Name of Story: Rain and Thunder
Summary: Rin wanders into the forest following a butterfly. When the butterfly goes into the heart of the forest, Rin can't find her way back to the village. Sesshomaru tries to find her but a huge thunderstorm has hit and has washed away her scent.
Author's Note: Okay, this idea came to me the other day when I was standing outside during a thunderstorm. Very refreshing. I know I have others to work on but this nagging me so bad! Hope you like. R&R
Name of Chapter: Lost
It was just a wonderful day in the Feudal Era. The weather was fair, not too cold or too hot. Just right. There was breeze also. But something kept it from being a beautiful day.
The storm clouds. They were blocking the precious sun. There was a feeling of foreboding in the air, maybe a warning of the a great storm approaching. The villagers were worried that it was going to be the most powerful storm that they ever had since around the time of Naraku.
Rin, on the other hand, was not. She didn't get that feeling of foreboding. She didn't see the storm clouds. Well, she did but didn't think they would cause any harm. Especially to her. She just simply thought them as the Sun Blocker's.
"Kagome, I'm going to wait for Lord Sesshomaru outside." A seventeen year old Rin called to Kagome, exiting her hut.
"Be careful, Rin." Kagome replied, holding a tiny child in her arms. "It looks like its going to storm soon."
But Rin was already running off, not hearing a word of what Kagome said about the approaching storm. Her mind was too full of thoughts about Lord Sesshomaru, a great dog demon that ruled the Western Lands.
It had been nearly a decade since Lord Sesshomaru left her in the care of Kaede. The last time she saw him was almost two months ago when the winter season was changing into the spring season. He brought her a lovely pink and white striped kimono with a white obi, which she wore now.
She missed him so much when he was gone. She wished that he would take her with him when he left. He always told her a human wouldn't be welcomed in the court of Demons. Dog demons especially. Ever since InuTaishio, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father, left Sesshomaru's mother for Izayoi, Inuyasha's mother.
The demons began to distrust humans after that. They didn't like the humans to begin with, either. What InuTaishio did, only strengthened their hatred for humans. The demons thought the humans as weak and pathetic creatures that didn't deserve to live. Breeding with them was the worst thing you could do.
Conceiving a child, a half demon child, with them, you died.
Many thought InuTaishio got what he deserved, those who were loyal to him and the Dog Demons. Many others thought he didn't get half of what he deserved.
Rin didn't think Sesshomaru's people knew that he traveled and associated with her. If they did, he wouldn't be able to see her anymore. She knew her scent would be on his clothing but he must change or wash it off before he enters his lands.
Rin sighed heavily, laying down in the meadow. She stared at the grayish black sky. Kagome was right. A storm was coming.
She truly missed Sesshomaru with all of her heart.
Rin smiled, seeing a pale purple butterfly flutter into her vision.
"It's so pretty," Rin quietly said to herself, sitting up and watching the butterfly fly in circles. Acting like a little child again, Rin got up and followed the butterfly, trying to catch it. She jumped up but it was out of her reach, despite how much she has grown in the past decade.
"Come back!" Rain called after it, chasing after the butterfly as it flew towards the forest. She tried multiple times to catch it by jumping to it, but failed each time. The butterfly was far out of her reach.
She raced after the butterfly, jumping over low branches and pushing back the leaves that were in her way.
She stopped suddenly, hearing thunder boom above her. She looked at the sky but could not see it. The large tree's were blocking her view.
"I better go back to the village now," Rin mumbled to herself, turning around and beginning to walk. "It's going to rain soon."
But Rin soon realized, she was going deeper in the forest, into the heart of it.
"Kagome, do you know where Rin went to?" Inuyasha asked Kagome back in the village at their hut. "Sesshomaru is going to be here any minute."
Kagome looked up from the pot of stew over the fire.
"She said she was going to the meadow to wait for him," Kagome replied, her brows furrowed. "I told her not to be out there so long. It's going to rain."
As if on cue, the sky thundered and was followed by a tap, tap on the wooden roof. Inuyasha and Kagome both looked out the window to see a heavy fast rainfall.
"Oh, dear." Kagome whispered, watching the rain fall like a waterfall. "Inuyasha, go find Rin and bring her back."
"What? No way," Inuyasha argued, looking surprised at her. "Rin is capable of finding her way back, even in this storm. Besides, Sesshomaru is here. He's probably with her now."
"Sesshomaru is here?" Kagome blinked in confusion. "How can you tell? I thought you couldn't smell in this weather."
"No, but I can see. Hardly." Inuyasha continued, squinting to see better in the storm. Thunder rolled across the sky like a bowling ball hitting the pins and getting a strike. "And he does not look too happy."
"What?" Kagome stood next to him at the window and looked out. She couldn't see anything through the thick rain. "If he's mad, that can only mean trouble."
Inuyasha nodded in agreement.
"Can you see Rin with him?" Kagome asked.
"Nope. He's alone."
"What do you mean he's alone?"
"I mean, Rin isn't with him. I can't hear her constant chatter, either."Inuyasha explained. His face suddenly turned pale as the door to the hut banged open. There in his royal regal white and purple attire, was the mighty Sesshomaru. The very being of Sesshomaru struck fear into ones heart and mind. He was the mightiest being that ever walked the Lands. His silver hair was perfect, not a strand out of place or split ends. His face was blank, however, his golden eyes had a spark of anger in them.
Which meant someone is going to be dead.
Sesshomaru turned his head, side to side, his eyes roaming the the hut, as if looking for something, or someone.
His eyes finally flickered to Inuyasha and Kagome.
"Rin is gone." Sesshomaru stated in his monotone voice.
"She went looking for you." Kagome replied, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. Even though she had nothing to fear. Sesshomaru wouldn't hurt her. Rin would be mad at him if he did. And Inuyasha is with her. And he wouldn't let Kagome get hurt.
Sesshomaru nodded. "I see."
"I told her to wait here at the hut but she wanted to go to that meadow," Kagome continued, feeling her eyes burn with guilt tears. "Even though it looks like it was going to rain soon."
The thunder shook the hut as it boomed in the sky.
Sesshomaru turned around and headed out of the hut and began walking towards the forest, not noticing the pouring rain. The rain didn't matter to him. Rin did. She was out there, somewhere, lost. If she stays in this rain, she'll get sick and possibly...
No, Rin is much to strong to die from a sickness.
He began smelling the air, but smelled nothing but fresh water and wet earth.
The rain had washed away Rin's scent.
Rin stumbled, tripping over a low branch, and regained her balance.
"When will I get out of here?" Rin asked herself, pushing aside branches. The sky rumbled above her with thunder. A second later, she felt raindrops fall from the treetops and land on her shoulders. She gasped and looked towards the obscured sky. "Great. Just my luck. I get lost in the forest and it starts to rain."
More thunder clapped above her.
"Maybe if I..." Rin trailed off and gathered air into her lungs. "LORD SESSHOMARU!"
She wait a while. She wasn't sure he was at the village by now or not. But it was worth a shot. She yelled his name again but it was droned out by the loud clap of the thunder above her. She called his name again after the thunder subsided.
She took a step forward, dropping to one knee as her foot feel through a covered hole. Her ankle throbbed in pain.
"Ow." Rin cried, pulling her foot out of the hole and putting a hand on her ankle. It stung when she touched it.
Rin froze suddenly, hearing something growl menacingly closely behind her.
She recognized that growl.
It was a wolf.
Ice golden eyes roamed the meadow, rain drenching his attire. But he didn't seem to notice. He was looking for something. Something much more important than wet clothes.
Sesshomaru, not catching Rin's scent or her voice, began walking towards the forest as more thunder rolled across the sky. The wind was starting to pick up, blowing the rain and leaves away.
He had walked through this meadow when he first entered the town before he went to Inuyasha's hut to inquire information about Rin and why her scent was headed towards the forest. He assumed it was prior to this day. Rin would never go into the forest without someone accompanying her. But there wasn't another scent mixed in with hers.
Which means she was lured into the forest by something. Something that doesn't have a scent or prints.
If anything happened to Rin, Sesshomaru wouldn't know what to do anymore. If anyone hurt Rin, they would be dead.
He realized in the past year, he cares for Rin more than a father figure should care for his daughter. Maybe he even cares for her like a man cares for his wife.
If it is that way, it would not be allowed in his Lands. Dog demons were forbidden to mate humans, after what InuTaishio did.
Sesshomaru stepped into the forest, his thick black boots crunching the broken twigs and dead leaves. The coverage of the trees helped keep the rain out. He could faintly smell fresh raspberry scent that belonged to Rin.
He began to follow it, thinking of the last time he saw Rin.
Rin slowly turned around, her eyes wide with fear.
The brown wolf growled at her, it's eyes yellow and deadly. Rin nervously swallowed, memories of the last time she saw a wolf.
It was when she was eight. A pack of wolf demons invaded her village and mauled the villagers to death. A couple had chased after her when she was running away from them. She tripped over a tree root. She looked at the pouncing wolf with wide eyes before she felt pain, unbearable pain, and then...nothing. The next thing she knew, she was waking up in Sesshomaru's arms again. His eyes were so much colder than they were now. Will she ever see those wonderful eyes again? Will she ever see the man that held her heart again?
Rin backed up, using her hands. The wolf advanced on her.
"S-s-stay a-away from me." Rin warned the wolf as she continued to back up and the wolf. Ran anxiously looked for something to defend herself with. A big stick or something. Anything to defend herself.
There. A big stick. Rin flung herself towards it and gripped the base and flung it towards the wolf, making it back up.
"Stay away from me!" Rin yelled, swinging the stick with more force. The wolf whimpered when the stick made contact with it's head. The sky rumbled again with thunder. Lightning flashed in the sky. The wolf whimpered and coward against the ground.
A howling sounded in the distance. The wolf's head perked up and turned in the direction where it came from. With one last hungry look at Rin, it ran off.
Rin blinked in confusion.
"That was a close one." Rin whispered to herself, looking in the direction the wolf went. The sky rumbled and released more rain. Rain that feel through the trees and soaked her clothes. She sneezed and coughed three times. The rain chilled her bones. If she didn't find warmth soon, she would get sick. Which meant, she had to find her way out of this forest.
Sesshomaru stepped deeper into the forest, smelling the air for any scents of raspberries or metallic iron that was blood. But he found none, only faint traces of Rin's scent.
He needed to find her, before she got sick. She could die if she got sick enough without the proper treatment. If she was injured in anyway either, he needed to take care of her.
He loved her.
Sesshomaru paused, sniffing the air more. He was getting close to her. He sniffed again and furrowed his eyebrows. He also caught the faint trace of wolves. They were near Rin.
He started to run.
"Ow, ow, ow," Rin gasped with each step she took on her ankle. It sent a sharp pain up her leg. She paused, resting against a large tree, and caught her breath. Why did she have to follow that butterfly? That was so stupid of her! Now she is not findable because the rain most likely washed away her scent and the thunder drowned out her voice. And Lord Sesshomaru is suppose to come today.
"Lord Sesshomaru," Rin sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks. "I miss you." Rin slid down the base of the tree trunk and sobbed on her knees, not caring if she got dirt in her eyes. She just wanted to cry. Cry her heart out. Cry for how many times she wanted to tell Sesshomaru how she felt about him. Cry for how many times he left her in the village. Cry for countless times she just wanted to collapse in his arms. Cy for how many times she just wanted to scream "I Love You" at him.
Rin stopped crying, hearing a twig breaking, like it being stepped on. Without thinking, or staying to see what it was, she started to run. She ran like she was being chased by fire, like one of the village kids that tried to burn her for associating with demons.
She came to a large clearing. The rain was coming down more, immediately soaking her clothes. But she paid no heed to it. Her only thought was to keep running. Running for her life.
She gasped, tripping over a above ground root and hitting her head on a rock. Blackness enveloped her.
He smelled her blood, even through the heavy rain, it burned his sensitive nose. He followed it, running faster than a wild animal. She was injured and bleeding. The iron metallic scent burned his nose and made his blood feel like fire.
After running for a few seconds, he arrived at a large clearing and his heart nearly dropped. There in the middle of the clearing, blooding running down from her head.
Was Rin.
To Be Continued...
YES! I finished it. have no fear, there will be two more chapters. This took me forever to write. I started this back in September...I think. Was that only two months ago? It seems like two days ago. Anyway, I'm glad I finally finished a third of it. Well, I'm to start the next chapter.
R&R please!
Drama Kagome.