A/N: I do not own anything but the story. These characters belong to some other people. This is set during "Sympathy for the Devil". Enjoy

Jane woke up covered in sweat, her black t-shirt clung to her damp skin like static. "Nightlight on," she halfheartedly chuckled as she wiped the sweat from her dark brows. The broken vase in her kitchen sent eerie shivers down her spine. The detective inhaled deeply and reluctantly press the number five on her speed dial. She didn't offer a hello but simply whimpered "Nightmares."

"Nightlight on," Maura sighed as she fed Bass a British strawberry. She had anticipated the call since Jane uttered those words in the morgue. The doctor grabbed her keys, Birkin bag, and her crimson overcoat and hopped into her black Mercedes. She'd been making the short drive from Brookline to Jane's Charlestown apartment because of nightmares for over two years now. Maura had been the chief ME in Boston for less than year, when Hoyt pinned Jane to the floor in that basement. In those short ten months, they had become close friends, infatuated with oddities they found in one another and the merging of their polar opposite worlds. She wasn't shocked when weeks after the incident Jane called with night terrors and had prepared to help her friend through the post-traumatic stress.

Mainly they talked about everything from politics and science to which way the toilet paper should hang. Sometimes they sat in silence, as the laid in Jane's bed watching the plastic stars; Jane had glued to her roof, fade from green into the darkness. There were moments when they watched classic comedies like The Odd Couple or Big. Those first few months were sweet and innocent, Maura occasionally wished it could be that way again.

Jane was on her second beer while she waited for Maura. "Fuck," she thought. Jane loathed nothing more than being terrified with the overwhelming sensation of helplessness. Maura was the only one who knew the gravity of her nightmares. How she could wake up soaked in sweat, so much that she drenched the sheets or how she would sometimes uncontrollably shake like an epileptic. Maura kept her secret, never judged her and made sure she was always there.

Unfortunately, the last eighteen months had been complicated. "Sex, love, and whatever," the pair simultaneously thought. Maura gripped the steering wheel a little harder and Jane clenched her longneck between her teeth. A year and a half ago they had one the most disturbing and hardest cases, a child pornography ring with smuggled immigrant children. They had a body count of ten, some where floaters or found in garbage dumps but the last two Jane witnessed their throat being slashed.

"Nightlight on," Jane sighed as the murders flashed before her eyes. For two weeks after that case, she didn't sleep much and she didn't call. The detective pushed everyone away including the blond ME that had been her salvation. After a fortnight, Maura couldn't stand aside any longer as she watched the dark circles around her friend's eye grow, along with her tab at the Robber. Maura used her key on a unassuming Tuesday night; Jane was face down on her hardwood floors, silent, as Nirvana's unplugged album played in the background.

Jane never heard the door open but she heard when Maura turned down the music and started singing. "Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be. As a friend, as a friend, as old enemy,"Maura's voice cracked because of tears streaming down her face.

"Take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours don't be late. Take a rest, as friend, as an old memoriam," Jane continued. "Why'd you cut off the music?"

"I want to know why you've cut off your life? Why are you brooding, in the dark, on a cold floor to the music of a man who committed suicide? You did your job Jane. You brought monsters to justice," Maura stated.

"I should have saved Lei-Peng and Pilar. Korsak was on time, I was half a minute too late. That fucking reinforced steel door, if they'd moved the battering ram just a little quicker," Jane cried "Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach, as I want you to be," Jane sung.

Maura had slipped off her heels, crossed her legs beneath her, and settled next to Jane. "How long do you plan to be despondent and submerged in despair? I'm tired of this and I miss you. I don't expect you to be a hundred percent, unblemished or not cracked after this case. I need you to try to make an effort and not let this destroy you, us," Maura whispered. She flipped Jane onto her back, so she could see her eyes even if it was in the dimness of the streetlight. Maura kissed Jane's forehead, then her cheeks, then her lips.

Their first kiss was soft and sweet like two adolescents sharing a kiss over spun bottle.

The second kiss dripped with passion. Jane leaped off the floor, pinned Maura down, as she forcefully inserted her tongue in doctor's mouth. Maura pushed back with her lips and bite Jane's lower lip as she tangled her fingers in the brunette's curls. Not one word was spoken between the pair. Jane scooped Maura off of the floor and laid the doctor, in her bed.

Jane slid off Maura's silk dress and her own t-shirt and slacks. The detective slipped her fingers beneath the doctor's black lace panties and rolled them down with precision. Maura unhooked her own bra and Jane's. They kissed again, their tongues dancing like a ranging fire in the wind. Jane broke the kiss and licked between Maura's ample perky breast. She sucked each areola as her olive toned finger trailed across the doctor's taut abs.

Maura pulled Jane up for a quick kiss, when Jane's wandering fingers found Maura's swollen clit. Jane gently teased the bundle of nerves as her warm mouth returned to Maura's hard nipples. When Jane ran her finger across Maura's lips, she doused her fingers in Maura's juices. Quickly she brought them to her lips to taste.

Maura panted her breathing had become uncontrolled and Jane could feel the heat that radiated from her flushed skin. She gasped when Jane stuck two fingers in moving them slow and methodically and before she could inhale Jane caught her lips with her own. "Harder," Maura cried. Jane complied, electrified as she felt Maura's walls grip around her fingers.

"Jane," Maura shouted loud enough to wake the newborn next door. The doctor's body convulsed beneath Jane writhing, bending, and dipping from immense pleasure. The detective kissed Maura again, got up washed her hands and face, and threw a pair of Maura's pajamas on top of her. Jane changed into sleepwear and snuggled under her sheets.

Once Maura had composed herself, she put on the blue silk pajamas she kept at Jane's and wrapped her arms around the slender detective.

"Jane, this doesn't change anything between us," Maura stated matter of factly.

"No, of course not. Why would it? We're adults and we both got what we wanted," Jane replied.

"I don't want a relationship," Maura sighed.

"I know," Jane yawned "Let's not talk about it, Maura," Jane shrugged "We fucked, people fuck, friends fuck, no need for a dissertation."

The knock at the door startled Jane from the memory of their first time, she skated across her hardwood floor, relived to find the blond ME on the other side.

"Thank you for coming," Jane smiled.