Amelia-(aa mee ya) Amelia Kylie Clearwater-Mia
(ma kye) Makai Kyle Clearwater-Kye
"You know what you little potato head junior look alike go fuck yourse-" I sniffed the air. OMG! "What is that smell!" I put my hands on my nose. I didn't notice it before. I sniffed around the room. The closet.
"What?" he looked at me like he couldn't smell it.
"I think it's coming from the closet" Oh god I need Air! I creeped closer over to the closet and pulled my shirt over my nose.
"You might night want to go in there…" I stopped and looked at him.
"Why?" He got off of the bed.
"Look at room."
I looked. "Hmm no underwear, video games, or expired food…" I looked at him. "You cleaned."
He smiled. "Yea dad came in one night and umm…it wasn't pretty anyway. Guess where it's at?"
"Are you serious?" I shook my head and headed for his bedroom door.
"Don't hate!"
"Oh whatever dweeb!" I closed the door. I walked down the stairs into the living room and took the back way toward the kitchen. The light was on. Mom's home? I tip toed to the doorway into the kitchen. Dad was awake too.
"Are they awake?" It was mom.
"I don't think Makai is. He was knocked out just like I was."
"Ha, that figures!" Harsh much!
I heard dad sigh. "Look I don't want to fight to fight with you tonight."
"Do you know what this is going to do to the kids?"
"Ha, kids! One's turning eighteen in less than two weeks. The other is seventeen I think they can handle it!"
Handle what?
"Think! That's what YOU think. "
"And you think you know them more than me."
"I never said that!"
"You didn't have to! I know over the past year I haven't been able to spend time with them for basically 1 month the amount time. I can't stop living my life."
"After all these years it comes back to you saying the same thing you did after we had Makai…You gave up your life for the life of your children. You still can't get that through your head?"
"NO! You gave up 'our' life after the kids!"
"So that's what's this is about? Every one of us except you! Is happy that we're not some rich family living in Beverly Hills."
"Ha it was better than Beverly hills'. It was my life the one I grew up with! "
"Wrong. The one you grew into when your parents split up and left you with your rich grandfather!"
"And that's what we inherited from him when he died. I just wanted to have that again is that too much."
"But our kids didn't. The only friend you had before you met me was your dog. Don't you want them to have real friends, and real love in the future?"
"…Yes, but-"
"I do not!"
"Really because I've done all I can to make this house look half and half. Like what I grew up with and what you grew up. We're in a two story house with a garage the same size as the first floor!"
"What about my car."
"Which one?"
"…Fine I'm selfish but you knew that when you married me."
"No! I knew the real you before!...Then I found out I married a a selfish, expensive, take everything for granted monster!" I heard a chair move and footsteps. Oh he's coming this way! I moved over in the corner. He walked out of the kitchen and I heard the back door open and close. I peeked in the kitchen to see mom headed for her car.
Damn, I didn't know dad had it in him! Woops what am I saying? Well…I know why they wanted me home early. A fucking divorce is a surprise? I'm scared to see what I get for my birthday… a free ticket to jail! I shook my head and left.
I ran into Kye's room and crawled on his bed. He turned around and looked at me.
"What's got your panties in bunch?"
I glared and stuck out my tongue at him. I decided to get up and walk to the door, then I stopped. Maybe I should tell him. "Well Dumbo, Mommy and Daddy are coming upstairs after they both cool off to tell us their getting a divorce!" I walked out and slammed the door.
I walked into my room and closed the door. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and sniffed.
Buzz Buzz Buzzzz Buzz Bu-
"Oookaay what went up your butt and died?" Rebecca?
"Umm I might regret asking this. But whose this?" I sat down on my bed and started pulling off my bracelets.
"Wow after all those years of me telling you what not to put in your mouth and babysitting you. That hurts my lil Kylie." Kylie?
"REBECCA! Oh my gosh! How have you been? You grown ass woman!"
"Haha I am far from grown. I'm only married ok! I'm not that old!" she started laughing.
"Then why are you laughing?"
"HA touché. But anyway I wanted to say aloha to my favorite babysittee."
"Awww that's so sweet…hey wait what's the catch? Did dad call you? If he did why? Because I'm confus-"
"Woah. Calm down take a deep breath. What's wrong?" I took off my ear rings, sighed and layed back on my bed.
"I don't want to talk about…So how have you been? Been catching some waves with Tyler in Hawii?"
"Haha stop calling him that! and I'm still learning."
"Ha how to fall off!"
"Shut up!"
"Hehe. Come on tell me!"
"Ok Ok calm down. He just asked if dad and Jake still lived on the reservation near La Push. Of course I couldn't tell him. He still gets me confused with Rachel."
"I don't know him. You would think he would notice he was calling me and I'm in Hawii while Rachel is attending Washington Sta-!"
"Nooo not that the part about Jacob and Billy?"
"Oh well-"
"AMEEYA! Can you please come down stairs there's still going to be a family meeting down here! We need to discuss what you told your brother!"
"OK I'M COMING!" I got up and found the charger plug for my phone.
"Damn. I gotta go. Mrs. Twenty- one year old!"
"Ha ok. It was nice talking to you. We should do this more often."
"Ha you're paying the phone bill not me! Bye."
"Riiiiight haha. Aloha"
I hung up and plugged up my phone. I opened my door and went to checked in on Makai. Damn snitch! I sighed Wooosaaa. Maybe I won't get in trouble.
"Now! Ameeya Kylie Clearwater!" I rolled my eyes. Greeeaaat.
GG- Hii :) I hope you liked it. Its only going to get worse before its better. Please Review!