So this is really all based on a dream I had a few nights ago; that and the new music station I created on Pandora based on the Inception movie score. I don't even know if anyone'll be interested in this story. I hope so.

I own nada; just the storyline... I'm assuming...


The pen is mightier than the sword. ~Benjamin Franklin

Spencer Reid had always been afraid of the dark, and his current predicament only confirmed and deepened his fear.

He knew that he'd fit the target victimology down to nearly a tee, but he hadn't expected this to happen. It… unnerved him to say the least. If you wanted to say that; it unnerved him to find that his arms and legs were bound together with rope, that there was a thick wad of material stuffed into his mouth to keep him from calling out for help, and that there was more material covering his eyes, making him incapable of seeing his general surroundings. If the UnSub came for him, he was basically defenseless in every meaning of the word.

Yeah, he was unnerved, and very much so.

The case had started simply enough; four young men, ranging in age from 19 to 27 had been abducted from in and around the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida; their bodies were always found a week later on the beach, their hands always tied behind their backs with rope. Their clothes had always varied when they were taken; jogging outfit, prep school uniform, and even a tuxedo. One victim had even been wearing his pajamas when he disappeared.

However, they had all been found wearing the same outfit: A green short-sleeved shirt and shorts with plastic leaves sewed along the material. They had also been tan, barefoot and had multiple ligature marks on their wrists and ankles.

It was Reid, Prentiss, Garcia, and surprisingly, Hotch, who'd made the connection; their UnSub was under the delusion that his victims were the fictional character Peter Pan, and the UnSub himself was the dreaded Captain Hook, from the children's classic movie, play and novel. According to the story behind the M.O, Hook had returned to extract revenge from Peter in some form. The young men were the results of the UnSub's delusions being projected onto living human beings.

However, things had taken a quick turn for the worse when Reid, while hurrying back to the SUV he'd arrived at the Resort in to question the attest victim's family, hand been attacked from behind with a wooden club.

He then awoke in what apparently felt, and sounded, like the hold of a ship. He was cold, the floor he was lying on felt wet, and no light penetrated the edges of the blindfold over his eyes. The floor was also made of real wooden planks, not linoleum, and the wooden timbers creaked and groaned around him. He also could hear the sounds of seagulls and ocean waves crashing, and the smell of salt permeated the air around him. He shivered.

Of course, they had profiled that their UnSub would have a private secondary location to keep his victims, most likely a large sea-faring vessel; they just hadn't thought that their UnSub would actually be keeping to the historical aspect of the story, and investing in a fully restored 17th century pirate ship, complete with dark, wooden brig and complementary metal bars.

Which was where Reid found himself right now, lying on the floor of some wooden vessel, unable to do anything except wait for whatever fate this UnSub had in store for him. He hated to admit it, but he was scared. He had to wonder, did the team know, did they suspect anything? They must have noticed his absence by now; he had called to let them know he was on his way back. How long ago was that? Minutes ago, hours ago? Were they looking for him?

Reid's mind flashed through the profile again, and compared this experience to his last kidnapping; at least with Tobias, there had been some reason behind the madness. Killing sinners was one thing; the delusion that you were a fictional pirate from a classic children's story, and a random 28-year-old man was your arch-nemesis, then that was another whole can of worms.

He shivered again, and began struggling against his bindings. One thing was for sure, he noted, whoever had tied these knots was very good at what he did.

Suddenly, the sound of a door swinging open reached Reid's ears, causing him to stop his movements. The footsteps of a man, most likely wearing leather boots, approached him. Reid heard splashing water as the man planted himself in front of the young agent, and a moment later, Reid felt a large, rather beefy hand grab him by the front of his shirt and lift him up from the floor.

"…Not much meat on ye, eh?" a voice growled. It sounded rough, like as old sea captain's would sound. Reid didn't respond; if this guy was the captain, then he, Reid, didn't want this man to have a reason to hurt him.

"Don't ya talk, laddie?" the voice continued, shaking the profiler as he spoke. Reid groaned; the shaking, coupled with the rocking of the boat, made him feel ill, and he didn't want to throw up when there was a gag in his mouth.

A second later, the hand released him, and Reid fell back on the ground, dazed. A muffled yelp escaped his mouth as he did so, and the voice chuckled darkly. Reid landed on his back with a garbled huffing noise, and immediately rolled onto his front.

"Thar ye be, boyo!' the voice crowed a second later. Reid felt the hands grab his bound hands, and he thrashed against the touch of the man; wherever this man was going, Reid wanted no part in the final destination.

A second later, the sound of a gun's safety being unlocked echoed through the hold, and Reid knew that it was aimed at him. "None o' that now," the voice reprimanded. "You seem like a smart lad, and I don' want ter put lead in yer pre'ty face, ye understand?"

Reid stopped struggling; a muffled whimper unwillingly escaped his mouth. This man, whoever he was, meant business. He had no qualms if it came to using that gun, but he clearly wasn't above using it unless necessary. He didn't want to hurt Reid; Reid was part of the delusion, but he would if the young man didn't co-operate. Yes, Reid was scared. Yes, he wanted to go home. Yes, he wanted the team to save him. But in order to allow those things to happen, Reid had to play into the guy's fantasy. He moaned an understanding reply, nodding in case the voice didn't understand.

"Come on, then," it replied, grabbing Reid's bound hands again, pulling his body toward what he assumed was the door into the brig. "Th' captain wants ter see ye."

Reid's stomach dropped from its usual spot at these words, and he uttered a soft cry that was lost in the folds of fabric within his mouth; he had assumed that the voice was the captain. Did this mean they had the profile wrong?

And if so, how many more so-called 'pirates' were in on this delusion?


I'm youth, I'm joy, I'm a little bird that has broken out of the egg. ~James M. Barrie


A/N: So... What did you think? Love, hate... Let me know! And just some heads-up:

First, JJ WILL make an appearance. Though she will not be a member of the team, we will see her! (I like her too much to not have her.) Second, there WILL be whump! And hurt/comfort (Yes, another one of my 'whumpage attempts.') Third... This story will mostly be from Reid's PoV. This is his experience after all. However, I will have the rest of the team pop up here and there, especially as the story continues to develop.

So... If you want me to continue, please leave a note by clicking on that blue highlighted thingy down yonder! ...Please and thank-you! :D
