A/N I DON'T OWN ANYTHING! This is the sequel to The Other Side of Mitchie Torres and Camp Rock The Summer of Choices. Please read those first to understand this better. Please let me know if you want me to continue.
A deep sigh could be heard through the long hallway of the Manhattan Academy of Performing Arts. Mary Santiago walked down that hallway on her way back home. Mary had a rough past. Her father left when she was just a baby and then her mother died when she was 12. She was taken in by the famous Pop singer Dominique Blatt and worked as a slave to her until she was old enough for college. She has tried to keep her past a secret but word got out and now Mary was teased and taunted for being a maid.
She made her way into her apartment that she shared with her boyfriend of two years and Pop singer Joey Parker. He had helped her overcome a lot in her past and after she moved away from Dominique they moved in together. Mary let out a groan as she threw herself down onto the couch.
"Rough day?" a voice asked startling Mary from her thoughts.
She turned and saw Joey walked in.
"That's an understatement. Joey I thought once I left home I'd be able to start over and be someone other than a maid." Mary sighed.
"I'm sorry you had a bad day."
Joey came and sat down next to her. He pulled her into his arms holding her close and placing a kiss to her head.
"I received a call today from someone named Brown Cessario; he is the owner of a place called Camp Rock."
"I've heard of it. I've never been but I've heard of it."
"Well he has offered me a job of going there for the summer as a surprise musical guest and I'm allowed to bring one other person."
"Really? Joey that would be amazing!"
"I thought you might like it. I'm surprised though I know Connect 3 usually goes there. I thought they'd have Shane, Jason, and Nate there."
"Well I guess they are touring and can't make it. Although I see what you mean. Shane Grey is really hot."
"Say that again."
"Shane Grey is really hot."
"I'm hotter right?"
Mary just smiled.
"Say I'm hotter. You better say it. Say it!"
Joey moved closer and closer to her until he was laying on top of her. Then he started to tickle her. Mary broke out into giggles squirming under him fighting at his hands.
"Joey Stop!" she squealed.
"Say I'm hotter than Shane Grey."
"Fine then I won't stop tickling."
Mary continued to giggle and squirm trying to fight his hands away. She wasn't going to give it. She could handle this. Joey took her hands and pinned them over her head with one hand. He used his free hands to tickle her sides. Mary laughed harder but refused to give up.
"Say it Mary or you will be punished big time."
He stopped so she had time to breathe.
"Oh yeah and how are you going to do that."
"Well I know how much you just love raspberries."
"No! No! Joey!" Mary squealed.
"Then say it." Joey laughed.
"I won't lie!"
"Then you left me with no other choice."
He pinned her legs under his to keep her from kicking and made sure her arms were still pinned over her head and used his free hands to lift her shirt just above her belly button. He put his lips to her side and blew. His beard tickled her like crazy making her scream out in hysterical laughter. He did it once more making her scream again before he stopped letting her breathe again.
"Joey Parker is way hotter than Shane Grey." Mary said.
"Thank you."
Mary giggled and they shared a kiss. They pulled away and Joey got off her.
"You know Camp Rock makes me think about an old friend of mine. Her name was Mitchie Torres."
"What happen?"
"Well her mom and my mom were best friends in high school so we grew up together and were like sisters. Then my mom died and I had to move in with Dominique and we moved to Hollywood. Dominique wouldn't let me keep in contact with her after I left. I tried but in the end Dominique found a way to make sure I never kept in contact with her again. I haven't spoken to her since then."
"Why does that makes you think of Camp Rock?"
"Mitchie's dream was to go to Camp Rock and have a summer that was all about music. Of course neither of our parents could afford it so we never ended up being able to go."
"Hey you never know maybe you'll see her there this time."
"I doubt she'd want anything to do with me after the way I just stopped talking to her all together."
"I'm sure after you explain it to her she'll understand."
Mary just shrugged. "When do we leave?"
"Tomorrow. So let's get packed and get to the bed."
Mary nodded as they both got up and went to pack. Mary couldn't wait this was going to be a summer to remember.
Mitchie Torres sat in the back of her mom's catering van with her boyfriend of three years Shane Grey. They were on their way to Camp Rock. Funny enough she was thinking about Mary as well.
"You're very quiet are you all right?" Shane asked.
"Yes, I'm just thinking." Mitchie answered softly.
"About what?"
"Things are going to be different this year."
"How so?"
"I don't know I just feel it."
"You thinking it's going to be different because of what happen to your dad?"
"I just don't know what to tell people when they ask about by dad."
"The truth."
"I don't want anyone to know Shane. You are the only one who knows and that's only because you were there when it happen."
"Sweetie if they are really your friends they won't care." Her mom Connie said from the front seat.
"Your mom is right. I hardly doubt Caitlyn, Ella, and Peggy will leave you just because your father left."
Just recently Mitchie's parents had gotten a divorce because her father cheated on her mother. Mitchie was still having a hard time dealing with it.
"I'm not ashamed that he left."
"You ashamed that he cheated?" Shane guessed.
Mitchie nodded looking down at her hands. "I'm scared people will start thinking I'll be like my father."
"You're scared of the rumors that you will turn into your father or are you scared of me believing the rumors and leaving you."
"The second one." Mitchie said even softer.
"Mitchie look at me," when Mitchie looked at him he continued. "I love you. I love you so much and I'll never leave you. I know you are not going to turn into your father. I know it in my heart because I know you. I don't want you to worry. Plus I thought Camp Rock was the one place you felt confident and powerful."
"It is. You're right. I need to snap out of it." Mitchie smiled but then frowned.
"What else is going on in your head?" Shane asked.
"Mary Santiago."
"She was my childhood best friends. Her mom and my mom were best friends in high school and we grew up together. When we were 12 her mother died and she moved in with Dominique Blatt and I haven't heard from her since. I'm not normally paranoid but I think it's because she is too busy hanging out with the famous people."
"Maybe you'll see her again someday. You never know. Fate works in strange ways."
"Yeah maybe, I can't wait though. This is going to be the best summer ever."
"Glad you're cheered up I was just about to take out the tickle monster." Shane teased.
"You wouldn't have kept it up long you know I how loud I scream when tickled and my mom wouldn't have liked it."
"She has a point Shane." Connie said.
"Don't worry we have all summer. I'm sure the tickle monster will come out at least once."
"Wonderful." Mitchie said sarcastically.
Shane just laughed. Mitchie had feeling that this summer was going to be one to remember forever.
A/N is anyone interested in reading this? Please let me know.