Don't Tempt Me
Author's Note: So, I'm going around the Final Fantasy XIII section trying to find some good stories and I'm noticing two things. One, Sazh is virtually wiped off the face of the earth as if he doesn't exist despite having probably the most drawn out and developed story out of all the characters in the game, and two, Lightning is either batting for the estrogen team only or she's into a boy that just hit puberty and she sees obviously as a younger sibling. With that in mind, I figured I'd help pioneer a plausible and not too-farfetched pairing of Sazh/Lightning like some others have before me and see what happens. Depending on reviews I might make this a longer story but for now, it's a one-shot thing. I own nothing related to FF13 or Square-Enix.
Gran Pulse- After the fall of Cocoon- Year 0001 Month 8
Lightning, in her usual reserved manner, rolled her eyes at the sight before her. It was digusting . At this point she'd give anything to just be able to kill something. She didn't care if it was an Adamontoise or a Long-Gui at this point. Anything was better than watching this nauseating view before her.
Snow and Serah were feeding each other in the most sickening lovey-dovey way she had ever seen.
"If you two don't start paying attention to eating instead of baby feeding each other, somebody's going to have to be resuscitated." She told them dryly as she shot her sister and her brother in-law a look before slowly cutting into her chocobo steak.
"Come on Sis!" Serah and Snow shouted respectively. The other patrons sitting next to her chuckled slightly to themselves making Serah blush in embarrassment.
After the fall of Cocoon and Fang and Vanille's sacrifice, the former l'cie along with what was left of Cocoon's civilization, had banded together to began a new life on Pulse. That was about 8 months ago. And in that time, the small settlement that they had started soon grew into a small city. And more citizens were exploring and settling elsewhere. The l'cie chose to stay because in a sense they had been reborn here in this very spot. It held a special meaning to them. Once a month, they all came together at Serah and Snow's house to eat and talk and reminisce about their experience. It kept the familial bond that had forged between them. Lightning looked around the table at her comrades.
There was Hope and his father, who was currently helping establish another settlement somewhere in the Hareii Acropolis. The two of them had patched things up and Hope often stayed with her when his father was out of town. She was thankful for his company and he reminded her of Serah so much Lightning figured she'd always be protecting someone. It was a nice feeling.
Next to him was Dajh. Lightning had to admit, after meeting the boy for the first time, she had a nagging sense of maternal instinct swell up in her. Not that she would ever admit it, but he was too cute. Especially when he would always run up and hug her exclaiming ' Miss Light, Miss Light'. The boy couldn't shut up sometimes, no doubt something she got from Sazh.
Speaking of Sazh, he couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his life. Always wanting to talk to her about something and making sure he stopped by her house atleast once a day rather it be how the day was going, complaining how much he missed not having to search for food when going the two of them would gather a hunting party and go out for food, or going even so far as to ask her if she thought it was time for his afro to be cut off. She remembered the exchange in her head well.
"Hey Lightning? I've been doing some thinking?" He had asked her after the two of them had finished taking down a behemoth and the other party members where dismembering it
"Thinking huh? That's new. I'm sure that had to be hard for you." She answered back without a second thought as she began hacking away. Sazh rolled his eyes. She'd been like this with him since they hijacked that Purge train. Always blowing him off and acting like she didn't care. But once you fought side by side with each other you start to learn a lot about people. She liked the attention and quite frankly he was more than happy to give her some. This he knew.
"Ha ha ha. But seriously, I need an opinion other than Dajh and since you're here, figure I'd ask you. You think I need to go ahead and give the ol' puffball the 1,2,3 chop treatment?" Lighting moved her eyes towards his hair before looking back at him smirking and walking away towards camp.
"You ask me as if I care one way or the other. Just don't come complaining to me about how much of a old geezer you look like when you do." At that she gave him the slightest hint of a smile and he never mentioned it again. She'd never told him this but she thought that his afro was just about as cute as his son's. He was always so carefee and open. That was something she was still having time getting used to. Being carefree for the first time in her life. She had realized then that she was actually quite lonely since Serah had gotten married to Snow. Fang and Vanille were gone and Hope was adjusting to his new life with his father. It didn't surprise her that Sazh ended up being the one who made sure she wouldn't go a day without being bothered.
Back to Present
"I think I we should go to Oerba." Hope announced after everyone continued to eat. At that everyone became silent. It was painfully obvious that the youngest of them missed Fang and Vanille terribly. Lightning looked to see Sazh sigh visually as well. Lightning knew from the serious conversations they had that Vanille was the closest to him out of all of them. Well, until now anyway.
"I think it's a good idea. No one has settled that far north. We should make sure it stays that way." Lightning offered in agreement. Snow clasped his hands together and began to smile.
"Yeah! Sounds like a plan. We can show Serah and Dajh around while we're there." Just as Lightning was about to tell him to shut the hell up, Sazh unexpectantly jumped to her rescue.
"This isn't a vacation Snow. Let's just take some time to reflect and remember while we're there." At that Serah patted her husband on the back as he slumped obviously stumped. Hope chuckled.
"Well, it's settle then. Can we go tomorrow Light?" He asked as he looked directly at her trying to persuade her.
"It's fine."
"Great. Well, I'm going to go ahead and get some sleep. Have to be up early to catch the chocobos. I'll see you guys in the morning." Picking up his plate and throwing it away he went to hug Serah and give Snow a playful bump on the head which he retaliated by giving him a nuggie. Sazh laughed as he looked down to see his son already had fallen asleep in his chair.
"Oh? Looks like it's time for me to get Dajh home. It's getting kind of late anyway. As usual, thanks for you two's hospitality. It's been a pleasure." He said with a grin as he picked Dajh up and slung him over his shoulder.
"Whatever old man, see you tomorrow." Snow shot back at him. Serah just waved.
"Bye Sazh. See you tomorrow." As he turned to walk out the door, Lightning watched him leave.
"I suppose I should probably leave so you two can have…alone time". She told her sister with a grimace as the door shut. Serah's mouth dropped and Snow found something very interesting on the other side of the room to stare at. Lightning knew her sister wasn't a little girl anymore and as much as she detested just thinking about it, what she and her husband did was none of her business.
"You don't have to leave Claire." Serah offered tentatively. Lighting gave her a look before glaring at Snow.
"Yes I do. Rest up for tomorrow. Both of you. I love you Serah." She told her as she got up to hug her tightly before grabbing her Ultima Weapon. She glared back at Snow.
"I've got my eyes on you hero." She told him sarcastically as she pointed her sword at him. He just grinned before opening the door for her.
"Love you too sis. See ya tomorrow." Lightning said nothing else as she left the front door.
Walking down the strip she noticed that most of the settlement had retired for the night. There were a few patrols watching for fiend and ci'eth bt other than that it was pretty quiet. Right now, she could use a drink and one thing she did like about Pulse was that the fermentation of certain plants made for some excellent alcohol. Heading over towards the shopping tent she was just about to enter when someone plowed right into her and a bottle smashed before her. Readying herself to punch the man she eased when she noticed who it was.
"Hey Soldier Girl, what's got you in such a hurry?"
"I need a drink." Was her short reply. He chuckled as he straightened Dajh on his arm.
"Yeah me too. I'm going to put Dajh to bed and knock back a couple. Want to join me?" He offered as he held up the bottle. Lightning looked at him curiously.
"I don't think so. I prefer to drink alone."
"You do everything alone. You don't get lonely Lightning?" He asked as he began to walk away. Lightning didn't notice her footsteps as she began to follow him.
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Well for starters, it's more fun when you do stuff with people. My wife's been gone for about 6 years and you don't see me living a life of solitary confinement." He told her with affirmation shrugging his arms. Lightning looked closely at the man. He was atleast a good 20 years older than she was but he lived life as if he was her age and it seemed like it was the other way around for her.
"People annoy me."
"Do I annoy you?"
"You don't mean that? Not completely right?" Sazh tried again trying to read her expression. It did not change."
"Yes completely." He sighed as he noticed that she wasn't joking.
"Damn that's cold." Lightning smirked a bit.
"But for some reason I still like having you around."
"Okay, now you're just being funny. You could have atleast waited until you got a buzz to start saying stuff like that." He laughed as he stopped finally arrived at his and Dajh's house. Lightning gave a soft laugh despite herself making Sazh's eye bulge.
"Was that a laugh I heard?"
"Maybe. You are getting old. Dementia might be settling in."
"You got jokes tonight Light? What's with you?" Sazh asked as he leaned against t he doorway. Lightning shrugged.
"I don't know. My sister's already married and moving on with her life along with the rest of Cocoon and for some reason, I can't. Do I really want to keep fighting for the rest of my life?" Sazh had to catch his breath. This was the most introspective thing he'd ever heard from her. Lightning never revealed her feelings. Ever. This was serious.
"Uh?" was all the man could manage. Lightning stared at him blankly. What the hell was his problem?
"I'm going home. Bye Sazh." With that she turned to leave until he lighly put a hand on her shoulder. She tensed up automatically ready to sling his hand off her.
"Wait. I'm sorry. It's just… I never expected to hear anything like that from you."
Lightning just stared at him. Sazh continued.
"What I mean is, no you shouldn't have to keep fighting. Fang and Vanille gave us a new start. We can choose. And I choose to spend it enjoying the rest of my days with my son. You can choose too. What do you want to do Light?"
"You asked me what "I" want to do? My name is Claire." Sazh smiled slightly.
"Okay Claire then. What do you want to do with your life?"
"Is that it? Because I was kinda hoping for something better than that?" Lightning narrowed her eyes at the man making him jump back slightly.
"Like what?" She shot back.
"I don't know. Have fun. Maybe settle down, find a guy."
"I don't do fun. And I have no desire to find…a guy." She said with obvious disdain.
"Well what if one finds you?"
"You should probably call his mental state into question." Sazh laughed a hearty laugh this time. This woman was too much. He enjoyed being around her even he annoyed the hell out of her.
"Tell you what, if you promise to open up a little bit, hang out with ol' Sazh, I guarantee I'll help you find out exactly what living your life is all about."
"Are you trying to make me hit you?" Lightning replied with a roll of her eyes.
"Ah, come on I'm not that bad. You got admit I have that chisled jaw look going on. Real mature." He joked as he rubbed his jawline.
"You remind me of a child without a care in the world."
"I don't think that at all." Sazh told her as he sighed obvious put down. Lightning put a hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe you could show me how to be that way again?" Sazh was taken back. Was she for real?
"I don't see anyone else lined up for the job."
"Alright. I accept. Starting tomorrow when we go to Oerba. I'm going to show you what livin is all about." Adjusting his arm, he gave her an apologetic look.
"I don't want to go but I gotta get him to sleep. My arm' s getting tired. See you tomorrow Light." She nodded.
"Yes tomorrow. Goodnight Sazh." Turning away she left to walk towards her house. As Sazh turned to close the door behind him, he noticed the blade of a sword almost come within inches of his face making him yelp. Lightning's face was between the crack of the door.
"You owe me a drink remember?" Sazh's look of confusion turned into a slow smile.
"You sure. I made sure I got the good stuff. Might have to stay for a while." Lightning gave him a stoic look Sazh couldn't help but notice the slight upturn of the corner of her mouth.
"Don't tempt me."
Author's Note: Alrighty then, there it is. My first Final Fantasy fic and a Lightning and Sazh one at that. I couldn't see how I could do a romance one right off the bat so I just figured if there was going a romantic relationship between them, where could I sow the seeds? I actually enjoyed writing these two. Especially Lightning because she's so straight to the point. Maybe, I'll continue this in the future if there's a demand for it. As usually feedback is appreciated. I had to do something new and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. Until next time Hell Yeah!