Iggy: Um...Shelly?

Me: *Sitting in the cornor crying*

Iggy: Whats wrong?

Me: No!

Iggy: What?

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own any characters of Maximum Ride there owned by JP exept the ones made up by my sad little imagination!

Maxs Pov:

Chapter 1:

"Max would you please get up" my mother pleaded

I lifted my head alittle disoriented. I squinted looking at my clock. 6:30 a.m. I groaned and put my head under my pillow, mumbling something I dont really remember

A few seconds I heard my moms heels clickin guo the stairs into my room. "Maximum Ride! You get your lazy butt outta bed right now!", she paused then said "Sorry, please get up"

I waved my hand i a gesture telling her in a minute. She sighed and then walked out of my room closing the door with her. I slowy got out of bed trying not to trip.

I walked into my bathroom. Grabbed my brush and startec combing my long brown hair. I dressed in some shorts and a dark purple shirt. Normaly I wear like you know jeans and a shirt but it was really hot so yeah. I hated Arizona too hot and it never snowed. I laced up my convers and grabbed my bag slinging it over my shoulder.

"Morning mom." I said walking in.

"Oh hey honey!" She was always so happy. Chipper!

"Hey oh mom Im sorry to eat and run I gottta go!" I grabbed a bannana and walked out the door. I loved my momther to death but...she is always so happy and chipper..Not really my kind of atmosphere. I put both buds in my ears and turned my music on loud. I liked walking to school. Its great

Unforutently since my music was loud I didnt hear the approaching footsteps. I felt something or someone bump into me. "Ahh!" I fell foward and summersulted full until I hit any stomach. "OW!" A dark figure helped me up. I looked to see some guy. Wearing a black shirt with black eyes and Jeans. He quirked a smile. "Sorry" he said then he ran off. It looked like he was following someone.

I stared speechless. "That mother ****!" I yelled. "Damn idiot that hurt! Doesnt he know anything in that god damn head of his. Id oughta..." I kept on mmbling on my way to school. But I could really shake the feeling that it wasnt the last time I would see him.

"Hey Max!"Daniela, said running up to me. She looked at my face. Surly I looked pissed. "Whoa! Are you okay! Somebody must have gotten on your bad side.

"Well yeah some jack.." I paused. "Jack bootie" I contined. Me and Dani looked at eachother and we both stared cracking up. Then Josh came up behind me lifting me in the air. "Josh!" I squealed!

"Hey Maxie pad!" he dropped me.

I jabbed him. "Dont call me that!"

The rest of the day was pretty boring. I just couldnt forget that stupid retartd that bumped into me. I was starting to really annoy me. I mean usually I dont let people get to me but..man there was something about him.

"Mom?" I called when I enetered my house later on that day.

"Oh hey honey!" she came in from the kitchen. I started walking up stairs when a voice stopped me

"Hi. Again" His voice fimiliar. I turned and face him..

Okay thats it for now! Im sorry I left it and its boring but I always hate writting first chapters! Annoying! So sorry but ill post again. Reviews Welcome!