

Seconds later he found himself running to the Russian's bathroom, his stomach's strong urge to throw everything back up from the night before suddenly uncontrollable.




Alfred frowned, eyes distant. Feliciano looked on with a look of pity before marching up to the American and tapping him on the shoulder.


The teen jumped slightly, expression miserable, before he set eyes on the little Italian and grinned. "Hey, Feliciano, come sta?"

Feliciano smiled weakly. "You can go home early, you don't look so good," the Italian offered. Alfred slumped, smile weakening.

"Thanks, buddy…" he mumbled, saluting the assistant manager before turning around and making his way into the break room to get him coat.




Ivan nearly growled as he pressed the call button once more, then the first name on his phone's contact list.


- "Hey, you've reached the voicemail of Alfred F. Jones! I can't pick up right now, but you can leave me an awesome voicemail and I'll get back to you whenever the hell I want!"

"God damn it, Alfred, pick up your handphone," Ivan muttered darkly, glaring down at his phone.

People walking by shifted a few feet away from the Russian in fear.

He repeated his actions once more.


Rin- "Hey, you've reached the voi-"

Ivan calmly clicked the end button on his phone and dropped it into his coat's pocket.

"Kol kol kol."




Alfred grunted, once again clicking the little red icon on his phone, his facial expression akin to one of a kicked puppy.

I want to talk to him.

Alfred walked on, hands in his jeans pockets, eyes on the cement.

But… It's because I miss him.

Alfred blindly turned the corner.

And… he doesn't miss me. He probably just wants to-

Alfred grunted as his face made an impact on a large, but surprisingly soft, wall.

"Oh, ah," that's not a wall. "I'm sorry, sir…" he looked up, sheepish.



"Alfred," Ivan said, voice seemingly pleasant. "Privyet. Have you been ignoring me?"

