Teenage Dream
"A Wolf to the End of my Days"
#Wolf's Black Kokoro#
Chibi Wolfy: I don't own Gakuen Alice or The song Teenage Dream
I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Natsume was waiting for Mikan to come out and to kill time he played with his phone. He was dressed up in his jeans and shirt with a hoodie on top, he had his favorite blue hat on his head. They were heading to a party, a friend of his was hosting and half of the high school division was invited
"Sorry to keep you waiting" he heard Mikan's voice followed by the door clicked shut
Natsume lifted his head "It's cool, you we..." he lost his breath for a second with the ability to speak and just stared at the beauty in front of him
"What? is something wrong?" Mikan asked and checked her outfit. He walked over to her then held her hands
Natsume kissed her knuckles and she blushed faintly "You look amazing..." he smirked "and you have a nice body too little girl" Mikan blushed tomato red
"Shut up! don't go all Pervert-mode on me" she snarled at him. He chuckled and held her chin
"If I don't go 'all Pervert-mode' on my girlfriend then who else would I be perverted to?" she laughed at his comment
"You're impossible" he wrapped his arm around her shoulder
"Plus I won't be shutting up tonight. You look hot, I'm proud of my girl" he planted a soft kiss on her cheek
"Yeah yeah! I know. Are we going or what?" he smirked "Let's go little girl"
Natsume kept staring at Mikan all the way to the party. They were riding his car and heading to Central Town where his friend booked a well known dance club
The raven would every now and then steal a couple of glances and stare at his girlfriend's clothes. He was truly amazed how she could look dashing yet simple. She wore skinny tight jeans with two inch knee-length boots and a black top that was cut at the end, showing her bellybutton and she wore no make-up just a clear lip gloss. For accessories, she wore the bracelet that Natsume gave her
"Did you pick this outfit by yourself ?" he asked. Mikan snapped back to reality and looked at his way
"No, it was Hotaru that forced me to wear it" she blushed "To tell the truth it feels weird to wear this kind of clothes" she hugged herself
Natsume smiled and said "You'll still look hot no matter what you wear"
"Baka Neko" he smirked
"Baka Cherry" and they burst out laughing. Mikan leaned in and kissed his cheek "I hate you"
"Hate you too" he replied and focused his eyes on the rode
Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
Lights in all colors shone everywhere, wild teenagers were dancing and losing themselves to the sick tunes played by the DJ.
Natsume was sitting with Mikan by his side, and all of the gang were dancing. Ruka and Hotaru were done and came back to their table
"Hey Natsume why don't you dance?" Ruka asked. Mikan felt guilty but Natsume just shrugged it off
"Not in the mood to dance" he replied lazily. Mikan nudged him
"Baka, I know you want to. It's your favorite song Baka Neko" he clicked his tongue
"Said it's ok" she knew he was lying and that made her feel more guilty. The reason why Natsume wouldn't dance it's because Mikan couldn't dance for her life. And he knew that but Natsume pretended that he wasn't interested or 'in the mood' so that she won't be left alone
"You're so stubborn" she stood up and held his hand. Natsume looked at her
"What are you doing?" he asked
The brunette took a deep breath and blurted out "I want to dance" his eyes widened
"But you said you can't..."
"I know! but since you wouldn't go because of me then I'm coming with you. If you want to be embarrassed then so be it" she glared at him and he smirked and dragged her to the dance floor
"Just follow my lead and try to copy me and you'll be fine ok?" he whispered in her ear. Mikan gulped and nodded, she was wondering if she could keep up with the fast beat. The brunette scolded herself mentally and saw that Natsume was smiling at her. She felt relaxed and nodded at him again
Play Timbaland- The way I are
I ain't got no money
I ain't got no car to take you on a date
I can't even buy you flowers
But together we'll be the perfect soulmates
Talk to me girl
Natsume began with some basic moves that were easy and Mikan tried to match with him. He smirked and held her hand, he brought her closer to him. Mikan was nervous at first but after that, she closed her eyes and let the music take over her
Oh, baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me
If we go there, you can still touch my love, it's free
We can work without the perks just you and me
Thug it out 'til we get it right
Mikan threw her arms in the air, Natsume smiled as he saw her free and enjoying her time. He spun her and her back faced his chest "Enjoying yourself little girl?" he whispered in her ear
She hooked her arms around his neck "Very much" she smiled
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
They danced to a couple more of songs but Mikan was tired and out of breath so Natsume took her hand and brought her near the entrance where it was less crowded. Mikan leaned on the wall and panted
"I'll go and buy you aqua so wait here for me and...don't die" she glared at him and slapped his shoulder while he just smirked and stuck his tongue out at her
Half an hour later, Mikan found herself in an awkward situation and Natsume hasn't came back yet
"So sugar wanna go somewhere private?" a guy came to her and rested his hand on the side of her head. Mikan glared at him and scoffed
"I pass" she replied but he just smirked and came closer
"Oh come on I'm sure you'll enjoy it Baby girl" he reached his hand and tried to touch her tight. Upon hearing the word Baby girl come from his mouth, Mikan's orbs flashed in anger
"I said I PASS!" she kicked his shin then punched his nose. The dude held his noise and backed away
"Crazy Bitch!" he said and went away while cursing Mikan under his breath
"Idiot!" she balled her fist and hit the wall
"Mikan!" Natsume came running to her side "Are you ok? I saw him approaching you and I tried to get here as fast as I could but..." Mikan laughed and put a finger to silence her ranting boyfriend
"Chillax Baka Neko. I was lucky that he was weak and I got to kick his ass- or his nose. A sissy like him can't beat me" she winked at him playfully. The raven just sighed and covered his face with his palm then let out a small smile
"You really are something" he hugged her and let a sigh of relief. Feeling the stares they were receiving, Natsume broke the hug and glared at them "Something wrong?" and they turned around
"Busy Bodies idiots" Mikan tsk-ed and he nodded in approval
"Party's over for us" he held her hand "we're out of here" and pulled her along
"But what about Hotaru and the rest?" she asked
"They'll be fine and I'll call Ruka later" he said and she followed him
"Hi Natsume-kun! nice to see you here babe" Luna blocked his way and clung to him. Natsume's nose itched from the amount of perfume she used. And to top it, she used a vanilla sented one and Natsume hated vanilla
"Get off Koizumi" he let go of Mikan who stood there and watched what was happening with a frown on her face
"Let's go and dance I'll let you put your hands on me or if you want we can go to my room" she smiled seductively. The raven haired lad rolled his eyes and pushed Luna away, he held Mikan's hand again and showed it to Luna
"She is my Girl!" he pointed at Mikan
"You are my Nightmare" he pointed at her
"Are you blind? I look better than her" Luna shrieked
"Please you're hallucinating Koizumi. She looks way better than you and she smells way better than you" he shook his head
'Mikan smells of strawberry' he thought
"I can't believe these people. First the stubborn idiot that hits on Mikan and now this barbie doll... come on little girl!"
Luna was left red with anger, she stomped her foot and went to the bar
"That was Wow. You poured all your anger on Koizumi, I feel sorry for her" Mikan let out a low whist. Natsume squeezed her hand
"Don't feel sorry for her. I hope that she won't bother us from now on" he said. Suddenly a drop of water fell on Natsume's cheek then another and another "You've got to be kidding me" he groaned and made a dash to his car, followed by a laughing Mikan
'I'm happy that I went to this party with Natsume' she thought and smiled
My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back
The two young teens walked in the Gakuen's empty corridors and back to their rooms that were next to each other. The crimson eyed guy took his hat off and racked his messy hair
"Would you shut up?" Natsume snapped at Mikan who was still laughing. They were soaked in water from head to toe because of the rain
"I was thinking that you act like a cat...hmm..I wonder if I'm going out with a real black cat without me knowing it" she teased him
"It's just that if you get hit by rain then you'll catch a cold" he said matter-of-fact
"That's common knowledge Sherlock" she smirked and he hit her head
"Not for me. A sick me plus my mother plus a crazy doctor with a nurse plus pills equals bad childhood memories" she laughed harder at his statement and patted his head
"Aww poor baby Natsume" he blushed but he looked the other way to hide it
"Shut up" Mikan giggled and stood at her door
"Ok ok!" she smiled at her boyfriend "I had fun tonight Natsume. Arigato" he stood closer to her and they stared at each other. She was lost in his unusual crimson pools
Natsume caressed her cheek softly "I'm glad you had fun but there's a better way to thank me" he smirked and captured her lips. Mikan melted in his arms. He pushed her gently to the wall and caged her while she intewined her fingers with his hair
Their lips parted because they needed air. Natsume's eyes reflected his love for Mikan and he got down for another kiss. But, and without a notice, the thunder roared in the sky followed by a bright flash of lightning
"Kyaa!" Mikan closed her eyes and jumped on Natsume. He backed a couple of steps but he could support himself and felt that Mikan was shaking lightly in his arms
"Mikan?" another roar was heard and Mikan clung to him for her life. She started to sob silently and that's when Natsume understood that she was scared
"You are afraid of thunder?" he asked softly.
She sniffed and replied "And lightning too" her voice was low and shaking "Please just let me hold you for a second"
Natsume patted her head "No you're sleeping with me tonight"
"But...but.." he cut her off
"NO buts little girl. Either that or you'll spend the night alone in your room" Mikan felt her hair stand up
"Your room is fine" she replied hastily. He smirked in satisfaction
"Um..Natsume what about my clothes?" Mikan asked after they entered his room
"I'll give you mine, they'll be a little bit large but comfortable"
"Oh yeah, these jeans are killing me" he chuckled and threw at her one of his shirts and shorts
"You can change in the bathroom" she nodded but another crash of thunder was heard and Mikan gasped then clutched the clothes in her hands
Natsume led her to the bathroom and pushed her inside "Change your clothes. I'll stay close to you" and he closed the door
Mikan bit her lip and took her clothes off then put Natsume's and as expected they were very large but comfy
"I like this shirt Natsume" Mikan said and came out from the bathroom. She found Natsume leaning on the wall next to the door
"It's my favorite" he said
"Can I have it, pretty please?" he twitched and shook his head
"No way I love that one" Mikan decided to change her tactic
Mikan gave him her puppy eyes "Pretty pwease?" he sighed
"Fine" she jumped on him
"Arigato Natsume" he smiled and led her to his bed
"Little girls shouldn't stay awake" he tucked her to bed then kissed her forehead "Goodnight" Natsume turned the lights off and climbed to bed next to her
2:00 am and Mikan still couldn't sleep. The storm became much more worse than before
The brunette lay on the bed next to her boyfriend and shivered lightly. She didn't want to wake him up, he let her sleep in his room and on his bed so she didn't want to be more of burden to him
"You could have just woken me up if you were still scared" she jumped a little when she heard Natsume's husky voice
"I didn't want to bother you" she replied. Natsume sighed, wrapped his arm around her waist and put his leg on top of hers
"Better now?" she nodded and cuddled closer to him. Mikan turned around and faced his chest, while he held her closer and rubbed small circles on her back.
"Ano ne, when I was a little girl...my parents used to travel a lot because of their jobs and they left me alone in the house" she stared
"And this is how you developed this phobia?" he asked. Mikan bit her lower lip
"Yeah, whenever a storme comes I would either hug one of my stuffed toys or sleep on the couch with the T.V still on all night and sometimes I hide under the table"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know...probably, I was embarrassed...Even my own parents didn't know about this" she buried her face in his chest
"Tell me how did you manage to sleep before?" Natsume kept rubbing circles on her back to help her relax. He was still pissed because she kept quiet about this
"Ipod, books and even..." she didn't dare to say it
"Even?" his grip on her tightened
"Sleeping pills" she said. Natsume nuzzled her hair and he gripped the front of his shirt
"You could've told me little girl. Promise me that if something happens next time you'll come to me ok?"
She lifted her head and looked at his face. And even if it was dark she was still able to see his handsome features "Promise"
"Good" he smiled and she used his chest as a pillow
"Are you for real?" she asked him
He looked down at her "What makes you say that?"
"This all feels like a dream and not just any dream. Every girl's Dream...or that's what I heard from other chicks" she replied. The young lad laughed and hugged her closer
"Really now..." he lifted her chin and stole a kiss from her "Are you still doubting me little girl?" he smirked
"No...now I believe that it is real" she grinned and gave him a chaste kiss
"You're everything that I wanted to find in a girl...I'm glad you're mine" she giggled
"OK enough with the cheesy talk and let's sleep..Goodnight Baka Cherry"
"Yeah you got that right. Goodnight Baka Neko" she smiled
'I'm complete now' she thought and let sleep take over her
A/N: After the Psychotic and sad and dark Story 'Tainted Love' comes the fluffy and sweet Story 'Teenage Dream' :D n I know that I repeated some events like the bracelet (It is the same one that Mikan has in Dark Secret; Kanojo no Himitsu) or Mikan's outfit (She had the same in The DJ of my Heart) but it can't be helped bcoz I'm just 15 n not that gifted in writing stories T^T and my english is not that good even though I'm the Genius in English in my class :P so hope u liked it.. Review and ADD 2 ur favorites or add meee ^^ Lol
P.S: Check my other Stories "The Heart-Breaker, Tainted Love, The DJ of my heart, Stolen, Who said Pick-up lines don't work?, Dark Secret: Kanojo no Himistu, Friends or Lovers: Kare to Kano no Hanashi "